Are some interracial dating crossovers more acceptable?

Posted by Ria, 15 Sep

When it comes to interracial dating, people will always raise eyebrows. But some interracial dating combinations seem to be everywhere; for example White men – Asian women, Black-White dating to name a few.

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Most Asian women admit crossing over allows them a different kind of freedom. It makes them move away from their traditional patterns that expect a wife to wait on her husband. They perceive the White culture as more tolerant and elastic, and responsibilities are shared between a man and a wife.

Much as Asian families may feel hesitant about having non-Asian sons-in-law, some mixes are socially acceptable and even desired. They are more likely to accept a white man into their family.

In this multicultural hotbed, are some racial crossovers considered more acceptable (to our families and society) than others? If so, what is the reason behind this?

41 responses to "Are some interracial dating crossovers more acceptable?"

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  1. Posted: 08 Mar 10

    I was also in the military when I began to date white males. Sure, sometimes you ran into problems with your partner not wanting their parents to know, but mostly it was a great experience. I find it so tiring and invasive when total strangers feel they have a right to enforce their rules and standards on the mating choices I make; the choices that affect only my life. If you are offended by a mixed couple of any type or a specific type you should probably do some soul searching, get to know yourself better and understand why you would react angrily to something that has nothing to do with you, and make every attempt to avoid irrational explanations. Life is a game, you play it well and live it to the fullest. If someone found a way to boost their ego, status, or what ever, by dating outside their race who cares? If one really believes dating "Euro-Americans" is dating up, then I would go for broke; ensure he or she is not going to be an uneducated, low life. Because you haven't improved much of anything if he or she is a low-class citizen. I date inter-racially because people are beautiful.

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  2.   Wonka says:
    Posted: 28 Feb 10

    By the way that Asian girl in the photo at the top of this page is a HOTTY!!,the guy looks halfway hammered too.

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  3.   Wonka says:
    Posted: 28 Feb 10

    I guess it depends on what ones family sees as acceptable!!.Alot of families would approve their kid(s)dating an ethnic group outside of their own, however,many families will ONLY except their kid(s) dating a specific ethnic group outside of there own.

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  4.   LadyDay says:
    Posted: 11 Feb 10

    There are definitely more interracial combinations that are more accepted (the lighter you are the, then the more accepted it is). That is why nobody would give a second glance to a AF/WM, but with me and my boyfriends, we are looked at. I don't mind it much. I sort of like that attention.

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  5.   yongsoo says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 09

    CORRECTED version: Briabria: You never saw an Asian woman with a Black man? That means you didn't get a chance to see Tiger Wood's parents. His Mom was from Thailand, his Dad was Black (actually Native American plus African American plus Caucasian), a pretty stellar combo if you ask me.

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  6.   shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 27 Oct 09

    ^ ^ | | | | | What?!! Is he serious?! Maybe some individuals in this world that date a certain race because it may be an accepted "trend". But for the most part...I would think that people who date or marry interracially do it for the right reasons.

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  7.   Member says:
    Posted: 26 Oct 09

    Generally, the most accepted interracial relationships seem to be white males with Asian females, and black males with white females. I know a common complaint from black females is that black males are not dating them, and Asian men generally seem to go with their own race more often than with another race. I've heard a white male I know, who married a Japanese woman, say "There's black and there's non-black." So any race but black was okay with him, but to some, there is white, and there is non-white. These people who will not cross racial lines when it comes to marriage and reproduction are labeled "racists," or the more friendly term, "traditionalists." Personal preference is a truly personal expression of freedom. I often wonder, though, if we didn't have tolerance and diversity crammed down our throats during our formative years via TV and liberal friendly schools, would interracial relationships be as numerous as they are now? Are they a fad? Are there any people who have had interracial relationships in the past who regret them?

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  8. Posted: 06 Sep 09

    Asian female/white male is more accepted and in fact desired by Asian and White America. Asians I know say to attach to the economic successes of white males and to improve the shape of eyes that the Asian female seems to be seeking. Even TV commercials seem to love representing this pairing. Black female/white male is the least accepted. Such a shame because black female beauty is only very recently being acknowledged on the scale with all other females and especially dark and very dark black females. It's only recently that black female hair and looks are beginning to be commercially acceptable.

