Civil rite denied!
Expected? Shocking? The decision handed down on Tuesday by the California Supreme Court on upholding the same-sex marriage ban takes away rights of homosexual citizens in this country. Don't they pay taxes? Don't they follow laws of the land? Aren't they outstanding citizens? So why was it hard to give them their well earned fundamental right - the right to marry - by virtue of being citizens in a country they live in and support?
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Imagine if someone took away your right to marry the person of your choice ... Much as we can't equate this to interracial marriages, can you imagine what would have happened if majority white voters had decided by the proposition to ban interracial marriage?
It is a sad day in America ... Its sad that people can be given the legal and political power to just vaporize other citizens' rights away. :-(
207 responses to "Civil rite denied!"
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kristent says:Posted: 10 Jul 09
Well I know I said I wouldn't be posting on this particular thread any longer, but I have been following the discussion and it appears I just can't help myself. I won't get into the debate, but it seems as if there are a lot of tempers running high. I certainly understand the emotional firestorm this topic can be. Everyone knows I'm not perfect, but I encourage everyone to remember that no matter what the other person says, debating is about invalidating the other person's argument, NOT the other person as a human being. Whether you believe in the Bible, or the Quran, or the Bhagavad Gita, or nothing at all, everyone is taught to treat others with respect and consideration. On the most current topic-just to weigh in with my personal life and not as a representation of anyone else-I was totally born queer. My first crush on a girl was in kindergarten. Her name was Adrian, and she was so beautiful; redhead with freckles and a little pixie nose. I agonized over how to invite her to my birthday party at the roller rink. Should I give her the invitation in person? But what if she says no- I would be crushed. Should I put it in her backpack? What if she doesn't check that pocket until the party is over and that's why she doesn't come? Oh, I was distraught! Of course I didn't realize until I was considerably older what my feelings for her meant, but looking back it was kind of a defining moment. :-) Anyway, I just hope everyone has had a chance to cool off and take a deep breath. Maximum respect to everyone. Love, One Happy Heathen
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miri2008 says:Posted: 09 Jul 09
Interesting perspective Yoyo : ) but, IMHO, what the Bible has to say on the subject is actually the basis for many people's stated opinions and views on the matter, here and elsewhere. And, in the same way that some site research artcles and other sources, I have simply posted the actual content of the reference that many people on this very blog are alluding to. I suppose if I were in the Middle East I'd be quoting the Q'uoran, but since I'm in America (... you know... pilgrims, puritans, and what not...) I'm quoting the Bible ; )
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Glock says:Posted: 09 Jul 09
I disagree yoyo99. Regardless of anyones religious beliefs, the Bible does represent a legitamate part of the marriage debate for many people. Disregding the Bible in this debate would be the same as telling someone who is gay to disregard what "so-called" experts say in regards to the "born gay" argument. Are the arguments of the so-called experts today to be held in higher regard because they are "contemporary" or politically correct versus what was said 2000 years ago? Is it not up to the individual to decide for themselves based on their beliefs, and choose "opinions" from either today or long ago? So when you say "We are neither born heterosexual nor gay...", who's "opinion" is that?
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homesteader says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
yoyo99 ; We were all born naked is a Fact , the separation of Church and State in the United States Gov't is also a Fact and we are all born equal is another Fact . Fact is opinions are Knot always governed by Reasoning . People tend to carry their Bibles on the dashboard of cars when they go to vote and their cold beer in the cooler .
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homesteader says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
Knot - because " [ well one I can think of off the top of my head ] " seems to go with the flow - Knothead if you didn't understand . Please allow me to allow you to go back to the centuries past . Along with the other Historians here without Proper Degrees , who only tell what they read in Gov't schools from books written by others who make mistakes as they heard it through the Grapevine / and did not live in that part of times past . I am a Has been / I Has been a Truck driver . LOL . And I got nuthin else to do .
