Do kids judge others based on skin color?

Posted by Ria, 16 Sep

How many White people are nice? (Almost all) (A lot) (Some) (Not many) (None)

How many Black people are nice? (Almost all) (A lot) (Some) (Not many) (None)

These are the questions that Birgitte Vittrup of the Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas asked Caucasian children between 5 and 7 years of age as a Racial Attitude Measure. Other 20 adjectives used to replace “nice” were adjectives like "dishonest," "pretty," "curious," and "snobby."

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Vittrup sent a third of the families home with multiculturally themed videos for a week, such as an episode of Sesame Street in which characters visit an African-American family's home, and an episode of Little Bill, where the entire neighborhood comes together to clean the local park… a second group of families got the videos, and Vittrup told these parents to use them as the jumping-off point for a discussion about interracial friendship…The last third were also given the checklist of topics, but no videos. These parents were to discuss racial equality on their own, every night for five nights.

Of the last group, 5 families quit the study and two pointed out clearly that they weren’t ready to have such conversations with their children. “We don't want to point out skin color," they said. Much as they knew the study was about children’s racial attitudes, parents started quitting once they were aware that the study required talking openly about race.

Parents claim to embrace multiculturalism, but according to Vittrup's entry surveys, most of these Caucasian parents hardly ever talked to their children directly about race. “They might have asserted vague principles—like "Everybody's equal" or "God made all of us" or "Under the skin, we're all the same"—but they'd almost never called attention to racial differences.”

Parents wanted their children to grow up ‘colorblind’, but the initial test showed they weren’t.

Asked how many white people are mean, these children commonly answered, "Almost none." Asked how many blacks are mean, many answered, "Some," or "A lot." Even kids who attended diverse schools answered the questions this way... More disturbing, Vittrup also asked all the kids a very blunt question: "Do your parents like black people?" Fourteen percent said outright, "No, my parents don't like black people"; 38 percent of the kids answered, "I don't know."

However much we want our children to grow in a race-free vacuum, clearly, children do draw their own conclusions about race. Apparently, according to child-development researchers, children notice racial differences as much as they notice the difference in other colors.

University of Texas, Rebecca Bigler thinks its important to talk to children about race as early as 3 because even if we don’t, children are prone to form their own preferences and favoritisms based on the group they think they belong to. Below is the experiment she carried out:

…4- and 5-year-olds were lined up and given T shirts. Half the kids were randomly given blue T shirts, half red. The children wore the shirts for three weeks. During that time, the teachers never mentioned their colors and never grouped the kids by shirt color.

The kids didn't segregate in their behavior. They played with each other freely at recess. But when asked which color team was better to belong to, or which team might win a race, they chose their own color. They believed they were smarter than the other color. "The Reds never showed hatred for Blues," Bigler observed. "It was more like, 'Blues are fine, but not as good as us.' " When Reds were asked how many Reds were nice, they'd answer, "All of us." Asked how many Blues were nice, they'd answer, "Some." Some of the Blues were mean, and some were dumb—but not the Reds.

Bigler says differences in skin color, weight or hair color are kinda like differences in gender – clearly visible. Even when we refuse to point them out, just like children used t-shirts colors, they will use skin color in the same kind of way.

Bigler contends that children extend their shared appearances much further—believing that those who look similar to them enjoy the same things they do. Anything a child doesn't like thus belongs to those who look the least similar to him. The spontaneous tendency to assume your group shares characteristics—such as niceness, or smarts—is called essentialism.

So when do children begin to notice race? When 100 black children and 100 white children were shown photos of faces, Phyllis Katz, then a professor at the University of Colorado found that at 6 months, babies “stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents indicating they find the face out of the ordinary…children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.”

When the kids turned 3, Katz showed them photographs of other children and asked them to choose whom they'd like to have as friends. Of the white children, 86 percent picked children of their own race. When the kids were 5 and 6, Katz gave these children a small deck of cards, with drawings of people on them. Katz told the children to sort the cards into two piles any way they wanted. Only 16 percent of the kids used gender to split the piles. But 68 percent of the kids used race to split the cards, without any prompting. In reporting her findings, Katz concluded: "I think it is fair to say that at no point in the study did the children exhibit the Rousseau type of color-blindness that many adults expect."

We talk openly to children about pink being for girls and blue being for boys. So, if babies notice differences in skin color as early as the tender age of 6 months, why do we leave the “white" and "black" issue for them to figure out on their own? Do we make things better? REALLY? Should parents call attention to race when with their children?

77 responses to "Do kids judge others based on skin color?"

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  1.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 16 Oct 09

    Why oh why do idiots have to use these topics to posture and pose, instead of just discussing the subject sensibly?