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  9. Posted: 08 Jul 09

    First off level of acceptance of an interracial couple is purely regional. It all depends on what part of the United States, or what part of the world you are in and who is involved. I see so many people speak so much about this topic, and I have out of experience noticed some pretty unique findings. For one, in an interracial couple where the male is White or Caucasian, and the woman is either Asian, Hispanic or Native, then it is very well accepted. If the White male is dating a Black woman, then there will be a few heads turn, sadly because other White men view the Black race as a race that should stay within its on. This is extremely prevalent in the Southern United States. If the interracial couple in question has a Black man and an Asian, White, or Hispanic female then these same southern White men are far less accepting for the same previously stated reason as the White man with the Black woman. Up north, and I still can't see why a lot of Black women don't see this but I do all the time, then most of the issues involving an interracial couple where the man is Black and the woman is White, Asian or Hispanic then most of the eye rolling, under the tongue statements I get are from Black women. Do not get me wrong, I am certain that if a White man brings his Black woman up north then there will be a few Black men who will show their displeasure with the couple, but more so than not I have noticed it more the other way around. What saddens me the most is that when I travel to my wife's country of birth, we are more accepted as a couple nationwide there than we are here. Why is this sad? Because as a self proclaimed world leader and world power, it seems that in the issue of race relations, be it regarding interracial couples or just plain race issues, we seem light years behind many of these struggling 3rd world countries and I strongly feel we should be setting the bar instead of always doing our best to limbo under it. Personally, if a Black woman chooses to date a White man, then that should be her choice, and she should not be ridiculed because of this choice. If a Black man chooses to date outside of his race, that should be his choice and he should be afforded the same freedom as the Black woman or any race of man or woman. How can we grow united as a nation when were always looking for trivial reasons to keep it divided. Let people make their choices and live their lives, freely, without persecution or ridicule.

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  10.   REDRAIN says:
    Posted: 11 Apr 09

    Couples with a black and non-black are frowned upon, because white supremacists think anyone that is black is ugly and they think we are nasty or dirty. They think black women's bodies are dirty and unclean and that is why people get mad when they see a black women with a non black person. I suggest If bigoted people are concerned with keeping their blood "pure" and "holy," they should have sex witht their relatives and stay out of other people's business.

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  11.   REDRAIN says:
    Posted: 11 Apr 09

    "It’s more acceptable because the color black isn’t acceptable. We can’t seem to shake the “sterotype” that follows the word “black”. The asian female and white male is on the rise more than it was 20 years ago. It seems the way the blog is flowing, it’s more like, Asian families will accept white husbands for their daughters, because it is a “upgrade”, kind of puts you in the mind of black folk, the lightest with the closet features to white was and still is the most popular “upgrade” a person can have. (Ironic!) Looks like Upgrading isn’t just for cars, and flatscreens and coach seats to first class seats anymore. Rather sad we are putting value to color these days. " BINGO!! They think "white" people are demi-gods and they look up to white people like they worship them. AND asians have the same skin color as "caucasian" or "white" people, so that is also why society is more accepting of them. This is the way the bigots think, as long as the couple both share the same skin tone and the same hair texure then everything is "OK." And on top of that the white supremacist society we live in does not approve of anyone with a black person no matter the interracial combo, because white supremacists hate our guts and they think we are not human.

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  12.   LilRod says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    madeyoulook, Ha ha yeah I know that's right you go gurl!. A very interesting story thanks for sharing with us.

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  13.   madeyoulook says:
    Posted: 02 Mar 09

    As far as Black men + Asian women interracial dating goes, it really depends on where you're living. True, it's a rare occurrence to see that interracial combo, but living near the San Francisco Bay Area, I've seen plenty. And I'm one of them! My family is pure (as in full blood) Chinese and my boyfriend of four years is Black. At first, there was a struggle for acceptance - mostly from my relatives than my parents. My grandfather went as far as to tell us (his grandkids) that if any one of us brought home a Black man, he would disown us. Let me tell you, that brought tension to family gatherings on my part because I lost all my respect for him. But now, they like him because he treats me good and is a respectful man, which is pretty much all that should matter. It did surprise me, though, when I did a study on interracial dating at my community college a while back (I'm an Ethnic Studies major) for an Asian-American history class, and ALL of the Asians, males and females, I surveyed said they would only date Whites and Asians. I was a little bit peeved because I'm an equal opportunist and in my eyes, I see individuals instead of skin color. Maybe I'm a different case. After all, I grew up in a predominantly Asian environment (Asian-dominated private school, etc) and Asian guys didn't like me because they thought I was too curvy and too dark skinned for them. Don't get me wrong, majority of my guy friends were Asian, but when it came down to picking girls, they bypassed me and went for my petite, light skinned friends. In general, I guess what I'm trying to say is that Asians are really deep in familial piety and respect. So if their family is not liking someone of a specific race, they're also quick to do what their family approves of. Me? I have great respect for my family, but I can't respect anyone who decides to change my feelings for someone based on their own ignorance. And that's why I'm still with my strong, intelligent Black man.

