Do you have a love face or lust face?
Ever wondered why you get hit on by guys who just want some hit and run? Or women just want to have a one night stand with you? Here is the answer … You have a ‘lust’ face!
Apparently, facial features tell whether you are looking for love or lust. If you are looking for a one nighter, then quit trying too hard coz it might just be written all over your face.
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According to a recent study by by U.K. researchers, one can tell just by looking at someone’s face whether they’re interested in casual sex or long-term commitment. And something that may not come as a surprise to you is: women have a propensity to be more drawn to the guys who look like real boyfriend material, while men are attracted to faces that scream “ONE NIGHT STAND᾿.
The researchers created combined images of college students who identified themselves as either looking for a fling or true love. 700 participants were then asked to separate the hussies from the prudes. And do I really have to tell you the outcome? 72 percent of the participants were right more than half the time; however they couldn’t exactly explain their guesses.
“They had the gut instinct, but they didn’t understand it,᾿ says Lynda Boothroyd, a psychology professor at Durham University in Durham, England, and lead author of the study.
For guys, a square jaw, prominent eyebrows and nose and smaller eyes have a propensity to belong to the sluttier kind of male where as men with softer features were more likely to be looking for a long-term relationship.
In the case of women, both men and women participants thought that the sexy, hot mamacitas are more likely to have flings … They were right! Stunning thing is that the participants couldn’t pinpoint a specific facial feature that meant a woman was looking for a casual hook-up besides just being slightly more classically attractive.
I guess its all common sense. The hotter you are, the more opportunities you have of to getting some. Plus another theory could be, if you are more attractive, people kinda expect you to have more partners. And more often than not, we live up to people’s expectations. (I mean, why disappoint the majority ;-) )
Caroline Keating, a psychology professor at Colgate University sees it as a self fulfilling prophecy. “The way we think of ourselves is a reflection in part of how others see us,᾿ she says. “So when we go out in the world, we’re looking at ourselves through a reflection of other people’s views … Physical appearance cues tell us more about people than we’re even consciously aware of … So in fact, we do judge a book by its cover. And the funny thing is, it often works for us.᾿
Looking at the pairs above, which ones scream "F*** me quick"? Do you think your face could be the one standing in the way of you being in a long term relationship? Well, next time you go out husband hunting, be less attractive. And for the men who have square jaws like the likes of Clive Owen, visit a plastic surgeon and get a Matthew fox face. :lol:
50 responses to "Do you have a love face or lust face?"
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homesteader says:Posted: 25 Feb 09
Brown eyes , and a Smile / I'm - Happy now .
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VA_SongBird says:Posted: 25 Feb 09
I think beauty and attractiveness is a matter of personal preferences. Also, one can be interpreted as attractive based on the confidence they exude. I don't fully buy this study. It's all perception.
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03sha says:Posted: 30 Dec 08
the truth of the matter is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
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lala2qz says:Posted: 14 Oct 08
kenyanito is right, faces can be decieving, you can have the most innocent looking face or most lustful, and not be at all what people think. but doesnt change the fact that some people are VERY readable. lol
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SnazzyBella says:Posted: 11 Oct 08
Ponitification on the ramifications of love or lust faces. WOW, such a deep topic. I cannot expound enough on the plethora of sagacious profanities that flashed through my mind. I hope my gregarious twin reads this and ponders the nefarious musings in his mind before belching them out. Its all serependity anyway.
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missmgm says:Posted: 15 Sep 08
Hahahah, this was too funny. I never get approached unless I look like a hot mess. When i look normal I never hear a peep out of guys but let me look like I just ran thru the jungle and wrinkled and possibly "high" on something and I can't walk a block without getting addressed.