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  2.   Glock says:
    Posted: 16 Oct 09

    NOPLAYER, you say that ( paraphrasing) "we can't overcome 300 years of racial injustice in just 50 years." Well, last time I checked we have a man who is considered to be black sitting in the white house. What exactly does this count as, a "stepping stone"? It seems that no matter how much "progress" is made such as more and more black CEO of major companies, black politicians who are elected to major offices (sometimes in predominately white districts), etc, etc, that we continue to hear the mantra that "more progress is still needed"! Yes the label of racist is a convenient tool that sits at the bottom of the bag to be pulled out when an obstacle appears that someone doesn't want to deal with. The accusation of racist is then flung out to put people on the defensive. Many of the things that have been accused of whites saying about the president often times are unfounded, they're just made up. Case in point, that evil guy Rush Limbaugh who has been accused of making very racist remarks about slavery being a good thing because it kept the streets safer at night. That has been the accusation, yet NO ONE has been able to find the statement anywhere to have been said by him. But still is doesn't matter people that hate him because he's a conservative will still act as though he said it. I don't like Obama as president, but it has nothing to do about his race but soley because of his agenda and socialist ideals. I had a hard core socialist at work the other day (who's white) say to me, "You know why people don't like Obama as president", I said "why's that Bob"?, he screams "BECAUSE HE'S BLACK!" He heard that over and over on MSNBC.

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  3.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 09

    For those of Limited Intelligence ; Youth of America = Children

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  4.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 09

    P.S. THIS IS ABOUT CHILDREN ENJOYING OTHER CHILDREN / without the Unnecessary influences of the Prejudice of the Old folk still holding on to the ways people acted in the Darker ages of our existance . Five familys - [ " We don't want to point out skin color " ] In the earlier study showed intelligence enough not to Influence their children with Mistakes made everyday in society by the actions of Adults /who are set in their ways of Dislike and Stereotyping of others . Change !!!!

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  5.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 09

    WHURR ; I was talking of the Stagnation of Ideas of two other Glorious Debaters and how they are still living in a old world of Senseless Debates / With Totally nothing to do with the Topic at hand . " Retire Aged People Early " was my point and allow the youth of America to prosper in our New World of Changes / did knot think much about my needless short form as I sometimes see similiarity of Structure in their comments. Alas I openly Apologize if I hurt anyones feelings / we are all grown individuals here are we not ? The Racial Motivation they are Continuously Showing in all these Blog topics . Makes me Sick .

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  6.   WHURR says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 09

    LIZZY2005: I have 3 bi-racial children. I too was in the dilemma that you were in. As you have said, when they were old enough to talk (maybe 3-4 years old) I too was asked why they were the color they were. The answer I provided was: The alleged properties of melanin, mostly unsupported, irrelevant, or distortions of the scientific literature, are then used to justify Afrocentric assertions. One of the most common is that humans evolved as blacks in Africa, and that whites are mutants (albinos, or melanin recessives) (Welsing 1989; King 1991). No one disputes that humans evolved from Africa, but the rest of the statement profoundly distorts genetics. Afrocentrics treat skin color as if it was governed only by one gene, and thus subject to absolute Mendelian dominance / recessiveness. If this were true, humans could only be black or white. However, skin color, like intelligence or height, is controlled by several genes, which explains why humans exhibit a wide color spectrum. Whites do not exhibit a total absence of melanin, but only a lesser amount. That is why whites can increase the amount of melanin in their skin by exposure to the sun. There is also no evidence that the amount of melanin in internal organs correlates with the amount of melanin in the skin. For example, the amount of melanin in the substantia nigra is normal in albinos MY CHILDREN ARE NOW ON 4 DIFFERENT BEHAVIOR MEDICATIONS BECAUSE OF MY RESPONSE. I SUCK AT THIS 'FATHERING' THING!

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  7.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 09

    P.S. Uncle Earl was the Expert Mechanic in the comedy movie " Johnson Family Vacation " . A movie children may watch together and Laugh about . You two Debaters that show constant comments on this Topic that do knot even have anything to do with the original Blog Topic . Sure nuff have no idea about what you say - as there are Millions of Voters that are neither Black or White who voted in the last election . This country is made up of Citizens of many diverse Heritages of which your Bigotry even thinking that only two races rule is ignorant in the Nature of you two never acknowledging that the Majority of voters were neither of these two colors . Yet I never read anything about these other Heritages / Bipartisan you are , open your eyes and look around you at the World today . I have read what both of you write / You two are Racially Motivated in all your debates . Bigotry shows rampantly in all your comments . This is a Date Ting site and a very successful one if I may say / Get your heads out of your Butts and try to talk of Happiness . " Ingorance is Bliss / May you both be Happy in the Bull Manure that you try to convince educated people on this site is True statements . " I feel sorry that neither one of you sees what Positive changes have happened in the years of your lives .

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  8.   WHURR says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 09

    I had something really deep to say, nearly on an educated level...I was actually going to try and use a gerund in my first sentence.... but then...Earl...and the lawnmower....this is about skin color yet we talking about R.A.P.E...... Let me see... "Do kids judge others based on skin colors?" ? I give up! YOU WIN!

