Does the black community feel alienated by Woods' preference for white women?
Apparently the mixed race golfer’s preference for white women has ignited discussions within the black community in the US. It has been alleged that his latest sex scandal has sparked off debate among Black Americans on interracial dating. Much as this has been ignored in the media coverage of his infidelities, his marriage to a white model and the fact that the other three… four… six women (the number keeps growing ;-) ) he is allegedly having affairs with are also white, hasn’t escaped African Americans.
In this age and era, when you see such headlines about criticism against interracial dating, it’s a bit unimaginable. Sometimes I even wonder where people get these stories because the people I bump into don’t care who one dates.
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Anywho, on the Tom Joyner radio show for instance, a satirical song was played saying: “The question everyone in America wants to ask you is, how many white women does one brother want?"
Much as Woods once described himself as "Cablinasian" (Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian) – in a bid to show his blend of ethnicities – most Americans hail him as the black sports star. The issue isn’t even about his infidelities; but that in addition to his blonde Swedish wife, his mistresses are white. All this is a reflection of black’s resistance to interracial relationships.
But is this representative of the sum total of Black American? REALLY?
184 responses to "Does the black community feel alienated by Woods' preference for white women?"
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casnovanat says:Posted: 15 Dec 09
Tiger has to learn the hard way,that this will forever be a racist world until Jesus comes, and sends every racist where they all belong - the hottest place in hell,where the devil himself will be,Adolf Hitler,and the crew that slew MLK.This racist nation will never accept and love the black man as a human being - they are afraid of him,because they know the the original blood, was black blood.WHATEVER...they enjoy tormenting Tiger,Vick,Kobe,now Mr.Obama.Hell is awaitng them.
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SweetCoco4U says:Posted: 15 Dec 09
I would like to comment on the comment that Tiger Woods alledgely made to a friend regarding the infamous car incident. "Elin went ghetto on me" I think that if he did make that comment he showed how disconnected he is not only from the Black community but from reality. When I hear the word ghetto I am thinking that one is speaking of the Jewish people during the war or some people that live in the Black community or other people that may be under represented. His wife didnt go ghetto she went human. She is not a Barbie doll but a human being with feelings and though she may be Madison's Avenue ideal and idea of beauty it only goes to show that no matter who buys into that icon of what beauty is and isnt that people are all just that......people.
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deea says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
correction...digress. Also, non-AA men should not allow individuals such as Melliot to taint their feelings towards AA-women. Melliot probably said some of those disparaging remarks in order to discourage other race men from being interested in AA women. That is an old ploy.
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deea says:Posted: 14 Dec 09 are smart. Most men will "do" anything that moves. Although, they will have a certain preference in the back of their minds. @ donna...yes, Deniro has dated within his race. Obviously, he has a preference. One would probably have to research through his older interviews for that particular article. @ melliot, Good grief...I lost my first reply to you and it was a good one. You have so many AA sterotyping going on. Sir, you cannot talk for Tiger nor any AA woman. Your bias is showing. Why not asked non-AA women what they think of Tiger? Non-AA women are his preference and they are the ones that should be answering this question. I beg to differ with you there are AA-women who would like to date men as you have described geeky and nerdy. Mr. Ph.D. it is very obvious you have a very low opinion of AA-women. It is a proven fact that there are more AA-women with degrees than there are AA-men with degrees, I degress. Mr. Ph.D. (are you kidding with your grammar?) are you ducking out of your mind when you say, "Young Black women in today’s society do have a choice and openly choose to date in public drug dealers, pimps, strip for money, sell their bodies for money, and chase behind men who are fresh out of prison." I HAVE NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE DONE ANY OF THOSE THINGS? Yes, some young women, but not all. When you make those types of open statements you are doing your own sisters and other females in your family a great disservice. On the other hand, can we all guess the race of the majority of the men these same young women are associating? And, I doubt if the majority are non-AA male? You see Mr. Ph.D. two can play the blame game. Stop trying to deflect blame from Tiger onto AA-women. We do not have a horse in this race; therefore, we have no concerns. On second thought, when D.L. Hughley and other AA-men go on national television and call women in their race/culture very unkind names, you men make yourselves look foolish, cowardly and simply ridiculous. I can get a joke; but, most of those so-call comedians are not humurous. All of you educated and successful AA-men should try harder to mentor the younger men/boys. Point these individuals in the right direction towards gaining a college education or at least obtaining a skill so that they can become more self sufficient and thereby becoming better husbands and fathers. Now there is a goal. And, for the record I do not watch BET. peace
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yoopster says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
Do blonds feel alienated when a man prefers a brunette or red head? Or how about a skinny girl when a man prefers a woman a little thicker in the waist? Or a poor girl if a man wants a woman with money? What about a short girl when a guy wants someone who's taller?
