Does the black community feel alienated by Woods' preference for white women?

Posted by Ria, 08 Dec

blacks alienated by woodsApparently the mixed race golfer’s preference for white women has ignited discussions within the black community in the US. It has been alleged that his latest sex scandal has sparked off debate among Black Americans on interracial dating. Much as this has been ignored in the media coverage of his infidelities, his marriage to a white model and the fact that the other three… four… six women (the number keeps growing ;-) ) he is allegedly having affairs with are also white, hasn’t escaped African Americans.

In this age and era, when you see such headlines about criticism against interracial dating, it’s a bit unimaginable. Sometimes I even wonder where people get these stories because the people I bump into don’t care who one dates.

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Anywho, on the Tom Joyner radio show for instance, a satirical song was played saying: “The question everyone in America wants to ask you is, how many white women does one brother want?"

Much as Woods once described himself as "Cablinasian" (Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian) – in a bid to show his blend of ethnicities – most Americans hail him as the black sports star. The issue isn’t even about his infidelities; but that in addition to his blonde Swedish wife, his mistresses are white. All this is a reflection of black’s resistance to interracial relationships.

But is this representative of the sum total of Black American? REALLY?

184 responses to "Does the black community feel alienated by Woods' preference for white women?"

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  1.   hatsheput says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 09

    Uh, friends and country men the great myths are 1) race classification which by the way are based on phenotypes that have pretty much no genetic significance. As a tall person of nilotic African descent I am, as a matter of fact, much MUCH closer genetically to a German than I am to say the bushmen of Southern Africa or their near genetic cousins the pigmies of Africa who share with me the same phenotype of melanated skin. Race classifications as we know them were made up contrary to any scientific basis to facilitate the subjugation and conquest of continents and peoples. 2) The second biggest myth is racial purity. There is no racial purity. NO RACES ARE "PURE". We are all "mixed" some in the more recent and some in the more distant past. As far as Tiger is concerned what interests me is why a man with his social status consistently chooses working class women/prostitutes as his partners INCLUDING his wife who is an former nanny/maid. Is this a political statement to show that he empathizes with the masses (ha, ha) or does it say something else about his own sense of self-worth? Tiger Woods is only interesting because we make him interesting. Anything that masses of people talk about and give attention to will inevitably become interesting and valuable by virtue of that fact (those of you in finance will understand me).

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  2.   devnull says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 09

    Americans and your obssession with race. Firstly who he chooses to date trash or sophisticated is neither here nor there. I think most black people like any other race have more important things to worry about in life that Tiger Woods cheating or not cheating. He is human and no member of this site can say they are perfect. Although I would say I do find it somewhat disturbing people who only date outside their race whatever their reasons just pray it does not end in tears. Before anyone gets on my case I date all races.

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  3.   AhTrini says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 09

    Tiger Woods "isn't Black" so why should we care?

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  4.   party1 says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 09

    Thank you Tiger! In so many ways you have helped out all the rest of the guys with your wandering ways.Its over,,just pay and move on.You dont want her nor should she want you so pay now and make your life.Cuz a new man will treat your wife the way she shouldve been treated,and you can just get more of what you ve gotten away from home.

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  5.   Keiwei02 says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 09

    @ deea--I liked your original comment. @ rarestgold--you commented that in his world of money and power (or something to that effect) that there are not alot of black women to choose from. That's incorrect, first and foremost. There are professional women that are doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, and CEOs as well as mature daughters of those professionals that are black AND wealthy. Just because the media CHOOSES not to highlight them as they do the Hilton sisters or any of the other train-wreck celebutantes, does not mean that they do not exist. In fact, it is a blessing that they are not highlighted, so that they won't be harrassed or fall to the ill-will of others. But I digress. The women that Tiger cheated with were cocktail waitresses, hostess, bartenders, and according to E! News this afternoon--paid escorts and porn actresses. So those are money and power careers and positions now? Let me know and I'll quit college right now. What you stated was preposterous, I took issue with it and just thought I'd let you know. @blkprinc47--You have to admit that it's a running joke (and not only in the black community) that the first two things a black star athlete gets is a pay-check and a white woman. LOL. I think that's funny myelf.