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  9.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 09

    I have two daughters aged 17 and 6 years respectively. Both are bi racial. One of the first questions they asked when they were old enough to talk was why they were the colour they were. (They have regular contact with their father before anyone jumps to the comclusion they were asking this because I was a white single parent.) I answered their questions by simplifying the subject of genetics. My older daughter who is at college has had to contend with racism, mainly in the form of ignorance from her peers. My younger 6 yr old if you asked her if colour has anything to do with being good or bad would answer no. She believes it is do do with an individual's behaviour. Will this change as she gets older? I hope the gap in my children's ages also signifies a change in the attitudes of people in society who need to alter them.

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  10.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 09

    It's like Uncle Earl says ; This thing will run on lawnmower fuel / but if will only run 16 M.P.H. , it's take you 5 days to get back to California .

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  11.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 09

    P.S. ; I think people voted for President Obama because they thought he was Qualified to hold the Position .

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  12.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 12 Oct 09

    The new Label is called R.A.P.E. ; " Retire Aged People Early " . Mainly because there are too many young Qualified vibrant willing family men and women / who see the Stagnation of the Government workers that sit in their comfortable chairs and are doing totally Nothing to improve others lives because they wait for their Retirement . With their Large Pensions / win loose or draw . Because they have what I will call a Vested Interest in their long standing seat or position . Only Death shall shake their lazy butts from those soft chairs and allow the youth of America to find employment . In ranks of the Pipe fitters union / when you have worked 20 years they have mandatory retirement to enable a younger workforce to exist . Children Love to play together / until Old people show them that there are Rules of Existance that have to be carried from one generation to the next , Foolish as they may be . People voted for Our President Obama / it was not Heritage or political party that put him in office . It was becauise People were Sick of the way their Lives were in this United States of America . It is called Change and it took many years to get this Bad - Please allow the Man time to work with it / Support his efforts and there is a possibility things will improve . This Texas Redneck Loves , Old dogs Ford trucks Willie Nelsons and ZZ Tops music and Rain at the present time . Also I Realize that complaining about what one cannot change is a Large waste of time . Enjoy the day , Rain is in the Forecast for tomorrow also / My Mother-in-Law up North said it was snowing a couple days ago . God , Please allow all children to Laugh and play together as this world is changing every minute of everyday .

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  13.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 12 Oct 09

    Glock - I believe you cant trust the main stream media to present a balance view of things. It's all about the agenda of the media outlet and it's owners and stock holders. There's no doubt many white people voted for Obama. I don't believe that all whites who criticize President Obama are racist, I understand some of their reasons for disagreement. A politician is just that, a politician! Obabma is a American politician and that speaks for itself! LOL I also believe that there are some whites who are upset at the fact that we do have a black President(notice I said some whites, paticulary many of them old southerners from the deep south)! I asked the question, "could it be", I didn't state "it was a fact", that due to historical opposition of black leadership, many blacks view whites criticism of the President as being racial. I'm not acting as though many who criticize the President is due to the "Historical", I only posed a question! I'm not not too quick to lable folks racist because most are like "reclining chair boxers" they only talk a good fight but don't have the power to throw a solid punch. I'm more concerned with those who have the power to reap havoc apon me in the name of what they believe in. Racism is an attitude or a belief and I don't take issue with a man's beliefs as long as he doesn't violate me, he and I don't have a problem. I can peacefully disagree with anybody! I didn't bring up the slavery thing you did! Africans have enslave Africans, Europeans have enslaved Europeans and they've both enslaved eachother but that's besides the point. I was referring to a system of racial inequality that existed in America for over 300 years, that still has an effect on the way people(both blacks and whites) view and perceive things. I wasn't shocked by the number of blacks but by the number of whites who I've heard state that they believe some whites have a problem with the President because he's black! This wasn't Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton talking the people who were saying this were white. According to popular belief blacks are always crying racism but what about when whites start throwing racial "penality flags"? Could this lend creditabilty to what many blacks feel? ROTFLMAO

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  14.   Glock says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 09

