Dirty Jobs and Peripatetic Moments - Mike Rowe {AUDIO}
Photo credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com
Did you know our guest on today's episode, Mike Rowe of Discovery Channel series Dirty Jobs started his show business career in opera — to get women? That's right.
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Apparently, Mike has seen some stuff. Much as most of us recognize him from Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe has waded waist-deep in human sewage, replaced hardware on bridges at dizzying heights, castrated lambs with his teeth, and everything in between.
This episode is going to be interesting I tell you.
So, you better listen to it in its entirety to learn more about what word Mike hopes this interview will help reintroduce into the popular lexicon, how Mike may have once violated the Prime Directive with a Sony Walkman and a Soundgarden album, the power of euphemism, how sewer workers once saved Mike’s dignity, and lots more.
Listen, learn, and enjoy!
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