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  6.   Keiwei02 says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 09

    I could care less about Tiger Woods and his marriage. I'm not a fan of that boring game--golf, and I've never been a fan of Woods'. I respect that he is a minority in the sport and doing quite well, but he turned me off a long time ago with that "Cablinasian" comment.

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  7.   deea says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 09

    @ kojobruni, "...he’s alienated himself from the real world and doesnt realise how two faced most of his entourage are." I totally agree with you. "plus most black americans have lost their way ..." Yes, some have. "...look at how white the rappers have their booty" What? "…sad times coz black is beautiful died with the afro in the 70’s…" For some it did. In the 70's the Black Panters were mating with other race women. It became easier to race who needed that black pride stuff anyway?

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  8.   deea says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 09

    LOL...I bet Tiger never thought an AA woman would end up defending him.

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  9.   cocoabunny says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 09

    I really don't care what Tiger does but let's remember, Tiger is Asian and Black, so the question should include Asian's as well. Now as a black woman, I do not like Tiger. I date outside my race but I also date within my race. There's no way in hell I would ever exclude my own people. Never!!!

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  10.   BlackCowboy says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Beelara,I don't think Earl Woods,Tiger's late father,was 100% black.You're just bitter and can't stomach the fact that we life-size Brad dolls are in demand.

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  11.   BlackCowboy says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    There you go with that "sell-out" crap.The fact is,most black women hate Tiger because he didn't marry a black woman just to validate his "blackness," i.e.,Woods is an individual and feels no "black guilt" at having NOT squandered his talent by going with his boys to clubs and/or parties and picking fights with other revelers- i.e.,the Michigan State football guys,knocking up some broad at 17,dropping out of school and impregnating a bunch of women(Shawn Kemp,Evander Holyfield and others too numerous to mention here)or-the worst-drinking 40's with his boys in front of storefronts listening to Jackson,Sharpton,Dyson and the other thieving "leaders" go on about how if they(and other blacks unquestioningly follow them,they will lead them to freedom-FROM THEIR MONEY,THAT IS!!!!)

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  12.   brownpapi75 says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    For the young lady who said tiger's father was 100% Black, luv very few people in this country or this hemisphere are 100% anything and it's clear that if you looked at tiger's father he was of some mixed-race as well. I'm all for acknowleging african ancestry but let's not be idiots about this and take the one drop rule too far.

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  13.   Bravo55 says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Smiling faces sometimes they tell lies... hum... Beware of the pat on the back, it might be enough to hold you back... CYA.... always place yourself first and foremost. One can not buy love, joy or happiness from anyone... I certainly hope that this is not a phase two of O.J. Simspon gone bad. How can anyone be sure that this was not a long term plan setup for FREE money on Tiger's dime? The truth will eventually come out piece by piece as it has already started to materialize.... whew.

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  14.   WHURR says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Who cares about Tiger Woods? Does anyone actually care what he does or who he is with? I don't know him. I don't watch golf. I am not going to be sleeping with any of his mistresses. His wife will not be calling me anytime soon. I don't care about Tiger Woods! If everybody spent as much time reading the Bible as they do reading blogs about Tiger Woods, we might all gain some actual insight into how to better out own lives. Truly hate how we glorify people who actually have no bearing on our own lives.

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  15.   hatsheput says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    I agree with aprice67. Aprice remember that EVERYONE who grows up in a racist society is a victim of the racist ideologies and illnesses of that society. We ALL have to examine ourselves and exorcise ourselves of the sickness of racism whether white or black. African Americans as much as any other group have internalized racism. They just believe that because they do not/did not have as much power over American institutions they have a free ticket to think, say and do racist things. Why should Tiger Woods identify as Black in a perfect world? Because of the Jim Crow one drop rule that African Americans seem to believe in until today? Is he an "Octoroon" or "Quadroon" or something?! It's disgusting to me. Let the man identify as he wants, marry who he wants and sleep with who he wants and get over it. Anyway, who cares? He's a fantastic golfer - That should be enough.

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  16.   netsilik says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Personally I dont have a problem with it, I have a preference for non black males, so who am I to judge Tiger Woods. It boils down to connection and chemistry, and if these two things he happens to have in common with a white woman, then so be it. Life is too short and you never know who you will attract and fall in love with.

