Black men, marrying black, marrying white
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“Barack Obama is one of the few men that we have seen who is a black man who has a very, very dark-skinned wife. She’s very dark skinned for normally what you see. And I wondered to myself, would he be electable if he had a white wife?” – Whoopi Goldberg confessed to having been woken up by this ‘strange thought’
There is this stereotype that once Black men become successful, they marry interracially as a sign that they have made it. Picture this: an influential, charming, attractive Black man with a Black woman in his arms. Now imagine the same man with a White woman in his arms. Does this change your perception of him? How and why?
In the video, Dr. France Twine wonders why it is perceived that a lot of Black men are marrying White women while in reality, the percentage of black man/white woman interracial relationships is totally on the lower side … unless the norm still is that they shouldn’t marry any? What do you think?
191 responses to "Black men, marrying black, marrying white"
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Losha says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
I am discontinuing this discussion, it has been beat to death.
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ngbabe says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
I was born in west african and moved to the united states as a teenager---I have to say since then, people have been trying to put me in some category or the other which 90% of the time, they are wrong. Race is not the only factor that separates: personally, as a black african, I find myself unable to identify with many african americans though we are of the same race based on the fact that we simply share d/f cultures. Americans I find, are generally fixiated on race/color--guess that's part of their heritage/value system. My position on the whole Obama race issue is that people need to stop the maddness and get on with reality--The fact is that blacks and whites are no longer the dorminant races in american or around the world. I wish both white and black americans could stop thinking and acting as though they're they only races in the WORLD.
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Teetee says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
If it wasn't for slavery (which by the way has been going on in African and Middle east for ages before the whites)I wonder if there would be racism? I also heard in some eastern part of Nigeria, some people are termed slaves for the gods, same color and all, some tribes must never marry them. In africa there is a battle of tribalism.One thing is sure Prejudice can never end.....
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Glock says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
It does depend on ones opinion on whether someone get's "lambasted" or not. Double standard? For some. I call it a difference of opinion, some call it something else. It depends on whether someone shares the "correct" opinion or not. "Critical think"? Yeah if it's "acceptable", and doesn't "offend" anyone. Lagbaja61 had a different opinion than anyone here and several had called him on it including me. Ednya, I saw a documentary named "One Blood" by a Dr. Ham. I personally do not believe in evolution but rather we were all created by God. He stated that Adam and Eve would have probably appeared as what we would call "bi-racial".
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dougiesmokes says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
God loves us ALL because He created us all; how can i do any less? since we are ALL His children, why does the color of skin matter? why does the color of one's skin even get mentioned? we are all His children; if you want to classify anyone, THAT is the ONLY class to put ALL of humanity into! God first loved us; therefore, love each other as you wish to be loved! if you truly want equality, you will love ALL people as you love you wish to be loved yourself! God is love! we are to love others as God loves us---UNCONDITIONALLY! if you do not know love, but want to, read the bible. in it, you will find God's Word. Jesus is your eternal salvation. in Him only, and in no other, will eternal salvation be found! "for God SO LOVED the WORLD, that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE in heaven!" John 3:16 how SWEET is that? eternal life with your Creator in heaven for all time? how can anything be any better? all you have to do is ASK for it! ask Jesus to save you! believe in Jesus as your personal savior from all sin, be baptized in His name, and be assured of eternal salvation! and it is FREE! such a deal! love all others, as God loves us all! God loves YOU, REGARDLESS! accept His love! it is FREE! if YOU want to speak to Jesus, do these: 1. find a private place. 2. bow your head and close your eyes. fold your hands together. 3. say this: "dear Jesus, please come into my heart and speak to me now, telling me how much you love me, and help me, a poor sinful being to be saved eternally! i pray in YOUR name, Jesus, AMEN!" may the Lord God Almighty bless you and keep you; may He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, may He lift His countenance upon you, and give you PEACE! AMEN!
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Hey GirlSixDiva, now be nice to Mr know how euro types can be so arrogant..and since they long ago elected a black man to...wait a minute...they never elected a black man or woman to anything...and as an entrepreneur I would surely want to be bound by idiotic labor laws forcing me to keep lost cause employees forever and even paying them to be off 6 months out of a year..yup..that'd surely create more productivity in my company...on second thought GirlSixDiva....kick his teach him how to play football, too..
