Black men, marrying black, marrying white
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“Barack Obama is one of the few men that we have seen who is a black man who has a very, very dark-skinned wife. She’s very dark skinned for normally what you see. And I wondered to myself, would he be electable if he had a white wife?” – Whoopi Goldberg confessed to having been woken up by this ‘strange thought’
There is this stereotype that once Black men become successful, they marry interracially as a sign that they have made it. Picture this: an influential, charming, attractive Black man with a Black woman in his arms. Now imagine the same man with a White woman in his arms. Does this change your perception of him? How and why?
In the video, Dr. France Twine wonders why it is perceived that a lot of Black men are marrying White women while in reality, the percentage of black man/white woman interracial relationships is totally on the lower side … unless the norm still is that they shouldn’t marry any? What do you think?
191 responses to "Black men, marrying black, marrying white"
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canub4me says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
I am so sick of the biracial word mess. If obama never told you his mother was white you would have called him black all day long! The brother got swaggah...As far as Michelle (She picked his ass...dont get it twisted cuz he was sweating her)!!, she is indeed very beautiful and she is not very dark...There are 36 shades of black skin and only 3 sheds of white skin (boring). As far as Whoopi...that chick needs an overhaul...!she look a hot mess.. As far as black men marrying anyone....white or black its far and few. A brother aint anxious to commit really and trust me... its a sista somewhere in the mix if he did it white! Maybe, the white girl like dark meat too! Just step up your game white boy...Did you know that because of Jack Dempson prostitution is illegal....He was a black boxer who all the white girls could get enough of. The man was so grand they took him out of the history books and I'm sure you know the Mandigo story. The moral of my story is that white girls have been facinated about a black man throughout time....I don't know what it is about a brotha,,,I must admit I love to see the body of a brother...the muscle tone, the different types of skin colors, its very different from a white guys muscle tone. Some look like black gods. How could any girl resist, black or white. I just find myself in a pond because there are too few go brothas to go around so I broaden my horizons and now I date out of my race...I could never have imagined this years ago. I have girl friends who can't get enough of a brotha...even if they have to share him with another 2 or 3 women they refuse to date out of there race. I did the numbers...I figure...can get white guys a dime-a- plentiful! Aint too many Obamas to go around....LOL
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Glock says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
Lala, how do you determine that I "forgot" that biracial is? Nor did I put down either "race". If NOPLAYER wants to find out why is there a color issue, go read the previous posts here. Tell us what your opinion is where "color" came into the picture. As far as your other statements, "if a fight breaks out and you have a black parent you are going to get your ass with the blacks and you know you would." That is by far one of the most rediculous comments I have read. Why do you suggest that a biracial person is going to automatically 'side' with the blacks? I know from personal experience my kids have seen more rejection from their black side of the family than they received from mine. Not one bit of brief from my side, not one. As far as your term "blackness" and "whiteness" perhaps you can enlighten me. What exactly is this 'condition'? I put you in the same catagory as Losha and Lala in the rediculousness of your comments. You basically want all those white folks to shut up when it comes to anything about race. You say you want open honest discussion but you really don't. You want them white folks to sit down shut up and listen. No difference of opinion allowed. Whites aren't allowed to have any opinions on the matter. Talk about you wanting an interracial relationship! Yeah as long as the other person doesn't have opinions! They just need to shut up! Maybe it's you NOPLAYER that needs to bail on the interracial dating. I have no problem discussing race or anything else. After all it's a freaking interracial dating site, do you think that race isn't going to be discussed? But you, Losha, and Lala you want us white folks to be quiet. Yes for some there is a long way to go. You should consider yourself one of them.
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homesteader says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
And I Love little baby ducks , old pickup trucks and rain
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homesteader says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
The three greatest liars ; are Politicians / who cannot make everyone Happy as they spend money that is not available - us being indebt , Used car salemen / who were not previously the only driver of the cars they sell and East Texas fishermen / who have always think they have caught More and Bigger fish than all others combined . Alas these are only my opinions / I leave this open for Debate ....
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homesteader says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
President Obama is his Proper Title , He Earned it . Anything else writen by a citizen of this country shows Disrespect and Lack of intelligence .