    NOPLAYER, you're one of the few people who I can honestly say I can have a reasonable and respectful debate with on this website. We may disagree on many things but I like the fact you don't resort to a bunch of ignorant statements. For that, I thank you. Now to the deabte... Yes you did say "Not too many blacks holding protest rallies calling Bush racial names." But then you contradict yourself later saying some blacks came to a rally had "Texas Cracker" signs etc. What's the difference? Just because you don't see it in the news and other media doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The main stream press rally ever reports negative things about democrats of any significance. Hell Charlie Gibson from ABC didn't even know there was any controversy about Van Jones!! Now if you disagree with me about the main stream presses protection for democrats, I really don't know what to tell you. There is a blatant double standard. Now lets consider the fact that if every single black in America voted 100% for Obama and nobody else did....Obama would not be president. That means a hell of alot of white people voted for him. I predicted last year when it was clear that Obama was going to be the front runner that if he were elected, whites and republicans (and no I am NOT a republican) will be lambasted each and everytime they resist, disagree, fight, or denounce any proposal by Obama as "racists", "rednecks", "bigots", etc, etc,etc.., this has come true. ALL of the whites I know who don't like him as president, disalike him on pure political reason, not one of them dislike him because he's not white. They just don't like the road toward totalitarianism he's taking us. As far as your assertion about the "history" of white men who don't like black men in position of power....come on, are we going to do the "history" thing again? For peets sake, alot of white people put him in office!! So Obama gets criticized for his policies...can't it be just because people disagree with him?? Come on, you're acting as though everyone who disagrees with him is because of the "historical" ...... Well how about the people who voted for Obama SOLEY because he is black?? Steve Harvey even admitted it in his comedic concert recently. Is that in any way less of a racist vote? Come on, if someone white voted for McCain just because he's white he would have been labled a racist. There will always be racists of all races. There is nothing anyone can do about it. But the number of them is always dwindling. Although when I see Louis Farrakhan I have to wonder.. And please don't bring up the "300" years thing. Slavery was going on in Africa way way before the white man stepped foot there and it was NOT just an "indentured" servant type either.

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  15.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 09

    Glock - you're correct bad policies are bad policies regardless of who they come from. I didn't say, "I didn't see any signs at protest calling Bush racial names, I said I didn't see TOO MANY blacks holding protest rallies calling him racial names. Oh yeah many blacks dogged him out but I personally didn't see too many blacks carrying signs that were racially offensive, there was some name calling but none of the (now I gotta cut cha! LOL)kinds of names, if it was it was small scale because I didn't see it in the media. To carry signs depicting Obama as a monkey or showing him as an African tribesman with a bone in his nose is hitting below the belt, if you will. I attended a war protest in D.C. just before the war kicked off and a group of black guys were carrying signs showing Bush as Klansmen and a few others signs calling him a Texas Cracker. A larger group black attendees told the smaller group that, they didn't want those kinds of depictions at the rally because it took away from the real goal of trying to stop a war and they had two options: put away those signs or leave the rally and the smaller group complied. Strenght does come in numbers! Could a reason some whites at times are unfairly called racist when they critize President Obama due to the historical track record of many white always opposing blackmen in various leadership positions. This problem is not just a problem of the past but a problem that exist even today in many arenas of American life. One of the draw backs to living in a country where racism had a strong hold for over 300 years is the tendency for many people to believe, " as it was. so it is", and why reinvent the wheel arguing the obvious (so they think)! That's not a correct way of thinking but we would be foolish to think less than 50 years of gradual racial progress will alter a condition that existed for over 300 years overnight. Man it wont happen as fast as we'd like but I think it will get better as time goes on. This craziness is like athlete's feet, there's no vaccine against it, only a treatment and preventive measures.

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  16.   Glock says:
    Posted: 07 Oct 09

    NOPLAYER, you didn't see any signs calling Bush racial names or any names at all? Really? Are you serious?? Not only that but he was hung in effigy. I can't believe you never saw that! Wow! I totally agree that other presidents have screwed things up in the past. I will be the first person to tell you I have not agreed with to many presidents on anything- including Bush (couldn't stand him either) But Obama is going down the EXACT sme road as the ones in the past- only he's on steriods. "Hope and Change" has got us the same thing as the past, just a different president. The problem I have with Obama AND the other presidents is none of them follow the constitution! None of them. The things Obama has criticized Bush for are the same problems that he is making worse...alot worse. But of course when whites criticize Obama for it, it's because "we're racist". LOL It's much easier to lable someone a racist than to debate the issue with an intelligent argument. To say "Well, Bush did it too" is not an argument.

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  17.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 07 Oct 09

    P.S. ; The Congressmen and Senators write the Laws / The President can only Veto them . Yet he takes all the blame for what others have Created .

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  18.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 06 Oct 09

    @ Glock - One of the good things about the U.S. is the freedom to criticize elected officials and their policies. I agree, if you're going to disagree with someone, you should be able to back up your position and not resort to labling people because they don't see things as you do. As a BM I have no problem with anybody critcizing the President, in truth you have a responsibility as a citizen to criticize policies that you feel don't represent the best interest of the country as a whole. I know what it's like to have people brand you because you criticize the President. I've been called a cry baby, been told to go back to Africa, and labled un-patriotic for no other reason than my speaking against the policies of President Bush. Many blacks didn't agree with the policies of President Bush but I didn't see too many blacks holding protest rallies across the country calling him racial names. Glock, I think most people defend President Obama more, not only because he is "black" but because they've watched those who've came before him make a mess of things, one president after another. Yes, they've done some good and have made decisions that have benefitted the country but they also made decisions that have negatively impacted the country and it's citizens. Is it wrong for those who voted for him to be wiliing to give him a chance, look at those we gave a chance before him and what condition did they leave the country in? Man, the only thing I take issue with, are those who act as if his 10 months in office has screwed up the country, these problems were there prior to him taking office. Trust me, the same way he was elected into office on the promise of making much needed change, he'll be removed from office if he fails to deliver on that promise. That's what makes America America, the people can put you into office and if you mess up they can fire your ass and send you home! Na na na na! Na na na na! Hey hey hey! Good Bye!

