Interracial couple kissing - Is such a buzz warranted?

Posted by Ria, 27 Apr

interracial kissSt. Louis Post-Dispatch Go! Magazine hadn’t seen this one coming when they ran the story “The 7 Best Places To Smooch” – Inflammatory racist reader comments. The comments had nothing to do with the story itself but this photo of a black man kissing a white woman that went along with it. Here are a few of the sampled comments:

“Haven’t read the story but don’t like to see blacks and whites kissing.”

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“This doesn’t surprise me at all. Libs take every opportunity they can to shove miscegenation in our faces. Now that TV has to show blacks in every commercial, notice that they are always posed beside a blonde woman. Not a brunette, a blonde. Its done for shock value. Sickening that a once proud newspaper would resort to this. Joe Pulitzer is turning over in his grave in shame.”

… and those are just the subtle ones...

The couple on the above cover is a real couple and not just models. Chris Spencer and his girlfriend Emilee Murphree have been together for 2 ½ years. And seeing how their interracial kiss made many in St. Louis queasy had made Chris angry at first...

According to a Gallop poll of 2007, 77% Americans claim to approve of interracial marriage. But do we really approve of such relationships if a mere photo of an interracial couple kissing can make people have hot flushes? What was the real issue here? An interracial couple kissing? A black-white couple kissing?

All Chris had to say was: "This is one of the first times it's slapped me back to reality that people like this exist.". So much for our "beyond race" nation!

122 responses to "Interracial couple kissing - Is such a buzz warranted?"

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  1.   galib20 says:
    Posted: 14 May 10

    omigosh! I am in a particular university and from India. the white males are just after me for liking a white girl.

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  2.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 May 10

    omg. i get so sick of people saying well he is black so he is no good or on his way to prison. not everyone that is black is up to no good. they mess up just as anyone else does. im white and id go to prison for a felony quick like. If someone was stealing from me right in front of my eyes for something i work my a** off for, hell yeah, id give the idiots one hell of a beating. and btw, if being ignorant, judgmental, hi on the hog was a crime, 98% of all white people would be in prison. what about that.? YE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE.... NOT POSSIBLE IS IT? LOL

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  3.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 May 10

    I am glad i stumbled upon this discussion board. I have to put my two cents in. I am glad to say that I am not bothered one bit about a black and white dating. You cant help who your attracted to. And you cant help who you love. Why does the color have to be a factor? I get so irritated at people hating and rolling their eyes about mixed couples. If someone is offended or disgusted at this, then they have bigger fish to fry so to speak. They have hatred in their hearts and should b worried about their own problems rather than trying to create more. I will say that I am dating a black man and I am a white woman. My family hate it and have disowned me. I do not care because I deserve to be loved and with a good man. So far so good! I adore this man and same for him. He does so much for me and his actions back up his talk. I think it is so sad for people to discriminate and be prejudice. Its pure sickening. I am strong enough to deal with the simple minded ones and not let them affect me. I have to answer to God on judgement day and as long as my heart is clean, then the hell with who dont like me with my man. They are the ones that lost something. I didnt lose a thing... i gained the world!

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  4.   ugh says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 10

    Had the cover featured a white man kissing an Asian woman, or a woman of any other races, would there still be such an outrage? When it comes to dating white men are as selfish and hypocritical as it gets. They want women of every race all to themselves, and will typically give non-white men (especially East Asians)the most hell they can if they are with a white woman.

