Are mixed race children better looking?
Well, I am sure you have heard of that. I am also sure that some people have had interracial relationships for this reason only. Why do people believe that if an interracial couple has children that they will instantly produce beautiful babies?
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251 responses to "Are mixed race children better looking?"
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Water4Choc says:Posted: 29 Apr 14
A lot of this stems from the belief that anything outside of blackness mixed with that blackness will make you more beautiful. If someone is anything (and I do mean, anything at all) other than black, it makes them more exotic and beautiful. Just being black is seen as a deficit. I remember reading an article years ago when Beyonce stated that she wished she were some race that is more exotic, like Latina and now she is (see her Loreal Paris TruMatch ads). We are not beautiful in spite of our blackness we are beautiful because of it.
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Hope_1999 says:Posted: 13 Nov 13
This is a contentious subject/question.....I guess most of us, in particular black people have heard this said question, often statement, numerous times. I personally think that mixed individuals can throw up interesting looks, however, this does not mean the look is more attractive than that of someone with parents of the same ethnicity. I say the same ethnicity because most of us if tested, would find our DNA to reveal our true genetic make up, with origins from more than one ethnic group. Simple answer to the question is no...despite there being an international standard of beauty, lead very much by western ideologies. I am sure that every parent thinks that their child is the most does it really matter what aesthetics you choose?
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Neques says:Posted: 17 Aug 13
As a proud, black and beautiful women it hurts to hear people say that mixed babies are the prettiest to the extent that they get involved in interracial relationships solely to produce mixed babies.Indeed mixed children are beautiful but so are black children.I don't know who taught us black is not beautiful but it pains me every time I hear it. If we don't love ourselves why do we expect anyone else to love us? The very same beauty our partners see and appreciate in us is proof that we are uniquely beautiful in our own special way. Please people don't be afraid too be to black or too strong.From the kinks in your hair to the fullness of your lips and hips and the curve in your back and of coarse the many different shades of chocolate skin. Embrace it all!
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statician says:Posted: 27 Apr 13
Well every child looks so beautiful regardless of what race they are.I my self i would want to have a mixed child with a white man.Without considering his racial background,but as long as he has a white skin thats enough sole attractive quality to me.
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dave_74 says:Posted: 26 Apr 13
Personally I think that is a silly reason. I mean there are a lot of beautiful (and ugly) children of every race and a lot of beautiful (and ugly) mixed children so getting involved with someone of another race JUST because you want "better looking children" is silly. I'm in an interracial marriage and we have 2 beautiful daughters. They aren't mixed, one is white and one is black ( from previous marriages). Sure we have thought of the mix, my eyes with her ears and wondered how the hair, skin might be etc. but at the same time we are blessed with what we already have, each other and 2 beautiful girls. If for some reason, we couldn't have any more children, we would adopt. But most likely Asian just to balance our family out a bit. Of course there might come a time that we might have to explain to our Asian child why he has a white dad and white sister as well as a black mom and black sister. Oh, well when the time comes we will think of something.
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Rranderson says:Posted: 18 Dec 12
Wow, this is a sad topic to me. Unfortunately, there are whites and blacks who believe lighter is better. I am a brown woman with brown children and they are beautiful. All colors are beautiful. That's what's exciting. I myself have never been not pretty enough because I'm a darker shade of black. As the lady stated above, you will find beautiful people in all races.
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NaijaBabe11 says:Posted: 09 Aug 12
In general, I think mixed race children are very good-looking, but I would not regard them as superior to fully black or fully white children. I child is a child and a gift.
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NeeneeB says:Posted: 07 Aug 12
If A Child Is Beautiful Then He/She Is Beautiful, Its Ethnicity Does NOT Play A Roll In That. All Mixed Children Are Not Beautiful.
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turtleman03 says:Posted: 30 May 12
A lot of you are failing to realize what the question was really asking. It wasn't saying "Are kids who are not mixed ugly?". It just asked if mixed kids were "better looking". I've seen beautiful people in every race. BUT, I'll admit that for some intriguing reason, kids who are mixed are more appealing. And most of the time it doesn't matter WHAT they're mixed with. It's just my opinion of course, but also don't take it personally if you're not mixed. It's not declaring every un-mixed person ugly.