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
Why is color an issue ? Color is an issue because White Folks ( certainly not all but far too many )have made it an issue in this country for over 400 years. They say that for every EFFECT there's an CAUSE! The main thing ( COLOR )that was used to divided people for so long in this country, is now the thing that unites them. People now lean towards those that look like them. Once they come together, should they find their views are as different as apples and oranges, so be it. If you're out and about and fights break out, you automatically look for those that look like you and you draw towards them. If you're bi-racial and you have a black parent, you'd get your ass over with the blacks and you know you would. I know this sickness has crept into the blood stream of this country and it's not good and if healed it will destroy the country. Those of mixed ancestry ( blk & wht ) have a right to identify with both sides, finding full recognition and acceptance from both sides is another story. It shouldn't be a shock that many ( not all ) biracial ( blk & wht )identify more with their blackness than their whiteness. The rejection and unacknowledgment, while it can come from either side, many biracial people will tell you, it was their white side of the family that had problems with recognizing them. It warms my heart when I'm walking in the park here in Nurnberg, Germany, to see old German couples out running behind their mixed grandchildren and beeming with pride and love for their little ones. This color issue wasn't created over night and it wont go away over night, get used to it because it'll be here for a while. Looking at the responses on this blog really lets me know how far we've got to go. A few people on this blog are so closed minded, that I feel they'd do us all a big favor and leave IR dating alone. Just imagine having one of these clowns show up at a family cook out!
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Lala_ says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
chuckle away Glock, because in case you've forgotten(rather I say forgotten to care) Obama refers to himself as a black man. I hate how you people do that, this is why some people like me have so many problems growing up because of people like you. You forget that biracial simply means from two different ethnic backgrounds. Biracial could refer to Asian/white, Asian/black, etc etc. So saying biracial is sugar coating. Like I said, it is like saying George Washington isn't white, he's full raced. Like you're denouncing what the person is, in mine and Obama's case, it is a person of a black parent and a white parent. Which means half white/ half black, which means they are black and they are white. Notice how I'm not putting any side down right? But I don't like someone referring to someone like me as if I'm a being of no origin. Means I am a black woman and I am a white woman. Will not ever be accepted as a white woman, but I still love who I am. If I were say, half black half Asian it'd be much simpler, because then there's not that whole "white purity" thing to deal with. Anyway, like I said, chuckle along with your "white"(i'm tickled inside at the mere thought of saying that cause you're not in my opinion) full raced self. :)
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Lala_ says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
chuckle away Glock, because in case you've forgotten(rather I say forgotten to care) Obama refers to himself as a black man. I hate how you people do that, this is why some people like me have so many problems growing up because of people like you. You forget that biracial simply means from two different ethnic backgrounds. Biracial could refer to Asian/white, Asian/black, etc etc. So saying biracial is sugar coating. Like I said, it is like saying George Washington isn't white, he's full raced. Like you're denouncing what the person is, in mine and Obama's case, it is a person of a black parent and a white parent. Which means half white/ half black, which means they are black and they are white. Notice how I'm not putting any side down right? But I don't like someone referring to someone like me as if I'm a being of no origin. Means I am a black woman and I am a white woman. Will not ever be accepted as a white woman, but I still love who I am. If I were say, half black half Asian it'd be much simpler, because then there's not that whole "white purity" thing to deal with. Anyway, like I said, chuckle along with your "white"(i'm tickled inside at the mere thought of saying that cause you're not in my opinion) full raced self. lol. :)
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Ms.Yvette says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
People are entitled to their opinions....when you personally start attacking people...then you move away from the issues at hand....P.S. I'm sure, first Lady Mrs. Obama, could care less about your comments regarding her skin color and this website..
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Glock says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
Oppppps. I just realized that someone is going to assume I meant my last quote "black" (I still chuckle about that)" as meaning I laugh at having a black president. I was referring to the label "black" because he's not (in my opinion), he's bi-racial. I know someone was ready to trounce all over that and tell the website "See, see, I told ya, they're all racist" LOL
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Glock says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
Interesting. It appears that Losha is now the blog police. In her mind if a white man has an opinion and has the audacity to speak it he is a racist. Losha WHO CARES if you reported talnwhite1's to the website or not. The only thing I disagree with him on his last post was that the civil war was not about slavery. It was about states rights. Now if THAT strikes you as a "racist" comment, then report me too! I thought you were done posting on this blog anyway. So do I understand you now that since we do have a "black" (I still chuckle over that)president, he is immune to any criticism? LOL. He has no idea what criticism is. Bush got more criticism than any president I can remember, and deservedly so. Since you mentioned Obama's Harvard education, all it proves to me is that you can get a Harvard Law degree, edit the law journal and still not know a damn thing about the constitution or economics 101. Do not for one minute believe that you have to go an Ivy league university to be educated. I would LOVE to debate him. Of course that will never happen. Now, since we're all "waiting" for the website to make their decision about your DEMANDS",I wonder what they are going to do about your insinuation that talnwhite wears "white sheets". I have no problem debating the subject at hand, the issue or whatever it is that brings discussion and debates about the myriad of topics. But if you feel you are losing the argument and can't take it, don't stoop to calling someone a racist just because you can't defend your argument. That label gets SOOOOOO overused. If they ban talnwhite, then they had better ban me AND YOU as well and END the blogs...period.