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  5.   RAYNEDELAY says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 10

    I like the term smootch! LOL

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  6.   maishagal says:
    Posted: 05 Sep 09

    Yet...we here in the good ole' U S of A have elected to put a mixed race President in office to run our country...just gotta wonder what kind of response his parents received from society back in the day?? Amen for open hearts & minds! Peace

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  7.   bikerdude says:
    Posted: 24 Aug 09

    damn come on its the 21st century not the turn of the century

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  8.   Lioness22 says:
    Posted: 23 Aug 09

    I dated a white guy once and it was the most carefree time of my life. I actually enjoyed myself more with him than any other man I've dated.Its because I opened my mind/heart and found that the outer experience means nothing. I was shocked that the black man in another IR couple was digusted by us even though he himself was doing the same thing as I. There will always be a double standard and difference of oppinion. That's what makes us individuals(free of speech).)Yet love is love, beautiful/ quite rare and if you're blessed to find it -hold on tight. Smooches for All

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  9.   jsjm says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    All I see is 2 people thats enjoying kissing each other. If I'm in public with a hot guy I'm dating (who cares what race he is) and I want to kiss him, then I'm going to dam well do it. Without regards to what anyone is thinks or cares. But I grew up in an area where mostly all races date each other. And its everywhere. The majority white guys where i live are not afraid to approach a black woman if interested. People just need to grow up and move on with their lives. I'm diff not going to miss my opportunity for love by thinking ignorantly. Every guy no matter if your (chinese, spanish, white, or black) have to first show me respect before thinking they can date me.

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  10.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 09

    openstone69, thank you for being so brutally honest and candid. MichaelMN, sorry to hear about your better half passing away 8 years ago. I think we need to see more photos of Black Women and White Men kissing on the covers of Magazines quite frankly. It is oh so accepted for black men and white women to date now, because of the media being extremely one sided. I think we need to see different examples of interracial couples..period. The reactions to the cover are basically expected in my opinion. We've come a long way, but still their will be those that tend to disagree and refuse to accept change. Shotgun007

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  11. Posted: 24 Jun 09

    bighoss 101, I understand where poddoc07 is coming from, I believe. He references the disproportionate number of blacks in prison (as opposed to others) as a by-product of the desperate conditions caused by years and years of being oppressed, not only socially, but also economically. Being on the "bottom rung" of society for so long can give a person (or group of people) a very bleak outlook. Desperation and illogical thinking easily become the norm under such conditions. It's easy to hold a person accountable for making the "right" decision when they don't have the disadvantages (educational, social, economical and otherwise) that African Americans did. It would be difficult enough to have ONE of those disadvantages, but ALL of them together? Now, don't get me wrong - I TRULY BELIEVE that everyone is accountable for their actions, no matter how stressful the situation is that they act out of, but it's EASIER to make the "right" decision when you are afforded more advantages. As for the photo and the reaction to it, we give life to the racists of the world by being shocked and offended by what they have to say about it. Take this into consideration: Let's say a racist white man calls a black man the, the black man has a choice. He can be angry about what was said to him and react in a manner that shows his anger, or, (my personal choice) he can IGNORE the comment! By ignoring it, he acknowledges that the reason it was said in the first place was offend. If the black man doesn't "play along", there's no offense, is there? Words are only that - WORDS. No blood is shed, no bones are broken. The only injury is MENTAL, and that, only to persons mentally WEAK enough that such things would hurt them. If we are not offended and enraged by the comments of racist people, the whole reason that they make them in the first place is eliminated. They would have to find new ways to offend, because the old ways don't work anymore. THAT is the only way that we will affect change in this age-old battle; by not being offended by something that is intended to offend. WE hold the power, NOT THEM. Think of it this way: It's illegal to physically enslave another person in this country. But there's no law against MENTALLY enslaving someone. We don't have to "play along" in someone's attempt to mentally enslave us. A person told me a story about training elephants.....he said something about the fact that an elephant can have his foot chained to a stake in the ground for years, where it can only go around and around in a circle. But, when the chain is removed, the elephant still walks around and around that stake, even with no chain attached to it's leg anymore. It's MENTAL. We (African Americans) are not slaves anymore; don't let someone's WORDS keep you chained to the same old reactions. Another analogy is that of a puppet and Puppetmaster; if the Puppetmaster wants the puppet to raise it's hand, he pulls the appropriate string. Let's cut the strings, folks. Don't suffer racists anymore.

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  12.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 09

    In our case / Two people at one time . We also see change in others Daily . Our relationship is because we are Grown Adults / knot child with closed minds . Happiness comes with Time , Believe .