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FearlessCrusader says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
Miri, don't feel bad about getting in late - your post will undoubedly incite many new responses. You can expect rebuttals from heathens who don't know that the Bible was written by the one who created mankind and who therefore has the right to tell us what is right and what is wrong. But we just have to be patient and bear with them. As God Himself said, "The preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish." Or as Jesus Himself said, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." And of course you'll have comments on "hot air" from the world's foremost authority on such.
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homesteader says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
Our Cast Iron pots are Black , I drove while others slept for many years and most generally awake about 1:30 A.M. . My logbook generally started at Midnight [ less traffic ] . To read what has been addressed to my Handle and about 4:00 A.M. after about a pot of Hot Black coffee start to respond . My Wife on the other hand Desires to Sleep at this early morning hours , so being the Gentleman , I am I allow her to . Or as she has told me more than once , she will take a frying pan to my Black Ass . If I don't get out of the kitchen and stop rattling pans . As I Was a Professional Chef in my younger years and fed as many as two thousand people a day . Also a member of the American Bakers and Confectioneers Union for several years and We worked early morning hours also . Being I Love her , I try real hard to listen . You on the other hand when / You tell me what to do , I really don't give a flying #^#% . I spend 11 or 12 hours a day on my computer , talking with Many others and taking care of My Business . We have a Full Life Together 24/7 , alas at times We work alone . I have always been a people / person . A Christian , who turned the other cheek , TOO MANY TIMES . My Wife has been working to change that , alas it is Hard to teach an Old Dog / New Tricks . This Blog topic is about California and the vote to abolish Gay Rights . Try admitting to the topic at hand . And as you still say " I can't decipher " / Why the Hades don't you leave me alone ? This computer is my Retirement Life , Thank you . I do knot remember ever Make King a Mistake as being an Adult with Freedom of Choice . I shall do as I darned well Please .
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Glock says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
Two post for me today huh Homesteader? Why thank you. Still see you're rambling again and calling the kettle black (it's 'not' rather than 'knot'). I can admit to a mistake, you have difficulties with it. Rest of your post, I can't decipher and could care less. Go spend time with your wife instead of your computer.
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yoyo99 says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
A gay inter-racial that's something to celebrate !!
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yoyo99 says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
IMO: We all make choices, we are neither born heterosexual nor gay - we make the choices on who we are sexually and emotionally attracted to depending the external environments and influences in which we are raised and live. Everyone has equal equal access to their 'rights' and 'rites'. Quoting the Bible is hardly a valid arguement - it's merely stating what the authors views were, which may or may or not have reflected the prevalent view of society in their day. Qoting the Bible is no more valid than quoting the Q'uran, The Meditations of the Dalai Lama or George Orwell's 1984 - unless someone wishes to start a new blog on the sovreignty of the Bible I suggest we leave it out of this discussion Finally, it's pretty sad to see how a discussion on gay marriages can deteriorate into an arguement about race - when will we ever learn!
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elliot says:Posted: 08 Jul 09
A blog is an expression of opinion, but a blog is also meant to debate controversial opinions. If you did not want your comments responded to then simply do not post them. I urge you not to make false accusation which have no merit behind them as you apparently do not know the difference between a response on a post and the serious offense you have incenuated me off. I will say that if you imply that a responsive blog debating your view is creepy then perhaps you might need counseling for some unfortunate incident in your past involving men. After you last false accusation I can see why you are single now, your very ugly on the inside.
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homesteader says:Posted: 07 Jul 09
And I post my comments about topics while My wife is sleeping Peacefully . And glock , I did knot Research back to 2007 , for a statement that you made a couple weeks ago in a Blog topic Dated 4/16/2007 [ What will be the Largest minority in the United States in the year 2015 ] Don't Flatter yourself your memory sure nuff is short winded . Go see your Doctor and have it checked before it gets any worse . Hot air for sure or is that your Feeble Attempt to embarrass Me in a Public Forum . Go back and re-read your History books . Seems that is why you comment on Blog topics . We Won on this site, you on the other hand still tell of things they tried to teach you in Gov't school that . You / yourself claim to knot believe .
