Does More IR Marriages In China Mean More AM/BW Matches Stateside?
Earlier this month, Al Jeezera reported a rise in interracial marriage between African women and Chinese men. The increase in intermarriage is a byproduct of the Chinese doing more commerce in African countries and the dearth of marriageable Chinese women due to the murder-inducing one-child policy. Before then, such marriages were unheard of.
In both cases, the patriarchs of the respective countries–Africa and China– have failed to plan well. Slowly but surely, China is re-colonizing Africa and the government cheerfully welcomes the cheap trinkets they get in exchange for the continent’s rich natural resources. China failed to plan what would happen when millions and millions of girl fetuses were aborted for population control.
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But never mind all that. Let the men keep doing whatever.
Interracial marriage in China is happening out of necessity there. Below the skin, Chinese and African people have much in common as it relates to family and respect for elders and legacy. But will Chinese Americans take some cues from their native kin? After all, Asian women intermarry at much higher rates than Asian men. The needle as moved a bit in that direction, but there is much more to go.
One thing I do like about Asian women is that they don’t hold their tongues about how they feel about black women marrying in their families. You’ll have to made of some strong stuff to deal with the potential rejection.
I have no doubt that more of these unions WILL happen, but they will do so slowly. But if Africa and China can make it work, so can we.
What say you? Do you think more AM/BW marriages will happen within the next decade or two?
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3 responses to "Does More IR Marriages In China Mean More AM/BW Matches Stateside?"
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 06 Oct 18
My Uncle was Chinese. He was married to my Aunt and before he passed they were married for almost 40 years.
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Prismatic says:Posted: 05 Oct 18
There was a reporter who hit the streets in Japan or China to ask the people what they thought of the Black Panther movie and how it changed their mind on black people (socially and physically). A lot of the responses were positive. So hopefully more Hollywood blockbusters with predominant black casts will help improve the perception of black people around the world.
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