Are mixed race children better looking?

Posted by Ria, 19 Mar

mixed race childrenWell, I am sure you have heard of that. I am also sure that some people have had interracial relationships for this reason only. Why do people believe that if an interracial couple has children that they will instantly produce beautiful babies?

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Is getting into an interracial relationship for the sole reason of getting 'beautiful babies' the right reason to date interracially?

251 responses to "Are mixed race children better looking?"

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  1.   Member says:
    Posted: 14 Jul 09

    hello. I am a mixed chinese filipino. My dad's chinese and my mom is filipino but has mexican ancestry. It is quite true that mixed race children are better looking. Although pure raced children can be goodlooking too. I have received many comments from people saying that i am exotic looking which is very attractive. But, there are disadvantages however. Anyway, nobody is perfect so it doesnt matter :) Anzrylina Janine

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  2.   onlinebabe says:
    Posted: 13 Jul 09

    TO ANSWER THE QUESTION -we can all be diplomatic and say 'as long as my children are healthy thats all that matters' or 'we didnt fall in love for color we fell in love because of the spark' BUT THE FACT IS alot of people do go into realtionships with another race to have 'beautiful' mixed children- looks do count in almost everything we do- the first thing you see about a person is their look you do not know the persons personality at that point that is what would be the fisrt thing you may or may not find appealing and people are judged by their looks all the time and thier color 'the all american girl' depicts blonde hair and blue eyes- blonde hair as opposed to brown hair and brown eyes and say green eyes is seen as beauty - diplomatically speaking all children are beautiful but mixed race children do more often then not come out as socially appealing in terms of what is accepted by society and going back to the slave trade where if they had more 'whiter' finer features they were more 'passable'- having the golden or caramel complexion, straighter nose and flowy hair the fact is society and the media ARE RASICT as they too share this ideolgy by having the lighter complexioned blacks or mixed-race people on adverts, bill-boards magazines etc as oppsed to darker skinned people- in this instance white people dont come into it as it is a white exhistance we live in and so they are already accepted and in most cases always will be- mixed -race children are mostly goodlooking because they are often stunning and have that 'EXOTIC' look about them

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  3.   Mel81 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 09

    Like everyone else, I'll put in my "two cents." I really don't like how (some) people think it's wrong to be in a mixed relationship or have mixed/multi-ethnic children. People should love who they love and I'm not "saying" this to be "PC." I can't stand "PC" people. :P I'm "saying" this because it's GENETICALLY HEALTHIER to have mixed children. Ofcourse, that is not ALWAYS the case, but in GENERAL it is. Do some research and you'll see various studies done that show (or attempt to show) that having multi-ethnic and/or mixed children is healthier than having those who are one "race." For example: Let's look at canines. There have been studies done that show canines are HEALTHIER when they are muts (mixed dogs,) and that "pure bred" dogs usually have more genetic problems and defects. I know we're not dogs but still... this should "say" something to people. It's usually healthier to be mixed than "pure bred." :)

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  4. Posted: 08 Jul 09

    AP, it must have REALLY been a surprise for you "to learn that, in reality, there is actually No Such Thing As a 'Light Skinned Black' person" immediately after you wrote at length about "lighter-complexioned enslaved people"!

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  5.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 09

    AP, quite a dissertation on this topic and very welcome. I wish there were a link to contact you for more information.

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  6.   AP says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 09