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  17.   DelicateC says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    The fact that he prefers white women does not upset me at all.He has a preference and I am quite sure that many of the members on this site have a preference to date and marry outside of their race as well.

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  18.   kojobruni says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    i keep wondering what the hell i'm doing on this site, there is only 1 race the human race, all this nonsense about mixed race is just bowing down and perpetuating racist ideology. As for woodsy, he's in a predominantly white middle class sport so of course he's going to be a choc-ice, sell-out and full of self loathing, with all his dosh and fame i still feel sorry for the guy coz he's alienated himself from the real world and doesnt realise how two faced most of his entourage are... plus most black americans have lost there way look at how white the rappers have their booty...sad times coz black is beautiful died with the afro in the 70's...

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  19.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    @ aprice67 - I don't think the blk community has ever claimed Tiger Woods as their own because he's never claimed the blk community, at least not to my knowledge! Having dark skin or Afro/Am ancestry doesn't necessarily make you a member of the blk community, it's having an attachment to the blk community that makes you a part of it.

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  20.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Please, get a life! Any blk person that's got the time of day to worry about what Tiger Woods is doing has way too much time on their hands! Tiger is doing what his doing because he can, period! Those of us who are self righteous enough to talk down on him are probally mad that they can't do what he's doing! As far as who he likes to lay up with, that's his business and besides none of these women has accused him of rape, hopefully none will. Tiger just made the mistake of having affairs instead of flings, it seems he don't know what a hit it, quit it & forget it is. Maybe someone should've told the brother, "You can lose alot of money chasing women but you'll never lose women, chasing alot of money!" LOL Keep your eyes on the prize Tiger!

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  21.   thick_lover says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Only the people who read the Enquirer and that ilk care.

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  22.   deea says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    correction...Most of us are over him. good grief.

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  23.   deea says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    correction...His mom is Thai and his Dad was AA, so where does the white part come from?

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  24.   deea says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    @ Jeff 255, I agree with you. Alright, Homesteader. @Donna, DeNiro has stated that he has dated all races of women, unlike you know who. Most Asians do not consider him Asian. His mom is Thai and dad is AA, so where do the wht? Furthermore, the majority of AA people are mixed. So, enough of that mix talk. @ SpringFling, that was funny. ...he's always on the prowl. @Callia, I agree 100% about the steortyping. @ Aprice67, You can keep him. Most of us is so over him. @ Allen, Your second sentence was incoherent.

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  25.   Jungle says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    WOW! Critisium, sarcasium are opinions, meaning not between them, but from sourses outside the couple! We who all are interracial daters realise that even though society may at times scrutenise people dating a different race, is only cause of attraction. People who write critisium remarks about dating interracialy, usually aren't accostumed to dating outside their race....hence is multiplied by the media (even in a professional case as Woods) Woods made great golfing achievements,and some bad moral calls. Not to be reflected on people who date interracialy. But in any race Wood's infidelity influences bad judgement on us true SINGLE interracial daters. We in Lancaster County PA have our heads on straight and have a saying, Diners are open 24/7 to business owners who can't sleep, truckdrivers making their way home to their loved ones...Travelers doing business traveling franticly to get home to their families on the holidays...... and to the rest of the public who can't stand homecooking. Lesson to us all! If your a golf pro going 18 holes... make sure your not married first before you start mingling interracialy!

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  26.   Bellara says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    tiger woods doesn't prefer white women, he's obsessed with the color white therefore in his eyes, white women are all that and then some. in all honesty, i think blacks don't give a rat's a$$ about this idiot ever since he publicly denounced being black. he stated that he's 1% german, 25% filipino and went on forever blabbing that he isn't black. like hello?last time i checked his father was 100% black so its obvious the dude has a mental illness lurking around somewhere. in other words, am sure black women does not feel alienated because he's a nobody. he got married to a poor naive swedish maid so he can have a beautiful trophy to parade with. look at all the things he cheated on his wife with, they all look like garbages compared to his wife and they are all thrash so that shows that tiger has a thing for thrase. TO SPRINGFLING: the media cares about what celebrities do with their personal lives because the media is their best friend and worst enemy. they will help you become famous, but at any given chance they'll defame and humiliate you. if a person doesn't want to air their personal lives out in the media there are three solutions. 1. say no to fame, glamour and money 2. when you get praised by the media cuss them out 3. don't keep any dirty laundry!!!!