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  13.   MichaelMN says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 09

    Ladies and Gentlemen: Poddoc. Thank you for sharing. While I know I will never understand the feelings of a black man - I must respectfully disagree with your premise. My people were mass murdered by the millions. And not 150 years ago. Only 60 years ago. I feel no self hatred even though my people are constantly maligned to this day. I do not for one moment hold the sons and daughters and grandchildren of those mass murderers repsonsible for what their parents and grandparents did. I am in charge of my life. As are you. Who is holding you back? I suspect from your handle you are a podiatric student. What downtrodden man could hold that highly honored position? If you are going to blame your anger on those who judge you, then you will never be free. And freedom is the most precious item God gave to us all. God bless. And print let's more pictures of lovers kissing. The world changes one perosn at a time!

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  14.   bighoss101 says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 09

    Hey poddoc07, does the fact that 90% of the penal population is black have anything to do with thier own behavior and their own decision making? Or is truely that these men are somehow acting out of frustration of events 180 years ago? I could never understand this arguement my friend - it totally takes the responsibilty away from the man himself that commited the crime - as intelligent as I believe you are from your study as a medical student surely you can see that a man has a choice how to live his life and conduct himself in this world.

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  15.   rebita says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 09

    America has a lot more work to do BUT even when that work is done there will still and always be those who have no concept of how races developed and buy into that myscegination(spelling) mess. My question is for all those (the majority) 77% why do we become so enraged at their foolishness. Let them think what they think. They are in fact being left in the dust to rot in terms of social evolution. Just laugh. I think it's more affective.

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  16.   poddoc07 says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 09

    The reactions to this article only underscore how much work America really has to do. America purports itself to be the greatest nation on earth. How can that be so, when there is an immense socioeconomic gap bewtween blacks and whites? Whites suggest that racism has ended due to the ascension of Barack Obama. However, even he has said that one black President does not make up for 400 years of oppression. Blacks are still largely underrepresented in medicine, business and yes, politics. There is no way that America can become the greatest nation on earth until it confronts the ghosts of it's past. The fact that there is such intolerance of interracial dating tell us that this self-reflection has yet to take place in America. Whites say that slavery is over and we should simply move on. Oh really? Is it that simple? The degradation, humiliation and murder of black during slavery has had profound modern-day impact. All of these stereotypes are directly traced back to this time. The fact that slavery has taught millions of young black males to hate themselves to such degree, that they make up more than 90% of the penal population. Moreover, what about the millions of unprosecuted lychings of blacks that took plce during the Jim Crow South? Are you telling me that kind of systemic mass murder does not represent the most egregious crimes against humanity? Are we suggesting that this is to have no modern-day impact on African-Americans? It would be outrageous to suggest it didn't. So this is where the ignorance and prejudices of today emanate from--slavery. Until America confronts these ghosts from it's past and properly addresses them, this will never be the greatest nation on earth. Not when I, an African-American medical student cannot walk into a jewelry store and be followed around it's confines. America has work to do.

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  17.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 09

    Telling the Truth is sometimes Hard to do , when you are Generally speaking . I am Caucasian , Male 61 years old and glad I live in Southcentral USA / Texas to be sure . openstone69 ; Fortunately - Still alive and Well , been Married over two years to a Beautiful Ladie , I met on this site . Your Ignorance is showing / Pass the pipe and don't Bogart that joint .

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  18.   openstone69 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 09

    Yeah, I hate to tell the truth but anyone 60+ and ESPECIALLY WHITE AND MALE in the Southeast USA is still as racist, bigoted, ignorant and bizzarly elitist as they were 50 years we're still waiting on that generation to die off unfortunately.

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  19.   MichaelMN says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 09

    The question was "should it matter?" The answer is NO! The more this shows in St Louis and elsewhere, the better. When the love of my life (a beautiful black woman who died 8 years ago) and I went out, we usually got severe racist reactions from black men like "Oh hell no sista! Why you with this white trash?" lol..racism knows no color. Print more photos like this . All the time. Love conquers all. This is too easy. Give us a hard problem to discuss.

