Is dating a black man a reason to be cut off?
Racist parents against daughter, white girl dating a black man
Imagine your parent saying cutting you off just because of dating a black man. It's unbelievable, right? Well, if this has shocked you, trust me when I tell you it really happened. This is not fiction. It's real.
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It really saddens to know that in 2017 there are still some people who have to deal with the wrath of racist parents. But sadly, there is a chunk of people who are still stuck in the dark ages.
How it happened
High school senior Allie Dowle (white) had to endure this craziness from her parents. All this began when, sometime last year, Allie decided to show the picture of the black man she was in love with. Good idea? Nope. It wasn’t. The picture was a bitter pill for the parents to swallow. And the main reason was that of his skin color.
As Allie recounts, “the conversation was over before it even began”. The father immediately told her to stop seeing her boyfriend, Michael Swift. In fact, I have just put it lightly. The father forbade her to see Michael again. And all this was because he is black.
Apparently, her parents practically yelled at her, expressing their disappointment for her dating choices. She could not understand how her own parents were against a white woman black a man.
Well scream as they did, and disappointed as they were, that didn’t stop Allie. She continued to see Michael on the down low in the hopes that eventually it would sink in. So she decided to give it another shot since she had turned 18. This time around, Michael tagged along.
Say NO To Racism
Believe it or not, the pill was even more bitter. The parents cut her off financially, they took the car, and even cut her off her college fund. Allie was left to pay her own college tuition. And since she couldn’t afford to do this on her own, she set up a GoFundMe page dubbed: “Allie’s Tuition – Say No to Racism”.
You are not going to believe what happed. In just one day, Allie managed to raise a whopping $15 000. And on the fourth day the funds had surpassed the $30 000 mark.
You would think everyone would be ok with her coming out like this. She still received a lot of backlash. Some said she shouldn’t think she is a hero for being in a black man white woman relationship. Others said she feels she deserves money for being a white woman dating a black man.
Allie is not the only person who has come out openly saying: “My parents are racist”. Just the other day, a father told his daughter “You’re dead to me” just because of attending senior prom with a black boy.
Anna Hayes was also cut off after her father saw a social media post she had uploaded with a black student Phillip Freeman. On her post, she declares openly how much fun she had. This father didn’t just cut off his daughter. He went on a racial tirade. The text began: “Go live with the n***ers”.
That didn’t end there. It gets worse with him referring to Freeman as “subhuman” because he is black. And the two weren’t even dating. It was just prom.
Racism seems to be here to stay. For some people at least. That’s why we see headlines like: “Black Man Praised After Slapping White Woman for Calling Him A Ni**er”
The situation is sad. You would think that since there are lots of interracial couples, black woman white man (or even white woman black man relationships) that people would be ok? Cleary, interracial relationships don’t sit well with people.
The trick is to give such people a blind ear and just get on with your life. Well, if you are a white woman looking for black man, don’t let this kind of barbarism get to you. Find a black man white woman dating site. You will find lots of black men who like white women. And if you are dating a black man for the first time, most such sites have tips on dating a black man.
As for the haters, they will always be there. Why should you care about them when they don’t give a s**t about you? Follow your heart always. If its ok with both of you, then that's all that should matter, Don’t stop dating a black man on the account of one a-hole.
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no its not that is racism that's not cool