    . 1) Since mention was made of the topic of the ‘chattel-slavery' era — I just wanted to note that this false concept that so many people have – that the lighter-complexioned chattel slaves “had it easier” or “thought they were better” than the darker-complexioned slaves -– and / or largely “relaxed in the big house” while the darker-complexioned slaves “suffered in the fields” — is very much (just like the infamous ‘Willie Lynch Letter’ Hoax) all VERY MUCH AN URBAN MYTH (and, is one which, in nearly every way that’s possible, completely defies the true historical recorded account). The historical record shows that those enslaved people who were of a lighter-complexion (i.e. mulatto-lineage) and that were found on the continental United States during the antebellum (chattel-slavery) era were actually treated MUCH WORSE than were those enslaved people who were of a darker-complexion. In fact, the record shows that most of the White people (especially the White women) tended to look upon the lighter-complexioned slaves as being mere ‘mongrels of miscegenation’ (resulting largely from the rapes caused by the plantation ‘Overseers’); in their disgust at the sight of these slaves — insisted that they be “banished to the fields”; and also then purposefully reserved most of the ‘big house’ positions (ex. mammy, cook, driver, etc.) for the darker-complexioned slaves — who most of the White people had perceived as being “more loyal, more docile, less competitive, etc.”, and, even more important, they were also of a skin tone which could never cause them to be seen as being any part-’white’ (and even worse, perceived as “possibly” also being “a member of the family” –as it were– of a given plantation ‘Owner’). And this maltreatment was generally even much more so the case if the lighter-complexioned enslaved person was even remotely ’suspected’ (by, say, a wife, sister or daughter — who ran “the big house”, while a ‘male’ family member ran “the plantation”) of possibly being the offspring of a given plantation ‘Owner’ (or his son, or father, or brother, or any other male found in the plantation ‘Owners’ White family). In addition, the few lighter-complexioned enslaved people that were actually permitted to do any work in the “big house” were (as a punishment for having the lowly status of “mongrel” and in order to make sure that they did not become “too uppity”) kept under a much more severe work supervision (by both the White women who ran the plantation household and also by the darker-complexioned enslaved people who had been placed over the lighter-complexioned enslaved people and given various “rewards” in an exchange for the promise to ‘keep an eye on’ them) than were most of the (more trusted and seemingly endeared) darker-complexioned enslaved people. Books by Deborah Gray White; Paula Giddings; bell hooks; J. California Cooper; William Wells Brown; etc. expose the truth about the urban-myth and show that the lighter-complexioned enslaved people received NO special treatment and were, instead (due to being seen as mere “mongrels of miscegenation”) usually treated much worse than were most darker-complexioned enslaved people. The hatred, fear and mistrust that many of the antebellum and post-antebellum era White southerners felt toward the people who were both of a light-complexion (mulatto-lineage) and were also chattel-slaves, is very strongly presented in the ‘D.W. Griffith’ racist film ‘Birth of a Nation’– where pretty much all the trouble, tragedy and dangers found experienced by White southern families in the film is falsely presented as being caused by “uppity” Mulattoes who ‘needed to be taught “their place” among White people’. (i.e. they “needed” to be beaten, raped, lynched, etc. by the “proud” White people who had been reared to make it clear that they felt “no connection” to any non-White person). 2) Also -- it is often a surprise for people to learn that, in reality, there is actually No Such Thing As a "Light Skinned Black" person. The term "Light Skinned Black" is really nothing more than a racist oxymoron that was created by White Supremacists in an effort to forcibly deny those Mixed-Race individuals, who are of a Multi-Generational Multiracially-Mixed (MGM-Mixed) Lineage, the right to fully embrace and to also received public support in choosing to acknowledge the truth regarding their full ancestral heritage. The people who have been slapped with the false label and oxymoronic misnomer of "Light Skinned Black" person are simply Mixed-Race individuals -- whose family have been continually Mixed-Race throughout their multiple generations. 3) Anyone who would like any additional information on this topic can feel free to contact me directly. Hope this information is helpful & that everyone has a great day. – AP .

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  7. Posted: 05 Jul 09

    To catlady, this is an interracial dating site. If you don't like the personal choices of grown adults, then don't be on this website. Keep your negativity to yourself. You state about being with your own kind. Then that applys to catholic being catholics, protestants being with protestants, Irish with Irish, British with British, Russians with Russians, Polish with Polish, Africans with Africans, and so on, which is so insane and doesn't make any sense. I can't stand when a person tries to use the Bible for the basis of their own self-hate. You are a sad individual who needs prayer. Everyone has the right to love who they want. Children are beautiful no matter what their skin tone is.

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 09

    morning star ; All people are different , that is what makes Life so much Fun to live . Children are the Greatest Gift God can give . To Love them is Our only real purpose in Life . Indeed times are changing daily / for a More Possitive World . Keep looking to the Future as We see Marvelous days ahead . Two years married and counting many more Happy times together . Life is to Enjoy , We do . Hope you do also .