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casanovanat says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
Tiger, is one of many non-white men like myself, that love ALL women.Each woman, has her own unique feminine quality of attraction to the opposite sex.No woman is "more attractive than" another in my book.White women,are only made by the racist media,the give the subconcious impression,that they are THE MOST attractive - which is a lie.Every REAL man knows, that that's a BIG lie.
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BlackCowboy says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
GreenBeret7,you'd be my best(well,SECOND best)bud if we met.You're about the only person typing sense on this thread!!!1
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BlackCowboy says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
And dolly48,I'll bet you don't have Dolly Parton's(at least) 40D's!!!!
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BlackCowboy says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
Denied his blackness????WHAT IS THIS CRAP????Do you morons realize that in most cultures,this idiotic discussion wouldn't occur,because Tiger would't be considered black?Only the Benighted States Of America would have this useless palaver about Woods' "race";it would be LAUGHED AT in the truly civil- ized world.(And amongst truly civilized Yankees and Canucks.) As for Elin's "blackness," she's a buxom blonde babe,NOT a fat,fugly,b***hy porker!!!!(And if Tiger doesn't want her,I'd LOVE to begin bopping her!!!!)
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melliot says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
Hi! I am Tiger Woods. I play on the golf team and am on the chess club. I was wondering if you would like to maybe go out sometime on a date to the movies. Ladies lets be honest most of you would have rejected what appeared to be a nerdy young man like Tiger Woods asking you out on a date in high school. Most of you would still have rejected him when asked out by him in college. Many of you would have considered him to perhaps be a bit geeky or nerdy and not that exciting of a guy. He is not flashy or GQ. Tiger does not have a lot of swagger nor does he appear to be suave type of guy who turns head of women when he enters a room. Most women would think Tiger Woods is more likely to attend a star trek convention than a hip club. IF Tiger was not a golfer most women’s impression of Tiger would be that he is a nice guy, but kind of nerdy and maybe boring or not wild or spontaneous enough. For a majority of Black women Tiger is not a golfer would be seen a to corny and not having enough swagger. In essence Tiger would before be became the golf legend was a man with very few dating option of women. Tiger before his stardom was probably rejected by women he asked out more than all the Black people applying for American bank loans in the 80’s. Tiger Woods is an interesting anomaly. He spent his youth on golf courses with gold instructors perfecting his craft. Tiger golfed so well he won many competitions at a young age including the top competitions for non-professionals. Because of his push to conquer the golf courses and his father s strong desire to see his son be the one of the best golfers in the world Tigers missed out on a lot of the thing normal kids go to do. Women , partying, and hanging out with friends were a far distant to golf competitions or gold practice. . Golf is a predominately European descent participant sport. There are few minorities who golf when compared with the overall population of golfers. Tournaments and the golf partying circle much like Formula 1 and NASCAR is predominately people of European descent. Therefore, it’s reasonable that Tiger would be more likely to encounter available women of European descent in his circle then Black women. IT is also reasonable that Tigers rushed marriage to his current wife might in-fact be a product of his first encounter with actually being able to date the type of women he had for so long been rejected by. Secondly, we must look at Tigers age demographic when examining his dating preferences. Tiger grew up in America at time when Black culture was heavily influenced by BET's exploitation of gangster rap by artist like Tupac, Biggie Smalls, Ice T, Ice Cube, Snoop Dog, Dr. Dre ect...... The movies of Tigers period were films coveted in the Black community such as Menace to Society, Boys in the Hood, and several other movies depicting Black men as either hard core street thugs trying to navigate a life of crime,, drugs, and self imposed hardship in America. Impressions of Black masculinity were indoctrinated upon many African American males and females by the mass media. Because their was very little to counter this media imposed idea of black masculinity in America besides the Cosby Show or Oprah Black masculinity was oftentimes defined and carried out by what Black men and women soaked up from the mass media like BET. Many actions of Black men at that time were heavily influenced by trying to mimic such Black men on television as far back as shaft, the Mack on pimping, and other rappers. Black men and women not having a counter influence of Black masculinity and overwhelmingly accepted this media influenced interpretation of Black masculinity as truth and sought to hold each other to that particular