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Tropical615 says:Posted: 19 May 12
Well my daughter is half Mexican and half Caucasian, and she is absolutely gorgeous.
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pat says:Posted: 11 Apr 12
I think this is an ignorant topic and assaults the purely black, white or any other nationality in which a person is 100% asian, black, white or any other race. You can find beautiful in every race.
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urbanisqe says:Posted: 02 Apr 12
Not all interracial children are cute. Some are darn right ugly! My son, who is not interracial, looks better than most interracial children. I can't take him anywhere without ppl ogling over him. Seems to me when ppl say interracial kids are better looking, they mean they are better looking than black kids. This is a very racist ideology.
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SoBeIt says:Posted: 31 Mar 12
I think on a scale of 1-10, the scale is normally at 9 for interracial children being very attractive or if one wants to say pretty/handsome. I think there is something about the pigmentation and hair that is very beautiful; this does not mean that other children are not as beautiful; but to be honest, interracial children has an edge of something; we should be proud of this.
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Gorgeousxoxo says:Posted: 31 Mar 12
Haha... What the F kind of question is this?? A lame pathetic and ignorant question!!!
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Maheva says:Posted: 27 Mar 12
Lol! You are taking his very wrong!! Well I am black , tall , pretty and smart , I am 100% black and I am more pretty than many mixed race girls and so hat!? I want my kids to be mixed races for many reasons . For me mixing blood is a proof that people went beyond the race issue and decide to have something in common , meaning black and white can walk together and actually love each other, having mixed kids is putting an end to racism and hatred. Secondly , i woul love m kids to be open minded , coming from different cultures themselves will help them see things fairly and treat people equally. Thirdly , yes they wont physically envy others as they will have long har to play with, beautiful eyes ... Finally because it has been proven that mixed races kids tend to take the best of both races . I want mine to be smart , since I got good genes I don't mind mixing them to have a beautiful " mini me". Cheers
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Tru2Me1st says:Posted: 13 Jan 12
@ Honestcristo… you are a moron. Please tell, what college did you attend where your biology professor (which is the study of life not genetics so you are already showing your incompetence) went into conversations about mixed “races” having more genetic defects then non-mixed? The college of KKK or Black Panther??? Never mind, it’s irrelevant because its incorrect. Ever heard of sickle-cell anemia, beta-thalassemia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, cystic fibrosis, alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease… I could go on but at this point I will let you stew in the obviously misspoken context of “who over thousands of years bred out various genetic defects”… I will instead wait for all the mixed people diseases you will have listed for me. Let me also point out that the very term of genetic defect refers to the occurrence of two copies of the same recessive gene, this is far less likely with more genetically distant parents… so by it’s verify definition your statement “racial mixing often times causes more genetic Defects” makes no sense. For those of you reading this, feel free to GOOGLE “genetic defects linked to mix kids” you will find the exact opposite. Now on to the truly idiotic misrepresentation of science, your “two distinctly evolved races” comment. Evolution was of the same origins and same species up to ardipithecus , at which we hypothesize several different hominids evolving, but ONLY HOMO SURVIVED. THIS MEANS WE ARE ALL THE SAME RACE. Now if only you had stopped talking there, but no your ignorance has no bounds. “Are they totally oblivious when it comes to Genetic Anomalies within specific Haplogroups” I am going to need for you to look up the definition of haplogroup, then get back to me. For everyone else, these groups are detrmince through anomaly markers that can tell you specific origin of a certain group of genetically similar people, ie people of the same “race”. SO THERE IS NO HAPLOGROUP FOR MIXED PEOPLE. Haplogroups simply determine genealogy, NOT genetic defects… moron. That being clarified, I shake my head at a society that is more concerned with looks than with character. I hope for my kids to be healthy, happy, prosperous, kind… just to live the best life they can with as few regrets a possible. I can only do that with a partner who desires the same and reflects the same qualities, regardless of genetic variance from myself. Oh, and all kids are beautiful.