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homesteader says:Posted: 07 Jul 09
In my comment made - " Offensive " was knot about the comment made , but the implied notion that calling another person's responses " Ignorant " in an open forum / While being Blind to the other persons Educational Abilities . History teachers' Degrees in the State of Texas take 6 years of study and Hard work to Earn . Those that preach History in a Present day Date Ting site , without Valid Credentuals are just Spouting Hot Air . Adult is being educated enough to Investigate fully prior to Degradation of others opinions . " Meaningless " because one dones not understand anothers written word . The proper spelling of Sentence , may help to prove your point / glock American Citizens ; be they straight , gay , orange , purple or grey Should have the same rite to marry whom ever they choose , in My Opinion .
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miri2008 says:Posted: 07 Jul 09
Man, I always get to these things way late! lol... anyhow... we are all stating our opinions here... mine is not intended to offend anyone, but since this is such a touchy subject for many people, no doubt it will... a position on this subject is mostly based on how much stock a person places on biblical principles...or not. Biblical principles tell me that a gay lifestyle is not what God has designed for us... New Internaltion Version (NIV) Bible Romans 1:18-32 '18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.' okay... here goes... just remember I just cut it from the Bible and pasted it here : )
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Glock says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
Did Nandi go to far? Why would ask that? And why ask people if they felt her comments were offensive? People really need to get over this whole thing about finding someones statements as "offensive". We're adults here (well except for one I can think of off the top of my head) and as such should be able to have discussion about different topics without someone claiming a comment was offensive. I've always found Nandi's comments short and to the point. I also like the fact that she can make a point in one or two posts and not post literally hundreds of meaningless one sentense posts in an attempt to make a point.
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Glock says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
MissSofia, I would disagree with your statement that homesexuality is not a choice. Although I am far from an "expert" on the topic, I do know there are many scientist and researchers who still disagree on whether its a choice or if they're born that way. So this part of the debate is still unknown. Personally speaking, I believe it's a choice.
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homesteader says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
Nandi ; I see a very limited vocabulary in one who claims your responses to be ignorant . As he claims to be educated , yet repeatedly uses the same two words which start with an A . [ African American ] if it got missed in his rantings . There are millions of other race combinations in the world today , almost as many as there are people / Why only speak of one ? It shows Bigotry in his words / Continually .
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homesteader says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
M.Elliot ; The Blog Topic was " Civil Rite Denied " as pretaining to rights of Citizens of California of a similiar sex to be married . My own Father , who was born of Polish Heritage in the United States of America / Making him an American Citizen from birth . Had to leave school before graduating because he was needed to fight for - Our Freedoms to live Free from oppression . Due to the power called " the Third Reich " . Had a limited education because of his duty to the country in which he was born [ Army Air Force ] . His mental anguish from the Freezing Cold sitting in a glass bubble with German fighter planes trying to shoot down , the bomber which he shot back to protect . And you talk of Ice Cream sales where people used their right of choice to purchase where they felt it tasted better . It is Highly Offensive to me to listen to your rants - off topic . My Father married a woman of his own color , Went on to Management in a typewriter factory in which my Mother worked piecework on machines . In order to support Our family . You blame lack of education on Slavery . I blame circumstances for Denied education to others . Growing up Poor , I myself washed dishes for a living at less than minimum wages . Alas by cleaning the cooks kettles and cooking tools / Really clean . I was provided with Excellient Meals everyday . I , Aqquired my Education in the Trades with Diplomas from two different States . Only because , I got off my Ass and worked for it . Knot because anyone gave it to Me . And I did this while being severely Disabled at the age of 18 . I blame no-one but Myself for what I could not Earn , I did knot turn to illegal ways to make a living . God Retired Me at the age of 52 with a Massive Heart Attack , because He saw it was My time to Relax . In todays World as I see daily / Those that work earnestly at their jobs . Live better than those that blame Injustices of the past centuries for their problems today .