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  14. Posted: 24 Feb 09


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  15.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 09

    Thank you IslandLife

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  16.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 09

    Personally , unless someone signs our paychecks . Their opinion remains their opinion , We shall honor it . On the other side we would expect them to honor our opinions , as being Lawbiding United States citizens / We retain the right to do as we darn well Please . As do all other American people .

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  17. Posted: 01 Feb 09

    EDIT: I didn't mean to say that the children were the only issue, because that is not the case. My uncle once told me that for (Black) men it's experimenting, but for (Black) women it's a sin. A freaking sin. Basically, to some onlookers it is apparently "disgusting," but that's not the case most of the time. What I meant was that if it's not the good 'ole double standard at play (ok for the males, but not for the females of whatever given race), then it usually has a lot to do with the outcome (the children).

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  18. Posted: 01 Feb 09

    I noticed that this was posted quite a while ago, but I felt like answering anyway. As strange as it is, I think that in American society, some interracial combos are more accepted than others. The more accepted ones are usually Black men with White or Latino women, White men with Asian or Latino women, Latino men with White women, and Asian men with White women. Do you notice a pattern? Black women are not in any of those. I think this is due to both the negative stereotypes associated with Black women, and Black men's low tolerance (and sometimes treatment) of Black women with any other race. Blacks and Latinos with Asians, and Black women with any other race are way less accepted. Not to mention Middle-Easterners with ANY other race. That's usually not accepted by their families, and definitely turns heads in American society. I once heard an Asian say that a lot of Asian parents (including this person's parents) say that if you're going to date or marry interracial it's ok to go White, because your children will still look Asian. The parents also said that at the end of your life, all you have is your children, and you want them to look like you, AND that they wanted grandchildren that looked like them. With other races, it was told, that your children are less likely to look Asian, and more likely to look like the other race. Since Blacks and Latinos share a lot of the same physical features, it is more accepted. When a child is half Black and half Latino, they usually look it, or at least look Puerto Rican or Dominican (two Latino nationalities that are often believed to be a Black/Latino combination [historically] anyway). With Black men and White women, the children usually look mixed also, and if they don't they look one or the other. Since Black and White Americans share names (meaning you usually can't tell whether a person is Black or White based on their last name), the ones that look to be only one race, are accepted as just that race. It's also just a very common mixture. Thus, the more common it is, the more accepted it becomes. White men with Latino women, and Latino men with White women are accepted for the same reasons. Their children get both cultures equally. The children might look mostly or completely White, but they still get their Latino culture (since Latino Americans usually still celebrate their heritages and traditions). With a Latino father, they even get the last name. While Latino males with White women are usually less accepted than the other way around, and sometimes carry a negative connotation and stereotype to them, they are still one of the more commonly seen mixtures. It basically all boils down to the children. Interracial couples that do not reproduce get a lot less heat from family or outside parties, than interracial couples seen with their biracial children. Sad, but it's mostly about the outcome, not the action.

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  19.   chewie says:
    Posted: 26 Jan 09

    hello all. stumbled across this site while reflecting. i'm currently dating a beautiful african american queen. myself, an eccentric asian guy. and to be honest we draw attention. both negative and positive. lots of negative attention from african american men and asian women. i think no matter what race there are stipulations that you should stick within that race. that is coming from personal experience. i just hope that in a few years/decade things are more open and forgiving. Then that way i won't have to get all steamed when an asian woman or african-american man give my queen a dirty look. p.s she is a queen not because its a black thing, she's a queen because i treat her like one!