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CALY2011 says:Posted: 11 Jan 12
The view hear depends on individual. Personally, I think mixed children are better looking. I so much like mixed race kids, infact, I want my children to be mixed race. That is why I'm here for interracial relationship
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corkie19 says:Posted: 02 Nov 11
well im mixed with a lot of things and my sisters and myself are very beautiful girls (not being vain) but we are true making pretty babies isnt the reason to date interracially love is the only real reason to do that but my parents have been together for 20 something years now and have been married for about 16 and they love each other but having pretty babies isnt a bad thing either
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shimmy says:Posted: 04 Aug 10
I must admit I have found this site interesting to read. I have a mixed child and reading these comments helps me to have an insight into what she possibly may encounter. It really makes me realize I cannot tell her how and what others will think of her. I do know self esteem and respect for herself, with supportive loving people in her life will go a long way. To each his own.... only have children "mixed" or not if you are open to teaching good heartedness.....gots to go my beautiful mixed baby girl is yelling "Mama, get me" Naptime is over....and one more thing I am a white woman and for all those people who say we cannot do the hair of mixed kids get a life....It aint that hard to figure out!! Peace!!
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billy90 says:Posted: 24 Jul 10
First of all let me say that the whole concept this post is based on is ridiculous.Looking down on your own race in favor of another one...blimey..are you kidding me or something. A child whether Black as charcoal or White as snow is still a beautiful human being. All that concept of racial preferences brings about the fundamental of racism and make our society a more difficult place to live in harmony,love and peace in appreciation of one another regardless of our various racial heritage. Iam a Black man..and as black can get and it's been over 10 years since i am married a White lady..not that i have always wanted to do have a White lady... Just like those ignorant Black guys who see it as some sort of socila status and achievement( they must be sick in their minds! But fate brought us together when she saved my life from a fatal accident, almost risking hers and things like that something you never ever forget. And we both never even been thinking that in our lives we would ever be dating someone from another racial creed. It just happened and we've learned to accept and appreciate what's good and what's not in each other culture. We have 4 children...and i don't even want to use the term mixed race or whatever you want to call to me and my wife this is pretty much irrelevant..they are our children, we care for them and love them...period. Race doesn't matter and we don't even look at them jaw-dropping.A child is a child and even if they would turn as dark as i am by some sort of magic,my wife and i would still love them as our own. Our children are 22 ( girl ),19( boy ),17( girl)and 14 (boy ) years old and they don't even see themselves as being the cutest thing in the world and get really mad at people making all those compliments about them. We have taught our children to value themselves for the content of their character and intellect rather than focussing on race. My wife and i just see our children as humna being and not as objects of affection because of the color of their skin. And as for my wife we've been together for so long that we don't even notice the color..we are one and the same and appreciate and love each other for what we share together. Race is a stupid concept and focussing on that brings about racism. So stop making a preference for mixed race kids over black ones or vice versa...children are a gift of God and it doesn't matter whether they are black,white,mixed race or green...all children are gorgeous irrelevant of their skin tones. Billy90
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Honestcristo says:Posted: 17 Jul 10
Wow! It's amazing to me how so many people on this site SIMPLY do not get it when it comes to race mixing, and that is what bothers me about these Interracial dating sites, NOBODY ever wants to tell the truth anymore because of political correctness. The FACT of the matter is that there are as many negative consequences of race mixing as there are positive, but far be it for anyone to tell the truth on this matter. What scientists and others in the media don't tell anyone is that races of people have been reproducing isolated from other races for thousands of years, the fact is that racial mixing often times causes more genetic Defects by blending two distinctly evolved races, who over thousands of years bred out various genetic defects. Why doesn't anybody understand this? Are they totally oblivious when it comes to Genetic Anomalies within specific Haplogroups? Or did people sleep through their college biology classes?
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bre says:Posted: 10 Jul 10
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Oddz says:Posted: 10 Jun 12
Racism from the vantage point of genetics. I think I've heard of that before.