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fadedsuede says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
Nandi: The reason why I said what I did about polygamists was because of the potential for setting a legal precedent by gays for subsequent use by polygamists. If Gays can successfully argue in court for their "rights" to marriage (by arguing / redefining the definition of marriage) it could set a precedent for subsequent arbitration by polygamist groups. I didnt say gays are wanting to become polygamists. People need to look further into the issue of how the courts work and how a new legal ruling can have a "domino-effect" into related legal rulings in the future.
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Nandi says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
M. Elliot, could you stop posting to me, you are coming across and an internet stalker type, you know with miseducation, rants not germaine to the topic, skewed history lessons and logic and NO Latinos have not surpassed African-Americans in AIDS or teen pregnancies..Why lie, except to irritate and not intelligent dialogue.
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Nandi says:Posted: 06 Jul 09
M. elliot and I urge you to re-educate yourself and atleast update yourself to the year 2009 and no I am not aware of Black men being sold off in 2009, leaving behind single moms. Personally, your rant is so skewed, however if this is your mantra, you should be about it and stop taking about shyt that in 2009 doesn't matter. Because of history, an intelligent Black people would go after what is available now and honor their ancestry by taking advantage of the many options they have now...Life moves forward not backwards. BTW, role models are for emotionally needy people, sorry not me...But you should get one... And for the record, I posted my initial response by someone black who pointed out hyprocrisy in the Black communities...You know with down low men, who are spreading AIDS and fast as creating unsupported babies. I still stand that God surely disapproves..
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
I am knot the least bit care - ing for mis-spelled words as I carry not any kind of Psycho - related Degree as others do . Our daughter is the English Teacher in the Family . I , myself " Learned common sense " on the Streets of Life talking to other people for the past 43 years since I turned 18 . Not from the opinions of Books written by others from Textbooks they read to get a 4 year degree .
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
Intelligent People only tell of what they see in their opinions , People who Quote History only tell of what they read from long ago . I believe in the year 2009 / Most people have read Newspapers , daily . Which tell of more recent actions and reactions involving the Medical state of the World . Nandi has a right to her opinion , as do the rest of Us . American Citizens have the right to Happiness as they see fit . To all you Christians / Judge not for Yee shall be Juged is how I was raised to understand Gods' word . M.Elliot ; by your drawn out comments , I do not Believe there is any Educational Information present .
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M.Elliot says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
Nandi, I would urge you to first educate yourself on African American history before spouting of your ignorant responses. Secondly, I would urge you not to not use a racial group in a negaive light to get your point across. If you meant to say one who sins shoul dnot judge others then you could have said it without making an outlandish attempt in poor taste to make a negative comment regarding African Amerians. I have read comments on this blog pro and against the topic of debate. These comments were posted by people of all races and ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, I fail to see why you would feel the need to only point out African Americans and in a negative light. If your going to find fault at least be consistent and equal in your fault finding, but to only point out the misgivings of African Americans makes you a small and petty coward especially when the problem of African American women single mothers and is not at issue in this blog. Did you ever consider that African American women in America have always large inpart been single mothers because of the system of chattel slavery whch often lead to fathers being sold off. In short the history of Africans in this country began with single parent mothers. I also see that living in your fantasy world you did make understand the statement regarding the impact of many African American youth never seeing positive role models and therefore in the absense of such role models ignorantly admiring the only men who are present whih happes to be men of low moral character. I would urge you to read more carefully because I never stated in my first writing that African Americans AIDS statistics fell, I only re-educated you to the fact the Latino Americans hav enow surpasses Africans regarding teen pregancy rates in America. I only pointed this out because you were inaccurate in your comment that if you were consistent instead of bashing only African Americas especially Black women you might have reported that Latinos had overtaken African Americans in this category. I urge other to chime in and tell me were Nandi;s statments regarding a race neutral topic appropriate when peoples of all races and ethnic groups reported on the matter. I especially as African American women to tell me if you found her comments offensive if you were or are a single mother when their ae single mothers of all races and the topic of conversation was not on single mothers or African Americas and their problems ut gay marriage. Did Nandi go to far?