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trail_hiker says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Instead of color let us use brain-power designation. Obama - Smart W - Empty head Schwarzenegger - Pin head Reagan - no comment - he is dead and so on
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cocoacutie says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Everyone is labeling Obama Black because Obama himself chose that designation. He prefers to be called Black as opposed to Bi-Racial. He decided on that designation over ten years ago.
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Endya says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Sorry about the duplication. I'm new here and well I must have hit this submit thing a few times
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Endya says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Some of you are probably aware of this and some problably won't believe this but it's true nevertheless. Watch the THE JOURNEY OF MAN documentary. In this documentary scientist proved from DNA evidence that ALL PEOPLE- BLACK,WHITE,Asian, Hispanic, anything I missed- CAME FROM AFRICAN BLACK ANCESTORS. It was something to see but these WHITE scientist, geneologist, DNA specialist traced the oldest human lifeforms from tribes in Africa and that because of migration after thousands of years due to inbreeding within the races our skin tones, hair everything changed. America is the problem- I love this country but we had and still do have some terrible hangups a country so infected with racism that we forget as one person stated we are of the human race. I think of this whenever I witness or see negatives things due to race. I realize how ignorant some people are. All races came from African Ancestors it's true. Even the White Polar bear came from the Brown Grizzly bear so there's no need for buying into racism of feeling we are so different because we look different. Science geek
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Endya says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Some of you are probably aware of this and some problably won't believe this but it's true nevertheless. Watch the THE JOURNEY OF MAN documentary. In this documentary scientist proved from DNA evidence that ALL PEOPLE- BLACK,WHITE,Asian, Hispanic, anything I missed- CAME FROM AFRICAN BLACK ANCESTORS. It was something to see but these WHITE scientist, geneologist, DNA specialist traced the oldest human lifeforms from tribes in Africa and that because of migration after thousands of years due to inbreeding within the races our skin tones, hair everything changed. America is the problem- I love this country but we had and still do have some terrible hangups a country so infected with racism that we forget as one person stated we are of the human race. I think of this whenever I witness or see negatives things due to race. I realize how ignorant some people are. All races came from African Ancestors it's true. Even the White Polar bear came from the Brown Grizzly bear so there's no need for buying into racism of feeling we are so different because we look different.
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Hey "LAGBAJ" you sure have a lot of bullcrap comin' out of your mouth for someone who's not even a citizen of this country or even lives here. Come over here talking that trash and see how soon you'll get your ass kicked! And we can kick your asses in SOCCER any day of the week buddy!
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 11 Feb 09 are so beautiful..oops...did i say that? lol..sigh...
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Losha says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
I agree...I think color is a moot point. I also think negative people are moot point also. You can never change them, but you can change yourself and change your reaction to them. I think some people are ignorant...because it serves them best. However, I still don't think Hatsheput should be lamblasted in this forum by any man, whether he be black or white. She has a right to her opinion and I ..for critical thinking to the optimal. I rather, any day of the week, listen or read someone who has something to impart...whether it be an experience that I can relate to or something I find foriegn to nature. At least, I have that opportunity to make up my own mind. And there is no such thing as "my neck of the woods"(how uniformed is that), when I on a daily basis am exposed to a global community in which I am happy to partake it. Non-Black men who get this...would go a long way in any Black woman's book!! Here, Here!! Power to the People!!
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Well says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
This is a white man married to a black woman. Actually, the president is either equally ( or more so) as white as he is black. My friends in Africa especially the ones in east Africa refer to him as point 5. But, since he is a point 5, but was raised by his white grandmother, does that make him more white than black? Actually who cares about someone's color? The president has a difficult job and is doing it as best as he can.
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cocoa777 says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Wow where do I begin. First of all Barack is bi-racial. Why does a person of mixed heritage only have to acknowledge one? Second, Michele is hardly very very very dark skinned but why does it matter. It seems the insinuation is that she is more afrocentric then because she isn't a lighter skinned black woman. OMG, most black americans share minute shareds of European ancestry and well I don't see where it has removed the lable of being black. So get over it. look Barack Obama is half Kenyan and half I beieve Irish American. His ancestors were not the descendants of slaves that were taken in the middle passage. So, seriously get over it.