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Losha says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
I just submitted a complaint ticket...please coffee and others that have been offended by this racist rant...go to the help page and submit a complaint. I will give then 48 hours to respond..then I am calling them. We don't have to pay money and read this garbage. I be damned!! I will cancel my subscription before I be a part of such craziness.
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Losha says:Posted: 14 Feb 09
It astounds me how racist these people are on this site are.Unbelieveable!! I am shocked. It doesn't matter whether you think Obama is qualified or not...HE IS OUR PRESIDENT. Get over it!! And what have you done lately? Are you a Harvard educated lawyer that is smart enough to edit law review? How many degrees do you have? That you can sit back and critique a man that can run circles around you..or do you think that affrimative action had something to do with it? My father served 2 tours in Viet Nam and served with black, whites or just plain Americans. When you have enemy shooting at your azz...who cares what color? Have you served your country in the military? And if you haven't, you have some damn nerve criticizing people who have or have not. You need to stop fronting and go ahead an wear those white sheets. The most bush was dumb as hell and thats why our country is in such dired straits. There are more Black soldiers besides the Tuskegee airmen..that served along dishonored their sacrifices with your biased as hell views. I will be filing a complaint with the owners of this site to monitor this mess and kick racist offensive views off this interracial love site. Please...for those of you that are offended by this bastard's it immediately!! I am mad as hell!!
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talnwhite1 says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
In response to coffee. You made a comment in your post that whites cannot see blacks being nothing but perceived as animals or something of that nature. You also made commments about how Obama was the best qualified candidate and that the Republicans are racist as well as Pres. Lincoln. 1-Over 600,000 white men died in the American Civil War. A war in which most historians say was to end slavery. The civil War occured in 1861-1865 under Pres. Lincoln's trem in office. Lincoln was a Republican. 2- Obama has NEVER held a job in the private sector in his entire life. He as ALWAYS been subsidized by the government in some way his entire life. Both as a child and an adult. He has never served in the military. He is now Commander in chief of not one, but two wars. Yet you mention Obama as the "more qualified candidate". 3- How can whites ever vote for a democrat candidate when there is rampant liberal racism? Let me give you a few facts. In 1971-1972 Pres. Nixon, a Republican, gave more tax money to the NAACP that any Pres. in US history before or since his term. Nixon is today considered a racist.The liberals enacted the Immigration and National Identity Act commonly known as part of the the "Civil Rights" bill. This restricts white european Immgration into the US. their are no other restrictions on any other racial group of people today. That was signed in 1964 under the Johnson administration, a liberal Democrat. He also instituted affirmative action programs which make it legal to discriminate against whites seeking employment, housing and entrance to colleges. As for your other comments- 4-Whites voted for white candidates for 200 years because they were the most qualified candidates. 5-As for German POW's in WW2. My father's cousin was a POW, all German by birth, and still fought in the US army. For 2 years he was held in North Africa under Rommel as a prisoner. Conditions were tough, but he was never tortured. You are probably reffering to the 500 or so Tuskegee airman that lost there lives in WW2 and have been made so popular in the media. Their sacrifices are very honorable. But what about the 500,000 plus casualities of white men who died in WW2 fighting for the US? Why are they not mentioned during black history month for ending racism? And before you say it that Germany started the war. Japan attacked the US on Dec 7 1941. The US declared war on Germany two weeks later.