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  19.   fixitright says:
    Posted: 05 Oct 09

    Babies are born into this world innocent without a care in the world.Polluted parents come along and turn a child's mind upside down.Adults are the major problem why our kids play in groups and encounter peer pressure.When babies become kids and teens they asked questions."Whats wrong with me or why i'm so diifferent?" If you notice babies and kids can play together all day but if one of those parents point out why they shouldn't play together.That's another story!

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  20.   Glock says:
    Posted: 04 Oct 09

    Thanks for the compliment Smiletellsit, however I have something to say regarding the rest of your statement. As far as white men coming to this site for dark "white" women, there are many black men that are here looking for black women as it's not just white men... As far as the president is concerned, I will agree that his being there is prophetic. However I don't mean that in a positive sense. Yes things will change, and have done so tremendously in the past 10 months. None of it good. In this country, we are used to being able to, and often do, criticize the President. However, now when you criticize the president, you are labled a "right wing extremist", a "racist", and generally someone who just can't accept the fact that we have a "black" president. As a white man, I certainly am used to being called a racist or whites being referred to as racist. But it certainly doesn't hold the accusers in a positive light since they spit the racist term out of their mouths so fast that in fact it tells more about them than it does the accused. I have found that most people who defend Obama, defend him more because he is "black" than in any substantive Constitutional arguments. Those same people are so quick to accuse others of being racist if they disagree with Obama. That is neither an intelligent or logical reason.

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  21.   Glock says:
    Posted: 04 Oct 09

    Ahh... Homesteader, I realize neither David or Goliath spoke english.....which was exactly my point if you would have read my statement. I was not referring to the English text (which says "thou shall not kill") but rather the original text which was written (either in aramaic or hebrew) which spoke about shedding INNOCENT blood. Goliath was not innocent and stood against God.

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  22. Posted: 30 Sep 09

    Ooops, forgot... That's why you should talk to your kids as frankly and honestly as their age and experience will allow. IMHO of course.

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  23. Posted: 30 Sep 09

    The pic is disturbing from one point of view but on the other hand (cause I love mixed metaphors too) even as toddlers you have to be pretty comfortable to sit on the pot across from someone. As for the topic, my opinion is share with your children in an age and/or experience appropriate format. For example, as a general rule I wouldn't discuss the details of lynching with a child in the primary grades - unless they were exposed to it and now needed the information to set the topic straight in their mind. Basically I would share it is murder, it is bad, it used to happen a lot but is rarer now though it still happens, it is very often racially motivated and needs to be stopped. At the same time I also would not let a child enter middle school or junior high without a solid basis of knowledge. It's incredibly naive and a bit embarrassing but things were a lot different in the 70's and 80's so maybe it isn't so rare. As I grew up my parent's scrimped, scrounged, finagled and hustled to get us to the suburbs before I started school and suceeded. It almost seems silly, since Cleveland was incredibly segregated at the time, with the exception of some of our eastside neighborhoods and suburbs. Be that as it may, we moved and I was raised to believe in equal rights, the unique and priceless nature of each individual,...(etc.). We've all heard it before right? Now the neighborhood being 99.99% white and a boys lack of interest in the news coupled with lot's of American history about the civil war and civil rights movement led me to believe that we had dealt with all of the racial issues and life was cool in that regard. My only evidence though was what my family told me, school taught me and the single black family in the neighborhood was nice, accepted and well regarded by all appearances. Then the late 80's arrived and I'm in high school taking classes with some of those "activist" teachers you hear about and man we're they spreading around some stuff around that I didn't like hearing about the US. It made me angry. But not nearly as angry as I was to become when, after a little more life experience - meeting people, seeing and hearing racist b.s., reading, etc., I found they were right and I had largely been sold a bill of goods. Sad huh? Basically fair-minded parents (perhaps a little fearful about a subculture that was unknown to them in a social setting?) that could have taught us to expect to see and hear these people and encouraged us to stand up and say your wrong instead of being shocked and mute didn't. I still shake my head when I think about it. And! As wonderful as we have done in trying to address this issue and all of the vestiges it has left us with (including the achievements of Pres. Obama) we still have not even begun to approach what I would have sworn up and down was true, as a child, in the 70's.

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  24.   kim says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 09

    We should be looking at what is really wrong here! Why are the children in this picture naked and on the potty. That is disturbing.