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Member says:Posted: 29 Jun 10
Theres cute white kids and theres Ugly. Theres cute black Kids and theres UGly. Theres cute hispanic kids and theres UGLy. Theres cute mixed kids and theres UGLY. ANd thats the truth, but ni matter what people judge. But theres GoD, who loves every last one of us no matter what, when people want to bring you down. Wiith dumb life wasteing point. WHo cares that you think mixing combonation of race makes a cute kid.
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Jenna says:Posted: 10 Jun 10
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,so to say that mixed race kids are better looking, is a matter of personal taste or preference. I am from Trinidad which is in the caribbean, and there is every racial combo mix here some nice and some are not lol! May the blessings be!
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lil says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
well in london its different mixed race ppl think that they are the best and so do other races think that mixed race ppl are gd looking. and when ppl say that its hard for mixed ppl because they don't know where they fit in , well its like that for black ppl. and mixed race ppl should hang with who ever they want to just like hoow black and white ppl should
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kim says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
black are good looking and we need to believe that we are good looking instead of putting our sleves down !!! i'm black and i'm very preety!!!! also ppl in london seem to be ashamed of being africa i'm carribean!!! and i big up africa!!! theirs ugly ppl in every race and ppl need to know that !!!
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kim says:Posted: 08 Jun 10
i live in london and mixed race people are seen to be 'gods gift'and i think it is wrong the way they all think that if they have a light skined black person or white to make a mixed child then they will be good looking, well they are wrong you are good looking becuse you are not because you have two or more different races in you. also you only ever see a black man with a light skin girl or a white girl or a mixed girl you NEVER!!! she a black girl in the music vids or in the midia
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oldschool56 says:Posted: 25 May 10
There are ignorant people in all races who will try to make someone who is mixed think of themselves as something abnormal. These days lots of people are mixed with all kinds of races
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oldschool56 says:Posted: 25 May 10
@unblinded, Oh Im sure there are so many levels your comment is wrong. Why dont you talk to some mixed kids of today and find out the real deal? Trust and believe every mixed race child is not messed up mentally. Why I know those who are Captains and Generals in the military, they are married and very happy, they scientist, teachers, sure of who and what they are..I dont know what planet you live on but the one Im on is totally different
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Oddz says:Posted: 09 Jun 12
I agree. If it weren't for the media as well as personal influences a mixed child would just be a mixed child. The sad part is other people just wanting to spread their own viewpoints are probably the cause of a biracial baby growing up to feel abnormal. I'm sure there's cases of sincere prejudice, but those cases are not the norm - time's have changed and people with outdated opinions need to shut up. I don't mean you, oldschool, I mean the ones you're talking about.
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unblinded says:Posted: 24 May 10
I don't like that whites are mixing. The babies might be cute but, they are not white. They are not ANY color, just a mutt. And what race can this baby claim to be? Shall we just make one up? It is more important that the child feel he/she fits in, not standing as unique. Parents wanting things unique, don't think about the mental health of the child that has to grow up unsure of who he/she is.
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Boiicrazy01 says:Posted: 17 May 10
and most mixed people are mistaken for another race all together. Many people think I'm spanish when I'm white and black.
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Boiicrazy01 says:Posted: 17 May 10
I'm mixed and i've been told I'm very pretty. But I agree with the person above me its very hard being of two race. People will judge you bi natter what. Racist people will still see you as a black and black people will think your going against your race. It's really stressful. :/
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notebook says:Posted: 06 May 10
people saying stuff like this makes mixed people look mixed 50%white,45%black,and 5%indian and because people always make it seem like mixed people are better then other races they think that we feel im not saying that some people arent like that but alot of mixed people are insecure and i no this first in a black and white country and being mixed is extremely hard you have alot of problems fiquring out who you are and where you fit in better with the black kids better with the whites kids this causes mixed people to deny one of there races its really sad but i refuse to pick i get along and hang out with both races i think this is the way it should be
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RealityCheck says:Posted: 17 Apr 10
Read "Breeding between the Lines" by Alon Ziv. There is never a guarantee that interracial children will be more "beautiful." However, one of the points made in this book is that having parents of different racial backgrounds increases the probabilities that the child will be healthier (better immune system) and more attractive. There is a biological argument for interracial children. Read the book and it will make a lot of sense.