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ngbabe says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Someone said it earlier---this subject has been beat to death so let's move on to bigger things---our economy is crumbling and people (blks, whts, yellow etc) are getting pink slips daily and all we can do is spend precious time making much ado about nothing that is outside of our control anyway!!! I assumed the fact that we are on this site implies we are open-minded individuals who refuse to operate within the box---judging from these personal attacks, boy, was I wrong or what?.
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homesteader says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
These were meant to be Discussions , not warring Debates . Personal attacks against anyone shows how Low We all can go . Phrases can and will be misinterpreted at times . If the Dog had not stopped / would he have caught the Rabbit ? No - dogs do not catch rabbits , they run them to the hunter with the Shotgun .
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coffee77 says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Glock - I do appreciate being able to respectfully disagree with you without you personally attacking me below the belt. That's my last comment, and if that other person wants to attack me again - have at it!
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xendau says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Coffee77 - Still need to remove your head huh? I wasnt "referring" to any of your "body parts". Its an expression, that I am sure a woman of your age is familiar with. But thank you for just confirming what was already obvious with your previous posts.
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coffee77 says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
As for as referring to my body parts - how sad to go so low Xendau, May God help you anyway.
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Cocosan says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Life is much too short to worry about skin color - there are far more pressing matters at hand! I have been with many people at their death and I don't recall any of them confessing or proclaiming thet they had married someone of the same race or that thhey were sorry they married someone of a different race! I am living my life so that everyday until my death I can exclaim that I am loved by a wonderful man!
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Glock says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Only Otter, no it shouldn't matter what his skin color. But as far as his doesn't matter what his promises are, legislation comes from congress not the executive. Many people think that the president can wave a magic wand and get what he wants. It doesn't work like that. And thank God it doesn't work like that, although we are inching that way ever so slowly. If the president says he is going to save jobs, he's lying. If he says he's going to save social security, he's lying and if he say he's going to put food on your table, he's lying. He doesn't have the power to do that and if he ever does get the (constitutional) power to do it, you only need to look at Cuba to see what kind of system we will have in America.
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only_otter says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Why should it matter? Black or White man elected into office who has a dark skinned or white wife. Who cares? Want to know what I care about? Is this man going to keep his promises? Am I going to have a job tomarrow? Is social security going to be there for me when I need it or in his pocket? Is he going to sell me out to the highest big business? Am I going to have food on the table to feed my family? Skin color? Big whoop!!!!!!!
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Glock says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Xendau, you by far have the best post on this thread! You said it all!
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Glock says:Posted: 13 Feb 09
Sure Coffee I'll answer your questions. As far as your quote "accusations against blacks" what exactly are you referring to? As far as labeling us "experts" in the voting patterns of blacks, those are your words not mine. I simply speculated and voiced an opinion. We all have opinions do we not? These blogs are filled with peoples opinions. In fact you just gave your opinion. Opinion can be based on fact or fiction, they can be wrong or correct. Are a couple of white guys voicing an opinion about black and white voting patterns now protected speech? Have I speculated why whites voted for only whites for over 200 hundred years, lol, ah.....NO. What would be the point in that. I do however speculate why they voted for a particular candidate back then versus fact...the same thing I'm doing here! This time there was a racial component added to the mix plus the difference (however slight) in political ideologies between the 2 candidates. That being said, I am not a republican (I'm sure much to your surprise) However back in 1996 and 2000 I did support Alen Keyes (Yeah! the black guy!). I'm sure you heard of him. He was the best candidate, at least in my book. He was a man who knew and spoke of the Constitution as the very basis of our government. Now you can NOT tell me there were many blacks that supported him! In fact I knew MANY whites who supported him. Keyes was not only vilified by black pundits but vertually ignored by the mainstream press. I also supported the black Libertarin candidate for Governor in Michigan a few years back. I voted for none of these men because they were black but rather what they stood for...a constitutional government. I have since totally abandoned voting for any republican in the future because I find them no different than the democrats. They do not support liberty and freedom. The libertarians do. Oppps now I'll probably get yelled at for being "too harsh" I'm now removing the last splinter...ouch!
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coffee77 says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
Yes, blacks were happy to vote for a qualified and able man of color, and they don't need to apologize for that. And yes, the stimulas spending is the biggest in history, but remember why it has to be big, the republicans made the biggest mess since the great depression. I notice must republicans always say, we will vote for a black - it's always something they would do in the future. And, if some white decides to vote for us now, they are supposedly carrying white guilt. You guys have all the answers, even though 99% of us have voted for whites, but you guys always plan to in the future in the sweet bye and bye, when you can find one of us who's worthy enough.