standard. If you spoke English and not slang you were lacking in Black masculinity. If you did not wear urban clothing with you pants sagging you were lacking in Black masculinity. If you were smart and went to school and actually did your homework with an intent to go to college and achieve something in your life other than becoming a rapper,, hustler, criminal, or drug dealer you were lacking in Black masculinity. LASTLY IF YOU DID NOT ACT OR DEPICT YOURSELF AS A SAVAGE BEAST LIKE ANIMAL THAT SOLD DRUGS OR WAS INVOLVED IN SOME FORM OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY OR THAT YOU WERE READY TO KILL OR DESTROY ANYONE THAT STANDS IN YOUR WAY THE YOU WERE LACKING IN BLACK MASCULINITY. THESE TIMES WERE KNOW AS THE THUG GENERATION IN BLACK AMERICAN HISTORY. Tiger Woods was anything, but a thug. He was smart and well read. Tiger produced good grades and would have been admitted to the top college Stanford University on his SAT scores alone even if he didn’t play gold. Quite simply Tiger grew up in a generation in which he was simply not what majority of Black Women were looking for in a man. Perhaps that is why he finally dated a Black woman at Stanford who didn’t get sucked into the media concept of Black masculinity like an overwhelming majority of Black men and women did and continue to do today. The point is Tiger was simply born in the wrong time for what the majority of young Black Women are attracted to in America. Had he been born in the 60-the mid 80's Tiger would have been a catch for Black women in the Black community. However Tiger was born in quite possibly the worst ever time for Black culture in American history. Some will say slavery was the worst time, but i would argue that the Black community in the late 80's to approx 2007 actions of killing and selling drugs to bring their own community down and the Black community’s passion to embrace the concept of ignorance and violence is much worse than any slavery or segregation imposed upon Black Americans. Slaves not have a choice about their life decision or how they choose to live their lives.. Young Black women in today’s society do have a choice and openly choose to date in public drug dealers, pimps, strip for money, sell their bodies for money, and chase behind men who are fresh out of prison. Black men have a choice and decide to create a false struggle of hardship as an excuse to commit act of violence, self and community destruction. Tiger woods did not fit any of these categories of Black masculinity and therefore trying to find women to date would have proven quite difficult to come by. Alas Tiger did find a African American women and did date her for approx. 2 years while in University so unfortunately the idea that Tiger only prefers to exclusively date women of European descent is simply not founded in fact. Tiger like the majority of men date women that are available and open to dating them no matter what race they are. As previously aforementioned Tigers golf circle is predominately people of European descent and thus Tiger dated wht was available to him. Furthermore, his former caddie introduced him to his current wife which dispels all notions that Tiger went out and searched exclusively for a certain type of woman. Tigers caddie made the introduction while on tour as his current wife was a family friend of the his former caddie. In essence Tiger met his wife through a work love connection. So coming back to Mr. Woods and his recent scandal I will state with no hesitation that Tiger Wood’s actions of cheating on his wife were in-fact morally wrong. I will also state that tiger rushing into getting married was also bad judgment on his part. Tiger most likely never had a chance to play the field and get out there and sow his wild oats. Tiger most likely never has the opportunity to date the type of women he had always pursued and been rejected by before he became famous. In essence I think all men rising to prominence and fame can learn a great deal from Tiger. First, when you become famous the same women who used to diss you now want to kiss you. Perhaps it is best to take a little time and see what the fruits of your labor have to offer before rushing into marriage. Secondly, women who most likely would have never given you a chance before you became famous should not be given a chance by you when you become famous, Lastly, if you do end up in a situation where you feel that you would like to see other people do not disrespect your wife by cheating on her. Be a man and tell your wife that you want a divorce before going out to see if the grass is truly greener on the other side and putting your wife and children through such a scandal. In conclusion there is no such thing as a pure or unmixed race if you decide to believe in the social construct ideology of race. Therefore, each we decide to date someone else many different races or mixing. So for those of you who only prefer to date a certain race will you break up with your partner if you find out that they might not be the race you thought they were? Will the Black woman break up with the man who appears to have all the features of a European person , but actually has a black mother and a white father? Will the White person break up with a black woman because she has a white mother? Will the Indian break up with the Asian person because his biological grandmother is on middle eastern descent.
