Interracial Dating - White woman's perspective
If there’s a topic that has stirred so many emotions and discussions, then its interracial dating. This is video talks about the views of a white woman on black men. I found this video quite interesting especially the part about white men being unemotional.
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Well, I think we white dudes can be emotional too… we cry too. :cry: I think white men are sensitive especially to the needs of a woman. I don’t know about you but I think this video and the views on it are something to stir one heated debate.
Do other white women feel the same about black men? Do women in general feel this way?
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108 responses to "Interracial Dating - White woman's perspective"
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juan says:Posted: 29 Jul 10
I am a guy, with Spanish and African roots (2 generations back). I personally think white women are overrated and get far too much credit for what they are. Blond hair? Big deal. White skin? heh... science has shown that people with white skin have more errors in their genes. Slap in the face to all the so called sexy white women. White women are done, it's black women's turn to shine. It's time the world realizes black women are growing, and that they're not as stupid as every inbred white woman out there thinks. I think White women are evil down to the fucking bones, whereas black women aren't. Black women will stay sexy and smart for years, whereas white women age faster and become inept to insecurities. I meet black women everyday that will look me in the eye and hold a conversation. I meet white women that I can tell are only thinking "alright, another catch, how do I get this one". Besides, black women are rough and they don't take shit from nobody, :D
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Eddie says:Posted: 29 Jul 10
this comment is for dark skinned woman dont think that light skinned women get more play then dark skinned women. ive seen some dark skin women that look ten times better than light skinned womenand vice versa .all you women are beautiful. i like both flavors vanilla and chocolate. bottom line its what type of person you are thats all, and if someone tells you i prefer white women ignore them there just idiots
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Eddie says:Posted: 29 Jul 10
this comment is for lamo you should raise your kids to the best of your abilty and if he dosent do anything for those kids hes not there father alot of people think that just because u give birth to a child or u plant the seed that means he/she is your child thats bull .a person has to take care of that child and earn his or her title . from what i read it seems to me like your the mother and the father. dont give up. raise your kids to be the best they can be so when they grow up theyll know what a good mother/slash father they have and if you ever meet someone else that is a good man, he will be the father of your children.Oh and one more thing black woman white woman its the same.what makes us different is how were raised and how we naturally are. do the world a favor and burn the race card cus its 2010 we have see have to think outside of the box if martin luther king were here we probably wouldnt be living like this.ask someone that u believe is a different race and ask them if they have 10 toes 10 fingers a heart lungs kidneys etc. were all same . god bless u and god bless your children
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Eddie says:Posted: 29 Jul 10
if you ask me white black yellow its all the same thing personality is what makes people different not skin color race dosent exist its a social construct dating a so called black woamn or black guy or dating a white guy or woman dosent make a difference its different personalities everything in this country is about race,race this race that were all from the same planet we are human beings thats it. you guys should look up race in the wikipedia and learn something. culture is really the only thing different that we have and thats because we live in different regions of the world where certain crops grow in one area and in other places theres different foods different customs but we are all homo saipiens when i here people say interracial dating marriage it really pisses me off sorry this is y im writing this because people can be so ignorant 2010 and we still havent figured out that were the same. we have to look a little different if we all looked the same life would be boring we have beautiful dark skinned women and beautiful light skinned women we have the same organ we reproduce with each other so why do we keep dividing ourselves into groups and catagories we need another martin luther king to show people the way im sorry i know this is off the topic but i just had to let that out i hate the way the world and by the world i especially mean the United states they are mostly responsible for dividing people into different races and i really hate it we all came from the same source, struck from the same mold i f you guys think that what im saying is wrong let me know but write down a list of similarities and differences that people have and see if im wrong i how is it that people who arent even related have the same blood type and when someone needs an organ donation someone who was an organ donor who ever that person is saves that other strangers life think about that.Regardless of what so called "race" They are
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lmao says:Posted: 18 Jul 10
lmao..all of you are crazy. at the end of the day there is a reason why people go to another race of people to date. i have 3 children with a black man who loves white women. i take care of our children by myself his white women knows this, he dont support his children and he didnt pay my bills while he was living with me. i paid all the bills. but he was at my house with his white womans car..lolol..she pays all the bills at her house as well but he as told me we can have a beautiful relationship if i could learn to shut up and sit down and be more like his white woman.yes i yell because you didnt bring diapers for your child like you promised.yes i get inyour face because you were suppose to pay the light bill and now your children and i are in the damn if you white woman doesnt mind moving from place to place and having no utilities that is her. and from my observation most black men who have white women regardless of their economic background the women do things that a black woman wont. i have been with him for seven years and so has she...lololol and she knows i have three children with him which were concieved while he was with her. he calls me from her phone,has video chat with his children from her computer he thinks i dont know but i do.and when her and i did have a convo at her damn choosing she thought i was a liar until i emailed her the damn proof.i love him with all my heart and soul but like i told her he doesnt belong to either of us or anyone else he belongs to himself. he also has a wife he is separated from who gives him money(shes white) and two kids by his ex-wife whom he doesnt take care of either they are 17 and 18yrs old(she is white as well). My point basically is a black man dates a white woman because she puts up with shit that a black woman wont. and black men equates that with the way our children are 4,3,2..i am with him because i love him and he does provide emotional support to his children if nothing else. he encourages me to be the best i can be and tells me im the best mother in the world to his children. HE DOES NOT LIVE WITH ME.. in fact we live in two different states. he moved to the state with his white woman. do i care HELL NO cuz she is the idiot. he cant live with me and not financially provide for his family. he is sexy and terrific in the bedroom but his bad qualities override his good qualities.