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FearlessCrusader says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
Laugh Sailor, your June 10 response to Tallnwhite1 pretty much proved his point. The countries you listed were once some of the greatest civilizations on earth, but where are they now? Some of them no longer exist; others are just now coming out of their own "dark ages" and rejoining the rest of the world in modern times.
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Nandi says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
Personally, I do not understand the polygamy aspect. Homosexuals are not asking for plural marriages/civil unions. And there is a big difference between consenting adults marrying and children marrying old farts. It makes about as much sense and some folks believing that if priests were allowed to marry, they would stop molesting little boys... BTW, In many states girls can marry with parental consent as young as 14 years old already, so that is already happening and has been for quite some time.
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MissSofia says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
For everyone's info whether u agree or not...being gay is NOT a choice...someone doesnt just get up one day and say "o i think I'll be gay today" the truth is gays struggle their entire lives, most lose family and friend bonds wen they come out wit wat they felt since they were kids...they have a hard time strugglin to accept themselves wen the world doesnt and is always demonizing, lowerin, and hurtin them. they are livin in fear, discrimination, and pain. Now no matter where u stand please dont say being gay is a choice..coz its offensive to gays and it undermines their struggles, and their pain. please ask gay people wat it feels like to be gay before u judge them this is in general and not commentin on any 1 person. p.s. I'm straight
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Nandi says:Posted: 05 Jul 09
M. Elliot, I am offended by your skewed logic and long winded offense of something I did not say, I never compared African-Americans to "other progressive groups" Whatever that means! The rest of your rant I took as you having a brain fart...Thanks for your interpretation of a history lesson, being that it is history...Don't get it And I don't you can speak on the mental state of people in terms of teen pregnancies, AIDS and STDS and no Latinos are not the leading AIDS cases, it is African-Americans. You should check your facts...This is 2009 I believe you would be the only one to describe thugs, dope dealers and disease carriers as "strong black men". Racism does exist and will not go away, still did not stop a African-American from being elected President of the United States...I guess one just have to make it happen for themselves...I would imagine you do not know the difference between electing to have a child out of wedlock, premartial sex and the argument that gay marriages is a sin, escapes you...But I positive that premartial sex/fornication is a sin also....So, one shouldn't bring out the bible for others, while ignoring their own transgressions...That was the point and in that same bible no one can condemn and judge another, that was the other point. The major point was in the USA, church is supposedly seperate from state at all times... The rest of your rant is so ridiculous, it is not is worthy of an reply other than to say, I sorry you feel that way about your self, but if you think a terminal case of AIDS is the way out, and will enhance your sense of self-worth...Well that is your perogative.
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surprised says:Posted: 04 Jul 09
MARRIAGE IS A BIBLICAL CONCEPT, is is designed to bring God into the relationship. Guess what God doesn't want any part of Gay marriage! Have a civil union and leave marraige for a man and woman!!!!
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Kanzan says:Posted: 04 Jul 09
While my comment may be taken "off color" (no pun intended), I am speaking only to bring a thought to mind: If gay men and women are legally allowed to marry, with all the rights bestowed to them that were once only granted to heterosexual partners, then there is the "risk" that polygamists would be allowed to practice their beliefs about marriage as well. In similar fashion, older men (40 - 50 year old men) would be allowed to marry teenage daughters of parents who gave "signed approval" to such an arrangement, as is the practice in some Middle Eastern countries. Now me personally, I dont get too worked up about gays getting married; there are many issues in America more important to get worked up about. However, I do think that the "definition" of marriage will change over the next few decades to include what I discussed previously all because of the gay marriage issue.
