Interracial couple kissing - Is such a buzz warranted?

Posted by Ria, 27 Apr

interracial kissSt. Louis Post-Dispatch Go! Magazine hadn’t seen this one coming when they ran the story “The 7 Best Places To Smooch” – Inflammatory racist reader comments. The comments had nothing to do with the story itself but this photo of a black man kissing a white woman that went along with it. Here are a few of the sampled comments:

“Haven’t read the story but don’t like to see blacks and whites kissing.”

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“This doesn’t surprise me at all. Libs take every opportunity they can to shove miscegenation in our faces. Now that TV has to show blacks in every commercial, notice that they are always posed beside a blonde woman. Not a brunette, a blonde. Its done for shock value. Sickening that a once proud newspaper would resort to this. Joe Pulitzer is turning over in his grave in shame.”

… and those are just the subtle ones...

The couple on the above cover is a real couple and not just models. Chris Spencer and his girlfriend Emilee Murphree have been together for 2 ½ years. And seeing how their interracial kiss made many in St. Louis queasy had made Chris angry at first...

According to a Gallop poll of 2007, 77% Americans claim to approve of interracial marriage. But do we really approve of such relationships if a mere photo of an interracial couple kissing can make people have hot flushes? What was the real issue here? An interracial couple kissing? A black-white couple kissing?

All Chris had to say was: "This is one of the first times it's slapped me back to reality that people like this exist.". So much for our "beyond race" nation!

122 responses to "Interracial couple kissing - Is such a buzz warranted?"

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  1.   Jenni123 says:
    Posted: 15 May 09

    Great picture! But I really dont think its a big deal, interracial couples are everywhere and i think its great to see it. My son is mixed race (Half Nigerian and half Irish, me being Irish) and he is beautiful. In my opinion Interracial couples make the most beautiful children in the world!

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  2.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 May 09

    and Yellow is my Favorite Color

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  3.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 May 09

    Praise those that Love each other , Allow those that don't , their time to feel sda or mad . We are Happy / ARE THEY ?

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  4.   gjones66216 says:
    Posted: 13 May 09

    Not to diminish any of the comments, but the newspaper published this picture to raise awareness and to generate the exact buzz that you are seeing, that you are taking part in. And the website has stimulated this conversation by printing it. No doubt the users of this site would find the racism distasteful!

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  5.   Orashi says:
    Posted: 13 May 09

    Actually in answer to your question up above, sure, Bryat Gumbal and a cohost on his show held hands. But then Byant Gumbal is Bryant Gumbal and although I have not seen it sense I believe he did it to make a point back then also. If those of us who are not fearful would just take a stand and tell those who seem to pass judgement to look in the mirror quite frankly we might get enough to leave this issues and find another one to complain about. Here in California, I don't believe that people enjoy seeing racially diversed couples, but its more tolerated.

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  6.   sirvince says:
    Posted: 12 May 09

    What is the big deal anyways I would and have kissed a black woman right in Wal-Mart while shopping and the the mall where ever I can people need to get a life! Black woman are hot! Vinny

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  7.   QX says:
    Posted: 12 May 09

    I wonder how many of the people who are angered by the sight of a Black man kissing a White woman voted for Barack Obama last year. If they did vote for Obama, then they are hypocrites. Remember, if his Black father and his White woman had not come together, there would have been no Barack Obama!

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  8.   Philip1749 says:
    Posted: 11 May 09

    I found NINJA39's and KDOG1976's statements to be incrdibly right on. We are attracted to one another as races because the difference in our skin colors helps us to see the beauty and goodness in the other race so clearly. When I see a black man and a white woman kiss, I feel warm and joyful inside. I feel the same way when I see a white man kiss a black woman. As NINJA39 pointed out, there is nothing more beautiful than black skin next to milky, white skin. And I agree with KDOG1976 as well. There is indeed hidden jealousy and envy lurking beneath the surface in many cases, in addition to the cancer of racial hatred. Also, no where was it written in genuine religious teachings that the races were meant to remain apart. Instead, human fear and ignorance have produced that. The best way to fight it is to ignore it, and keep on doing what we are doing.