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eshowoman says:Posted: 03 Jul 10
"I certainly know that dating outside you race is not a form of merit or social status!!!!" For many black men it is. "why should it bother us who black men date?" I don't care who they date, if they would shut the hell up. The predominant narrative is "I date white women because black woman are.....insert defamation,put downs, hateration"
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Jenna says:Posted: 02 Jul 10
@eshowoman You misunderstood what I meant,I certainly know that dating outside you race is not a form of merit or social status!!!! Look bottom line black women are strong, why should it bother us who black men date? Can we only find happiness if our mate is black like us? That is all I am asking. So there was no need to hurl insults,I am not mad at you.
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eshowoman says:Posted: 01 Jul 10
@Jenna You understood. "not too long blacks weren’t even considered worth dating by other races," How arrogant and ignorant, as if dating outside of your race is some form of higher civilization. Date who you want but don't make the fact that black women are increasingly alone a sign of progress! I was explaining how white women are oblivious of their racially gendered privilege. I does hurt that black men put us down and a greater amount of black men chase after white women with abandon. Black men are on this site in droves getting their white girl on and black women are largely ignored. We go on and find rich, fulfilling lives despite the hate, so don't feel sorry for us.
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Jenna says:Posted: 01 Jul 10
@eshowoman Please don't make it sound like all black women, feel dejected and hurt because 'Some' black men prefer white women! I too have preferences,I do not grieve or feel hurt at my own race of men when they date or marry outside their race. I am proud of these turn of events, not too long blacks weren't even considered worth dating by other races,if that was still the case,I certainly would not have been born. My dad is black but my mom isn't! If I have misunderstood your statement however,I stand to be corrected!
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eshowoman says:Posted: 30 Jun 10
It amazing that none of these white women will admit that they are on a pedestal as the ideal of femininity. They never seem to see the advantage they have or seem oblivious of the hate and put downs that black women have to face everyday. Black men out marry at are rate 2 1/2 times that of black women yet white women don't even think of the centuries that they have been protected while black women were defiled. I have a question for the white women this blog. If it is just about "love" explain to me how I and my black sisters have become less lovable in the past few decades?
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francisco says:Posted: 29 Jun 10
Black women are so much hotter and sexier. And their skin so dark and beautiful.