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Member says:Posted: 14 Apr 10
Appreciated your examination of this engrossing idea. Saved and return for more insightful discussion. Cheers.
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Member says:Posted: 12 Apr 10
Awesome article, I am regular visitor of this blog, keep on posting that great content, and I'll be a regular visitor for a very long time.
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Member says:Posted: 19 Mar 10
cat lady your stupid. god would not have put us on this earth if he didnt want us to mix
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jen says:Posted: 07 Mar 10
I am half Ecuadorian and half irish. My husband is half Italian and half Spanish. We are both beautiful, and our children will be too! Mixed people are more often then not better looking, or AT LEAST exotic looking.
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Wonka says:Posted: 23 Feb 10
What a Question,"Are mixed children better looking?" well let me say this I've met and seen plenty of people who are mixed and not all of them were good looking.Genes play a huge part in a person who looks attractive,as well as how one takes care of oneself. I'm Trinidadian/Irish and I know I'm not the best looking guy in the world,some people may find me attractive/handsome as to where others maynot.
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sodominican says:Posted: 12 Apr 12
I think this is very true. Demi Moore and her first husband Bruce Willis had different looking offspring. They were both attractive people. Heidi Klum and Seal, Russel Simmons and Kimora Lee, Kimora Lee and her second husband just to name a few in an interracial coupling have children. I belive two ugly people make the best babies.Two attractive people have a hard time having attractive offspring. One person needs to be average or ugly.Cindy Crawford did a good job marrying her husband-- her kids are great looking. Madonna daughter's father has mixed hispanic ancestry and she came out looking exactly like Madonna circa 1990.Genetics is a big factor.
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nika23 says:Posted: 10 Jun 12
I agree that not all mixed kids are good looking. Some might be, just like kids of any race, but some aren't. I don't believe that having biracial kids guarantees that they will be attractive, but I have heard that. I've heard guys say they want kids with non-black women so they can have beautiful kids, therefore implying that kids with black women wouldn't be beautiful. It's sad because they basically see themselves and their family members as being less attractive because they aren't mixed. There's also a saying that anything mixed with black is beautiful, maybe this is why most of the not so attractive biracial kids, IMO, are Asian and white mix. My family is mixed with every race (I'm from Trinidad) and there are good looking people and not so good looking people. Every single one of us has at least one grandparent that's not black and many of us have 2 grandparents that's aren't black. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I can't answer for everyone, but here in the US beauty is defined as having pale skin, straight hair and green or blue eyes, so this pretty much eliminates most black women which may be why people find biracial black children more attractive than black children. Biracial children are more likely to have paler skin, less tightly curled hair and green or blue eyes. There are non-biracial blacks with those features too, but it's not the norm.
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corcor says:Posted: 22 Feb 10
I think many people get it twisted. Before I say anything let me make known that there is a 99.99% chance that you are mixed with something outside of your race somewhere along the line especially if your Afro-African American.People say that there more atrractive i think that is a matter of taste. Some people are in such a rush to look like someone else when were beatufil ourselves. I will admit some mixed people are pompus; not to say darksinned people arent either. Yes they may speak two diffrient languages or have hair eyes and skin like this but why be jealous. Everyone is diffrient no matter what race every single person on the earth is different. It's just how the genes work out skin pigments determine your tone depending on how much light there is present. I knew a guy name Charlie and he was carmel brown( both of his parents were choclate mind you) and his hair was ORANGE and no i dont mean red i mean orange it was thick to.
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chelly says:Posted: 16 Feb 10
cat lady... if u really want to use the animal analogy then interacial "breeding" is more like two different dogs having babies.. they are still the same thing but different looks. your example is not even relevant to be honest.. ANYWAYS...people are the same way. everyone looks different but we are the HUMAN RACE!dogs look different but they are still a dog.