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Glock says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Losha, I'm sure, much to your surprise, there are white men that have different views and experiences than yours who date outside of their race. I'm also sure, to your surprise, that not all blacks think alike. Perhaps in your neck of the woods blacks are suppose to "toe the line". Am I suppose to "think" a certain way if I have a different point of view? If I have a "politically incorrect" point of view am I allowed only to date within "my" race? Obviously you and I are not a match. Back to my earlier statement, what did I say that was incorrect? You can bash me all you want but can you address something particular that I said that was not true? As far as "learning" about "Uncle Tom" it's not a phrase that routinely used by whites. Maybe you should read up on it.
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Reverie says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
MichaelMN...That is the best response I've read so far
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
I sense there is a lot of misunderstanding here. Having been married to a wonderful sista with great patience, I slowly learned much that I would have never known. She passed away years ago. I have realized that there is much yet to learn. Throwing jabs and diatribes gets us nowhere but back up on our heels. Understanding takes many forms and degrees. Unfortunately, no white man or white woman will ever know what if really feels like to be black. Nor can a black man or woman know the reverse. We have to make things happen one person at a time. With care and concern. This broad brush stuff is so wasteful of our abilities to understand each other. Patience. Time. Listening to each other is far more difficult but far more positive than jabbing at one another. Peace.
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Losha says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Black history moment...Josiah Henson...was a slave who knew that his master was evil and devised a plan to escape. He lived in Montgomery County, MD and managed to escape to Canada via the Underground railroad. He also returned to help a total of 100 slaves escape thru the underground railroad. Harriet Beecher Stowe based her Uncle Tom character after this real life "MAN"...but he was by no means docile to whites, a sell-out or agreed to everything the white man said or did. It's amazing that people don't know this black history moment and want to use that term as deragatory. He was a great man and should be honored.
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Losha says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Whoa...Glock. You are going a little too far with Hatsheput. Way too far! I am especially surprised that you keep referring to her as "people like you". Why do white men who feel like you do...end up on a interracial a person outside your race. First of all, you are being very offensive. I am sure I dont need to go to bat for this sista...but you are. I never judge or equate my own existence or experience to someone else's because I dont know 'What' they have experienced...instead I try to listen, digest and maybe add something positive to the conversation. Unlce a misnomer and if you tried to learn more about black history, you would know that he was a man named Joehanna Hinson(sp?) is was a honorable man who took care of his family and fought against injustice in his time. Please educate yourself and be more sensitive to someone's experience!! A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE!! and please don't limit yourself to just conservative black views...but the whole gamunt. We are interesting people!! Another tip...if you meet a black woman that you wanna date...please don't talk to her like may get your face slapped!! Kills me when a white man wants to get with a black woman and thinks like this. for the hills. This is why we have so many black woman who will not consider dating interracially. Sad indeed!!
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Glock says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Hatsheput you shound like the football coach who looks for racism. Will racism ever become extinct? No. Will it or can it be reduced? Yes but there will always be people like you that will look for any angle whatsoever to make a claim of racism. Obama could not have been elected if there were not a hell of a lot of white people voting for him (I was not one of them) but my not voting for him was because of differences in political ideologies. To you, I'm sure my not voting for him was do to his skin color. You think by you getting into places that the "average black" couldn't get into proves racism? Those are places I'm sure I couldn't get into either. Police brutality a black thing? Not exactly. The ones you see on TV are when a black person is the victim of police brutality because racism sells. You don't see a white person being a victim of police brutality because nobody cares about that. If you want to swap stories of racism of "unarmed" people, bring it on. There are many recent stories of whites being the victims of violent acts by blacks that do not get the press coverage as a black victim. You brag about your association with "elite white clubs and environments" (again, groups I'm sure I wouldn't be aloud in either) They say you are different from those "other blacks". You forget to tell how many blacks would also say to you that you're not "black enough" Lets be fair about this. You would receive the same type of ridicule from blacks as you would whites. Is being ridiculed by blacks that you are not "black enough" more acceptable? When you make statements like Powell,Rice and Obama are "Magical negroes" it does give credance of what many white Americans believe, that no matter what we as white people do, we will always be considered racist by people like you. Some of the people in this country I most admire are black: Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, and Larry Elder. I like them because I agree with the stance on issues, but to you, they would be nothnig more than an "uncle Tom". You would say I like them because they say what the white man wants to hear. Yes there is alot of work to do. There is many minds to change. Racism does exist, but for you racism and the work that needs to be done can start by working on the person looking at you in the mirror. People like you never ever will give whites any credit