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Member says:Posted: 14 Jun 10
Tye 29, I am a black female and I am not mad at you or any of your sisters and brothers. i date outside of my race. Not all black women are angry. I've been asked out by more white men than black men and I am not drop dead gorgeous but I am attractive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with interracial dating. Some may not like to see it but it all boils down to this. We are all apart of the human race. God loves us all. To my sisters, think outside the box. 70% of African American women in the U.S. are not married. If you want to be happy, consider interracial dating. You do not need a black man to be happy. Peace and Love,
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Tye says:Posted: 23 May 10
What a subject. I can't understand why we have to join races anyway . i mean, can't just stay wwith our own race and still love other races too. i mean, we as humans have evolved as differant races. but, we don't have to HATE each other. i am a white man. and i only date white women. not because of hate or disrespect for other races but because i fell contected to my race. a race is by NO MEANS perfect. but, a race that has accomplished so much. In my opinion, i just love white women. i think all white men have a strong love still for our females. My thing about black women is that they're still so madat us. Black ladies let go of the hate for white men. and, It is the Ghetto frame of mind we white men find it very unattractive. this is way most white WON'T date black women unless their HOTT. Personally, i only date white females because my family is white. and i'm going to do my part to keep my family white. With ( LOVE and RESPECT ) for all races in humanity TYE29
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 23 May 10
@Notorious 8:12p.m. I love black women have had lots of them and loved them all and I plan to score as many as possible. Why? They are just built so much better I mean come on its very obvious. ------------------------------------------- Sounds like to me what you have been engaging in is sex. Sex and love are different things. No doubt sexual preference is no on else's concern. But let's not confuse lust with love and serious matters of the heart here. I shall exit this forum discussion as this topic is of no concern to me. I just came to clear up a few things. TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL IS WHAT I SAY!!! Best wishes to all!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Ms. Petite, Good Morning, It is a beautiful and poignant Bible Verse!! You can use it, but there's no way that I can take credit for it(lol) Earth, Wind, and Fire girl, I knew I loked you for a reason(lol) Master told me one day, that I find peace in every way But in search for the clue, wrong things I was bound to do Keep my head to the sky, for the clouds, to tell me why As I grew, and with strength, Master kept me as I repent Keep your Head to the Sky!!!! Wishing you a great day, and the very best that life has to offer!!!! love godiva
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Godiva Hey girl! That's a beautiful Bible quote! I shall use it. But I can't use your name, now can I? Keeping my head to the sky: Wow, that is my favorite Earth Wind and Fire tune. "Master told me one day...." I will do that, I always do that in the face of all adversity. Thanks!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@ Ms. Petite Chick, Actually I read it in the Bible, I think it's in the book of Proverbs, but I'll have to get back to you on that one, sister has been up since 0400hrs, so I'm a little cockeyed, trying to wind down!! My dad lived by this rule, he passed it on to his sons, my wise and loving brothers, and they have passed it on to thier sons, my adorable nephews. When you walk in each of my brother's homes, they all have a plaque that says " A Wise Man Builds, a Weak and Foolish Man Tears Down"! My oldest brother takes it one step further by saying, "Weak and Foolish can not reside in my home, nor will it dwell in me, nor will I pass it on to my sons, or the next Generation!!! I am my Father's Son, I will Honor my Father, by the way that I honor other's, including, and especially all Women! I love my Family!!! Keep your Head to the Sky, dear Sister!! love godiva
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Godiva.... Where you been? MIA. Doing things you gotta do huh? Girl, I so agree with you. I'm going to have steal that quote from above. It bears repeating: "A Wise Man Builds, A Weak and Foolish Man, Tears Down!!! I'm loving that. When I use it I will say "by Godiva."
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godiva61 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Petite Chick, How are you pretty lady? Haven't talked with you in a minute. I hope all is well. A Wise Man Builds, A Weak and Foolish Man, Tears Down!!! Listen not just to the words of a Man, instead, focus on the Heart and soul of the Man! Broken Hearts, Corrupt Souls, a deadly and lethal combination!! love godiva
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 22 May 10
@Godiva61 Thank you! I wholeheartedly agree. JohnDoes "gets it." Now, he is the kind of man a woman would be proud to have, not matter her race!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 22 May 10
@John Does, Blessed is the Man who speaks from Wisdom, and with a open Heart! You are a breath of much needed, and much appreciated fresh air!!! love godiva
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 22 May 10
lol, that was supposed to say I've had my share of negativity... my mom distracted me. smile.
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 22 May 10
this goes out to John Does... I agree that we need to find the beauty in ourselves first and learn to love oneself so that we can love and be happy. I have had my share and then some, but if it isn't true for me, then it doesn't bother me. It's their problem, not mine. I'm a happy person and I like to stay that way. No drama is best.