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  25. Posted: 26 Sep 09

    Here in the UK, I have heard about similar studies on children and their attitudes towards race identity using coloured t-shirts. A friend of mine was studying to become a teacher and was lucky enough to see some work being done by teachers towards helping kids see the similarities and difference between them and their classmates. I think if parents aren't going to take up the challenge of educating their children about the world and then it'll have to be left up to teachers. The more I read comments from you guys across the pond in America, I realise that things are incredibly different here. Makes me want to live there for a bit to see some of it for myself! :)

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  26. Posted: 26 Sep 09

    Good point Glock on your Sep 17 comment, and that's just it, they never really do care what black people think. Now hopefully with our mixed ethnic President, things will change. It continues to be challenging to be a black female in society when we are still just not valued as other races of women. And even on the site, the white guys continue to look for dark "white" women claiming that they appreciate and want a black woman. Well naturally straight hair, no curves, thin lips, etc. is not a traditional black woman...hello! And my fav--I say with sarcasm--are the white guys who come to site looking for white women...huh? I digress. As for kids, until they are taught to see color, mostly outside the home, they just don't care. So yay for the day when all the old racists die off and all the ones they taught die off too. (And P.S., with the "Leader of the Free World" being of primarily black ethnicity visually, and the European community accepting that even if so many U.S. evangelicals, racist Christians (isn't that an oxymoron), Republicans, and other haters not accepting Mr. Obama, we still went there. He's in. It's done and there's not turning back. And frankly, the only person who could make this planet right again would have to be mixed black and white. That should have been the prophecy!)

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  27.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    In 1997 / a woman approached you and was attracted because you were a man . NOPLAYER / You turned it into a Racial thing . Because of years of your own Bias ideas . Get away from this topic / People are all people regardless of Color . I do knot know you , look in your mirror this morning and I will guess that your face is Brown not Black . Please tell me if I am correct . Mine is Sunburned . Get colorblind in what you teach your children . Regardless of their age . Life is to Enjoy the many differences in People not to Separate each from another . " Variety is the Spice of life ."

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  28.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    In an ideal world children come after marriage / knot while just Date Ting . I never talked with my children about Heritage of others and my youngest daughter / Purchased my membership on this site for me . Because she knew I Loved all people Equally .

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  29.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    And colorblind in my thought is not meant to mean one cannot see / it is meant to say that one does not carry unintelligent actions of times gone bye . I married a Beautiful Ladie whom I met here because I am an Honestman .

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  30.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    I after joining this site was able to race to cross Our finishline .

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  31.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 09

    Glock; What I was saying was thou shall not kill is Gods commandment / David taking up a stone and sling to Kill Goliath in battle is premeditated murder , Once he stepped into the arena with Weapon in hand . DUH . " Thou shalt not kill" does not carry choices of common man . / it is pretty much easy to understand . And I will bet you that David nor Goliath spoke English in their time . NOPLAYER ; My comment is the same as yours / if children are allowed to grow without the Pressures of the Parents old ways , this shall become a better world . wHAT i WAS SAYING IN MY COMMENT WAS

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  32.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 09

    @ Glock - good point! I have a painting on my wall at work that depicts David slaying Goliath. It shows David standing over Goliath's prone body with his foot on his back and with Goliath's own sword in his left hand and Goliaths head in his right hand. I keep it as a reminder that giants do die and with faith you can slay any Goliath that stands in your way! What makes the victory so much sweeter is when like David, you use your enemy's weapon on him! There's alot of wisdom in that biblical passage.

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  33.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 09

    I don't think the children are the ones who have a problem with RACE, I thinks it's the parents! When I take my kids to the park I notice that kids will play with anybody that doing something that looks fun. It's natural that kids can tell what's different and acknowledge that difference, is it abnormal for that which is different to attract a child's attention? When I was in Bosnia on a peace keeping mission with the US Army and we would go up into these remote villages and they children would flock to those of us who were the most different than themselves. I found it funny that some of the inquisitive ones would want to feel your skin and touch your hair. I'm sure most never seen a blk person except on TV or in the sports section of the newspaper, so I didn't find it strange that these kids were all over us. I say the problem is with the parents because as parents we're the ones who don't want to deal with race, it's taboo and we're too affraid. It's to easy to fall back on "we all bleed red blood" and Lord knows how many other quick escape routes that we use when we don't want to deal with the issue of race. Here's one for ya. Even in the US Army, of all places, the most intergrated work place in America, people still have issues with differences. In the toy department at the PX (Post Exchange) I heard this mother telling her child, "you cant get that doll you have to get this one", the girl replied, "I don't want that doll, I want this one" that's when her mother told her, "well you wont get nothing if you don't get this one!" I thought maybe it was a price issue but when I turned the corner into that aisle and saw the little girl holding a blk doll, I just looked at the mother and shook my head. I make this point to say, it's not the children that's f@cked up, it's the parents and it only proves that we have a long long long way to go. It's no wonder that Jesus told Nicodemus, "Unless ye become as a little child ye cannot inter the kingdom of heaven!" Peace

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  34.   Glock says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    No, the story is David as not a contradiction of the Ten Commandments " thou shall not kill" because the Ten Commandments was not written in English at the time. The original Ten Commandments states that "innocent blood" shall not be shed, meaning more along the lines of premeditated murder, which is different than killing.