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  9.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 Jul 09

    Ok, I really don't know how to start this because I have so many things to say. First of all We are humans, all of one, Some of us if you research your family you are not of one decent. I am made of German, Scots Irish, and 2 different Indian tribes. I am not white, or Caucasian. You are Caucasian if you are from the Caucasus mountains or plains. The only reason "blacks" have a different skin tone is because of there territory. There skin had to be darker to with stand the sun because of them being closer to the equator. Didn't you guys learn that in science. I did. Ok as for the morbid cat lady, this is for you. Don't bring ancient times into modern times. We live today, in our century, our times. There is no law that says you can;t love someone because of the color of there skin. Bible also teachers LOVE SEES NO COLOR. Go to school to learn to read the bible. its not just a book to pick up and read, and you have to know how to read it when you do. Talk to your pastor, minister, or father on how to do it if you are going to try to defend yourself on this matter. Moving on, I married a man that has light skin. His grandmother was the daughter of a master and a slave. You can't tell. She was loved by many and still is. Which brings me to this, I love my children unconditionally and all 3 of them have different color skin and 2 of them are by my light complected husband. He often wonders about our daughter because she is so light. Which is what brought me to this site int he beginning, but once I got started reading the entries, I got so beside myself in the disbelief and horror that I was reading I got off track. To those of you who know no good, learn it look around you times have changed and we do not, and I repeat do not live in the olden days, we live today, in a free country where we can love whom ever we want. Gods says, deny me, I deny you. So by you denying someone because of there skin complexion you are denying God, because he made that person. So you will be cast into eternal hell. Have a good Life and I hope everything I have said made sense.

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  10.   Westy says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 09

    I think interacial breeding destroys racial diversity.

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  11.   John says:
    Posted: 23 May 09

    I'm 42, mixed race (Anglo-Caribbean) and was born, schooled and raised in the UK. I suppose I'm considered to be attractive. Despite much of the two-faced, cowardly white society in which I was raised being quietly bigoted as I grew up, I consider myself English and am proud to do so. I don't consider myself to be a "black" stereotype, according to the pigeonholes that are scheduled for me in advance by many sections of society, and am a strong, educated and independent person with a good historical knowledge and a penchant for speaking my mind. I also find many black people as bigoted, too- although as I said, most people of any colour with such views are reluctant to be so overtly nasty with a tough six-footer who can take care of himself, if ever verbal/physical violence is called upon.

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  12. Posted: 17 May 09

    There is beauty in everyrace, no race can be said to be better looking , beauty then will lie in the eye of the beholder.

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  13.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 22 Apr 09

    May your grandbaby be Healthy , My grandmother was my Best friend growing up .

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  14. Posted: 22 Apr 09

    Ignorance is ignorance which isn't exclusive to a particular race or "color" of ones skin. I've just learned of my daughter's pregnancy (she's 19). The breeder (and I call him that because he's a loser and please realize losers come in ALL colors...) changed his phone number within an hour of finding out about her pregancy and he happens to be black. I'm livid! I'm not angry that she is bearing a mixed race baby, I'm livid because my daughter and my grandchild will have to deal with people like Catlady. I don't want my grandchild catagorized by color - that scares me big time. I want my grandchild catagorized by his/her actions. I don't care which race my grandbaby favors as long as he/she doesn't look like my ex-husband LOL!

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  15.   Grace says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    I'm white & my husbands Filipino. I plan to have children with him soon & I do hope they look like him. I'm not having children with him just so they look like that, I hope they look like him because I love the way he looks. If they don't, it's fine with me. I'll love them as my kids no matter what they look life.

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  16.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Mar 09

    Ok so im a mixed race child, second generation... my mom is white, my dad is half black half white.I appear white infact people mostly think im White Italian... I have been attracted to black women since day one but had a daughter with a a white girl whom now (my daughter) is having a baby with a black man... she has been attracted to black men her whole life... I grew up in a white neighborhood and always felt looked down upon being as I was always tan. So heres one for you all to ponder over, me the white looking guy with some black blood who grew up in a white neighborhood who without going into detail felt looked upon as a lesser... sad fn world we live in...