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  9. Posted: 07 May 09

    Kristent, no one ever said Johnson was black. But my original source misled me on the slavery issue; you are correct that he was an apprentice and not a slave. However, in regard to Hannibal Hamlin, J. A. Roger's book "100 Amazing Facts About the Negro With Complete Proof" gives the following information and references on page 17: Hannibal Hamlin, Civil War Vice-President, native of Maine, was strongly objected to by the South and its sympathizers, who declared he was a Negro. Once when attacked on the floor of Congress because of this, he retorted, "I take my complexion from nature. He gets his from the brandy bottle. Which is more honorable?" - C. M. Hamlin, "Hannibal Hamlin," pp. 56, 354-56, Cambridge, 1889; J. R. Ficklin, History of Reconstrution in Lousiana, p. 30, Baltimore, 1911; Dict. of American Biography, Vol. VIII, P. 197; J. B. McMaster's History of the People of the United Ststes, Vol. VIII, p. 484, N.Y. 1913.

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  10.   drivenman01 says:
    Posted: 06 May 09

    it's an issue of the heart. If you notice, one comment not only commented on "the kiss" but started going off on seeing blacks in commercials next to blonds etc etc that person issue is with blacks point blank, not just the interracial dating. What's funny is if you ask people black or white why are they against interracial dating i have never..NEVER had one of them give me a sane answer lol because they can't..i've heard "oh it's rough on the kids, or God doesn't like it (oh please i'm the wrong one to say that to)..i could go on and is ignorance, jealousy, and hate. That is why they don't like seeing it but guess what..Interracial dating isn't going to leave LOL..

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  11. Posted: 06 May 09

    The U.S. people are just crazy - in Europe anyone who minds about picture like this would be recognized as a nazi and nothing else.

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  12.   SWEETOOTH4u says:
    Posted: 06 May 09

    You know,there will always be people with hate in there heart.I say let them walk through life with their eyes wide shut!!! That means there is more BEAUTIFUL BLACKNESS for me!!hehe!!

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  13.   kristent says:
    Posted: 05 May 09

    to Fearlesscrusader: Neither Hannibal Hamlin (Lincoln's first VP) nor Andrew Johnson was black. Johnson wasn't a "fugitive slave" either. He left an apprenticeship with a tailor, which today would be comparable to dropping out of college and refusing to pay your tuition or housing fees. So yes, the tailor tried to find him but he was hardly a slave in the first place.

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  14.   DiAnteMama says:
    Posted: 05 May 09

    Speaking from my standpoint. I have a bi-racial son and my father is a racist. Although he accepts my child and loves him unconditionally now (he's only 2) I know that later on down the line if he doesn't change his views he will not have any relationship at all with me or my child. These people speak on what they don't know. Somehow ignorance is still abundant in this country. It's sad but it definitely is. All we can do is educate and let live. If they choose to live their lives in ignorance to other cultures its their right just like it is ours to be blind to other colors and love everyone equally. I believe that even though sometimes bi-racial couples will go through cultural strain our determination will see us through. We will be the better people.

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  15. Posted: 05 May 09


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  16. Posted: 05 May 09

    We had a black man in the White House 149 years ago. Lincoln's first VP, who helped puch the government into passing the Emancipation Proclamation and enlisting Negro troops, was harshly denounced by Democrats and Southerners alike for his color. Who would have thought it possible then? And by the way, Lincoln's second VP was a fugitive slave.

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  17.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 04 May 09

    Without a doubt racism is alive in America (and a good portion of the rest of the world). The reaction to this cover story is one of the milder expressions of it, unfortunately. A Black man was beaten with a bat in that "quiet as it's kept" hotbed of racism, New York City, the night Barack was elected (granted it on Staten Island but all five boroughs have recent reminders). As tragic and unbelievable as that is, I have to remember what it was like. Brandenhuggs brings up a good point about the lack of mixed couples seen in advertising (and thanks sassyvixen for citing the interracial family that did make the cut, though that may be the exception that proves the rule). Remember though that one of the most popular vocalists of his time (and a seriously underrated jazz pianist), Nat Cole had a television show beginning in 1956 that had to be largely underwritten by the NBC network because so many sponsors wouldn't touch it (A representative of Max Factor is quoted as saying that a "Negro" couldn't sell lipstick for them). Thankfully those days are gone. And with continued pressure, awareness and watchfulness they'll stay gone. We have a ways to go but at least we are on the way. Barack Obama is in the White House and I didn't think that possible a year ago to say nothing of April 4, 1968.