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M.Elliot says:Posted: 03 Jul 09
Nandi, As an African American I find it highly offensive that you would post a comment without investigating the mitigating circumstances which have lead to African Americans not being as progressive as other races in the United States. It is easy to point a finger at African Americans and say they are he cause of their own circumstances, but I ask you to consider these factors Nandi. When looking at the conditions of Africans Americans post slavery in America the freed slave faced several conditions. The most important condition I will touch on is education. Their was a great debate among African Americans as to what type of Education the newly freed slaves should receive. For many African Americans a practical education in trade and the service industry was notunthinkabble and often frowned upon. The African American elite wanted African Americans to receive an education similar to their European American counterparts. The problem with such an education is that it proved useless for the African American to receive a advanced degree in subject matters that offfered no oportunity for employment in still racially segregated America. Many of these African Americans with advanced degrees in literature, science, art, ect... would accept a menial post and feel happy to receive minimum wage in their feild. For instance a frican American business managment major whose parents were by trade laundry washers would take a menial job at European American Industrial laundry center sweeping floors and be thankful. These miseducated graduates would frown upon the idea of returning to their parents small business and using their degree to advance their parents small operation making it more successful. A farmer son would take his Agriculture degree and get a minimumm wage job at a harvesting center rather than take his knowledge back to his fathers farm and use it to exploit the land to grown a larger harvest resulting in higher income to buy more land to farm. Due to the large number of African Americas geting college degrees post slavery and fnding out that in a still segregated America opportunity for well paying jobs in companies still was not readily possible many African Aericans becae disillusioned with the European American system of education. The realization that their their new degree tile still earned them the same amount as the uneducated African Amerian picking fruit. This disillusionment lead to a movement away from advanced degrees and education all together. many African Americans of those generations felt an were to a large extent right about the fat that no matter what degree they obtained the would still be relegated to certian forms of employment. Growing up under the beleif that no matter how hard you work or aspire to be something you will be locked out of the American dream can have a negative impact upon generations. A total rejection of a practical eduction to return scholrs back to their rurual farming communities or urban cities lead to apply their education to the advancement of African Americans internally was at large frowned upon. Although it has always been conceived that no people have ever ascended to prosperity without internally building their prosperity, the impact of slavery and segregation still left many mental scar among African Americans. This idea turned on the beleif that in orer to push forward as a people African Americans must only consider working for European Americans rather than opening their own banks, grocery stores, harvesting palnts, ect. . . mental slavery would lead African Americans into the idea of mutual self destruction of their own communities. Resentment for African Americans who did attempt to start small business was often found amongst African Americans. For instance an African American who wished to start selling ice Within his own community would face many African Americas willing to travel 3 miles away to the European American grocery store to purchase ice because they felt the European Americans ice was colder or their honey was sweeter. This type of mental slavery takes year to wash away because it has been passse down from generation to generation. Only recently in america have African Americans began to feel that they have the opportnity to be anything they want to be. That was not always so. My parents attended aegregatd high schools. College down souh was not an option for them as they had to travel up north to be educated att the desegregated universities. These are my parents not my ancestors 10 generations removed. The mental scars are still present in America amongst African Americans. My parents were a lucky few who mad it out of the cycle of abject hoplesness many African Ameircans endured. However, what you speak of regarding Aids and teen pregnancies is the despair of generations who were told they were worthless. This self hate and the feeling of nothingness would lead African Americans to take and sell drus within the comunity for profit. Such self hate would cause women and to grow up fatherless in neighborhoods where the only sucessful African Americans they ever saw were Pimps Drug Dealers, or Atheletes. Such conditions would make a