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  20.   bas44 says:
    Posted: 20 Jan 09

    When I was in the army on active duty I lived in the barracks with mult-races, I learned alot about different cultures. Which was very eye opening experience!I dated German men, they don't have the racial attachment that fellow Americans have to overcome. There was so many interracial dating that it was very popular. I wish that I still live near military base. I miss that part of closeness and acceptance. I live in area where most of my male relatives(Black) are married or dating Wfemales. No one seems to care because so frequent.I have began to see alot Bfemales and Wmales together which I prefer. But when I date Wmales those same Bmales relatives give me the BLUES. I just laugh and keep going.

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  21. Posted: 09 Jan 09

    I have never been treated so well in my life, nor so in love, than I am now with my wonderful Phillipino man. Yes, we get looked at, but I like to think it's because we are such an attractive couple, and so much in contrast. Look at John Lennon, Tiger Woods, Heidi klum and her beautiful family. "LOVE SEE NO COLOR!!!" I thank the country that gave me my Francisco, how lucky I am to be with him!!!!

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  22.   phatkitty says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 08

    PERSONALLY, AM NOT ATTRACTED TO ASIAN MEN, THERE ARE TOO MANY DIFFEERENCES. THEY ARE HOMOGENOUS,THE RELIGION ETC. THEY TENDS TO PLEASE THEIR FAMILY AND I THINK THEY WOULD RATHER KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STICK TO ASIAN WOMEN. Synopsis: When i was in college, i had an asian guy in my english class, he was good at math, and i at english, we decided that we should exchange numbers so we could help each other w/homework. Whenever i would call this guy, his mother would always tell me he wasnt home,even when he was and then would get her husband on the phone. I would later ask him about my phone calls, he claimed he never got them. So i came to the conclusion, that his mother didnt want me talking to her son at all. So she would buffer the calls to her husband. I was never interested in her son, but i think that he liked me, he would even offer to give me rides home and waited for me after class. Wherever he is (i think he is a doctor by now married to some asian/white chick)but mommy didnt think i would be good enough for her future doctor son. Eventually i stopped calling and we lost touch. I have too much Jamaican pride.(lol)I dont believe in fighting for somone who wouldnt stand up for the cause.

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  23.   phatkitty says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 08


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  24.   tdrom says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 08

    Of course there is a interracial couple preference when it comes to relationships. And that's because society can't seem to get past stereotypes. Its all how one has grown up in a socio-economic status. It is true, I have seem plenty of asian women date and marry white men. But its the same principle behind black men dating and marrying white women. It this day and age, its mostly about status and where will your family be in the future. Albeit, it is not the main principle why people hook, but subconsciously it is the thought process no one talks about but everyone adheres to this invisible rule. How I found this out, was by looking an relations with my own race. I had a black boy (ok, not a man or gentleman, because this happened all the way in high school), who told me the only reason why black men would date a light-skinned black chic, was because it would be the closest thing to dating a white woman, without going outside their race, and they seem to get everything. So other than being highly offended, because I can't help my skin color, is that which ever race has the highest achievement rate with a desired the trait, the more someone would like to date someone from that race. So for example only, caucasian have a higher economic profile, while probably only 30% of black people are considered middle class. Guess which one is highly desired? While, lets say almost 40% of black women would love to date outside their, race almost 15% are submissive in comparison to certain dominant cultures that attached to certain races (e.g. Asians and Middle Eastern women) adhere to submission as a lifestyle. Guess which is more appealing? Its all about survival, and if you want to be in place in life, where you don't have to worry about being any color, other than color of green for money, strategy is key, unfortunately

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  25.   SweetBBW4u says:
    Posted: 29 Oct 08

    I believe that most interracial couples are more acceptable when one of the partners are white except when it is a black/white combination. Any interracial couple that involves a black partner is frowned upon. Though I am starting to see more black/white couples. I believe that people don't take a second look at an Asian/White, Indian/White, etc because they are considered similiar in appearance. However, there is always something negative said when it comes black and white interracial couples. I believe it is due to American History, slavery, and how blacks are viewed in American society.

