Are Black Women More "Submissive" to White Men?
There’s a lot of salty complaints from men of our culture who say that black women magically become more feminine when they are paired with white men. When a non-black man enters the picture, black women miraculously start floating across a room and giggling like school girls. This must be “proof” of the inherent bed-wenchery of black women who after all, “sold out the black race in the 1960’s for WIC and welfare.
Boy, we must really suck.
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Think about the masculine energy you need to navigate in the inner city. Girly women who wear dresses, smile, and speak softly become easy marks for a whole host of abuse. Then consider that the majority of households in the black community are led by women who never married the fathers and have to both mother and father while working themselves to the bone just to keep the lights on. Let’s not even discuss that 60% of black women are molested by a family member or someone in close proximity and access to them before the age of 18. With all that going on, it’s a little (a lot) difficult to be soft and dainty. “Soft and dainty” will get you got.
So let’s explore the REAL reason black women act differently with non-black men, then meet me in the comments to discuss!
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10 responses to "Are Black Women More "Submissive" to White Men?"
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Kevvybaby says:Posted: 23 Mar 23
I would say. “Attentive “. My black girlfriend does things for me that white girls would find demeaning, eg, she loves to wash my feet. Bill
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Danielle39 says:Posted: 14 Apr 23
Ot depends on your treatment of me. If you are good to me and have the 3Ps then I'm all yours and will treat you good but if you are not. You don't throw me stone and expect to receive Bread.
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Chuck0055 says:Posted: 30 Dec 19
I am personally sick and tired of the black/white comparisons. Especially when the topic seems to find a way to denigrate once again, the black male. As if white men haven't had a history of violence against women and children. I mean come on, we are only 13% of the population. Check the FBI crime stats and you'll find that more white men are doing harmful things as there are more of them. Expecting a white man to be better to you is a myth. You take your chances just like with any other race. We all want to be with good people. And we all put our best foot forward in meeting someone new whether they are our ethnicity or not. However, in my dating life I find that after a few months you find out who a person really is and all that submission goes out the window. If you aren't naturally submissive and trusting, your real nature will come out and expose you. What's color got to do with it?
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starvingjaso says:Posted: 20 Mar 19
For the first time in my life, I recently was able to have a (online) sexual relationship with a black women - after years of trying. She is a strong, no-nonsense type of women, with financial independence, strong ties to her father, and so forth. Our discussions were nice and fun. The sex we had was utterly amazing. While strong and bold during our discussions, she was soft and completely at one, losing herself in me and I did in her. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. We both lost our external veneers, and meshed into a higher energy as one. I did not see this as her "submitting" to me. True, she did kind of technically do that. But it wasn't submission so I can do what I want, but she was leading me to a mutual submission, where neither her nor I were alone. We were a new entity. It was an "us". That is true strength. That is true power. That I haven't been able to yet achieve with a white woman.
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divanita36 says:Posted: 28 Dec 18
Not exclusively to white men, you see the issue of submission is simultaneous to protection. White men tend to always create emotional and financial security for their women. And once a woman sees a man as her unconditional protector, submission comes easily, and so does loyalty. So it's not a racial thingy, but a person thingy.
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Liacool says:Posted: 28 Nov 18
Black men are by nature or thought to be the no silly joking type.. when a white man comes by, the black woman feels like she has got someone or a place to show her silly joking side.. so I guess some people take that as being submissive which is not necessarily true.
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 23 Nov 18
BW are just like any other woman. Women in general are submissive in a when they are loved, appreciated and protected.
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Pleezu2 says:Posted: 28 Nov 18
Hi blackbelle01. Yes and no on this one. On the one hand, we are pretty aware of the degree of bullying that takes place, predominantly to achieve "submissiveness" by the alpha males of their female counterparts under discussion. The "submissiveness", in this case, is probably no more than a "front", to avoid beatings, denigration and emotional and other abuse, which an unfortunate female FEELS she HAS TO endure, in order to ensure survival!!! On the other hand, when they are loved, appreciated and protected, one imagines they OUGHT to at least "feel" submissive. Even this isn't always the case. I am aware of those men who are seen as "weak" for being loving, appreciative and protective - and NOT being loved in return.!! Ultimately, I guess that this all comes down to compatibility, and a mutual willingness to be loved, appreciated and yes, even "protected" too!! -- Calvin.
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Danielle39 says:Posted: 14 Apr 23
Me for one is an independent woman who will not allow no man to degrade me no matter your colour. White or Black, we. For me respect or submissiveness is earned not given. You get it if do what a man not a male is supposed to do. Period
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Well thats what you think