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Dear Hatsheput, I would never discount nor diminish any people's past oppression. It is real. It is sad. But, much of it is over. Not all. But much of it. As the old saying goes "Every slave's ancesotors were once Kings. And every King's ancestors were once slaves." And that applies to all peoples. I knew long ago that a black man would be President in my lifetime and I am no spring chicken. Over the litany of protests and disagreements from my black colleauges and friends, I still knew it. Why? Because the circles I roam in long ago lost concern over such matters. And these are conservative circles. I watched many years ago a few yearsa fter after liberting Kuwait (remember that one?) as the only speaker on a long docet of white speakers - the only one who got a raucous standing ovation in a 98% all white audience was a black man. Colin Powell. I have watched Clarence Thomas - love him or hate him - as he took his oath as a Supreme Court Justice, as Condeleeza Rice becamse Sec of State and so many others took their rightful place in our nation because they were qualified to lead. I knew it was only a matter of time. And I believe that even though hate will always exist to some degree - that it is only a matter of time and love before the old worn out negative issues of race in America die with the previous generations - black and white. And I will revel in that day. And I think we will all see it. God Bless America. America Bless God. Michael
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
When I enter a room, I know that I see the black women there first. Why? Because I am physically attracted to women of color. And I love rich dark skin tones. The darker the more beautiful. When a man or woman likes blond hair or a long torso, or blue eyes, it is no big deal. Then why oh why is it such a big deal to be attracted to a person's skin color...just another physical attribute. After all it is always the person that matters ultimately Always. MichaelMN
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rarestgold says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Talnwhite1, I'm sorry you think/feel the way you do but, honestly let's face facts - it was not the Black or the Latino votes that put Obama in office and contrary to popular belief many blacks, latinos AND whites voted for him not because of the color of his skin but because he was the best candidate. And to answer your question would the people elect a white skinned candiddate over a black candidate - YES as we have all seen - anything is possible.
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homesteader says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
We sent them Brits home in the 1700 's with their tails between their legs . We helped them fight for Freedom in the 1900 's . We live in the Finest place in the world . For Us , Others live in the Finest place for themselves . All for one , One for all . Our lives are Paid in Full / is your house under foreclosure ? - and We could care what others drive as We have Chauffeur Driven Transportation .
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Glock says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
And how do you know he would have received more votes if he were married to a white woman? It would be and is pure speculation. There was a blog not long ago about a black coach who felt he didn't get a head coaching job because his wife is white, now we're saying a black man would have gotten more votes if his wife was white? LOL. I think if the republicans would have put ANYONE but McCain as the nominee, the election results would have been different. McCain was THE worst choice for the republicans could have selected as their nominee. Many repubicans didn't vote for him because of his liberal views. Republicans spent 8 years shooting themselves in the foot. They have a history of criticizing democrats of tremendous spending and what did they do? Spend spend spend.
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talnwhite1 says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Obama would have received MORE votes if he were married to a white woman. The next big question is this....based on exit polls 98% of African Americans and 84% of Latinos voted for Obama. Why? Because he is black(or biracial) and McCain is white. The next big question on race relations is whether or not America will ever elect a white skinned candidate over a black and/or brown skinned candidate? I don't think in my life time it will be possible.
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Glock says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
I just read the second post on here. I didn't realize this was a "bash America" blog. So you hate America? Good for you. I'm glad you like socialism because that is what you're defending. Maybe you're used to it and know nothing else-great. I prefer freedom and liberty. At least the last few days we have of it. You say that you get all this time off work and free medical care. You forget that it isn't free. People have taxes taken out of their wages to pay for it. The government doesn't just provide medical coverage out of "thin air". In fact government produces nothing. As far as being behond the European Union, I want to be behind as far as I can! I want the freedom to choose different opportunites, places, things etc, for myself not have the government decide for me. Ok, rant over.
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horton says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Well i think a man like him needed a woman that is polished ..and intelligent..and for both to find love and if he found that in michelle ....aim all for that..that dark skin isnt desirable is perhaps a want a woman that fits ..and skin color should be of little relevance......i think black people are more harping about skin tone than whites.....has it occured that pretty and appealing is the key ....and that comes in swedish blond or in deep dark if a woman has no accomplishments and absolutly nothing to offer than they cry..about all black man want white woman lol no they dont all man want a woman they can deal with ..and they come in all colors....some man dont like huge woman some man dont like extremly thin woman ....or just plain ugly in looks and spirit..that also comes in all shapes and woman are just as pretty as white woman ....or asian woman ...and in this day and age ...woman is woman ....stop blaming race blame personality.....