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  26.   dior21 says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 08

    Similar to the Asian woman/White male pairing, I'm beginning to see more Indian (and Persian) women marrying White men. I've personally only known one Indian male/Black woman couple and they were both abroad when that romance bloomed. It seems that if an Indian isn't marrying another Indian, then only a White person is acceptable to/semi-embraced by the family. I could be wrong, but that's been my personal observation... I also agree that geographic location (along with population diversity and a progressive, "melting pot" mindset heavily influences dating attitudes.)

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  27.   rae56 says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 08

    Dang, Islandlife, you said a mouthfull! 'Much food for thought... Shiba24, your comment reminded me of a male acquaintance who dated Caucasian women, but when he saw an African-American woman with a caucasian man, she was every kind of whore he could call her. I asked him, "if she's a whore for dating a caucasian man, what does that make you?" Twenty years later, I have yet to receive a reply. I also met a man on this site who took his profile down because of all of the hate mail he was receiving from African-American men. That was mind boggling to me. This is an interracial dating site. If the men have problems with interracial dating, why are they on this site??? There is a definite double standard, even amongst those who date interracially themselves.

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  28.   Shiba24 says:
    Posted: 21 Oct 08

    Yes, some mixes are accepted by soceity vs. others. If a white man and a black woman were walking in the mall, they would turn heads and they'd hear rude comments..especially from black men. A white woman and a black man, nobody cares...there's so many to count, I think people were forced to accept it.

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  29.   Brownsugar says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 08

    My experience in the military opened my eyes. The military does accept interracial dating and marriage more. I have dated different males from different races, predominately white males. They weren't afraid to approach me. I have lived in Texas most of my life, but living in California for a few months was a great experience. That state is the true "melting pot" of America. I believe that all people have the right to be with whoever he/she wants. I have one sister that's married to a white male, and one that's married to an asian male. Yes the one married to the asian male is in the military. They met and dated a while before they entered the military. They have been happily married for a long time. Understand that just because we date and marry outside of the Afro-American race doesn't mean that we are ashame of who we are. We were raised by two strong Afro-Americans, parents (married). Remember that the environment, and parenting received has a lot to do with your dating choices.