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divaofdallas says:Posted: 31 Aug 08
Are we getting facial features mixed up with facial expressions? I hope guys aren't using this as the only criteria!! The truth is that 9 times out of 10 most people really do see what they want to see in your face... debra
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JZee says:Posted: 31 Jul 08
That Sucks! Now it all makes sense but it sucks. I like looking as great as I possibly can. I foremost look to being attractive for myself first and if others benefit, then I'm happy to have made someone smile and I am appreciative that they appreciate it. However, I am far from being permiscuous and I absolutely abhor the idea of being lusted after solely for the looks. Its such a tragedy that people can't see beauty in beauty and not all lust in beauty.
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bobbilicious says:Posted: 27 Jul 08
now i know why men constantly hit on me but it doesn't go into a relationship ...constantly showing interest even if i'm already out with someone ...don't mean to sound conceited but damn if it ain't frustrating to hear you're attractive sexy hot all-woman as well as funny friendly outgoing and then that's it's almost like they don't think i wouldn't know how to have a serious relationship's a backhanded compliment having a lust face p.s. had a great date with an australian man i really liked ...he's keeping up the contact since returning to australia ..must like me because it's hard to keep up just lust from australia to canada eh ..fingers are crossed
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bobbilicious says:Posted: 27 Jul 08
well now i know why men constantly hit on me but it doesn't go on to develop into a relationship's almost like they're thinking i couldn't possibly know how to have a relationship ... i don't have a problem meeting men and having alot of interest even if i'm out with someone ...i always hear that i'm attractive sexy hot all-woman and so on and so on ..don't mean to sound conceited ...i think having a lust face is a compliment but frustrating at the same time p.s. had a date with an australian man who i really like and he's keeping up the contact since he went home ...must really like me would be too hard to keep up just lust from australia to canada eh
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RIVERFLOWING says:Posted: 26 Jul 08
This proves it I'M A LOVER NOT A FIGHTER!!!
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ExitDetroit says:Posted: 27 May 08
Wow..i've been so busy knockin boots i forgot i even left a comment on this blog. LOL..juuuust kidding. But you might be right about me Yoliebugg. Even though i consider myself a man of substance, the few women i actually know seem to think of me more as a hunk of beef that's been marinated and slow cooked over an open fire. I have about five pictures of myself on my Myspace page, and about 50 other pics of people places and things that i'm interested in. But it's always the face and body pics that get the comments.
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fala says:Posted: 26 May 08
LMAO@Imaboss - I don't think it's your face they're looking at.
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amantebelle says:Posted: 18 May 08
I agree with the study, I'm very secure in my sexuality and I've been told that I am very attractive. I am usually approached by men who only want physical relationships. I've never had a "boyfriend" because from the feed back I've gotten they didn't trust me enough to go to the next level of the relationship, because I am very attractive, friendly and outgoing and I do get attention when I'm out whether I'm alone or not. So I'm not sure if I'm dating insecure men or I need to tone it down a bit.
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casualmg says:Posted: 08 May 08
many lust faces i just saw at casualloving dot com....
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kenyanito says:Posted: 05 May 08
Faces or looks sometimes do cheat.. I think its all in ones understanding on who/what you wanna be. After all who hasn't indulged in lust at one time or the other? Trust me...deep down at times vulnerability creeps in.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 04 May 08
I have a lust face, wonder why noone agrees....
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arno28 says:Posted: 27 Apr 08
According to thos article I have a love face :p
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nesha86 says:Posted: 25 Apr 08
According to thos article I have a love face :p
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ivorycelt says:Posted: 21 Apr 08
I have been wondering if my comment - re honey kissed has been missunderstood. So please, if honey or anyone else found my comment hurtfull, offensive or missplaced, then please let me know as that was never the intention. If so then it would seem that my point had been missed completly. Big appology!
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leesah says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
I myself, think that I have a lust face. very much so.
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ladyl44 says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
I would say I have both of them. Eventhough, lusting get's me in trouble all the time I wear it well. lol!!