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  27.   blkprinc47 says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    Amazing how my original response was deleted. So much for openness

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  28.   rielly says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 09

    If everyone spent time fixing their own problems instead of being wrapped up in everyone else's problems in this world would be a better place. Love knows no color. People date who they are attracted to.

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  29.   MST says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    I never liked Tiger Woods because I read an article where he was making fun of black people (the magazine was GQ). If he wants to date trashy white women, that's his perogative. But I am surpised that he cheated on his Nordic Goddess, who in the hierarchy of white women is supposed to be ultimate prize.

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  30.   Blkprinc47 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    I don't exclusively date any one race I find that people who do usually do so out a general belief or sterotype about men or woman in their respecful ethnic group. As for Tiger Woods his preference is clealy stated by the woman he chose to have affairs with. But since he like other african americans represent a clear minority when it comes to IR dating it apparent the only reason it's an issue is because of his status in the sporting community (by the way before any says something stupid - the majority of professional African American athletics are married ot black women not white). If he were any other man of color this would be a non story.

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  31.   deewhizz says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    HELL TO THA NO! That body is slammin and watching him tee off from 5ft away at the Ryder Cup was a religious experience, granted. But I just don't like the eyes. I have seen Blasians(is it ok 2 say tht haha!) that have really exotic and attractive features too bad my Asian is only 6% :( But the last thing I would do is regret access to yet another DOG no matter what mix/color/race he is GOOD RIDDANCE 1 less jerk 2 worry about lol the white ladies can HAVE U! HOWEVER, A-ROD and JETER r a different story I can't say if I can be trusted hahhaaa...

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  32.   LakeLouise says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Why would the black community feel alienated? How can you pin your hopes on one person, you are only asking to be disappointed. As the title says it's his PREFERENCE - plus, he is part white himself, and the golfing community isn't exactly swimming with black folk. People date who they meet and who they like. Maybe (and I'm going out on a limb here) he isn't attracted to black women. Really, the issue is his infidelity and his lack of respect for his wife - not the fact that she and his multitude of lovers are white. Good thing he's got megabucks, cos she's gonna walk with a whole chunk of it...

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  33.   allen7486 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    No i do not. I feel it makes all the other good brothers look bad lucky not to have suck a sleazy low life in the black community. let me ask this question why in the hell would you get married if you wanted to fool around ? stay fucking single!!!!!!

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  34.   diamondrose says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    every one is entitled to his or her own preference. i certainly dont feel alienated cos he's with white women. I prefer white men too. what concerns me the most is: HE SHD STOP CHEATING ON HIS WIFE! IT'S DISGUISING! WITH ALL THE HIV/ AIDS OUT THERE!

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  35.   aprice67 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    My interest here is the double standard,which we fully have in this country.If a white person makes a remark about a white dating outside race, they are racist.If a black personality ask the questions, it isent treated with same reaction.Maybe the black Communiy wants Tiger Woods to be theres, more then he wants to be.

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  36.   RAYNEDELAY says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    No it doesn't! Tom Joyner is one of the worst radio personalities and why he keeps coming up as a Black representative is beyond me. Please keep Black women seperate from this mess. Somehow I feel that Black women will get dragged into this. What about the Asian community? Do they feel alienated by this? Why no Asian women mistresses?

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  37.   SuddenSean says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Where is Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton, raising hell about Tiger Woods disrepecting his people?

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  38.   deeann says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    You are asking AA people how they feel and you decide not to publish my viewpoint? IMO, I have never heard Tiger express any of his views about AA women; therefore, AA do not have to get involved in this mess. Whatever is going on his life is his business and we do not have a say.

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  39.   jojolove says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Oh yeah if the wife was smart she would leave his lying cheating ass and hurt him where it hurts most in his pockets. Tiger could have brought home AIDS or any other STD messing around with those skanky women. Girl get your money I dont care what color her skin !!