young woman or man view these men as heroes. Seeking a way out of poverty women choose these men to date because these men are what they define as strong African American men struggling against the oppressive system Many men would gravitate towards these father figure men because no other positive African American men are around. These single mother pregnacies you speak of are often the children of incarcerated men or drug dealers who place these women on scholarship. The AIDS epidemic you speak of is a direct product of the heroine inner city drug epideic of injecting heroine with an already infected needle or unprotected sex. It is not the knowingly, willingly, and purposefully intention of these African American to contract AIDS it is simply a lack of self worth and a feeling that thy have nothing to live for that leads o such decisions. I urge you to reconsider those harsh and cruel remarks you made regarding African Americans. Consider that if your anestors had been captured instead of those you speak so harshly of you might very well be in aerica tryin to overcome those conditions aformentioned Lastly I would also educate you to the idea that Latino Americas now top the chart in single mother pregnancy. Furthermore, I fail to see how a choice to have a child relates to Gay marriage
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Glock says:Posted: 01 Jul 09
Homesteader, you're such a loser. I could care less if you're married or not, it's clear that you spend very little time with her because you spend all your time here blogging. Hell, you spend time going all the way back to 2007!! to find something (what it is I don't even care!). I'm flattered that I am such an interest in your life that you would go to the length of RESEARCHING all the posts for the last 2 years to find something I wrote!!! But you're not my type, you're white and male. So please find someone or something to occupy your time, say, maybe your WIFE!! She might appreciate it if her husband actually spent time with her instead of a website?? Talk about me being single? So is your wife!! YOU get a life. But as far as these rediculous rants of yours, go ahead and post all you want. I'm done wasting my time with you and your rediculous and stupid posts. I may be single, but I certainly have more of a life than you.
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Nandi says:Posted: 30 Jun 09
takinitall, Great post! I am amazed at the hyprocrisy of religious folks, all sin is equal sin.. It really is a shame that, but for hyprocrisy, ignorance and bigotry..Black America would not have the AIDS cases they have, nor the teen pregnancies or single mothers Because I am sure God disapproves. Which is why I am for anything that seperate church from state.
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homesteader says:Posted: 30 Jun 09
As per your recent comment on the April 16, 2007 Blog , glock
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homesteader says:Posted: 30 Jun 09
Facts / only the Truth Hurts . I was Successful in my Search . As We live in the Present and look forward to a very very very Profitable Future for Us Together . I did knot Preach or try to give History Lessons and I do knot sleep alone . I found a Wife here / Seems to Us you are looking for a Slave - Mr. Slave Trader . Best of Luck in your search .
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Nandi says:Posted: 30 Jun 09
What a pity that others feel because of their own disapproval, it is okay to deny others. All marriages are civil unions. With or without the religious factors and no state should uphold bans against anyone based on religious beliefs.. Just because a person disapproves of another, what gives them the right to deny others...Never could get that point. Homosexuality is not a matter of choice for the majority of them and why is it anyone business. If you do not approve of homosexuality, than do not engage in same sex, sex...I am a person of faith, my faith tells me not to judge others, no one of faith can condemn another, since they do not know themselves if they are going to heaven or hell. I believe Jesus and God can handle judgement day...Why is it that "religious people" are the biggest haters? Go figure...Which only proves you do not need religion to have morals, standards and compassion...At this rate, if I make it to heaven, I just might be bunked out with RuPaul, Elton John and Bill Maher. However, I think the gay communities should go with civil unions for the sake of arguments, eventually the heterosexuals with hi-jacked the civil union concept and the term marriage will only matter if one wants it to, kinda like marriage today, which usually ends up in civl court for dissolution of marriage..Go figure
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Glock says:Posted: 28 Jun 09
Typical Homesteader response. Practice what you preach Homesteader.
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homesteader says:Posted: 27 Jun 09
glock ; when you grow up and quit calling names on other blogs . Maybe someone will marry you , meanwhile the only name I will call you is " Child ". I could never be Jealous of one who still hides in the closet with Fearless Crusader at his side . You boys behave .