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  18.   LaLaLisa says:
    Posted: 04 May 09

    AMEN, lovechild77!!!! My thoughts exactly!

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  19.   lovechild77 says:
    Posted: 04 May 09

    It really makes me mad to know that we still have these racist SOB's amongst us. Lets's not allow them to stop the love. Love is what really matters and it should be admired and respected regardless of skin colour.

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  20.   infr says:
    Posted: 04 May 09

    GO! magazine was asking for trouble. Peolple lie in polls.

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  21.   kdogg1976 says:
    Posted: 04 May 09

    Well me personally get the racism from the opposite race towards the woman I may be with at the time...just says that is disgusting...I for one love the attention of the thrill of having someone envy what I am...I am blind to color, and have been that way my whole life. Ignorance from people that hate what they see is the fear of the unknown...from what they most desire to do. They want to try, but they are to afraid of what everyone is going to think of them. I feel that it doesn't matter whether it be black man/white woman or white man/black woman...IT IS ALL ABOUT ENVY cause they haven't tried and they have always wanted too...In their mind they are telling themselves...I wish that was me....

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  22.   FoxyCheri says:
    Posted: 04 May 09

    Muah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grab someone of a different race and pucker up! We'll show them!

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  23. Posted: 03 May 09

    I am completely disgusted with these ppl that hate, This is not the first place i have seen an artical bout this. I am also a white women dating black guys and now i have 2 lovely boys with a black man. i just think it's such a shame that there are still these ignorant people in this world, ppl stop me in the street and give me comments but i just walk away we have to ignore it or yes it will control our relastionships.ITS 2009 ppl need to grow up n open their eyes and mind. we are all equal all God's children so we should live like it.

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  24.   Sinsereious says:
    Posted: 02 May 09

    It could have been could have been two interracial GUYS kissing...LOL

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  25.   lattelaady says:
    Posted: 02 May 09

    ...the funny thing is the persons who wrote the negative "stuff" probably doesn't realize they might just be models!

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  26.   starthai says:
    Posted: 02 May 09

    lol @ NoPlayer. I'm sure they would.

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  27.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 02 May 09

    starthai he should have grabbed her butt or put his hand on her thigh! LOL ( cracking up ) I'm sure a few of those old haters would die of a heart attack !

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  28.   starthai says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    There is nothing wrong with that picture.

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  29.   serbbral says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    I guess I'm in the minority, in that I feel that the MAJORITY of Americans don't like interracial dating. They just won't say it because they want to be "pc" and don't want to be called a racist. There are MORE people out there that don't like it, but just won't say.

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  30.   D says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    I felt compelled to post my feelings on this subject because I am a white woman who was raised in a white community who never really gave dating outside my race much thought until much later in life. I was about 38 years old when I met a man who was of a mixed race. I was so highly attracted to him, that when he asked me out, I never gave his color a second thought. After dating him awhile, I fell in love with the skin contrast and have dated multi racial or blacks ever since. There is something about it that one really cannot explain. If you have never dated outside your race, you are not qualified to comment on the subject because you are ignorant to what it is like to do so, and if you have never dated outside your race, you should try it before you voice an opinion about such a thing. There are worse things in this world than people of different colors dating and marrying. My God are we THAT shallow that such trivial things bother us? The bottom line is....people are people! Get over it!!!!

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  31.   tonydevin says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    77% of us on around the world have agreeded that we are the majority (interracial couples ) We rule plain and simple. The 23% are slowly dwendeling away and soon there will be a total and complete change. Even here in Delaware (wasn,t born here) I see the transformation coming at an fast pace.That magazine cover was embraced and the person making the statement is probably activly seeking an interracial relationship to fullfill his/her secret desire to kiss a person of color. I recently was in a heated debate with a white police officer who strongly admitted that he wouldn't date a black woman well turns out that he is strung out on sisters now after he was approached by a sexy sister and she kissed him at a function we had , he is like the whispers song for Olivia says "Lost and Turned out". Ha Ha . Aint life grand we just tok another one in. He is a changed man now and cant hep but explain his new experiences to me.