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Lordraiser says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
I agree with so many of the comments on here ...and thanks to blkbeauty31 ...because it is unfair for people to look at a person and just assume that your a slut because you are attractive or you are comfortable with your sexuality .....Heck I do more fantasizing about sex than having it ....don't get me wrong ...I have had relationships where I have had amazing sex ...but for the most part these men were very insecure ....and you know what I was also insecure because I felt that they were more interested in me because of what I looked like I stopped trying to fit into whatever it was that men thought of me ...I found myself torn between trying to be some sex kitten for the man that I was with or acted like a total prude to counter act a man being insecure with my looks I said the heck with it and just was myself ...all of it ...I have never looked at myself as being this total cute or hot sexy woman or whatever men think of me ....but have tried to let them know that I do actually have intelligent thought in my head ....but it's funny when you meet the right guy ...he will see you as a whole person ....but as women we have to open our eyes ...we are always looking for a man to have a certain attractiveness or some kind of status in life instead of looking at a man's heart ...and I have to admit ...I sometimes fell into this category ...and you know what ladies don't overlook the guys with a disability ...he is still a man ....his body does not take this away from him ....I met an amazing man on here who refused to look at me as a sexual being ...but was insistant that I knew that he cared for me as a woman and as a person ....and yes that made me want him all the more ....he is a great guy and he has a great heart ....and I Had to take my own advise and open my eyes and see him for the man that he I could open my heart ....and yes ...I agree with the person who said you know what sometimes it's a person's peronality that draws you in ...and his personality ....I did not even want to fall in love scares the crap out of me because of all the messed up stuff that has been done to me in the past ...but his gentleness and his quite confidence within himself and the fact that he loves the sex kitten in me ...but he loves the woman that I am more he was the one showing restraint ....and made me wait yeah ...I totally agree too that the visual may suck you in at first ...but it is definately what's in a person's heart that keeps you there ...but you have to be at a place in your life where you can accept the gift of love and I had to grow as a person as a woman so that I could appreciate the gift of love that God gave me in him do I love this man ...and he had a face of love ...but his heart and his peronality is what now gives him a face of lust you can have your cake and eat it too ...but you have to open your eyes first ...I'm glad I did ....because I would have overlooked the best thing that's happened to me since the birth of my two childen ....and Linda254 if I was a guy ...I would definately think you had a face that was meant for love and lust ....I mean that as a compliment ..there is a soft quite joy about your face that would make any man want to love you with his heart and then love you with his body people just be yourself ...and the right person will come along when you least expect it who will give balance to the love and the lust ....oh and I found this amazing guy right here on this site.....
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Linda254 says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
mmmmmhhhhhhh food for thought, now am curious as to what my face conveys.
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blkbeauty31 says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
I forgot to mention that I feel that part about attractive people being more likely to have more partners was unfair and discriminatory. That shows how wrong people can be about their expectations of others when they dont know them.
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Blkbeauty31 says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
Hey everybody! I can identify with having that gut feeling about a man's initial interest in me. A man's eyes and body language tell the story. If a "one nighter" is on a man's mind, his eyes tend to rome everywhere but my face. Men that are interested in more try to hide their fixation toward my body until later. I notice that I do the same thing if I am very physically attracted to a man! I believe that I have a love face though for the most part.
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r_u_myknight says:Posted: 18 Apr 08
I think I have a love face...What do you think?
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ivorycelt says:Posted: 18 Apr 08
HoneyKissed. Well to me - a good balance of love and lust. But then i had a look at your other profile pics and rekon you sell lust in the hope of getting some love - but you probably get more lust approaches than love. Hmmmm
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Honeekissed says:Posted: 18 Apr 08
I think I have a LOVE face...but tell me what you think. Does my face scream out LOVE or LUST ?
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SxyWhtTiger says:Posted: 18 Apr 08
I think the pictures are so misleading...I can't tell by the pictures in this article. Also I think it's more about a persons character, personality and how they carry themselves that determines if they are looking for just a sexual relationship. I myself would say I have a love face because I look for more than just a hop in the sack because there is so much more to a relationship than just sex.