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coffee77 says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
I know this is not directly addressing the topic, but I wanted to address some of the accusations against blacks coming from a couple of bloggers here. It is so sad that a few bloggers here have made themselves experts as to why most blacks voted for Barack. Have you guys every speculated why whites have been content to vote for whites only for the past 200 years and, would have been happy to continue throughout the history of this world. Have you taken one moment to ask yourselves that question? Are all the logs out of your eyes, while you are trying to get a splinter out of our eyes? I was a republican for many years, but was surprised how much racism came to a fever pitch from the republicans over the past 2 years. I saw nothing but division for this country. President Obama and blacks have fully embraced Lincoln, though Lincoln still had racist beliefs. And, we have somewhat embraced those who treated us like animals, such as George Washington. And while you two are giving your “expert” information, name any other group of people who have embraced, fought and died for their country when their country hated them. And, the German prisoners of WWII were treated better than the black heroes of that same war, but that didn’t stop us from the Revolutionary War to the Iraq War. So you may want to think twice about supposedly pointing out “our faults” during this election. Can you vote or love someone who believes you are the same level as an animal.
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vt33 says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
It is embarrassing to see that in 2009 we still have so much hidden racism and contempt for color that it has to be blogged about. I think so many people blogging here missed Dr. Twines point. A brainwashing has occured and it seems to have affected black and whites literally. "Upgrading", it's what you do when you have achieved in your mind some level of affluence and you are ready for your life to reflect your accomplisment. The actually observation of the bloggers here, is who can prove who's point is right or wrong, when the reality is, so much contempt for "upgrading". There is no big secret to Dr. Twines observation that light black women have always been deemed beautiful, no doubt no argument. Its not a very hard thing to see in other cultures as well, look at Brazil, the darker brazilian is not considered beautiful no different in America right? I think the point people are missing here, President Obama choose the women who he felt "upgraded" him, she's educated, regal that's what he felt upgraded him. Of course he could have picked a million different women, but he choose the one who was a good fit for him, she "upgraded" him and he honored her with marriage and a beautiful life. Simple! Can anyone really speak on white blackmen marry white women, there are the sterotypes, the myths, legends and the what not. If anyone ever askes a black man who has afflunce why they marry white and not black, some may say white women are cultured. Ask black men who are not so affluent why they marry white women, they may say for opportunity or status. Ask a young black man, educated, affluent, why when he ask a young black woman with education, and affluent, why she won't marry him, he'll respond "her father felt I wasn't good enough". Many scenario's so much hype, and a lot of brainwashing into this subject. It still remains, black men and black women, still has issue with color and getting past light, to medium to dark. White America seems to be joining in on this issue, I think a good portion of you blogging here may have small children or know small children, it is now time to deprogram and help little minds know, black is very beautiful, it comes in many hues, and everyone is beautiful, but we need to stop directing and associating beauty with the lightest hue in the spectrum. I could sit here and point out many black notable women who aren't considered beautiful and many light hue black women who have found success. I think, we are all beautiful in our own little special way, if the world doesn't see it, we know why. Brainwashing! Ciao! just a thought folks no jibberish replys.
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homesteader says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
Let us get to the point of discussion ; Now that the President is Successful in his election . Will this success change the wife he has already choosen ? It was after the Fact on the original Topic and we talk like we have any Influence in a dead issue . Reading is for understanding the ignorance Desplayed by the V
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homesteader says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
One question ; Whose business is it as to the Presidents Wife , but the President himself ? Go ahead and make him Mad with your opinions . Just remember his other power is to Declare War on Insurgents who threaten United States Doctrine . He has the last word .