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jack47 says:Posted: 23 Jun 09
I find it amazing that people still, to this day, refer to being gay as a "choice". I don't know of anyone who would willing choose to be ostracized by their own society, to be denied some of the basic rights that are freely given to other members of that society based on their sexual "choice", to actually place themselves in a lifestyle where certain people would consider them less than human and, in some cases, murder them because of their "chosen" lifestyle. This is a choice? Didn't the Declaration state that American citizens are allowed "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? Are gay and lesbian citizens who work jobs, pay taxes, own property, not allowed those same rights? Isn't being married to someone you love part of that "pursuit"? Why are we trying to "protect" the institution of marriage? Do you really think that the heterosexual community has done such a great job of protecting it? Not in my estimation. I also find it amazing when people bring "god" into the question. This is the self same being who's name was used to torture and burn people during the Spanish Inqusition, whose name was combined with Manifest Destiny as an excuse to destroy the Native Americans across this country. And this is the entity people turn to for a decision on this subject? No wonder reality tv is so popular.
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Tim says:Posted: 23 Jun 09
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ngbabe says:Posted: 23 Jun 09
Fearless crusader Thanks for being a gentleman---Some of the guys on this site could learn a thing or two from you lol Laugh_sailor I hope you don't think because you have an undergraduate degree in political science that you're now a constitutional expert. Try making your point w/out claiming expertise in the law unless of course you're an attorney and a constitutional one for that matter.There are many people on this site, myself included who possess far more advanced degrees but chose not to use this site as a forum to brag about our academic achievements.I was also wondering if by any chance you're a closet gay man--because u seem to lack objectivity in your arguments!!!
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Glock says:Posted: 23 Jun 09
Homesteader you bring it on yourself. The only reason I respond to anything you say is because you attack my comments. Then you want to claim some kind of innocence. You make statements, then contradict them almost immediately. Yet you ridicule anyone who disagrees with you. You deride people for actually knowing something about that which they speak. Then do the same thing. Perhaps jealousy? Personally I do not view your comments as "The top of being important" And if you call that teaching, then your message is lost in a cloud. And to answer you "question"; Every day.
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mahogany2007 says:Posted: 22 Jun 09
I am not a Christian and have no religious affiliation whatsoever, but believe the only legally recognized union should be between a heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman.
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Dawnshyne says:Posted: 22 Jun 09
WOW, I seemingly have missed an extremely spirited discussion. I have to agree with takinitall, I too noticed the similarities in those who chose to support the marriage ban and was disappointed along with you. I am also going to agree with the sistah whose opinion was that it was this teaching and thinking that is helping to perpetuate the rising number of HIV infections in the black community. We alienate and hate amoungst ourselves the worse it seems. Please let's leave the judging for the One qualified to do such a thing. Peace
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homesteader says:Posted: 22 Jun 09
P.S. glock when I write my opinions online speaking to the World at Large , I try to be Honest and informative in my Statements . Maybe throwing in an alternate spelling of some words to draw Special Attension . As I feel that what I write is viewed by so many that it rates at the Top of being " Important " teaching others what I have Learned about life . Also I always have something to do while Reading others opinions and weighing on my Personal Scale if they Really have anything to say . I Learn something New everyday . My opinion of Rereading books that I read in prior years is only for Refreshing my memory on topics that I have already Learned . My Questions this morning ; How many times do we have to reread the Constitution to know that the First Ten Amendments are called " The Bill of Rights " ? or reread the Bible to know that God created Heaven and Earth and Me in his own image ?
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fkoi says:Posted: 21 Jun 09
Homesteader, Your way with words is sometimes a zen poem. Your last was just such. I even had to think for a minute what I had said that would elicit such a response. I can't remember if you are a father but I am, so Happy Fathers' Day
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The statement about being born neither gay or heterosexual is my own opinion and should not be taken as fact. As yet I haven't come across any persuasive scientific evidence to prove one or the other, so until then I just base my opinion on my own limted knowledge and experience. I agree that the Bible is relevant to the debate and actually forms the basis of many peoples views - I believe it to be a powerful political proclamation of how humankind should live in harmony and mutual servitude. My objection is to Biblical quotations being presented as fact or truth or the 'Word of God'... God's Word is revealed in many forms and I think that such Biblical statements should be considered in the debate only as one of many varied opinions.