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 22 May 10
Preference is what you as an individual are drawn to. I see black men dating women of all sizes, and just because someone is obese, it does not make them a bad person or a low life or anything else negative... except of course their weight. But isn't that a prejudice against overweight people too? You don't have to date an OW person, it's 'your' choice, just like it is that black mans' choice to date whomever he chooses. I myself love a nice washboard stomach, and a man that is taller than myself, I'm 5'9", but I don't always get everything I want in a person. I don't believe I am settling though, because I have had some wonderful relationships because of the person that he was, not just the physical characteristics that we judge by. Of course almost all relationships start because of some kind of physical attraction, but if you want more from it, then you must look deeper. Most don't anymore. They have an image in their head and if you don't fit it to a 'T' then they aren't interested. I only ask to be loved for me, because I won't waste my time on any man that wants me to be something that I am not. I think for the most part, black women are healthier (not starving themselves), they have a more athletically inclined physique, and yes I am jealous of the fact that most women of color age so beautifully. So to all the men (of whatever color) that do not think black women are beautiful... your loss not theirs. Ladies, and this is to all women... why would you even waste your precious time and energy on any man that is not attracted to you. Life is short, don't miss out on the beauty of life and love because of anger. As long as you are angry, you will never be truly happy. Show them you don't care, and that's usually when they will. Men in general have it easier than women, because the % of men to women is in their favor. We have far less men than they do women, I think I read that it's like 6 women for every 1 man on this planet. So, don't be too picky, don't disregard your morals and values, but give some of them out there a chance. The good one's 'are' hard to find, but they are out there. We all have baggage, and it's not always in a LV shell. So, see what it is, and can you get past it. If he loves you and doesn't hurt you... give him a chance. Honesty, trust and compromise are the basics to look for, but it goes both ways. Sometimes we don't want to give before we get, but sometimes we have to. There is no such thing as a 50/50 relationship, because sometimes you may give 80 and he only gives 20, and other times you may only give 10 and he gives 90... what I am saying is it's always different depending on that particular moment in time. Be happy and enjoy. Much love to ALL.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 21 May 10
MinaG The average size in America for women of all colors is 14 US. I don't know what that translates into for Euro sizes, but that is the average American woman's size. Let's keep in mind American women's lineage is of course not always "American" but from other European societies. It's more of an American "way" than it is an hereditary factor. Furthermore, AA women are the least amongst this populace of overweight women since we are a mere fraction on the American population. Then it would stand to reason that one can deduce that it is White women along with other ethnicities who too, live by American standards (lifestyle choies) who are overweight. Glad I could clear that up for ya! Let's don't get things twisted here.
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MinaG says:Posted: 21 May 10
I think I came little too hard on Black men because what I saw everyday in Boston. I sometimes said to myself "He can do better" when I saw way too many black men with obese white women. Dear Mimi, what did you mean by "Black men do tend to get with overweight white women. But black women are NATURALLY bigger, stronger in frame and age much better" Fat is fat honey, nobody injects fat to herself to be fat unnaturally. Statistic says 67 percent of the Americans are Obese also 78 percent of Black American woman are obese. These numbers are not healthy or "natural". I don`t understand why people eat to death. It`s not about beauty or men, it`s about qualty of the life. It`s your life people you can live miserably or healthy.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 21 May 10
I really didn't want to insert myself into this thread. I tried not to. But what the hell, it's America where I live so...... @ John Does: 7:10p.m. US Eastern Standard time It’s the character that does it for me, and a black woman can fit into that as much as the most beautiful white woman. And especially for: Black women - angry/unattractive/not loving/ inferior to white women THANK YOU!!!!
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notorius says:Posted: 21 May 10
I just wanted to say that Iam a white man I cant' understand why black women think they have to have a black man. Im well buit tall and Im not sensitive. So I guess that makes me unusual. I love black women have had lots of them and loved them all and I plan to score as many as possible. Why? They are just built so much better I mean come on its very obvious. I mean I dont care what black man dont' like it. If he dont' like it I havnt' seen any man enough to say anything. Its' just as well for his own good that he keeps it to his self cause there isnt a man alive I would ever back down from. I just thought I would let all you black women Ive dated know mmmm mmmm mmm!!! I love all of you. White women eat your heart out....
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 21 May 10
Oh and one other thing... not all friends and/or family like who you pick for your partner. Some won't like any of the people you date. So, just be with whomever makes you happy, as long as it goes both ways.
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 21 May 10
Oh, and yes there are some women that think just because they are blonde and blue eyed, they are superior to those who are not. Well the fact is, that I have the ability of being able to have a child with any eye color and any hair color... where as, blonde can only get blonde and blue can only get blue. After all, variety is the spice of life. I'm not knocking blondes, but don't act like you are all that a black man wants... not true in the slightest bit.
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 21 May 10
I agree with John Does, people are judging people for what they are and not who they are. I know many white men that fit all the so called 'black' stereotypes. I give everyone I meet the same chance to be who they are, then I can determine if I want to allow them to be a part of my life. Because, ultimately, it is my choice as to how I am treated by any man, no matter his color. So I agree, we need to stop being so angry at certain people because of a few 'f*#% ups' out there. Peace.
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Member says:Posted: 21 May 10
Does anyone love anyone in the good old way of just loving their character anymore??? A blonde beautiful woman to me would never be any good if I didn't click with her character. Even as a black man. I'm not attracted, although many men would be, to a woman that is used to getting all the attention love and pampering and used to just giving nothing back, because she was always allowed that, based on her looks! Nah. That's not for me. It's the character that does it for me, and a black woman can fit into that as much as the most beautiful white woman. We ALL need to get past the stereotypes below, as they DON'T do people justice and don't give them the respect they deserve: Black men - always lusty and submissive for white women/ forever chasing white women/ prefers white women over black/ angry/ criminal/ doesn't take care of his kids Black women - angry/unattractive/not loving/ inferior to white women Asian women - submissive/sexual/lusty for white men White women - angelic/sexy/beautiful/will always make any man quiver at his knees White men - superior to others/sexy/intelligent/ got it all together/ always takes care of their kids The sooner a lot of people abandon these stereotypes the better, and some of the unhappy/lonely people who are at odds with others can get their act together a bit more.