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  30. Posted: 24 Sep 08

    I know this is long, but it is so relevant at this time. I did not write this. It was sent to me by a friend. This is Your Nation on White Privilege By Tim Wise 9/13/08 For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help. White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because "every family has challenges," even as black and Latino families with similar "challenges" are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay. White privilege is when you can call yourself a "fuckin' redneck," like Bristol Palin's boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messes with you, you'll "kick their fuckin' ass," and talk about how you like to "shoot shit" for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug. White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six years like Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of, then returned to after making up some coursework at a community college), and no one questions your intelligence or commitment to achievement, whereas a person of color who did this would be viewed as unfit for college, and probably someone who only got in in the first place because of affirmative action. White privilege is when you can claim that being mayor of a town smaller than most medium-sized colleges, and then Governor of a state with about the same number of people as the lower fifth of the island of Manhattan, makes you ready to potentially be president, and people don't all piss on themselves with laughter, while being a black U.S. Senator, two-term state Senator, and constitutional law scholar, means you're "untested." White privilege is being able to say that you support the words "under God" in the pledge of allegiance because "if it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for me," and not be immediately disqualified from holding office--since, after all, the pledge was written in the late 1800s and the "under God" part wasn't added until the 1950s--while if you're black and believe in reading accused criminals and terrorists their rights (because the Constitution, which you used to teach at a prestigious law school, requires it), you are a dangerous and mushy liberal who isn't fit to safeguard American institutions. White privilege is being able to be a gun enthusiast and not make people immediately scared of you. White privilege is being able to have a husband who was a member of an extremist political party that wants your state to secede from the Union, and whose motto is "Alaska first," and no one questions your patriotism or that of your family, while if you're black and your spouse merely fails to come to a 9/11 memorial so she can be home with her kids on the first day of school, people immediately think she's being disrespectful. White privilege is being able to make fun of community organizers and the work they do--like, among other things, fight for the right of women to vote, or for civil rights, or the 8-hour workday, or an end to child labor--and people think you're being pithy and tough, but if you merely question the experience of a small town mayor and 18-month governor with no foreign policy expertise beyond a class she took in college and the fact that she lives close to Russia--you're somehow being mean, or even sexist. White privilege is being able to convince white women who don't even agree with you on any substantive issue to vote for you and your running mate anyway, because suddenly your presence on the ticket has inspired confidence in these same white women, and made them give your party a "second look." White privilege is being able to fire people who didn't support your political campaigns and not be accused of abusing your power or being a typical politician who engages in favoritism, while being black and merely knowing some folks from the old-line political machines in Chicago means you must be corrupt. White privilege is when you can take nearly twenty-four hours to get to a hospital after beginning to leak amniotic fluid, and still be viewed as a great mom whose commitment to her children is unquestionable, and whose "next door neighbor" qualities make her ready to be VP, while if you're a black candidate for president and you let your children be interviewed for a few seconds on TV, you're irresponsibly exploiting them. White privilege is being able to give a 36 minute speech in which you talk about lipstick and make fun of your opponent, while laying out no substantive policy positions on any issue at all, and still manage to be considered a legitimate candidate, while a black person who gives an hour speech the week before, in which he lays out specific policy proposals on several issues, is still criticized for being too vague about what he would do if elected. White privilege is being able to attend churches over the years whose pastors say that people who voted for John Kerry or merely criticize George W. Bush are going to hell, and that the U.S. is an explicitly Christian nation and the job of Christians is to bring Christian theological principles into government, and who bring in speakers who say the conflict in the Middle East is God's punishment on Jews for rejecting Jesus, and everyone can still think you're just a good church-going Christian, but if you're black and friends with a black pastor who has noted (as have Colin Powell and the U.S. Department of Defense) that terrorist attacks are often the result of U.S. foreign policy and who talks about the history of racism and its effect on black people, you're an extremist who probably hates America. White privilege is not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is when asked by a reporter, and then people get angry at the reporter for asking you such a "trick question," while being black and merely refusing to give one-word answers to the queries of Bill O'Reilly means you're dodging the question, or trying to seem overly intellectual and nuanced. White privilege is being able to go to a prestigious prep school, then to Yale and then Harvard Business school, and yet, still be seen as just an average guy (George W. Bush) while being black, going to a prestigious prep school, then Occidental College, then Columbia, and then to Harvard Law, makes you "uppity," and a snob who probably looks down on regular folks. White privilege is being able to graduate near the bottom of your college class (McCain), or graduate with a C average from Yale (W.) and that's OK, and you're cut out to be president, but if you're black and you graduate near the top of your class from Harvard Law, you can't be trusted to make good decisions in office. White privilege is being able to dump your first wife after she's disfigured in a car crash so you can take up with a multi-millionaire beauty queen (who you go on to call the c-word in public) and still be thought of as a man of strong family values, while if you're black and married for nearly twenty years to the same woman, your family is viewed as un-American and your gestures of affection for each other are called "terrorist fist bumps." White privilege is when you can develop a pain-killer addiction, having obtained your drug of choice illegally like Cindy McCain, go on to beat that addiction, and everyone praises you for being so strong, while being a black guy who smoked pot a few times in college and never became an addict means people will wonder if perhaps you still get high, and even ask whether or not you ever sold drugs. White privilege is being able to sing a song about bombing Iran and still be viewed as a sober and rational statesman, with the maturity to be president, while being black and suggesting that the U.S. should speak with other nations, even when we have disagreements with them, makes you "dangerously naive and immature." White privilege is being able to claim your experience as a POW has anything at all to do with your fitness for president, while being black and experiencing racism and an absent father is apparently among the "lesser adversities" faced by other politicians, as Sarah Palin explained in her convention speech. And finally, white privilege is the only thing that could possibly allow someone to become president when he has voted with George W. Bush 90 percent of the time, even as unemployment is skyrocketing, people are losing their homes, inflation is rising, and the U.S. is increasingly isolated from world opinion, just because a lot of white voters aren't sure about that whole "change" thing. Ya know, it's just too vague and ill-defined, unlike, say, four more years of the same, which is very concrete and certain. White privilege is, in short, the problem.

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  31.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 08

    Asian woman-white male dating and marriage has been common for a long time and will most likely stay that way. As for any other combination, they all seem to be increasing, but I never see an Asian man with a black woman. Perhaps society or people in general are not ready. My black ex-gf dated an Asian man for a while. The man's mother would not let her son marry a black woman. On top of that, when they were out at dinner a riot nearly broke out coz some black folks were pointing and staring at them so much.