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  32.   hazelpride says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    I totally agree with totallybliss, prejudice will always live with us till end of time, there will always be those die hard people who cling to hatred. As long as we have the majority on our side. I have always being open minded about life in general, but even with so much openess nothing really prepare you to actual understand another race until you date one. To crosseye, I empathise with you on your girl issue. One thing you have to understand is that taking a step to date outside your race like NOPLAYER is not for the faint heart. There is so much resistance and especially from the closest people from our lives. It will take someone who is emotional mature to heck this one. That is why some people can not make it to long term relationship because the pressure is just too much.

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  33.   crosseye says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    I have one more thing to say not that it’s really about that magazine but I’m heated now, so here it goes…I dated a black girl for three years then I proposed to her. When I met her she had a baby whose father was not in the picture so as the child got older he believed I was his dad and that was awesome because that boy was a big part of my heart. Well after I put the ring on her finger, that changed everything in the minds of her family especially her mother, she didn’t want that to happen and she didn’t stop until she won and got into her daughters head. The sad thing is…that family saw how much I loved that child and vise versa and their daughter and they looked at me like I was below them. This is a family who went to church every Sunday, fed the homeless and put their money in the collection plate every week. Her family pretty much won and she ended up cheating on me and the thing that hurt the most was losing that relationship that I had with that child. Glad I don’t go to that church and I hope that boy grows up to respect all human beings because you never know when your entertaining angels! Crosseye

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  34.   crpsseye says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    Ya know, if people would just shut the hell up and stop wasting energy focused on other human beings, and worry about their own problems within, we would have such a better place to live, but I know it's to easy isn't it? I guess I will never understand how someone can create so much anger if they see me kiss another human being with a tan when really that anger existed way before they seen the kiss. It must suck to walk through life hating your own self but I won't judge you that's not my job, whatever you do is between You and God! So have fun with that one and remember this...there is only one race, the human race. "Peace In" Crosseye

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  35.   lovelybliss says:
    Posted: 01 May 09

    It has been said before, and I guess I just feel the need to repeat it. Yes it is a shame that ignorance is still alive and well. But to think that one day there will be a complete acceptance of people of all races, creeds, colors, religions, sexual orientation. That will never happen. Not in our life time, and most likely never. Throughout history, there has always been prejudice, racism, sexism, class discrimination, and more isms. And like it or not, we live in a country where we are free to speak out minds. So, not that I agree with the ignorant mindsets of those who are unwilling to Love in the way that God intended. But I will always be aware that they exist, and despite their presence, I do believe that the majority is still on our side, and that is all that matters.

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  36. Posted: 30 Apr 09

    Hello vanilla babe i am dark chocolate can i love you? Can i do the same thing to you like the couple in the picture? I like the picture of those two loving each other.It reminds me of something anyway i wouldn't hide my love from you.Vanilla sweetie if you're going to be my girl i will definitly be wide open with it.Theres nothing to hide if you're loving each other.Oh yeah,we will be all in public showing off.Touching,rubbing,smooching,and getting it on girl. I'm hear to say if you want me and have desires to unleash, look me up.

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  37.   imaro says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 09

    Quote: Superlite27 "(I have no idea where Wyatt Earp has been hanging out.)" ROTFLMAO! I guess I've been lurking in the wrong saloons, pardner! :D I totally agree with morninflower. I'd love to participate in a mass IR kiss-a-thon for the record books! Great idea! ;)

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  38. Posted: 30 Apr 09

    Change is hard for most people. I agree with kristent comment on the history of this country. The eastern US was colonized by prudes. It is one thing to say that you accept interracial relationships, its another to go out and date other races. I think dating people of different backgrounds gives people a chance to learn from one another and see things from a different perspective. Relationships are fun and exciting no matter what their color or background is. I can't change the way ignorant people think, I can only think for myself and influence others. I don't think the magazines should change their advertising policy based on 23% of racists. If they don't like it they can start their own magazine.

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  39.   sassyvixen says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 09

    Brandenhuggs in answer to your question. The people at pepperridge farms need to be applauded. In their commercial for stuffing during the holidays. They had an entire family. Black wife/white husband with his/her parents at the table for dinner. It aired the entire holiday season. It was on CBS down here in the Dirty South!!!