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Member says:Posted: 21 May 10
Hello there wellhungblackman Love your name. Black men are well hung indeed. One of the things I like so much about black guys. Thank you for your kind response. Glad you loved reading my post. I'm the type of girl who's not afraid to speak the truth even if some people may hate me for doing so. I mean it's a well known fact that men all over the world love blonde white women and non-blonde white women especially black women are extremely jealous of our beauty and can't stand the fact that black men, as well as other men are crazy about us. Just look at how many non-blonde white women bleach their hair blonde and wear blue eye contacts to look like us beautiful natural Scandanavian white blondes. Even then they still can't match our stunning beauty. I have and still will say the same things in real life that I have on this website. I have had black women call me a racist and even a nazi for it. Which is clearly untrue. I wouldn't be married to a black man and have 2 kids with him if I was. If anything a lot of black women are racist for hating me just because I'm blonde and beautiful and being married to one of their men. I never have and never will wish any harm on them. There are a few black women who are O.K. with white women and black men having relationships but most seem to have issues with it. Now to answer your questions About my hair it has always been extremely long and fast growing ever since I was real young. My hair was already past my knees when I started kindergarten and hit the floor while I was in 1st grade. My feet is about 3 feet longer than I am tall. My hair is very healthy and shiny too. my hair could grown longer yet but I keep it about this length. I wanna always be able to wear my beautiful sexy hair down all the time and don't know how much longer I could grow it and still wear it down all the time. I don't know anyone with hair quite as long as mine but my sisters and my mom have really really long hair too. My mom is 44 years old and has hair down to her feet and looks so young(people tell her she looks about in her late teens, early 20's people often think she's my older sister(people tell me I look about 16 or 17) that many people think she's my older sister. My sisters have hair to the floor or a bit longer. As for my family and my husbands family being accepting of our marriage. My family has not only been accepting but think it's very cute that me and my sisters (who are 20 years old, married to a black man with 1 child, 16 and dating a black man, 14 and also dating a black man) love black men and are in interracial relationships with them. They think we look very beautiful together. I don't have and never did have any brothers. My husbands father and his 2 brothers are very supportive of our marriage and think we look lovely together. His mother and sister on the other hand have always been disgusted at us being together. . I hope one of these days they'll get over their hatred of me and will to be accepting like my parents and his father and brothers.
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 21 May 10
One more comment... I know many black men that like larger women, of any color, not just skinny women. And one example of a black man that has a woman of worth, besides just to him, is Seal and Heidi Klum. They are a beautiful couple... and they do have a lot in common. First and foremost, their love of each other and their children created from that love. Please, don't knock everyone because of a few misguided people's bad choices. And to all women that have had bad relationships... don't ignore the signs. If he is doing something you don't like, and he has done it even after you had your talk with him after the first time... let the relationship go. It's not healthy to constantly have to worry about what the other person is doing. You lose your own identity in that kind of relationship, because you are constantly worrying about them, and forget to worry about you. Love yourself first so you can be loved by a good man. They are out there, in all colors.
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Neicy05 says:Posted: 21 May 10
I am so disappointed with the HUMAN RACE. Why does it always have to come down to color? I have been reading the posts on here, and I take offense from the 'black' women on here saying that the only kind of women that black men date are trash or worse. I am not trash, I am a GOD fearing Christian woman that just happens to be attracted to black men. And as far as not knowing how to take care of my black child, I have done better than some black women I know, that would rather get their hair and nails done rather than take care of their black children. Now let me explain... I may be a little different than other white women because I was raised in a black family. My mother married a black man, and I was raised with my brothers and sister by their mother most of the time. My mother and father worked, and she cared for us. Yes, I say my father and brothers and sister, because that's what they are... we were a family. I grew up with soul food and braiding hair and all kinds of other things that I see are different. Because of how I was raised, it is hard for me to relate to a lot of things white people do and say. But, then there are the black folks that just can't handle the fact that I am white and with a black man. I get prejudice from both sides equally. I am not stealing 'your' black man, I met my husband in high school (27 yrs ago), and he gave me a gift from God, our son. So before you judge someone you don't know... maybe you can take the time to learn more about them. And if you think I am just a white girl trying to be black, that's not true. I am me, and if people don't like it, then I don't deal with them. I raised my son to take the best of both worlds and be the best that he can be. Leave the negativity to the hateful people that have not found that happiness in their lives. Negativity breeds negativity. Be positive. I love all people... until you hurt me or mine. God Bless and be happy.