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
One more point! I'd like to know since when did Tom Joyner's views represent the thinking of BLK America as a whole, his views are just that, HIS OWN! Now there are a few Afro/Am that are stuck-on-stupid about, "does he claim the BLK community or why does he strickly date WW?" You'll always find amongst all people a small group that has way too much time on there hands and has nothing better to do than worry about who someobody is sharing a pillow with. I can speak for most of BLK America when I say, "who gives a shit about what Tiger is doing outside of golf?" Most of us are too busy working, caring for our families and trying to live productive lives and we don't have the time to dwell on who Tiger is laid up with. I think it's those in the media are more worried about it than average everyday working black folks, now you'll have NEGROS (Yeah I said it, NEGROS) like Larry Elder, Rev. Jesse Lee Patterson and a few others that want to "go there" from a moral standpoint but who cares. I say to all that want to throw off on Tiger, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone!" Mind your own bussiness!
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
@fearlesscrus - in may statement about men chasing money, I made that point to say that, some women will always be attracted to men with money. Tiger stands to looses alot lot of money because he was chasing after other women but had he kept his focus on chasing after the money, the women would always be availible. I was not implying that if a man's sole focus is on making money his woman will always be happy and satisfied, not by a long shot, trust me I know a few carpenters that are nailing the wives of corporate big-wigs! LOL
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rae56 says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
Re the question, "Does the black community feel alienated by Woods’ preference for white women?" Simply stated, only those who don't have a life...
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dolly48 says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
I also think DeNiro has dated white or non black women in the past.
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dolly48 says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
Tiger's a "lion" "Cheetah" Sorry just had to throw that in. Anyway, I am not upset that Tiger married white, I am perturbed he denied his Blackness (which I feel is brainwashing on his Mom's part.) I liked him until he did that. Actually the way Elin kicked his A** she has to have some Black in her, right? Let's give this Tiger mess a rest. ps Ria you sure know how to start trouble
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belsize says:Posted: 14 Dec 09
it is 2009 let everyone date there preference. learned minds say we are all consciouss energy that vibrates ! so although we may look visually different..we are all the same...
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gjones66216 says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
One could ask why this question is being asked now? Why wasn't it asked when he was dating and then married his wife. But being that he is now a hotter topic than he ever was for his golf, (what a shame), this is another chance to get people to address his (personal) problem. The "Black community" has had this negative view of those that chose to date outside our Black race. It's nothing new. Some Blacks challenged whether our Predident was Black enough because his mother was white and his father wasn't really part of the civil rights struggle. Anyway, alienated? no.
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Greenberet7 says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
It can be assumed that some blacks will be offered as will some Asians because he is a combination of races. But it is my thoughts that a sect of people are like me and believe that race does not play into it because many humans have advanced beyond the color of someones skin. The Kardashian sisters and Kendra (Hugh Hefner's old flame) openly admit they love black men and this does not bother or alienate me as a white male.