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  40. Posted: 30 Apr 09

    These people are just in love,,, does anyone do not know what love is!! if someone really has fallen in love he/she will agree with me so!! Love is a very special thing!!

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  41.   Superlite27 says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 09

    Quote: imaro "Well, having been in this area for about 8 years or so I am intimately familiar with the political/social climate, and, quite frankly, Missouri, being a state of the Deep South, is perhaps the least enlightened state I’ve yet lived in, not surprisingly. It is shockingly segregated. I have yet to see an interracial couple here, as opposed to several in the ‘northern’ states." Nice. Thanks for speaking for the rest of us Missourians. I guess I are just a dum suthernur. Too bad fer all us dum "unenlightened" suthernurs. Wees don't have as much learnins as you smart 'northern' staters. I happen to agree with NOPLAYER. I've seen (and participated in) IR dating quite often here in the Lou. There is still some racist sentiment around. You'll see racist comments in the comments section of the online Dispatch (often when there's a gangland shooting) but I've never been hassled in St. Louis on an IR date. I've seen IR couples quite often. (I have no idea where Wyatt Earp has been hanging out.)

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  42.   girlsixdiva says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 09

    I have to agree with 45browneyes' comment to a certain extent. I too wonder if there would have been as much a big deal if it was a pic of a black woman and a white man kissing. I think interracial couples should be shown more often in commercial ads and not just in an ad like this one that emphasizes their relationship.

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  43.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    Okay, here's my take: Kissing good; racism bad. Not only that but it is none of my business when or where two adult human beings want to kiss. I would have to abstain from the vote (though if pressed [or paid] to express my opinion of course I would fall into the 77%). It doesn't surprise me but it does amaze me that this is an issue in 2009. That horse has left the barn. No sense in trying to close the door. I do recognize that racism is alive and well in America. Morninflower, in support of your idea of a public interracial PDA event, I volunteer to come and kiss you in the middle of Centennial Olympic Park whenever you choose. Maybe the demonstration should even be taken on the road. Aren't I big-hearted?

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  44. Posted: 29 Apr 09

    i think that is a perfect match!!! Congratulations to them!!!! and others should stop being jealous!!

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  45.   meisha81 says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    There's nothing wrong with that cover! A good looking man kissing a good looking woman. Who cares! You would think that by now this would seem irrelevant but i guess not, can't help that there's still small-minded people in the world. Let me go find a good looking man of any color to give me a smooch! :)

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  46.   meisha81 says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    There's nothing wrong with that cover! A good looking man kissing a good looking woman. Who cares! You would think that by now this would seem relevant but i guess not. Let me go find a good looking man of any color to give me a smooch! :)

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  47.   LaLaLisa says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    I once read a very profound statement that has stuck with me all these years...."He who angers you, controls you." That hit home with me then and I thinks it's appropriate to this situation. We cannot let the ignorant minority of bigots in this country anger us. That just gives them power. Even acknowledging their complaints over the picture is giving them a voice. I say ignore them, shut 'em down.

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  48.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    Being from St. Louis, IR dating is common and up in your face. If you go out to malls, down on the river front or in the Centralwest end you see it, so it's not a shock. You still have those old hardliners around and you'll just have to let them die out. When you look at the youth and how they're turning their backs on their parents and their hang-ups about race, it's a good sign that things are changing. As I've always said IR dating is not for the weak at heart.

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  49.   brandonhugs says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    I am a black man and I have dated interracially and i am for interracial dating as long as people love each other and consider each other's race to be equal to their race, and that's why it pisses me off when people say, oh it's 2009 and America isn't racist anymore and hey a black man is even president now etc etc....well I have a question for them...we have all seen probably millions of commercials...can anyone name me ONE commercial out of those millions that has a black man/white woman couple kissing in it or even holding hands? Think about that. Think and think... And then realize the's one thing for interracial couples to be in TV shows, but companies even now in 2009 do not want to risk being associated with a black man/white woman couple in a TV commercial. And then think about how many TV commercials u have seen with romantic interaction between a white man and a black woman. I've seen several. Any guesses as to why that is the case even though the black man/white woman interracial couple is much more common in real life? Good ole Amerikkka. Peace.

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  50.   groovycat says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 09

    You won't catch me kissing a black guy..... or a white guy...... oops, what's the question.

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