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wellhungblackman says:Posted: 20 May 10
i read thru these comments n i have 2 say wow that long hair blonde lady above me sure speaks da truth about the beauty of white girls specially blonde girls and our attraction to them she says what im sure a lot of hot white girls in interracial relationships with black men wanna say but r2 afraid to do so now if only more hot blonde white women could have da courage 2 do the same btw blondie if u read this 1st i just wanna let u know that u sound absolutely drop dead gorgeous i dont think ive ever seen any1 with hair as long as urs i bet u must have spent ur whole life growing it that long i dated a very beautiful white girl with light blonde hair down 2 her ankles a few years ago and thats da longest hair i had ever seen never saw anyone with hair longer than they are tall im sure u must turn heads n make jaws drop everywhere u go 2nd u say u have 3 sisters with really long hair 2 r there hair as long as urs if so i bet da 4 of u really cause a scene when ur all 2gether third is ur family accepting of ur marriage to a black man its obvious ur sisters r but how bout ur parents and if u have any brothers r they accepting of it how bout ur husbands family do they accept ur marriage or do any of them have problems with it plz do respond if u read this blondie i luvd reading ur post n would like to see more of what u have to say u r 1 of the very few white girls that isnt afraid 2 say exactly how she feels no matter how much some people may hate her 4 it and i luv that
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Member says:Posted: 19 May 10
lol! I actually find some of these comments like only fat ugly white girls date/marry/have sex with black men to be hilarious. I think some people are obviously just jealous and in denial. Anyway, I'm a 22 year old natural blonde hair blue eyed white woman who happens to be married to a very very dark and handsome black man from Africa whom I have 2 kids with and I'm far from fat and ugly. I'm 5'2" 98 lbs. have extremely long and naturally very blonde hair that is longer than I am tall(I've always had extremely long hair ever since I was a little girl and I always wear it down much to the delight of men and envy of women), beautiful blue eyes that are bluer and lighter than the sky, a beautiful superfair rosy complexion, a gorgeous face, knockout body, killer legs, and DDD cup boobs. I am always getting compliments by men and even women of all races about how beautiful I am and constantly getting hit on by guys of all races even when my husband is with me. I am very proud of myself, my beautiful superlong supersexy blonde hair, blue eyes, Swedish descent and my sexy looks I wouldn't traade my looks ancestry(which is blonde hair and blue eyed as far back as I remember) for anything. I am always getting compliments by men and even women of all races about how beautiful I am and constantly getting hit on by guys of all races even when my husband is with me. Women of all races even other blonde women are always telling me they wish they looked like me and wish they had hair as long, beautiful and blonde as mine.Throughout my whole life I have gotten nothing but compliments from black men and nonblack men, including white guys, who knew full well I only date black men about my looks and my hair. I'm married to a black man because I love black men and have always found them to be sexier than white men even from the time I was little. As a matter of fact I have never had sex with any man that wasn't black. I find the darker a man is the sexier. In fact I'm probably as blonde hair blue eyed and fair skinned as you can get without being albino and my husband and the men I dated before about the darkest men you'll ever see. I also have three sisters who are like me have extremely long very blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin and are married to or date only black men. Not only that but I also know many beautiful natural blonde haired blue eyed white skinned women with black men. Almost all the beautiful white women especially the blondes I know or see are almost always with black men. It is very rare nowadays from what I've seen that a beautiful white girl chooses to be with a white guy instead of a black man. Contrary to what some here say about only fat ugly white women date/marry/have sex with black men I have never seen an ugly white girl with a black man. All the fat ugly white girls seem to either be with white men or noone. So to say only fat ugly white women like black men is just ridiculous. I as well as most other beautiful natural blonde white women, and black men, and believe it or not even a lot of white guys find the sight of a very dark black man with a very blonde beautiful white woman to be a very lovely and sexy sight. I have actually found that the ones who usually tend to have interracial dating are black women. I am always getting nasty looks and comments from them. I almost never get nasty stares or comments from any type of men (even white guys) about my preferrence and marriage to a black man. I actually find it pretty funny though that black women get so bothered by interracial relationships. Nonblonde women, even nonblonde white women, always seem to be extremely jealous of us blue eyed blonde white beauties and black women seem to be especially jealous of beautiful blonde hair blue eyed white women. Especially when they see us with their men. Even more so when we have babies with their men. So their comments and stares actually make me laugh. I absolutely love the fact that I can get any man of any color from anywhere in the world while they