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
I'll continue from my last post, I accidently hit tne submit button. If she was very light skinned some of us still wouldn't be satisfied, so where does it end? I think alot of us need to work on our own skin color issues because too many of us or hung up on something that none of us had a choice in and that's our color or shade of our blackness. James
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
I wonder how many people have really watch the video at the beginning of this article? I have watched the video on this topic about five times and each time I gain something more out of it. I think it boils down to, " There's no right or wrong, only reality " when it comes to this topic. People will look at this topic and interpret it as it relates to them. I view President Obama having a black wife as validating, I can say, " see, not all sucessful blk men marry white women or almost white looking women" ! This whole thing is complex but it proves that in America we have a long way to go when it comes to issues of race and skin color. Imagery is real because, " seeing is believing ", so they say. As a blk person when you look at tv shows, music videos, movies and in magazines, most of the time sucessful blk men are pictured with very light skinned women and on a few occasions, white women. Don't tell me seeing is not believing because if it wasn't, then explain to me how did must black folks, (before we knew better) came to believe that JESUS was white? Because the pictures that were constanly threw up in our faces were pictures of a blonde haired, blued eyed and pale skin JESUS! Point made! Please let's not get into religon, I only used JESUS to explain how seeing something for so long can lead people to believe, that what they see is real or it's true. I uderstand why many brown or very dark skinned sister feel proud that President Obama has a brown skinned wife. Women who are very light skin may wonder why does it matter, well talk to your brown or dark skinned sisters and find out! As for why do some sucessful blk men end up with light skinned sisters or white women, it could be as simple as, that's who they fell in love with or it could be something else. Sucessful men fall victim to the same hype when it comes to the "markings of sucess" in this world. The Benz, the Rolex, the big house and yes, the light skinned beauty or a white woman. These are the things that's partrayed as the symbols of sucess in America. I can see how this imagery is harmful because if given to the extreme it can make those that don't have these things feel less than those that do. Why people do what they do, only they know. Marry the one you're in love with and let people think what they want. Hell, I'm grown and I'll marry who I deem worhty. If I married out of nothing but pure love or some other inclination or motivation, I know that time and the trials that come with being married, will make it known. It's bad when you have to defend the choice of your mate because of other people's hang-ups. If Mrs. Obama was very dark skinned ( Southern Sudan ) black folks would have something to say. If she was very light skinned You look at the music videos and wh
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Glock says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
To Tallnwhite, You do bring alot of factual statements. Most of what you say IS true. However I do think the republicans did themselves alot of damage because of their spending. GW did not cut the size or reduce spending at all. We can speculate on why whites voted for Obama, whether it was because they liked what he said, "white guilt", retailiate against Republicans or are just dedicated loyal democrats. Bottom line is that he would not have won if a whole lot of white people did not vote for him. As far as McCain not having experience? I don't believe I said anything about McCain not having experience. He's got tons of it. He just was the worst person the republicans could have picked. Good post Talnwhite! I would respond to "HUH?", if there was any factual basis for his/her post.
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MsBook512 says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
When Barack Obama announced that he would be running for president I was anxious to join the cause. I was more swayed by the fact that he was the product of a single parent home and had overcome the adversities of that existence. Also, I saw in him the same thing I see when I look at my daughter who is also mixed. I didn't see black and I didn't see white. I saw the future. I saw a future that was smart enough to figure out that over the last 200 plus years in America race has been used as a dividing force to prevent the working class from demanding equal access to education, equal access to health and equal access to a better standard of living. I saw the same thing that Joe Feagin had told me about in my college class on Race in America. I saw the same thing that Tim Wise lectures about on white inequality. I saw the same thing that Kevin Phillips talks about in his books American Theocracy and Bad Money: The american public has been co-opted by fear, division and hate for longer than necessary. About Obama in this article: To be honest, I think it's just great that he's married. It's nice that he's married to a black woman but I'd have been just as impressed if he'd been married to a woman who shared his same backgroud-someone who was mixed. What's ironic to me is that such a ferverent article about how significant that the 'black' president is married to a 'truly black woman' and extolls on the importance of what a statement the hue of her skin color makes about black relationships. Am I on the right website? I thought we were people who wanted to look past race or at least people who were self aware enough to push away from conformity and recognize that we are all human beings first before anything else. Yeah, okay, so Obama's not everyone's choice for president but he was the majority's choice. And maybe he'll do a great job as president or a so-so job as president and we can participate in hyperbole as much as we want but NONE OF US are president so we really don't know what we're talking about. Yeah, some black women would like to date black men and would like for black men to prefer black women over their 'other than' counterparts. Still other black women would just like to find a man who respects them and honors them irregardless of the color of their skin.