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  17.   Chaz23 says:
    Posted: 14 Feb 09

    I visited one of my cyber BFF a xouple of yearsd ago. She has three wonderful daughters, grom a WM/BF marraige. Being a puny white guy, when we went on a couple of outings? It was all good. We looked like we had been married a long time, and that the kids were ours. If anybody noticed or gave any bad eye, I didn't notice and would not have cared.Never having had any biological children myself, I enjoyed being "a family man" even if only for a short while. The biggest concern was keeping an eye on the kids for safety! I never knew kids were so keen on being unsafe! Giggle. I don't remember ever being so crazy in public, but maybe the operative words are "don't remember"?

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  18.   Iris77 says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 09

    Hey, I am mixed race baby and I am happy!

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  19.   KME says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 09

    Missed baby bring a part of both parents to the table.

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  20.   cla81 says:
    Posted: 29 Dec 08

    Hi,i am not american(as a lot of person on htis site)and i can speack only about my country(italy)about interracial babies. Here there isn't a real interest about interracial kids because mixed couples are really a little number(especially old men with young african women). Generally they are not really seen good by others persons and the discrimination is so hight not only versus mixed family e mìxed babies but versus all blacks(better the situation versus asian BUT only because a lot of persons have the philippinian nanny and they see asians more familiar). Unfortunately this is the situation in Italy... On the other hand chatting with usa citizens about this argoument i have know a "new world" really different respect the stereotip of racism seen in television and cinema about Usa. The situation told me to these persons was similar to the situations fold by others members, a lot of interest to make mixed babies by white persons(this was the trend chatting with usa persons and one of them said to me that there are a lot of white COUPLES that breeding mixed babies using the help of tecnologies(but i don't know how was seriosus this person for this if anyone know more please respond to me if it's really occur in USa or if it is false)). In final i want say that,in my opinion, the wish that move a person to date outside him/her race can't to be considered only the phisical attraction for others races(if you find a beautiful person and he/she is an idiot ... there isn't race thet can move you to date him/her...)but i think that the wish that can to move to KNOW a person different respect us is initially the apparence(i am not shy to admit that i prefer date a black woman respect to a white woman because i find her more attractive )and after all aspects of her culture finishing with the prospective about to have mixed babies obviously as the conseguence of marriege or relationship. Sorry for my english :-)

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  21.   babe_4_u says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 08

    Isn't life interesting? If only we all tried to look at things the way God looks at them...what a happy people we would be! At the same time I would say that God is the greatest artist and entertainer...if we have people like makes some of us look very intelligent...Catlady...keep on sharing your ignorance with us...I love a good laugh especially so if its at someone else's lame comments...Back to the topic..I think all children are cute..mine is mixed race....and he is really cute......though still at the end of the day beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder....

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  22.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    if only everyone could be as enlightened as tigerlillies. (^_^)

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  23.   Chosen519 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    I find beauty in all races. Yes, a mixed child, especially if it's Black with another race could very well produce an interesting complexion. This complexion doesn't make one child better than the other. Find happiness within yourself. Peace and God Bless.

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  24.   hamanim says:
    Posted: 23 Nov 08

    "Comment by blondguy96 on 19 March 2008: God created the Tower of Babel and Moses was punished for marrying an Ethiopian (Midianite more specifically)? If people are going to be racist idiots and try to use the Bible to back it up you’d think they’d at least do enough study to get their story kinda right. You, cat lady, are not in the ballpark with your interpretation. Not in the same league. Not even in the same sport. It’s fascinating how one can take a biblical viewpoint against racism and somehow forget that based on that view people of all colors were generated from two individuals." Actually I think you might find that he did not get punished for marrying a Midianite women read it properly. G-D told Israel (the people ) not to marry outside of Israel because they would lead them astray. Many of the Israel people came as a result of marrying outside of Israel so long as it does not impede your belief then who cares. I am mixed race and I have a mixed race daughter. When we start being narrow minded and generalising then issues occur.