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fearlesscrus says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
"Apparently the mixed-race golfer's preference for white women has ignited discussions...on interracial dating." Huh? Hasn't it occured to anybody to ask, "Who COULD he have dated WITHOUT it being interracial dating?" Noplayer, this is the first time I've ever disagreed with you, but you're dead wrong on one point. Too many men have lost women, chasing a lot of money. I remember one woman who committed suicide because her heart was broken by a husband who never had any time for her because he was more interested in pursuing endless business deals. I myself have lost many women because my business demands so much of my time that they felt neglected. Few women want a man who loves money more than he loves her.
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theladycreole says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
Why on earth would the Black community feel alienated by Tiger Wood's preference for Caucasian women? I don't understand the question.... or why something like this would even be asked.
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donna says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
in response to deea, mr. deniro has had two wives, [both black], and a long time girlfriend who had twins with him, also a black woman, also a string of others which all happen to be black. never heard of him dating any other race. let me know if i am wrong.
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Cj41 says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
What is the difference who goes out with who. And why dose it always have to boil down to the color of someones skin. Dan what people think. Nothing better to do then judge other people..
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cocoabunny says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
I forgot something. Someone on here talked about how Tiger denies his blackness but TMZ discussed one of the text messages he sent one of his female screw buddies. The screw buddy, I believe her name is Amber, sent him a text message about how she does not understand why she thinks about him more and more. His reply was, that’s because I'm blasian (black & Asian). lol
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cocoabunny says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
What get me are people talking all that nonsense when they are just like and/or similar to Tiger, some are on this website. I know this is an interracial dating site but there are black women on here trying to look like anything but black (weave, wigs, etc). lol. There are also black women who feel the need to put in their profiles that they are not interested in black men. Why make this a point? I've noticed few black men to do this. My take is that a good number of black women on this site are no better than Tiger because they are just like him, insecure of being black or partially black.
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smiletellsit says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
No. :0) We love white men! And I suspect his wife isn't a saint either. We shall refrain from going there. Looks like they both used each other. She was a nanny, trying to be a model and latched on to the richest athlete and most successful golfer ever, who, having lost his dad is clearly confused. Suspect he is acting out, which doesn't excuse the behavior, but nothing is ever as it seems in these cases. Bottom line, to each their own as consenting adults. All those women, are they telling the truth? Really or just jumping on the bandwagon for their 15 minutes. The Truth will come out soon enough and basically, it is none of our business what consenting adults do. Everyone has their own perspective on marriage and how they choose to behave in their marriage. As for race, he's a combo, like all of us whether we admit it or not, so as a poster said above, who cares.
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homesteader says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Darn , I said the same thing in my first comment / All part of growing older Hehe .
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homesteader says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Pictures tell a thousand words . At the top of this page Tiger has a brown face and white teeth . His personal life is " His Business only ." Those of you that are Still Single because you Waste your Time judging others . Should Detect a pattern that may be the cause of your own personal Actions .
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deea says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Thank you, Keiwei02 and you are absolutely correct. Also, what about those bi-racial daughters? Hmmm?
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deea says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
I agree with you devnull. When I first came to this site it was because of its' name. I thought now that should be interesting, imagine my surprise when the majority of AA men were not looking for AA women? Such is life. You live and you learn. And, you move on. I no longer have a IBM fixation and that is probably a good thing.
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D4persona says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Explain something to me...How is it that Barack Obama has a similar "ethnicly diverse" family structure yet, with question he's labeled a black man but in Tiger Woods' case its viewed differently? I tend to view as nothing more than titles and acceptance of being dictated by the racial majority in this country. In this post, one African Am woman says... "Tiger Woods “isn’t Black” so why should we care?" In her world, this line of thought would be applied to the president!?!? Furthermore, How is Michael Jackson any different than Tiger Woods??????????????? Most of this has to do with economic and racially motivated both black & whites! The fact is it was made clear to Tiger Woods along time ago who and what he was recognized as being by pro golfer "Fuzzy Zeoller!" While I don't appreciate his lack of acknowledgement or identity to...and with the black community, he has the right to date/love/screw whatever he feels comfortable with...or gets him off! If you have a problem with that element, maybe what's in question is your "personal or spiritual" values and belief system!! ;-)
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hatsheput says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Also, in response to WHURR, we don't really care about Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods is just a medium for us to discuss the deeper issues in our society. Because Tiger Woods is a man of mixed ancestry who has had enormous success in our society and is high profile, he is presents and opportunity for us to discuss deeper historical, psychological and emotional issues that touch us as Americans, especially with our present First Family. Tiger Woods is just a symbol or a metaphor for much deeper issues that we as a people, American people are utilizing to work out our issues.