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talnwhite1 says:Posted: 12 Feb 09
This is the response to glock. Obama would have received more votes if he married a white woman. The reason is simple. It is trendy and in style. The majority, not all, but the majority of white people would kill there own children not to be labeled a racist in the USA. The majority of whites have no racial loyalty and everyone knows this. Whites have conceded power, their jobs, their culture, their women, everything since 1964-1965 when the immigration and national origin act was passed and it excludes Europeans from immigrating in mass numbers into the US. Within 100-150 years whites will disappear everywhere from the earth based on current UN projections. They are less than 8% of the world's population at present. That is why I believe Obama would have recieved more votes if his wife were white. It is in white people's nature to destroy themselves. Again, the majority, but not all. As for the Republicans spending and shooting themselves in the foot? Obama is in the process of spending more money in three weeks in office, than all 8 years of Bush's term combined! That also includes all spending on the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. Obama was also a Senator from Illinois who voted everytime, in perfect lock step, with Bush's spending proposed bills. He voted for the war in Iraq as well. In the USA the Senate and House have to have a majority vote and the President has veto power. That is how bills pass and currently both political parties are now going to pass legislation to spend $800 billion dollars more. That is more money than any country has spent in the history of the world. The US already has more debt than ALL of the countries of the world combined! This is just the icing on the cake. Now as for Mccain not having experience? Obama has never held a job in the private sector in his entire life. He has never served in the armed forces and has no military experience at all. This in the face of not one but two wars. Obama has been on a governemnt program or worked for a govt. agency his entire life! Based on this thin record he won the election for one reason only. Because he is black and McCain is white. Again the exit polls prove it. 98% of blacks voted for obama. 84-86% of Latinos voted for Obama. Not because he voted against the war, he voted for it. Not because he was better qualified. Simply because he is black and McCain is white. Can you base your reasoning on any statistics at all?
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homesteader says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Yes , all I see is the Greatest man in the Free world
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homesteader says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
May God Bless , President Barack Obama and his wife and Family . I think he is the 44 th President of this United States of America . Now if we all can stand for the changes promised / let's change ourselves and look to the Future , for Better days . People will always be just People . The Best Man won , Respect our President as his job is 24/7 - 365 days of the first year . Let him run his job for 4 years and we shall vote again , as to how Well he did in the First term . This Race to the finish has just begun .
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Endya says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Teetee, I'm responding to an email I received with your comments. I welcome your comments but I think you totally missed what I was stating. I'm well aware of what slavery is and why it was implemented here in the US. I think many of the prejudices and stereotypes did come from racism and slavery, which I believe is due to ignorance, hatred and insecurity of racist people. I know it was for financial gain at a lost to African Americans. Losha, I agree with you because this subject can go on and on.
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ngbabe says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Teetee Hope you're having a good day today!!!. Point of correction and permission to disagree on your assessment of the origins and continued slavery in Africa. I happen to be born in Nigeria--country of reference in your article. The slavery systems in Africa can only be compared to the identured servants systems that occured in Europ, Asia, Africa, and numerous parts of the world. In that system, slaves were recognized as humans and were allowed to marry each other and have families. Anothe major d/f is that in some unique circumstances,the very poor willingly enslaved themselves for a certain period to the kings in exchange for protection, food, shelter, and other basice needs. The outcasts that you mentioned in your article are people who for religious rituals were offered to the gods were/are also allowed to marry and have families among themselves---this has more to do with religious rituals than free labor. On the contrary, however; the american slavery system was different as; it's primary motive was to ascertain free labor from a certain group of people based on race for as long as they could. There was also the notion of dehumanizing people by dehumanizing and stripping them their status as humans. American slaves were as animals and not belonging to the human family---they were actually considered as properties and the not allowed basic human right of marrying and establishing families; some experts maintain that the inability of the slaves to establish families continues to be the root cause of many of the dysfuntions that still persist in many african american families of today. I think it's totally wrong to compare prejudices, stereotypes, etc. to racism and slavery---while these factors may be related in terms of perception, they are by no means the same.
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Losha says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
I am discontinuing this discussion, it has been beat to death.
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ngbabe says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
I was born in west african and moved to the united states as a teenager---I have to say since then, people have been trying to put me in some category or the other which 90% of the time, they are wrong. Race is not the only factor that separates: personally, as a black african, I find myself unable to identify with many african americans though we are of the same race based on the fact that we simply share d/f cultures. Americans I find, are generally fixiated on race/color--guess that's part of their heritage/value system. My position on the whole Obama race issue is that people need to stop the maddness and get on with reality--The fact is that blacks and whites are no longer the dorminant races in american or around the world. I wish both white and black americans could stop thinking and acting as though they're they only races in the WORLD.