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  40.   jojolove says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    I personally could care less about Tiger and who he chooses to date that is his business. Why I have no respect for him is because he clearly denies his black part of him He obviously is mixed with black and it seems to me he is ashamed of that. I never did like Tiger because of that not because he chooses to date trash unsophisticated bimbos.

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  41.   Kitson33 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    For god sake, why should a mas dating preference spark such a debate amongst Black Americans.? I am fed up with people getting upset with peoples dating choices. If you want to date IR then do so, but please lets make 2010 when we have no more or at least reduce the number of discussions we have about a Black man/woman's supposed right to date IR. Jees. Sorry for the rant but just fed up with this obsession that Black Americans place on each other about not dating IR. Its almost like saying hey stick with Raekwon and Jamal or Shanika and Tamika because they might not be going anywhere in life but at least they black!

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  42.   Callia78 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Again I not American. But do Black women really feel offended when a Black man dates/affairs/marrya white woman. Tiger Woods is part /white / Asian, on the whole they don't date black. In the UK this has been reported, but not one mention of interacial, he was having affairs and pretending to be the perfect man. Also, I'm glad that their white, as white women won;t get streotyped, if Tiger woods was having affairs with Black women I'm sure the media would be acting different;y, and black women would be streotyped, this reflecting all black women etc.

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  43.   rarestgold says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    I don't care about Tiger Woods and who he is screwing but lets face facts, in his world of money and power there are not a lot of african-american women to choose from. He likes what he likes that's clear but, why in the world should any Black care? Especially me - I'm a black woman on an interracial site looking for a white man - and there are plenty of black guys looking for white women - it is what it is. Is a representation of Black American? It's reality and it ain't no show.

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  44.   SpringFling says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Why is the world so obsessed with what Tiger Woods, or any other celebrity does in their private lives? It probably all went wrong when they nicknamed him Tiger...he's always on the prowl ;-). But seriously, from day one with the media demanding a statement from him about the incident, I immediately said, if he didn't kill anyone or commit a crime then it's nobody's business. Do you think anyone cares what I do in my personal life? Just because he makes millions a year, doesn't mean we have the right to know what he does in his personal life. I've come to believe that if you're going to be the wife of a politician, actor, or high profile athlete, you have to learn to expect he's going to cheat. I feel sorry for no wife of these people because they are very naive. Tiger and others with money are propositioned constantly, and I'm sure ANY man would find it hard to pass up. Many with money feel they are above the law, or very cocky and believe they won't get caught. By NO means am I saying that infidelity is excuseable, but these wives need to learn to deal with it, or not marry into it. If you're going to marry money, you better have the balls to play the game, and get your own boy-toy...while still living in Tiger's mansion. Sure, his endorsers will likely drop him, but who cares. That's Tiger's problem. He's made plenty of money by now to still live comfortably for many years. And all these Moms and Dads that are saddened by Tiger's not living up to the image, GIVE ME A BREAK. He didn't ask you to make him your idol, the man is just a famous golfer, not a pastor or pope. So, as for the initial comment about Tiger having all caucasian girlfriends, once again, who cares! That's like asking why are we on this website. I just hope Tiger doesn't do a press release and say "I'm sorry". That will make me gag. He's only sorry that he got caught. I digress!

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  45.   donna says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    does it matter what color a person prefers? that is tiger woods' business and no one elses! i have never heard it mentioned that robert deniro exclusively dates black women.

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  46.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Sure Nuff None of my Business or yours either - how someone else makes themself Happy / Get over it Ria . Posted by Les

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  47.   deea says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    Boy, you and the media are messy. I could careless if tiger married a nanny. That is their business and he will pay her for all of his tregressions.

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  48.   Jeff2555 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    I think that the larger question is whether the white community feels alienated by white womens preference for Tiger Woods. Jeff

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  49.   Jeff2555 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 09

    I think the larger question is whether the white community feels alienated by the apparent preference of white women for Tiger Woods. Fore!(play) Jeff :)

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  50.   brownpapi75 says:
    Posted: 08 Dec 09

    The dude can go out with whoever he wants to go out with. Would black americans prefer he womanizes only black women? Get a life

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