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kenyanito says:Posted: 18 Apr 08
lol...i have always imagined mine is love face...the findings could be misleading but prove me wrong pls!
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MissStang says:Posted: 18 Apr 08
"Comment by Yoliebugg on 17 April 2008: I agree with Miss Stang- But we as a people do base many decisions on what we see first. How many offers for sex come with internet dating? Especially based on the first glance of a beautiful/lustful/love face." I agree with that but what this article opens up for me are the following things: 1. Who gets to accurately decide if someones face is "loveful" or "lustful" 2. Who is deciding what's attractive vs. unattractive? I think people are so fast to offer sex to those THEY find attractive because of the anonymity of being online, how many attractive people do those SAME people see daily on the street but would not DARE come off with some of the same madness they do online?? So, yes, I agree that we already have some stereotyping going on but when "research" starts to outline what they think is the trend, some take it as gospel. I still thinks this sets it up for people to continue to make gross misconceptions about "attractive" and "unattractive" people.
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Yoliebugg says:Posted: 17 Apr 08
I agree with Miss Stang- But we as a people do base many decisions on what we see first. How many offers for sex come with internet dating? Especially based on the first glance of a beautiful/lustful/love face. Some percieve it as "too good to be true..." The stereo type is already there!! People look at a persons looks first, I am a Thic Chic, and I have gotten negative as well as positive "Flirts," but based on my size, I get the more negative, "you wanna have sex," comments than anything. Nevermind the fact that I am an amazing woman, who is professionally, and financially stable, I don't fit what "society" calls an acceptable size, therefore, I am judged on a stereotype. So, looks can be deceiving!! :)
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MissStang says:Posted: 17 Apr 08
I realize that was a study but I'm unsure I agree. If this is correct, then, in essence, they are saying if you are perceived at attractive in a more "noticeable" way that you are more prone to lustful situations. I think that's a way for us to start all new stereotypes based on attractive vs. lesser attractive people.
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g676 says:Posted: 16 Apr 08
I'm just a down to earth girl that's holding out for Love but I agree with ethereal99, looks can change depending on the hairstyle or mood... Maybe I should change my picture on this site.
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g676 says:Posted: 16 Apr 08
I'm just a down to earth girl that's holding out for Love but I agree with ethereal99, looks can change depending on the hairstyle or mood... Maybe I should change my picture on this site ;-)
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ethereal99 says:Posted: 16 Apr 08
For some folks, looks can change depending on clothes, hairstyle or even mood. But, true, some people have that look of LUST or LTR material all the time. In the end, hotness is in the eye of the beholder. After the first look, some interaction & conversation is needed & then the person can be even more lustful or not. I agree, mossimo36, the photos are quite similar. More examples showing different races would have been nice & fun. Still, a good job Ria, but PS: I won't be getting plastic surgery anytime soon, too late for that !
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lilo4love says:Posted: 16 Apr 08
I will take a guess on all of you. Herelambaby lust face Kanzan love face ExitDetroit lust face Yoliebugg Love face
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Yoliebugg says:Posted: 16 Apr 08
Well, I happen to agree! The more handsome, pretty, beautiful, FINE, or whatever, people tend to be prone to thinking that you have had, and will continue to have multiple partners..... ExitDetroit-looks like he's got "cumm n get it!!!" written all over his face!! (Not that that is a bad thing.......You asked for a guess!!) :)
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Kanzan says:Posted: 16 Apr 08
This makes me very curious - comments from any ladies re: my face?
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lilo4love says:Posted: 15 Apr 08
Definitely i would go for the second face if i was looking for a ONS.
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HereIamBaby says:Posted: 15 Apr 08
LOL Great piece...if it isn't written on their face it is always on their mind! LOL Sorry guys, you know it is true! At least with the most of you! Southern smiles' Sharon
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 15 Apr 08
Looks like the same girl to me. Put Fala's face in there and let me try the quiz again
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That sexy voice on the Telephone / those words of Desire - We came together because We were ready to Enjoy what was talked about .