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  20.   Millicent4u says:
    Posted: 13 Jun 09

    I just think that we need to grow up.!!!!!!!! Who still cares what other people think, you have to do what you think is best for you, and what makes you happy.

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  21.   shuin47 says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 09

    I have been reading the comments posted by everyone and I must add mine. I was raised in Oklahoma, considered by a lot of people to be "redneck". I began dating in high school and the majority of the guys I went out with were from other races than my own. The first time any eyebrows were raised was when my boyfriend was Black. Nobody cared about the Hispanic/Latinos, the Asians, American Indians, etc. My father disowned me, my mother asked me if I was just doing it for the shock value. I was never raised to be racist and my parents never displayed any racist tendencies so I didn't understand this reaction from my own family. I ended up marrying this man and had 2 beautiful, well rounded children with him. I now live in the Los Angeles area and am divorced. I continue to date Black men but I have to say, there is just as much racism here in the big city as there was in redneck Oklahoma, maybe more. Point is, racism is everywhere. People are just more careful about how they display it. Don't be fooled by statistics. It's a lot more common than we think.

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  22. Posted: 04 Jun 09

    Sweet blog. I never know what I am going to come across next. I think you should do more posting as you have some pretty intelligent stuff to say. I'll be watching you . :)

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  23.   jewl says:
    Posted: 02 Jun 09

    All cultures are a beautiful thing, that's why we are of different color, so please ignore the ignorance.

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  24.   thankful says:
    Posted: 02 Jun 09

    I do not live in the US but I am in a multicultural relationship. I have had a few incidents with people being unhappy about it. It hurt and confused me greatly. Mixed relationships are extremely prevalent where I'm from but still some groups do disapprove. But as all of our children grow up together, naturally, bonds are made and wonderful relationships flourish. I voiced my thoughts on a forum recently and I was exposed to the realities that some people have it so much harder. It was a difficult pill to swallow, but I do understand. But, all of you who promote love between all people, and who promote kisses among all people, thank you. It soothed a bit of the burn I had. Both of us forget what we are and most people do not even care, 99%. But the fact that there are so many of you on here who are promoting love between us all, brings real happiness and promise for the future. You're all beautiful. Those of us who have hurt thank you.

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  25.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 01 Jun 09

    P.S. Our problems to me do not seem as a Race problem / just a bunch of criminals out of control . I sure nuff do not desire to put them in jail and give them free meals . Keep em' on the street and mark them / they have stole from many others . Allowing these others to collect their property back thru identifing them in public . Knot a lynch mob - just some attitude adjustment by prior victims . Every now and then , Hehe .

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  26.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 31 May 09

    Everybody sleeps . Even the punks who play childish games like destroying our fence . The justice of the peace told me years ago to forget the sheriff and take care of it myself . Next week I shall place an ad in our local paper offering a Reward for information as to who destroyed our fence [ because I realize that more than one had to assist , to throw an 8" diameter log cut by a chainsaw over it } and soon enough it will become time to Rock n' Roll as someone will rat them out . Truckers run at night for less traffic .

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  27.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 31 May 09

    In public me and my wife enjoy all the people we meet , in our country area / there are Bigots all around . The difference being is I know most of them bye name and before we met and married they acted the same terriorizing , vandelizing and threating while they stole from me . God shows us Love for each other / the Devil tests us continuously . Life goes on . Being retired , we have learned that when you cannot change things , to throw them on the back burner and allow them to cook . In the case of the Marine and wife , I would hope that some fellow Marines had a chance to work the 4 bad guys over . One for all /All for one . In public all seem to respect us and those closer to home someday will fell my hand in anger . Alas all things shall come to he who waits . We have a great advantage , because I know their names and where they live . I have turned the other cheek many times / alas one will never know as they sleep , how far that my Patience will go . God said " thou shall not kill " . I say when my temper finally lets go that in this East Texas county many will walk with a pronounced limp someday . Death penalty is too easy , make them live long and suffer everyday of their inconsiderate lives .