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  32. Posted: 23 Sep 08

    In my experience as a white male, I have never dated an Asian woman. Not because I wouldn't, but because they wouldn't. The same was true of Jewish women and non-Jewish men. I went out with a Black woman for the first time in 1966. It was frowned upon to say the least. My father went ballistic. Times have changed, thank God, but some of the old thinking still exists. Sites like this one help to change attitudes, but there will always be those fools who don't get it...We are all human beings!

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  33.   PnayNdaBay says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 08

    Having personally known fellow asians that only dates or gotten married with someone who is white, reason of being minority, they want to be accepted by the community and being with whites is a known factor that they'll get life easier than ″us″ minority. Sadly to say that's more acceptable now than black & asians together. Being a proud asian i wouldn't want to be with someone who doesnt know how we non whites gets treated by others. we will always be labeled as minority.

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  34.   bluesrookie says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 08

    I'll say this much. It may be true about asian females and white males hooking up most, but I personally saw more black women/white men couples, and more interracial couples in general, in the military community than any other place.

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  35. Posted: 20 Sep 08

    I find some of the previously mentioned comments to be extremely racially insensitive and offensive. I find it disturbing when a Black woman can broadly label Black and Latino men as cheap. People should be free and open to love anyone. However, this does not mean you should put down your own race in the process. Some of you self-haters need some serious counseling. I learned to appreciate all men from the first man I ever loved, namely my father, a beautiful Black man. So get a clue, No one likes a self-hater!

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  36.   worldlyeyes says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 08

    Similar to the first posting I have lived abroad in several countries and generally military members who have lived overseas are a little more culturally sensitive then typical Americans.... There have been definitely stronger relationships from the variety of relationships and some heartache. There are families who are accepting, but I would argue that generally most families have a certain expectation for their children. There will always be positive and negative opinions and stereotypes...I generally take the high road and deal with the tends to be much simpler and I enjoy what it has to offer in this line of thought...

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  37.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 08

    It's more acceptable because the color black isn't acceptable. We can't seem to shake the "sterotype" that follows the word "black". The asian female and white male is on the rise more than it was 20 years ago. It seems the way the blog is flowing, it's more like, Asian families will accept white husbands for their daughters, because it is a "upgrade", kind of puts you in the mind of black folk, the lightest with the closet features to white was and still is the most popular "upgrade" a person can have. (Ironic!) Looks like Upgrading isn't just for cars, and flatscreens and coach seats to first class seats anymore. Rather sad we are putting value to color these days. Till the next blog! I'm upgrading, so no jibberish reply! I'm out!

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  38.   Pia65 says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 08

    It has been my personal experience that the Black and Latino male has fallen into one of three categories....... They are cheap, selfish, and / or demanding with their women. However, they are generous with themselves. The only exception in my life has been my late Black husband. Don't get me wrong...I'm sure there must be more good Black and Latino men out there, but I just haven't been introduced to them. As for the Asian and the Native American?...Well, for some reason they are practically invisible. Frankly, I would be a bit surprised, but pleased if I saw a male with a sister. I think the most popular of couples has been the White male with the Black female. I myself have been involved with a White man....Then he cheated on me.....But I don't plan to give up...after all love doesn't have a color...its more about a deep emotional connection......I look forward to finding that connection and in the process I hope to make some good friends in this journey called LIFE.

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  39.   briabria says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 08

    I've never seen an asian man with a black woman...honestly, i'd probably do a double-take cuz I've never witnessed it. However, who cares if it's accepted by society or not...if two people of different races love each other...forget society, cultivate the relationship.

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  40. Posted: 16 Sep 08

    of course some are more accepted than others. in the line you can pretty much say that most other races are NOT accepting of black men. especially asian cultures. ive heard and seen situations of children being disowned, dropped out of wills etc because they have gotten into relationships with black men.

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  41. Posted: 16 Sep 08

    I worked at a military base for several years and I can honestly say that most of the couples I saw were interracial. The overwhelming majority were Asian women with Caucasion men. Next would be Black men with White women. Then Black women with Caucasion. I actually sawa a lot of the Black women with other races off the base a lot. I think that it is generally acceptable in a military town. The standards of such a small community as far as being able to accept that sort of thing is more ideal. These people have lived all over the world and they seem more open to cultural diversity.

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