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hatsheput says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Uh, friends and country men the great myths are 1) race classification which by the way are based on phenotypes that have pretty much no genetic significance. As a tall person of nilotic African descent I am, as a matter of fact, much MUCH closer genetically to a German than I am to say the bushmen of Southern Africa or their near genetic cousins the pigmies of Africa who share with me the same phenotype of melanated skin. Race classifications as we know them were made up contrary to any scientific basis to facilitate the subjugation and conquest of continents and peoples. 2) The second biggest myth is racial purity. There is no racial purity. NO RACES ARE "PURE". We are all "mixed" some in the more recent and some in the more distant past. As far as Tiger is concerned what interests me is why a man with his social status consistently chooses working class women/prostitutes as his partners INCLUDING his wife who is an former nanny/maid. Is this a political statement to show that he empathizes with the masses (ha, ha) or does it say something else about his own sense of self-worth? Tiger Woods is only interesting because we make him interesting. Anything that masses of people talk about and give attention to will inevitably become interesting and valuable by virtue of that fact (those of you in finance will understand me).
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devnull says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Americans and your obssession with race. Firstly who he chooses to date trash or sophisticated is neither here nor there. I think most black people like any other race have more important things to worry about in life that Tiger Woods cheating or not cheating. He is human and no member of this site can say they are perfect. Although I would say I do find it somewhat disturbing people who only date outside their race whatever their reasons just pray it does not end in tears. Before anyone gets on my case I date all races.
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AhTrini says:Posted: 12 Dec 09
Tiger Woods "isn't Black" so why should we care?
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party1 says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
Thank you Tiger! In so many ways you have helped out all the rest of the guys with your wandering ways.Its over,,just pay and move on.You dont want her nor should she want you so pay now and make your life.Cuz a new man will treat your wife the way she shouldve been treated,and you can just get more of what you ve gotten away from home.
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Keiwei02 says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
@ deea--I liked your original comment. @ rarestgold--you commented that in his world of money and power (or something to that effect) that there are not alot of black women to choose from. That's incorrect, first and foremost. There are professional women that are doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, and CEOs as well as mature daughters of those professionals that are black AND wealthy. Just because the media CHOOSES not to highlight them as they do the Hilton sisters or any of the other train-wreck celebutantes, does not mean that they do not exist. In fact, it is a blessing that they are not highlighted, so that they won't be harrassed or fall to the ill-will of others. But I digress. The women that Tiger cheated with were cocktail waitresses, hostess, bartenders, and according to E! News this afternoon--paid escorts and porn actresses. So those are money and power careers and positions now? Let me know and I'll quit college right now. What you stated was preposterous, I took issue with it and just thought I'd let you know. @blkprinc47--You have to admit that it's a running joke (and not only in the black community) that the first two things a black star athlete gets is a pay-check and a white woman. LOL. I think that's funny myelf.
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Keiwei02 says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
I could care less about Tiger Woods and his marriage. I'm not a fan of that boring game--golf, and I've never been a fan of Woods'. I respect that he is a minority in the sport and doing quite well, but he turned me off a long time ago with that "Cablinasian" comment.
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deea says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
@ kojobruni, "...he’s alienated himself from the real world and doesnt realise how two faced most of his entourage are." I totally agree with you. "plus most black americans have lost their way ..." Yes, some have. "...look at how white the rappers have their booty" What? "…sad times coz black is beautiful died with the afro in the 70’s…" For some it did. In the 70's the Black Panters were mating with other race women. It became easier to race who needed that black pride stuff anyway?