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  28.   CanadianGC says:
    Posted: 31 May 09

    Do any of you really care what others think if you kiss in public!!! Most likely not or else you wouldn't have come to this site anyways.

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  29.   bighoss101 says:
    Posted: 31 May 09

    I think your veiws are held by probably more people than would admit Italian4blkf. No one said life would be fair and there is surley a racist double standard in this country - and overwhelmingly so in the media. You're example of the killing of the white marine as a result of having a black wife is one of many - however suprisingly enough that was not ruled as a "hate crime". What really gets me is not that a group of haters would commit an act like that - but that a large percentage of americans justify the act, that somehow we should "understand" that these are acts of pent up frustration due to the racisim these individuals have endured! Reverse racism IS RACISM-any way you look at it. The individuals that killed the marine deserve the death penalty - and if four white men killed a blackman for having a white wife they too deserve the death penalty.

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  30. Posted: 30 May 09

    Let's kick some ballistics here. Switch it and make it a italian guy kissing a black woman and what do you get? Every brotha comes out the wood work with their reverse racist bs. They want the white women, we know, I dont care, but they got the balls to get pissy when they see me with a black woman? I dont give 2 shits about who dates who. The problem here is the media only looks at a black guy and his non-black woman and their struggles. Id like to see that kinda attention when 4 brothas kill a white marine and his black wife for no reason other than jealousy. Ok, you follow me? Brothas can go to the length of killing and no one says a fucking thing but if someone gets pissed off because a black dude is kissing a white tart everyone gets on the PC horse? gimme a break. Imma tell you now, this shit stops when both sides stop the non-sense. For all ya'll brothas out there that got beef w/ me for loving black woman. Bring me your hate and I'll introduce you to your maker. Peace and Love or I'll kick your ass.

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  31.   Girlstar7 says:
    Posted: 29 May 09

    I love the photo!. It's two people that love each other, let them kiss forever. As a proud black woman who is now speaking with a beautiful white American male that I met on this site (lol). I wonder what will be the response we will get when we kiss in public, of course kissing with class (lol)?. I say let people love ...naturally.

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  32.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 28 May 09

    bighoss101 ; I myself dated and we frequented a club on Blogette off Alamedia in the 1970's . The members always did buy me some drinks and meet many friends . In life we will be treated as we treat others .

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  33. Posted: 27 May 09

    All I can say is... love has no colour!!!! But the feeling is colourful!! Even in London England, Some people turn their noses up in the air... who cares.... One should get on with life because we do not have enough time on this earth to worry about how some negative minority thinks. Love always!!

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  34.   bighoss101 says:
    Posted: 27 May 09

    I say keep every last one of the blondes! But really, it goes both ways. I live in Texas and have dated black women for a long time - try walkin into an all black club sometime with the best lookin black girl in the the club - at least it's never turned physical - but you never know :)

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  35.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 27 May 09

    Change comes from within each persons own mind , We are Happily married and see no problems . Maybe Southeast Texans have moved beyond the Ignorance of days past .

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  36.   sweetpea459 says:
    Posted: 25 May 09

    By writing about and discussing the ignorant people in the original article, we give the bigots a continued voice. Why are we talking about this nonsense? Yes, racism still exists. Dwelling on the ignorance of those who still harbor such notions is not a good use of time or energy.

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  37.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 25 May 09

    Happy Holiday

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  38. Posted: 25 May 09

    Live and let live! All we have in this life is that dash (-) between our birth and death dates. It really goes by fast life does. Seems only yesterday I was a carefree 21 year old with no children, mortgage, responsibilities... Now here I am 50. Where did the time go? I refuse to live my life judging others or for that matter having anyone judge mine. I am so over what anyone says, writes, thinks about who I choose to date. The couple in the magazine is adorable. Simple as that!!