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Teetee says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
If it wasn't for slavery (which by the way has been going on in African and Middle east for ages before the whites)I wonder if there would be racism? I also heard in some eastern part of Nigeria, some people are termed slaves for the gods, same color and all, some tribes must never marry them. In africa there is a battle of tribalism.One thing is sure Prejudice can never end.....
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Glock says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
It does depend on ones opinion on whether someone get's "lambasted" or not. Double standard? For some. I call it a difference of opinion, some call it something else. It depends on whether someone shares the "correct" opinion or not. "Critical think"? Yeah if it's "acceptable", and doesn't "offend" anyone. Lagbaja61 had a different opinion than anyone here and several had called him on it including me. Ednya, I saw a documentary named "One Blood" by a Dr. Ham. I personally do not believe in evolution but rather we were all created by God. He stated that Adam and Eve would have probably appeared as what we would call "bi-racial".
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dougiesmokes says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
God loves us ALL because He created us all; how can i do any less? since we are ALL His children, why does the color of skin matter? why does the color of one's skin even get mentioned? we are all His children; if you want to classify anyone, THAT is the ONLY class to put ALL of humanity into! God first loved us; therefore, love each other as you wish to be loved! if you truly want equality, you will love ALL people as you love you wish to be loved yourself! God is love! we are to love others as God loves us---UNCONDITIONALLY! if you do not know love, but want to, read the bible. in it, you will find God's Word. Jesus is your eternal salvation. in Him only, and in no other, will eternal salvation be found! "for God SO LOVED the WORLD, that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE in heaven!" John 3:16 how SWEET is that? eternal life with your Creator in heaven for all time? how can anything be any better? all you have to do is ASK for it! ask Jesus to save you! believe in Jesus as your personal savior from all sin, be baptized in His name, and be assured of eternal salvation! and it is FREE! such a deal! love all others, as God loves us all! God loves YOU, REGARDLESS! accept His love! it is FREE! if YOU want to speak to Jesus, do these: 1. find a private place. 2. bow your head and close your eyes. fold your hands together. 3. say this: "dear Jesus, please come into my heart and speak to me now, telling me how much you love me, and help me, a poor sinful being to be saved eternally! i pray in YOUR name, Jesus, AMEN!" may the Lord God Almighty bless you and keep you; may He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, may He lift His countenance upon you, and give you PEACE! AMEN!
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MichaelMN says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Hey GirlSixDiva, now be nice to Mr know how euro types can be so arrogant..and since they long ago elected a black man to...wait a minute...they never elected a black man or woman to anything...and as an entrepreneur I would surely want to be bound by idiotic labor laws forcing me to keep lost cause employees forever and even paying them to be off 6 months out of a year..yup..that'd surely create more productivity in my company...on second thought GirlSixDiva....kick his teach him how to play football, too..
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trail_hiker says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Instead of color let us use brain-power designation. Obama - Smart W - Empty head Schwarzenegger - Pin head Reagan - no comment - he is dead and so on
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cocoacutie says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Everyone is labeling Obama Black because Obama himself chose that designation. He prefers to be called Black as opposed to Bi-Racial. He decided on that designation over ten years ago.
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Endya says:Posted: 11 Feb 09
Sorry about the duplication. I'm new here and well I must have hit this submit thing a few times
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Well all We can say is that our grown children are Half n' half . Because my biological are white and her biological are black . Does this mean that because we married in our 50's that We should feel that Ours is any less of an Inter-racial Union ? May God Bless all people / The President and his Beautiful Family also . I myself on occasion dated inter-racially for 40 years and grew up watching the changes come about with growing education of this whole world . My Wife and I met here about 2 years ago and have been married almost that long . Due to my early Retirement , we spend 24/7 together . And only God knows if We shall ever have children born as of the nightly practice of Loving each other . Many changes I have seen in my lifetime , all moving in a Positive direction . Alas all Good things take time to grow . Change evolves with the help of many if not all peoples of this Earth . Many have died so that others could be free and men and women in Battle did not see color / they saw compatriots in their Choice of Freedom . This site is one way to enhance the Future of change and We still remain against each other at a stepping stone which has a start at better times to come . My final word today is to allow those that do not want change to find another dating site where they will fit in .