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Member says:Posted: 08 Feb 10
All you humans are naive of what you perceive as a race. A race is not of the same species. A race is of a different intelligent species to another, like the human race or in science fiction the humanoid race. Humans evolved or adapted to their environment of which they live in. For example, it is almost like muscles. If muscles are pushed to a certain limit, say like benching 200 pounds everyday, it must grow to overcome its environment and become stronger to survive. So, if humans were closer to the equator such as Africa, a human would need more melanin production to keep from being sunburned. If a human were to live some where like England where it is mostly cloudy the human body would have no need to produce melanin or very little. All humans carry all the same genes as each other, it just depends on where those chromosomes are place in the production of the human’s genes of from which the parent’s so called "race" is. LOL. Adolf Hitler was going to use this method of science to change every human's genes around in order to produce in what he thought was a perfect human being, not only what some people consider as white, but blue eyes, blond hair, and having no genetic diseases present as well. Human beings in what the study of physiology figures is that humans will always try to push closer to what is familiar to them in some aspects, or what is taught to that human. Also humans by nature want to destroy or research of what they don't understand. But, humans tend to move more on side of destruction. Most humans don't want to understand something because they were taught a certain way that they think is right and will hold to that. All you humans need is to be leaders and not followers, and yes having good morals, which humans would say is an opinion, but morals is a fact of what a "majority" of humans don't like such as pain. Don't say it, "you have to be a follower to be a leader." F*** NO [That was intense, huh?] HA HA, Anyways no, all you have to do is just sit back and study human behavior and watch for signs and signals, and learn from people’s mistakes, such as in WAR and in history. But that is human nature, make the mistake not once but over and over again, destroying you or helping you learn for their selves and the next generation to come. I find it quite awesome that a lot of interracial breeding from what I noticed produces a lot of hot a** girls :) lol. I am what humans perceive as white and what you perceive as a different race of the same species. I only say I'm white because that’s how people perceive me as being because I can have pale skin, but what is funny is that I can produce a badass exotic tan, which is a brown-reddish skin when I'm in the sun. That has to do with my ancestry with what humans call Native Americans. So it's pretty cool because people cannot pin down on what they perceive as a race of what I am. I am always asked at certain times of what my race is, and I think that makes me unique and gives me a better understanding of what and how humans think and treat their own species. This gives me the power not to make that mistake and keep the human race living on. NOTE: IF THERE WERE TO BE A PERFECT RACE OF HUMAN, YOU WILL FIND THAT PROBABLY 99.9% ARE ALL MIXED IN SOME WAY OR ANOTHER.
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Caché:] says:Posted: 04 Feb 10
Well im very mixed up with west indian,jamaican,and black I have really long hair that's about 36 inches long and thick but hard to comb and has large curls everywhere my skin is tan well basic color of an indian's skin tone I have brown eyes and a pretty small face for all my hair and I can cover my face with it or even slap people with my hair I get complements from all races black white spanish indian chinese anything you can think of and im currently in a modeling company and getting into acting but if my career doesn't work out ill be a doctor and my parents married each other because they loved each other not to get pretty children there are adults I see that aren't very attractive that have beautiful kids and chlidren from all nationalites are beautiful cause god made us all equally we are always beautiful in some way inside or out maybe even both just be happy that you're you! :]
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homesteader says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
JAMES ; Learn to spell properly ( at the very Least the four letter words ) , them someone may believe what you write . I believe that if you were to look back a thousand years into your own Heritage / you maybe surprised as to the many Natonalities that make up your own Ancestry. Being a self-proclaimed Bigot at an inter-racial meeting site / you already Display a Large amount of Ignorance in you words of Wisdom . Why are you even here ?
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JAMES says:Posted: 02 Feb 10
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Pleski says:Posted: 31 Jan 10
I would love to see some more scientific studies on attitudes to race and aestheticism. Unfortunately in this world we have enough people screaming NO NO NO all the time, that the issue is just speculative.
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Beauty is beauty..... It truly has no shape, no colour, it has no aroma it lives within the eyes. "This ideal that lighter the better or anything that has a touch of white is acceptable". The stem of this started from slavery and with that begin said it lived in the black community and this terminology en pregnant our minds and for some people its still there. This question is deeper then the eyes behold and lips can speak of. -Tireah