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  39.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 24 May 09

    lolcat82 , You are correct . If people worry about what others complain about . They are wasting their time . Life is to Enjoy . Ladyonthe1 , Ria is her name - Nevada is her claim to fame . Counting Brits with tools in hand at another Blog topic and calling them / More Intelligent . Sometimes I wonder , who really needs to be Moderated . Life will always be as you make it . Uneducated families also bring Fine children into this World of Ours . Our Moderator here seems Real pickie and Slow if I may say .

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  40.   flady says:
    Posted: 23 May 09

    hey people tend to forget that its love which bounds two to do such things like a kiss.they are so inlove that they dont mind anywhere they do it.then who are we to be disgusted.they are happy maybe you are not because you have not found your partner.thats jeoulous.stop it and start accepting that we are all created in the same image..inside we are the same just colour difference..i think this is the most beautiful picture or scene to watch.because its rare.hey white and black.its time you kiss more if you are in public and let the whole world know that you are pat racism..those who are left behind let them stay.they are few the majority wins.wake up we are in the 21st century anyway.hello to all.

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  41.   Ladyonthe1 says:
    Posted: 22 May 09

    Who the hell cares, love is love. Doesn't matter, black, white, green or yellow. WTF BESIDES....WHO PRINTS THIS SHIT

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  42.   Ladyonthe1 says:
    Posted: 22 May 09

    Who the hell cares, love is love. Doesn't matter, black, white, green or yellow. WTF

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  43. Posted: 21 May 09

    @Glock: I agree with you. I think it's funny how everyone seems to think that we are anywhere near the end of racism. Not anywhere close, unfortunately. More has to happen before racism completely ends. Not to worry, though. The more and more interracial relationships begin to catch on, the more bi-racial grandbabies will start popping out, and I'll bet ya THAT will change the minds of some grandparents and aunts/uncles out there. ;)

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  44.   brownliu says:
    Posted: 21 May 09

    are we still on the blk/white couple kissing? if so why? time to move on from here. whats next?

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  45.   brownliu says:
    Posted: 20 May 09

    Please, why would you or me think, care, or even entertain who are looking or talking of who we kiss. why do this upset anyone.I'm being who i am really could care news paper clip or a front page clip of me will get any attention from me.I am dating outside my race but I'm still dating inside the human race. what if the black man were kissing a monkey, would they stop take a pic,we must learn to be a little no care about what we can and cannot change. we can't make others think like us, except like us, or be one with each other like us. I say to all of us keep embracing the difference, and the others will catch up with time.oh by the way, I never thought I will date outside my race because the negative comments others in my race would make. but just know that thoses that agree or disagree is just being who they are. but for me, its just another day in america.

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  46.   Jazie says:
    Posted: 19 May 09

    This is really old news and there will always be a percentage of people that disagree. It's so rare to find unconditional love and when you find it...regardless of skin color we should be so lucky. I really don't see what the big deal is! We should all live and let live!!!!!!

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  47.   surprised says:
    Posted: 19 May 09

    I am surprised that anyone was bothered at all. BM and WF couples are extremely common.

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  48.   Sciencegeek says:
    Posted: 18 May 09

    A loving relationship is a beautiful thing. Race is a minor issue in this troubled society. I applaud any loving relationship under God's umbrella. "We" represent the "body" of christ (apologize for the religious reference, but got to keep it real here). All of us. Remember.."One Nation under God" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So as long as what you see when you look at your mate is a blessing, then let the negative one's be negative. Education is what this world is missing. Prejudice is the lack of understanding of one or numerous cultures, objects or political satire.

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  49.   Jabali says:
    Posted: 16 May 09

    I like that picture.

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  50.   Kifarupembe says:
    Posted: 15 May 09

    I have been happily married to an African Kenyan lady and we have 3 children and fortunately in Kenya there is not so much discrimination as elsewhere we were so very happy and were accepted where ever we went but unfortunately all good things come an end and she unfortunately died of kidney failure and I am now back in the Uk but I have our children with me and all are doing well over here. Those bigots should mind their own business - Love must conquer all

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