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homesteader says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Our words are to be thought of as Generally speaking to All - People are what inhabits the Earth , We address no one / individually .
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homesteader says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Well in conclusion ; He did not have a white wife and he Is very much Successful , so who is this Whoopie Goldberg ? Are her parents the ones who run that Goldbergs ' Furniture store in North Syracuse , New York - There is so much Good in all of Us / To look for the bad would have us Believe . We will think of you as a Pessimist by your thoughts of Nature . - People , we are all - People and this is a Date Ting site with a chance of Happiness for those that Desire to Be there everyday . Please try to find a Topic with Substance for All .
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homesteader says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
Ever wonder why you are still Single at a sight with Many Successful Stories ? Could it be that you are a Player or Maybe broke the Heart of the one who was meant for you . - People - are all different / yet all the same . The Future holds Marvelously Magnificent Splendid Beneficially Bright Sunny days for Us all , Look to the East this Morning - We see a Bountiful Sunrise . Love from the First bI-RACIAL , elected Mayor's Family of " Creekmore Village , Texas Texas
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Glock says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
I guess I've never heard the "once a black man's made it he marries a white woman" thing. I see an awful lot of black men who in my humble opinion have not "made it" that are married to white women. How would you catagorize them? When I talk to friends about Obama, we talk in terms of policy, constitutionality, liberal versus conservative stances etc. We do not speak in terms of race. To us, he's just another democrat president.
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
It's true, love is blind but most people can see. rarestgold I agree skin color will always matter to some people. A person's color is the first thing you see when you look at them and that's normal. It's only when you start to believe in the preconceived notions about people with a certain skin color. Most problems in IR dating have nothing to do with skin color but culture. When two people share similar views and values it's not a problem but when those views start to clash, watch out. A good friend of mine married an African woman and all was good until they married and moved in together. That's when the cultural clashes started. His wife is very traditional when it came to the roles between men and women and he is very flexible. His wife felt that men should make all major decisions in the home, while he liked to delegate certain things. When it came to money it was a nightmare, he was a saver but she felt obligated to wire money home everytime one of her family members called with a sob story. My friend didn't understand that in her culture, you don't just marry the person, you marry a family. These two people shared the same skin color and still had problems. My advice is to learn as much about that person's culture as you can, spend alot of time around that persons family, closely observe how they enteract with their spouses and pay attention to anything that could display a RED FLAG!!!! Had my friend taken his time and really courted this woman, instead of getting caught up in all of the dating and having a good time, he would have been able to make an informed decision based on the information he gathered prior to marrying this woman. He loved her dearly but love can only take you so far, once you say I DO ! James
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Reverie says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
I want it to be a non-issue, however, there are many black people who would have been disappointed had Barack married a white woman, my mother and best friend's mother included. I tried to argue that point with them from a Christian standpoint and from a view of common sense that people should be allowed to fall in love with whomever they choose but it was in vain. I definitely believe it can be a generational issue for the most part. Our parents, grandparents, and beyond lived in times of great racial divide. They fought for a black president so they want to be allowed to have their black president who, as a bonus ,is married to a beautiful, intelligent black woman. My mother is proud of that fact and I want to let her have this moment. Also, I do agree that Michelle is not a dark-skinned woman, a nice shade of brown, but not dark-skinned. Just putting my two cents in...Peace.
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rarestgold says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
I'm sorry but the color of someones skin will always matter. Society is what it is. The color of our skin dark or light determines how others will treat us. This is the world we live in. Some won't care and some will, a lot. The fact that President Obama has a beautiful, educated black woman on his arm gives reassurance to many that the black family is not lost - it gives us as African-Americans(oh yeah what was his theme) hope...
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VA_SongBird says:Posted: 10 Feb 09
I agree with Glock on this issue. This really is a non issue. Barack by his own admission is not really 100% black. Athough, Black Americans have drafted him as such. I know the "one drop black blood" theory. Nevertheless, Barack was birthed by a beautiful white mother and a Kenyan father. I think it is time to just concede to the fact, people fall in love with others for a number of reasons. It really isn't about color. I'm personally in love with a wonderful man who is mixed German and Lebanese. I would have never thought in a million years that would even be possible. But I realized this man had everything I wanted in terms of character and other qualities which I considered important to me. Being black was not the criteria, and because of that, I believe I hit the jack pot this time.