can't seem to get a man of any race.Let's face the facts non-blonde women especially black women can't even come close to competing with natural blonde white women in the beauty department. Especially one as blonde with extremely long sexy hair, an awesome body and boobs, and drop dead gorgeous face like me. Heck even lesbians and bisexual women prefer blonde women when it comes to a gay or bisexual relationship. I can actually speak with authority on it too as I happen to be bisexual and when it comes to lesbian sex I will only do it with other blonde white women and other lesbians and bisexual women lust after me and other hot blonde white women. It's not like that just where I live. I have travelled many places in the world, and in every country I've been in the men would hit on me, stare at me lustfully, and/or compliment me on my sexy looks and beautiful beyond floor length ultrablonde hair. Many people also comment on how great me and my husband look together. Women on the other hand often give me nasty stares or comments of jealoiusy. Unless their lesbians or bisexual in which case they lust after me too. It's all good though I'm not racist, I wouldn't be dating a black man if I was and love everyone know mater what race or sex they are and just wish that those women who hate us blondes for being beautiful would just get over your hatred for us. It's not our fault that men of all races love and lust after us and that most blonde women find black men to be sexy. So please don't hate us beautiful blondies for being hot and taking your men. The same goes for any white men and other non-black men for that matter who are jealous of black men because of the fact that hot blonde women like me love them because of their sexyness and superior you know what size and sex drive. It's not their fault that they are so much sexier than other men and that drop dead gorgeous blonde babes like myself prefer to be with them. However like I said I haven't really encountered too many men opposed to interracial dating. I don't hate anyone and don't want anyone to hate me. I don't even hate racists. I just wish they would change their ignorant ways and be more tolerant of interracial dating, marriages and not hate blonde women and black men for being more sexually appealing than them. I've written enough already. I love all of you even if you hate me Sincerely, Floor Length Haired Natural Blonde Babe the proud hot blue eyed blonde white babe with hair longer than she is tall that's married to a sexy black man
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newlove51 says:Posted: 07 May 10
I am a white woman that has acted on her preference of being with a black man.I will not tell you it is because all white men are unemotional nor that black men are sensitive because people are people and if more of us would allow ourselve to get to know one another we would find that there are good and bad sensitive and cold in all races.There are dead beat dads in both races,women beaters,mind controlers so I would like to say here that it isn't those things that drew me to the black man.I feel this is where i want to let a little of my inner principals be known.Even as a child I had a strong opinon about life.I decided as a young girl to meet someone before drawing an opinon about that person not a race.I would hear my family make remarks ab out an entire race and at the same time I would be visiting in the homes of these people and feel love and know there was no truth to what they were saying. I related to the struggle of this wonderful people because being a white female during this period as a child we were property inferior to guys to our parents,as an adult we were property to our husbands with nobody to turn to because the way of life was you belong to him.This gave me a little insight into the struggle of a people that lived without anyone to protectthem.This has drawn me to the black man because I see strength not in all but in many and I also have found that there are obstacles to uvercome in both races.It is and will always be my dream to meet and fall in love with and be loved by a good and loving black man that can relate to me and enjoy my company.
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Member says:Posted: 03 May 10
@MinaG I agree that this topic is supposed to be from a white woman's perspective. And to be fair it would be nice to see more of that. So far most of what I've seen here, as with most interracial dating debates, is black women expressing a common black woman's view, and a critique of black men. As for black men complimenting you. Black men don't need to compliment you so it's strange that you take issue with that. You might want to re-align your real issues and start looking at YOURSELF more. @senses 23 Just about everything you said was spot on. I'm a black man from the uk and the way I was brought up is that you work on yourself, and who you are your manners, your communication, what you can bring to the table, your life skills etc. You don't put it all down to race. A black woman should ask what is it that she doesn't have that SHE has to work on? I think a lot of black woman see this STRONG BLACK SISTA thing in themselves, and I'm all for that, and like that, but there's inadequate black women too.
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Rhonda says:Posted: 02 May 10
I noticed that not one white woman posted anything positive about white men, makes me wonder if white women have a sort of weird racism against men of their own race. As a black female I try to look for positives about men of my culture and white women seem quick to hate on their own men. I just found it very eye opening.