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  25.   rae56 says:
    Posted: 05 Nov 08

    What's ignorant is societal views on the topic, not the topic itself. I'm sure there are many who are considered to look "too ethnic" and don't live up to the American standard of beauty who care a great deal about this conversation. Even those who supposedly are enlightened tend to have ignorant views. I had a coworker, caucasian, who is married to an African-American. When thier first grandchild was due to be born, she told me that she hoped the baby would be lighter and take more after her blond/blue side of the family rather than her husbands dark skinned family so that she would be pretty... That boggles the mind! One would think that she found something attractive about her husband, after all, she married him...

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  26.   chichalola says:
    Posted: 05 Nov 08

    this whole conversation is ignorant....... who cares,,

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  27. Posted: 22 Oct 08

    Mixed Guy you must have a lot of regrets.......

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  28.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 08

    Morningflower, nice that you're honest, but im mixed and I can tell you that you dont automatically get easy to manage hair, might look like it is easier because the curls are so pretty, but just as much of a hassle as any if you want it straight.. but then again this is coming from me, I've always wanted hassle free straight hair even though i do love my own. catlady's comment is humurous, laughable, I couldnt get past that enough to be offended because she sounds far too ignorant, poor her. and mixed guy, i'll call you on that because being black doesnt make your dad big, which "surprise!" wouldnt make you big. Geeeez, you'd think that another mixed person might be beyond stereotypes. lol. but your comment is really funny, white= dirty??, black=big?? white=freak??, which in turn makes mixed=tight??. hmmm... but if you combine black and white, shouldnt that equal big dirty freak?? lol. you're funny. (0_o)???!???

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  29.   rae56 says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 08

    All I can say is, "Lord'a mercy!

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  30.   SnazzyBella says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 08

    Come on! Ugly is ugly! We all know someone with ugly kids and color has nothing to do with ugliness. ITs the parents

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  31.   WHURR says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 08

    I'm scribbling down notes from MIxedGuy's comments. I will carry this with me when looking for a wife...thanks MixedGuy!

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  32. Posted: 19 Oct 08

    And the rhetoric goes on and on! Before even mentioning stereotypes and other blah blah blah's, you have to realise one thing. As an example, my country is a newborn to democracy, a mere twelve years. I walk the streets of racism, biase and ill-gotten supremacy everyday. You haven't understood racism, sterotypes etc until you have been told you are free and then shackles made of poverty and invisible stumble blocks are placed in front of you to make you fail. How does that famous gospel hymn go....The potter wants to put you back together again! Maybe that is what we all need. To be put back together again. It is not about how big whatever is but what we are and what we stand for! Why waste our lives contemplating colour and supremacy when life is so short and time is too precious to waste!

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  33.   Member says:
    Posted: 18 Oct 08

    well im gonna say this being white in america is just like being black in the 60's and 50's we are treated like shit by everyone and im tierd of the stereotypes white people do have big dicks and we can fight really good i aint talkin about these little pretty boy bitches u see on tv and shit go to the streets

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  34.   Linda254 says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 08

    i just can not stop

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  35.   wow... says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 08

    i think mutliracial kids get more respect actually. because they have parents from both races and both races respect them. and i never knew the light-skinned, black-skinned racism ever existed, until high school. but race shouldn't matter anymore. this is the america and the 21st century, i bet anyone in next hundred or thousands of years, EVERYONE will be multiracial.

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  36. Posted: 29 Sep 08

    I believe that all children are beautiful and hopefully they will be born to two loving parents, race notwithstanding. Trying to manipulate the gene pool by hooking up with someone of another race can backfire-esp. if one partner is black. Genetics is a funny thing and involves the DNA of everyone in your line. I think that is much more practical to pray for a healthy baby.

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  37.   Pia65 says:
    Posted: 12 Sep 08

    I do know a few people that think they will have better looking children if they have a interracial relationship.......and that I think is really sad. Thankfully most of my friends don't think that way. I would hope that the majority of people believe that the foundation of any relationship is built on Love, Respect, etc. Love like any emotion does not have a color, but it carries a deep emotional connection. That emotion can lead to creating children...beautiful children from that wonderful relationship.

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  38.   Member says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 08

    I think most people have forgotten that beauty on the inside is way more important than the outside. It doesn't matter how light or dark your skin color is. What should be important is a strong and sensible mind, followed by a big and caring heart. For the remark about a white person and black person cant be in true love. I am white and was married to a white man for 8 years. He was abuse and just plain ignorant. Love has nothing to do with the color of your skin.