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deea says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
LOL...I bet Tiger never thought an AA woman would end up defending him.
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cocoabunny says:Posted: 11 Dec 09
I really don't care what Tiger does but let's remember, Tiger is Asian and Black, so the question should include Asian's as well. Now as a black woman, I do not like Tiger. I date outside my race but I also date within my race. There's no way in hell I would ever exclude my own people. Never!!!
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BlackCowboy says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
Beelara,I don't think Earl Woods,Tiger's late father,was 100% black.You're just bitter and can't stomach the fact that we life-size Brad dolls are in demand.
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BlackCowboy says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
There you go with that "sell-out" crap.The fact is,most black women hate Tiger because he didn't marry a black woman just to validate his "blackness," i.e.,Woods is an individual and feels no "black guilt" at having NOT squandered his talent by going with his boys to clubs and/or parties and picking fights with other revelers- i.e.,the Michigan State football guys,knocking up some broad at 17,dropping out of school and impregnating a bunch of women(Shawn Kemp,Evander Holyfield and others too numerous to mention here)or-the worst-drinking 40's with his boys in front of storefronts listening to Jackson,Sharpton,Dyson and the other thieving "leaders" go on about how if they(and other blacks unquestioningly follow them,they will lead them to freedom-FROM THEIR MONEY,THAT IS!!!!)
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brownpapi75 says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
For the young lady who said tiger's father was 100% Black, luv very few people in this country or this hemisphere are 100% anything and it's clear that if you looked at tiger's father he was of some mixed-race as well. I'm all for acknowleging african ancestry but let's not be idiots about this and take the one drop rule too far.
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Bravo55 says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
Smiling faces sometimes they tell lies... hum... Beware of the pat on the back, it might be enough to hold you back... CYA.... always place yourself first and foremost. One can not buy love, joy or happiness from anyone... I certainly hope that this is not a phase two of O.J. Simspon gone bad. How can anyone be sure that this was not a long term plan setup for FREE money on Tiger's dime? The truth will eventually come out piece by piece as it has already started to materialize.... whew.
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WHURR says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
Who cares about Tiger Woods? Does anyone actually care what he does or who he is with? I don't know him. I don't watch golf. I am not going to be sleeping with any of his mistresses. His wife will not be calling me anytime soon. I don't care about Tiger Woods! If everybody spent as much time reading the Bible as they do reading blogs about Tiger Woods, we might all gain some actual insight into how to better out own lives. Truly hate how we glorify people who actually have no bearing on our own lives.
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hatsheput says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
I agree with aprice67. Aprice remember that EVERYONE who grows up in a racist society is a victim of the racist ideologies and illnesses of that society. We ALL have to examine ourselves and exorcise ourselves of the sickness of racism whether white or black. African Americans as much as any other group have internalized racism. They just believe that because they do not/did not have as much power over American institutions they have a free ticket to think, say and do racist things. Why should Tiger Woods identify as Black in a perfect world? Because of the Jim Crow one drop rule that African Americans seem to believe in until today? Is he an "Octoroon" or "Quadroon" or something?! It's disgusting to me. Let the man identify as he wants, marry who he wants and sleep with who he wants and get over it. Anyway, who cares? He's a fantastic golfer - That should be enough.
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netsilik says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
Personally I dont have a problem with it, I have a preference for non black males, so who am I to judge Tiger Woods. It boils down to connection and chemistry, and if these two things he happens to have in common with a white woman, then so be it. Life is too short and you never know who you will attract and fall in love with.
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My last Response to this Blog topic ; Take your Golf Clubs and Balls / Challenge the man at his Game . When you win then you have the right to Talk / If knot you are still just a Bunch of Wannabes with Negative Opinions of a " Man " that you never Shook hands with because he sure nuff plays Golf better than you . As far as his Conquests in the field of Female players / Seems a Bunch of you show Jealousy .