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mimi says:Posted: 16 Apr 10
12cuddlewith Sorry to say it. But here in the UK. It's STANDARD practice for a black man to be with an obese white woman. And that's down to a lack of domestic skills. Bad diet and no excercise. As a black woman, I can only speak for the sisters I know. And it is not an excuse to say, so what, he chose a white woman who isn't all that. 90 times out of a 100, he will choose someone who requires no effort. Because she'll take him ANYWAY he comes. With Black women, we have standards nd when a man feels that he's under pressure to maintain those standards - he'll ultimately go for the white women who requires no standards at all. Like I said. COMPLAINCANCY
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mimi says:Posted: 16 Apr 10
Itdoes go back to slavery. the ultimate appendage is to have a white woman hanging off your arm. However, let's face it.In everyday life, you do see black men and the majority of the white women they're with are busted up, overweight, poor working class. And thats if they're working at all. These white women generally are living in a state of complaicancy and neglect, and so do their black male pertners. And the men they're with KNOW this. But they can do ANYTHING they want with them, because thy're so glad to have a black man...anything goes. What people DO NOT talk about is that black women tend to be more reserved in all aspects of life. And white women are more experimental - what man wouldn't want a woman he can do ANYTHING with? My point is this, black men do tend to get with overweight white women. But balck women are NATURALLY bigger, stronger in frame and age much better. Whatever race of female you are, if as black women we're in the minority, then yes that does mean there are more obese white women than black women. And genetically black women have tighter, firmer skin which ages better. white do nothing to age well. And generally don't even lotin their skin after bathing. Except for the fake tan thing. Any black man who's with an overweight white woman cant have much of an opinion of himself.
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MinaG says:Posted: 15 Apr 10
I thought this blog was about "White woman`s" perspective but I guess, it doesn`t matter. Black American man always compimants to me that I have an exotic look. It`s such a turn off to me because I`m not a thing like a fruit you can have a bite or a rug, goes on because a human being can`t be exotic. When you like to ask me out, just look at the map and have an idea where am I from, learn a few things about my culture, it shows me that your interest is genuine. Everybody didnt jump off the ship and came here to take advantage of you and your country. We don`t live in the caves nor work at the swamps. We have a life out of the USA too. I was just wondering, why Black American men like fat women? Is it cultural? Please don`t give me the reason because they grew up with big women and they think being obese is genetic. My mother is fat and all women in my family except me and my sister because we exercise, try to eat right. Really why Black American men like fat women? I`m a foreign woman and I`m just curiouse. please no offense...
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12cuddlewith says:Posted: 05 Feb 10
Well all i got to say is i'm tired of people saying that the white women black men date are probably the women white men won't bring home, or wouldn't date them or they are fat......personally i think its an excuse for yourself to make yourself feel better because that man chose that woman regardless if he knew you, acknoweledged you or have never met you. Maybe its covering the pain...who knows but i am tired of that what if that white woman isn't fine....and even if she was she will still get talked about and have whispers behind her back............and its' not like i haven't seen some black couples where i have thought hmmmm why her? That wouldn't ever cross my mind.....cause i don't need to knock a person down for my self confidence, i already have that, i'm not perfect but atleast i know i don't have to be like that.
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Member says:Posted: 31 Jan 10
Dear Notforme. Black men don't need ALL white women to like them. It really does not matter what you say about black men. We get women period. We might take your woman. The black women comment is not all true. Maybe the cocoa butter thing lol. Personally, if I crossed over to a white woman. She would have to be fine as hell. Other than that, no need to too. Plenty of Spanish and black women around. I will send you, a hater, a postcard for PARADISE! Heading to Florida summer!
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Notforme says:Posted: 29 Jan 10
Most white women in my experience avoid black men like the plague around here except the fat ones that nobody wants. One that sleeps with black men is typically avoided due to the higher than average STD rate black men have. The decent looking ones that do sleep with black men are generally not 'dateable' anymore other than other black men. I can however, understand the attraction to non-black women. Black women tend to be loud, obnoxious, violent, and overweight. I myself attempted to date a black woman but had to dump her. She constantly smelled like cocoa butter and the nappy head was really unappealing. Kissing her was not a pleasant experience too.
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TheMan92 says:Posted: 10 Dec 09
I agree with most of the comments I've read. They r true, it doesnt matter who u date... Im a black boy who just likes white girls cuz theyre awesome .. They have many different qualities that i see black women dont have.. Beauty is all a part of my ballgame lol.. Im not racist or anything.. I just soooo love them... Id be blessed enough to find a white girl with green eyes and blonde hair or vice-versa... Peace and good luck on ur dating...follow ur hearts peoples
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Member says:Posted: 07 Dec 09
Hi ! In my eyes, colours are no problem at all. But I personally attracted to white girls. They are angelic!
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