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Losha says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
I think we have to look at the historical concept of this whole article. First of the United States and most other countries, the race of a child..genetically is determined by the father. I think there is only 1 other country that says the race of a child is determine by the mother and that may be China. So...according to the laws of these United States, Barack is black. However, even more so it is how a person identifies themself and I remember clearly in his famous 2004 keynote speech at the DNC...Barack introduced himself by stating this " I am an afro-american". Go to youtube and check this out for yourself. I worked tirelessly on the Barack Obama compaign as a volunteer and you can take it from me...Barry considers himself to be black...even though his family is a rainbow...which makes it all the better. He identifies with black people and the struggle(wanting US to do better and leave the excuses behind)...thus I think this is the reason he fell in love with Michelle...because she is the epitome of Black womanhood. Michelle is not a dark woman, but a beautiful I do agree that this article is pointless...but I do understand what they were trying to just doesn't fit to the first couple. In regards to the European someone who has lived in Europe as a child and actually travel there...LETS NOT GET IT TWISTED!! THESE COUNTRIES HAVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS AND NOTHING IS AS GOOD AS IT SEEMS. MY UNDERSTANDING IS THAT A LOT OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES HAVE CASH FLOW PROBLEMS AND THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE, PREMIER OF GERMANY AND OTHERS HAD AN EMERGENCY MEETING WHEN THE WORLD BANK WAS ABOUT TO COLLASPE. DO YOU NOT READ THE PAPERS...THIS HAPPEN ONLY A FEW MONTHS AGO. SO.....AS AMERICA GOES...SO DOES THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD...SO YOU SHOULD WANT US TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN ALL OUR ENDEAVORS BECAUSE WE ALLOW YOU TO EXIST AND PROSPER WITH THAT OVER RATED EURO!!THIS IS GLOBAL ECONOMICS CLASS 101!! ALSO, IT KILLS ME WHEN EUROPEANS ACT LIKE THEY HAVE NO RACE PROBLEMS...PLEASE...DON'T LET ANYONE FOOL YOU...EVEN THOUGH I LOVE EUROPEAN MEN. BUT THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. A LOT OF THIS HAS TO DO WITH CLASS AND NATIONALISM. ITALIANS TEND TO LOOK DOWN ON IMMIGRANTS SUCH AS AFRICANS AND EYGTIANS...THIS WOULD BE CONSIDERED RACISM IS THE STATES..BUT THEY CALL IT SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN ITALY. HMMMMMMM..MAKE YOU WONDER ..RIGHT. BUT HEY..SUCH IS HUMAN NATURE
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JUICYLU says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
All this fuss about being mixed race. We are all decendants of slaves, and as a result many of us have lost our 100% africa genes. All over the Caribbean there are mixed raced people. I have European and Chinese blood, and within my family we are all different shades of brown: but we consider ourselves to be black. Obama married the woman he fell in love with - he did not choose her because she is "black", but because she is a Black woman. Maybe he's not attracted to white women.
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Glock says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
I am still amazed that this website attempts making something out of nothing. Speculating and speculating, and for what? We never will no what would happen if Obama's wife was white because you know what? She's not. It's not enough that Barack Obama has been elected as the first "black" president, now we have to speculate on some unknown in what appears to me as an attempt to insinuate that he wouldn't have been elected if his wife was white!! Didn't we just discuss this whole issue with the football coach? Some people it seems, thrive on "looking" for racism at every possible corner. If they don't see it, they'll speculate on "what if's".
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Spinsterette says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
It is so sad to see that even different shades of Black would be a conversation piece - I noticed African Americans refer to Obama as Bi-racial and not Black - how absurd when the same African Americans come to South Africa they shun the fact that there is a racial group called Coloureds not understanding the fact that Coloured people actually have their own culture. The term Bi-racial is being used in the same connotation as Coloured - neither accepted by Black or White and you call us uncivilised - how sad
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minosa says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
This is the most unintelligent post I have seen so far on this site. Starting with the statement ..a very very dark-skinned wife ...and ...she is very dark-skinned for normally what you see?????? Either the writer is not so observant to notice the several tones of skin color black people are blessed with or the writer is color blind. I am from the Caribbean, have been in Africa and India, met people from Nepal,Sri Lanka and have seen aboriginals from Australia and believe me if you wish, Michelle Obama is NOT very very dark-skinned. Secondly: is the writer saying that it is unusual for a black man to choose a woman darker of skin color than he is? If so, please take a trip to the Caribbean, will be a big eye opener, I hope....