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  39.   Soulmate2U says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    On Rae56's short but profound comment : AMEN

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  40.   rae56 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 08

    Can't we all just get along... :-)

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  41. Posted: 05 Aug 08

    Being a born and bred African there is one thing that I have come to realise. The blood that runs through my veins is like a road map. The more I delve deeper into my past and heritage, the more I understand and accept myself. I am of mixed descent and married to a black man (originally from Cameroon). My children, funnily enough look Hindu. I know that my grandmother was Hindu but one thing is for sure, when we went to Cameroon and visited his family, we were treated as though we were gift from God himself. There is so much colour in Cameroon! Yes colour! You cannot actually distinguished which person is mixed or who is black! That is absolutely wonderful! My point is, why worry about the colour of your skin when life has so much promise. Everyday that comes brings new opportunities, new joy and new life. I look at my children and I think how wonderul their lives are - they know where they come from and they have both parents to guide them through life. That is what's important, not colour!

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  42.   CantExplain says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 08

    Also i forgot to add, lots of poeple here seem to think that colour is related to beauty. THats really jsut a personal taste. And its a right people have. BUT, BY NO MEANS IS IT AN EXCUSE FOR ANY FOR OF RACISM AND DESCRIMINATION. and for me i think beauty isnt really in the colour, i mean sure i have views on what I like and i would never express them openly as someone would get offended and lets face it we all kno what we are looking for and what we'd like in a partner, beauty is in the features i think and that again can differ based on taste everyone is diverse, different people different priorities in what they look for.

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  43.   CantExplain says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 08

    Well i dunno everyone seems to have their opinion. I know its bad to generalise but i have to admit in the areas of the world where there were alot of colonisation by many different countries and cultures such as Northern india, brazil, sri lanka and south africa the people are stronger and larger and in most cases can be PERCIEVED to be more attractive. Now im not saying everyone in those countries is hot but a good proportion are good looking or seemingly larger. But with strength and size thats truly genetic, hybrid vigour. Its NOT the same, but on similar lines to what farmers use to make better trait holding plants and animals. Some races of people seem to be naturally biger than others we are all different even thoguh we are one speices because of the environments our races developed in. Hence people like me are darker becasue we had more heat and sun in our environmnet, its evolution. Mixing between races i think is great but hsoudlnt be CHASED for just to make a product child. IF it happens then thats awesome. The mroe genetically different a two people are when they make a child the better, less recessive bad genes will be expressed. Thats y u cant and shouldnt do it with ur sister or u get a retarded child in nearly all cases. Physical Factors that usually arent found in a particular race, like i sed due to the environment; which can include musculature and size, can be introduced to a newborn if they are mixed depeding on where the geneflow came from. As for appearance, well its really down to what people think is good looking but with people who are mixed they have certain features, particualrly facial features, that make them more so unique to the poeple around and really make them stand out. For example indians typically have thick hair but nearly all have black or dark brown eyes. Up northern india due to mixing from europe there are some with blue eyesand it really makes for a change in appearance. NOw its not jsut eye colour, subtle things are different nose shape lip shape. Not all mixed people look good as someone sed above but when the right features are mixed together it looks nice.

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  44.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 08

    HMM...still chewing the fat with this whole color thing I see. I'm gonna tell you all this, read a book Cane River, by Lalita Tademy, then read the follow up book Red River by Lalita Tademy. You will get the hint in Cane River, why Philomene kept on keepin on with Narcisse and the effects it had on one of own. This should put a end to this nonsense about children born to parents of different colors, and if women are picking differnt races to create "purrty babies". MEDIA, plays a role in everything. Lets be real, half of you in here blogging have kicked me in the sides when I made comments about behavior that subliminal you have done. It isn't no big secret, truth of the matter is, people are attracted to pretty people, but when you are a quarter pound black, and a half pound philippino, or chinese, or white, or indian, east indian, or hispanic, you are deemed "PRETTY", and doors will open for you. Lets cut the sh**t, pull out the white baby doll and the black baby doll and see what a child will prefer. It's not big secret that I am in love with Wentworth, am I attracted to his skin..hell to the naw, its those smoldering eyes, and those lips, and that walk...mmmmm! Is it because he is a mixed hell naw. It was that back with that Henna art that sent me and the rest of the package. Lets be real if Colin Powell would have ran for president you would have voted for him, you know why, don't cha. Obama, I'm on the bandwagon for now, because I don't want no McCain nor did I want another 8 years of Clintondom, but lets face it, if he didn't look the way he does, you think he would have the momentum he has today. Heres the secret folks, now move in close...IF BLACK FOLKS WOULD STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THEMSELVES AND BE THEMSELVES IT WOULDN'T ALWAYS APPEAR WE TRYING TO FILTER OUR BLOOD AND MAKE IT LIGHT AND BRIGHT. Try bring back the slogans that stood strong in the seventies: 1. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL (isn't it thou) 2. BLACK AND I'M PROUD (proud of every moment in my history) Teach That! Yet Again no Jibberish Jabs people this is just a thought! I'm Out!