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  35.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    homesteader - I'm not talking about dealing with 6 month old babies, I'm dealing with the ages when children become aware of differences amongst people, despite how they may come to learn these differences. In an ideal world this topic wouldn't even be an issue but since we don't live in an ideal world we have to equip our children to deal with this issue. Differences in skin color, ethnicity or religion are not "THE PROBLEM", mistreating people and thinking you are better than people who are different than you is "THE PROBLEM"! This is just not an issue between blk & wht this is an issue that effects the whole human family. homesteader I don't feel it's necessary to become colorblind to find love, IMO you can't love someone if you don't want to see the color of their skin. Back in 1997 a fellow soldier who claimed she liked me and wanted to get to know me better said she didn't see me as blk. She caught me off guard with her comment, so I asked her, "how else can you see me?", "as a person", she replied. I told her,"if you can't she me as a person who just happens to have blk skin then you must have a problem seeing me as I AM"! Why did she feel the need to separate me from the color of my skin? Was there an issue about my skin or certain people the looked like me that she had a problem with? Was it a stereotype about those with my skin color that in order for her to like me she had to split from? I had no problem seeing her as a WW and being mutually attreacted to what I felt was a very nice lady. Naturally, people will gravitate towards eachother but once they get together, how they'll view and treat at eachother is another issue and that's where good old fashioned "HOME TRAINING" comes into play and you treat others as you'd want to be treated. Who needs these half-ass studies and experiments to know that!

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  36.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    What is wrong with this is continually try ing to single out individuals / instead of allowing them to mingle . I / myself never thought about Heritage differences until I joined this site . And I only came here to find a mate for Life and was Successful . Maybe if the rest become Colorblind / they may find Success .

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  37.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    spelling error ; Slaying /in prior comment .

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  38.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    I personally think the Largest issue in Society is Putting food on ones table and doing so Legally .

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  39.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    I continually talked to Our children / Using constructive ideas ; Never had to bail them out of jail , they were always in the Abbit society [ A's and B's in elementary school ] Graduated High school Never having Us called in to speak with the teachers because of Disorderly conduct from their actions . They entered College because they desired to do so / they went the extra mile on their own / Simply because We taught them how to read . We raised our children to Love all others . Without Question . The cowardly way I guess .

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  40.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    NOPLAYER ; gO AHEAD and talk to your children at 6 months of age and tell them we are all different . Talking to children to Respect everyone / Knot just children of different Heritages . This websites Blog topics seems to Promote Racial Attitudes . Please allow those children to grow without adding extra tensions / from Ancient History . David staying Goliah [ believe it or knot still is Murder and God says " Thou Shall not Kill " ] This lesson of the Holy Bible tends to be against the Ten Commandments . Yet it is taught in Christian Churches on Sundays . Why do we teach Negativity in life / using our Aniquated Ideas ?

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  41.   shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 09

    Bias can exist at all stages of the research process but I’m beginning to wonder why the Author keeps white/black issues fresh on the brain. I mean can we find studies on different ethnicities. I’ve commented on this Website before as to why I no longer bother in reading some of these blogs. Why do we need to constantly explore why “evil whitey” (being sarcastic here don’t take offense) is the proven culprit driving racial issues? Perhaps some portions of the research are missing or it seems slightly one sided. Anyways, only when we have access to the full report do we have the potential to evaluate the research methodology and determine the usefulness of this research in relation to the entire body of evidence. I need all the facts and all the data to form an opinion.

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  42.   Glock says:
    Posted: 19 Sep 09

    This is not a study, the people who did this "study" were looking for certain outcome...and they got what they were looking for. Their main focus were white kids (seems these "studies" are always looing for anything of a negative light for whites). The study starts by telling how he sent "A third" of the families home with a video. What families? The white families? And exactly how many equalled this "third"? So what if they didn't want to point out skin color!! Haven't we been preached that for years? Further the "vague" generalities this guy criticizes whites for saying such as "God created us all", "We're all the same under the skin". Once again, aren't these good things to say? My God! He goes on to ask the white kids how many whites and blacks are "mean". Perhaps the study doesn't take into account their OWN personal experience with black kids. The "researcher" seems more surprised when children from "diverse" schools report this. I know many people who went to "diverse" schools in which some were truly the minority being one of a few white kids going to a predominantly black school. They told me it was an everyday thing to get hit, beat up, and teased. I wonder how the "researcher" would handle these persons views. As for the question "How many kids answered if their parents like black people and their responses. Did he ask the same question to black kids about whites? That...would be interesting. Red T-shirt, Blue T-Shirt. Notice how the kids got along until THE TEACHER divided them into teams? People are competative by nature. We want to win. The kids acted like kids until THE TEACHER GUIDED them into certain patterns of behavior. At best, this so-called study shows only anecdotal evidence that proves absolutely....nothing except for the clear bias of the researchers. This website continues to post these rediculous blogs about racial attitudes and incidences that usually reflect a negative light towards whites. I'm getting to wonder what Ria or the website has against whites. If you want to a discussion about race, fine. But if you want to talk about racism then post stories that reflect poorly on both sides of the front not just whites. There's my 2 cents..