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generic1977 says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
1st of all barak is bi-racial, i'm pretty sure if his father was asian,i doubt people would lable him as oriental, let just for once view the man(or anyman)on the strength of his actions,rather than branding him already! might be weird in sayin this but i feel constantly labeling barak as the 1st black president is a racial remark in itself! suffice to say if he does a terrible job as his bush did, i'm almost certain that label might sway from the african american ballots sayin "oh he wasnt really black he was bi-racial, and the whites sayin well he was black., its a humans common trait judging a book by its cover! once again please judge a man by his actions and not by what he looks like! time wil tell, barrack ws asked wat breed of dog he'll get for his daughters his reply was "possibly a mutt like me!" so please make it known he is a man who doesnt label himself to any group, he see's himself as a man a human being with a gift and a responsibilty to do a very important job, so leave tht labeling of 1st black president out, i'm pretty sure the man himself is getting tired of it too!
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Trinie says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
I think people look for reasons why they don't have a "man" in their lives..."All the good black men marry white women!". Whatever....maybe all those women who complain about black men marrying white women should look at themselves and figure out why someone ain't marrying them.
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cocohoneebee says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
I notice that everyone refers to Obama as being the first black president. Obama is biracial, and to me, that's an even bigger accomplishment than just being black. His wife is a beautiful black woman with class and dignity and smarts. Those whom Obama has chosen as his advisors and representatives also paint a picture of diversity and togetherness of all colors, backgrounds and expertise. Let's stop putting so much focus on skin color and start focusing on coming together as the great nation we were destined to be and work at getting back on top where we belong.
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canadiangc says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
"Whoopi Goldberg confessed to having been woken up by this ‘strange thought’ I guess that they have ignored the majority of succesful black males that are married to, get ready to be shocked.. black females!!!! What I get out of the article is that unless your a public, high profile person, then you don't count to the author.
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lagbaja61 says:Posted: 09 Feb 09
Obama is a very talented man and I wish him well, but here's what he has to get you CLOSE to...if you wanna know just how far behind the European Union you are...we work 36 hours a week, have around 20-30 days a year paid holiday plus public holiday, 6 months sick leave on full pay, great labour laws so no hire and fire, free medical and dental care, freedom of movement across the European Union...that means we need no visa or green card to travel, work and live in any European Union country and have full access to their health, education and social security, which in countries like the UK,Germany, France and Scandinavia are the envy of the world. We get paid much more than you - even in this recession £1 is still $1.50, so the US is dirt cheap for us. We don't have the inhumane death penalty. We have history, cultural diversity, languages, all within a 2-3 flight max. Oh yeah we also play proper football, not that crash helmet nonsense, and build the sleek performance cars you all prefer to the gas guzzling tin cans churned out in Detroit. American Dream? Ha! A myth! We're living the European Dream thank you!
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Teetee Hope you're having a good day today!!!. Point of correction and permission to disagree on your assessment of the origins and continued slavery in Africa. I happen to be born in Nigeria--country of reference in your article. The slavery systems in Africa can only be compared to the identured servants systems that occured in Europ, Asia, Africa, and numerous parts of the world. In that system, slaves were recognized as humans and were allowed to marry each other and have families. Anothe major d/f is that in some unique circumstances,the very poor willingly enslaved themselves for a certain period to the kings in exchange for protection, food, shelter, and other basice needs. The outcasts that you mentioned in your article are people who for religious rituals were offered to the gods were/are also allowed to marry and have families among themselves---this has more to do with religious rituals than free labor. On the contrary, however; the american slavery system was different as; it's primary motive was to ascertain free labor from a certain group of people based on race for as long as they could. There was also the notion of dehumanizing people by dehumanizing and stripping them their status as humans. American slaves were as animals and not belonging to the human family---they were actually considered as properties and the not allowed basic human right of marrying and establishing families; some experts maintain that the inability of the slaves to establish families continues to be the root cause of many of the dysfuntions that still persist in many african american families of today. I think it's totally wrong to compare prejudices, stereotypes, etc. to racism and slavery---while these factors may be related in terms of perception, they are by no means the same.