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  45.   tallncurve says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 08

    To cat lady. i think you should be ashamed for your comments. What is wrong with you our kind your kind. We all humans, and if u peel the skin of ore turn the light of, there is no difference. Since when is a with person a cow ore a black person a dog. And how do u know, if people are in love ore not? I really hope you will fall in love with a person that has s different color than you do. lets talk about it again than.

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  46.   ebonedoll says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 08

    How sad that people can't be happy with who they are! Doesn't matter. You can't change it! Parents should feel truely disappointed in the fact that they did not instill more of a sense of pride in their children. They have humanbeings that will roam this life wanting to be something they will never be. All my children are mixed race. My 2 daughters are 1/2 Mexican American, my three youngest are 1/2 white. I tell my children they need to be leary of anyone that wants to be bothered with them because of how they look. Men that say crap like" You're not really black". Or "You're fine cuz you got that good hair". I am always amused that black women in particular act like don't know better. Just because you have a child by another race doesn't mean anything. That child can be the spitting image of them and the only way that anyone knows they are mixed is if they tell the tale. I've had white mothers let their biracial daughters hair break off to the extent that it has to be cut off and regrown just because they didn't care enough to learn to do it. They thought it wouldn't be "nappy". Can you imagine the child has to be raised by such a disappointed parent? Parents that have issues they are passing on to their children. 2 black parents don't have a guarantee of skin or eye color.

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  47.   redprincess says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 08

    in my opinion mixed raced people are the best looking and they have the best of both worlds, i am black and i actively seek men of other races i.e iranian,asian,white and mixed race,firstly because i really admire their skin tone and hair and always wanted a fair skin child with nice hair, i am not happy with my colour or hair or even culture, if i had a choice i would be mixed race

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  48.   Bristol says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 08

    Concerned Citizen (Italain Stallion Not!) Not all mixed race children with white mothers have 'ridiculous' hair because white women can't manage it! What an ignorant comment to make!

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  49.   Bratx says:
    Posted: 26 Jun 08

    Im of mixed race and my skin is brown not lite. I never wanted to be lighter because my hair is very thick curly and wavy...gud hair, and i have european/indian features. I dont think that all lite skinned kids, men, women or whatever look betterthan darker skinned ones. everyones attractive from all races. and all races have somme ugly azz people..... The End

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  50.   MochaPearl says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 08

    I've just recently found this site and I am glad it exists. As a 44 yo black woman I have dated across racial lines all my dating years, and this is how it should be. We met and marry that person we are attracted to mentally, physically and emotionally. And we have children. If we have children based on how they will look, who would have a child with a man with big ears or went bald at 20! We have children because they are an extension of ourselves, of our hope and our future. An child born to parents of different races is express a hope for the world. It is not an intentional doing. I did not have children to save the world, but to express the love for my then husband and to share our love with a child. I have three bi/multiracial children. They all have different skin coloring and they are all beautiful. You see, we have beautiful people on both sides of the family! They get darker with the sun and paler in the winter; one is darker, one medium and one lighter...lighter than what...I'm not sure. In any case I do not believe and more importantly, I pray that when we have children we are motivated by love and a promise of a future; not whether we have trouble combing our daughter's hair or letting our son grow dreds. Lets all be blessed

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