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  43.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 19 Sep 09

    I think it's cowardice at it's highest form to not want to talk to our children about one of the biggest issues in society and that's race! All parents should expose their childrn to this reality that will confront them one day, so they'll know how to deel with it and it wont be such a shock to them. As a parent you have to be honest with your kids and let them know whats out there. It's crazy that we can talk to our kids about sex, drugs, and what not but we shy away from the issue of race. We say "people are people" and we have simularities but we also have differences that come as a result of our various cultures and our systems of belief. For Pete's sake lets admit that people are different from eachother, we all don't look, talk, think or act alike and that's ok, it's acceptable! Our job as parents are to teach our children what is acceptable behavior and as long as those who may differ from them don't violate what you've taught your children to be correct and proper, it's all good. It's that simple! Let them know that PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT from eachother but those differences shouldn't interefer with them treating you the way you've been taught to treat people and that's with respect and dignity. Here's an example, my daughter told me that she didn't like going over to this one particular girl's house because her family always argued with eachother or so she thought. This family is Jordanian / Arab and I had to explain to my daughter that in their language and manner of speaking, to the outsider it looks like they're arguing but they just speak with a passion to be understood that most westerners are not used to. She said, "well we don't talk like that" and I told her that's because we have a different culture than they do. I told her me and your mother have a different culture and we relate to our own families in ways that are different but that doesn't mean either of us right or wrong. I asked her how does mama and daddy treat eachother and she said, "you treat eachother nice" and I said, "that's my point, just because people are different don't mean they cant be nice to eachother" and she said, "ok I understand!" Kids pick up on things very easy when you take the time to explain it to them and because their minds are so fertile and inquisitive they can learn anything, if you can break it down to where they can understand. IMO it comes down to the parents having the desire to teach their children and where there's a will there's a way!

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  44.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 09

    fearlesscrus ; " The part about parents being so uncomfortable discussing race with their children shows we have a problem that needs to be addressed " [ you are totally correct in your thinking as it does show that parents have the problem , not the children ] Children do not need to continually be taught the prejudges of the past / children need to be left to form their own opinions in life . Development without the pressures and biases that we as older folks have established as " politically correct " or knot . Take them to the movies to watch the new Disney flick , buy them some popcorn and soda / candy . And listen to them laugh

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  45.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 09

    Our parents never discussed differences in color / Thus never making Us have to choose differences of opinion . We grew as adults with our own opinions as per Actions of others that effected our daily lives . Colorblind and indifferent as to Heritage of others . Children in my mind do not Possess the knowledge to Judge others . It is a time of Play and development .

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  46.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 09

    Birgitte Vittrup @ the University of Texas . Worked with a Limited panel of children . ????? Phyllis Katz @ the University of Colorado had a fair amount of children , using 100 Black and 100 White . Yet they were too young to develop images of differences . Not even told if they recognized the difference of Male and Female . Their lack of other participents of other Heritages made this study BIPARTISAN in nature . Thus worthless in my eyes . Personally , until my teens / I never saw any difference in people / With the Exception of watching the Media on television .

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  47.   Glock says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 09

    Did I miss something? Where was the data on black families? Or did they just do a study on white families? Doesn't sound much like a study to me.

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  48.   takinitall says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 09

    Interesting topic. Parents may feel uncomfortable, discussing race with their children for fear of bringing up other biases or appearing not politically correct. After all we never know what kids may say at the wrong time. I think it's healthy for kids to know other cultures and that there is more than one ethnicity. Schools are celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Black History month and other cultural events to try to bridge the gap. A great book for the little ones is "The Crayon Box That Talked" by Shane DeRolf. I found this book very helpful with my own kids when they were in preschool.

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  49. Posted: 16 Sep 09

    This looks like a great topic for discussion - one of the best in the past year or so. Ria has come up with a winner this time. The part about parents being so uncomfortable discussing race with their children shows we have a problem that needs to be addressed. I've only seen one other scientific study on this subject, and it found something different - when it came to race, children preferred those who were a different race than their own. If I can find any details on the earlier study, it would be very interesting to compare the two and see what is causing different results this time around.

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  50.   katlu8984 says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 09

    Well that's a no brainer. Parents are very uneasy about opening up about race. However, having discussions early on will only enforce the message parents want to have of "everyone's equal."

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