Is mixing races making us more intelligent?
Are we evolving as cultures and races mix? According to researchers, YES! Mixing races has a role in our evolution.
According to a study carried out, human beings of today are more intelligent and taller than their predecessors. This has been associated with the rise in genetically diverse individuals. And get this: Individuals born to parents from different ethnicities generally have higher levels of education.
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This particular study analyzed genetic information from more than 100 studies conducted previously around the world. The studies were a compilation of genetic details on more than 350,000 individuals; from both rural and urban settings.
The researchers from University of Edinburgh found that greater genetic diversity was associated with tallness, better cognitive skills and higher levels of education in the individuals. However, diversity wasn't linked to things like cholesterol levels or high blood pressure. Evolution seems to be favoring people with height and brains.
Dr Jim Wilson of the University of Edinburgh said: "This study highlights the power of large-scale genetic analyses to uncover fundamental information about our evolutionary history." Dr Peter Joshi added that it answers Dawin's questions on the benefits of genetic diversity.
The more reason to mix it up right? I mean who wouldn't want to make a contribution to a taller and smarter generation?
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6 responses to "Is mixing races making us more intelligent?"
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SixballQ45 says:Posted: 21 Sep 15
This is kind of a huge "Duh".. Most alloys are stronger and better than their composite metals Cross-culture rearing makes for brighter and more open-minded adults and societies.
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Lacey1972 says:Posted: 20 Sep 15
Honestly, I have no idea why millions of people equate the color of ones skin to race. Being black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, or whatever is ones ethnic background. Our race is Human; and as far as we know, it's the only race anyone can be. So we aren't race mixing at all.
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Al-7 says:Posted: 06 Sep 15
for sure yes, genetic diversity makes people physiologically and socially broad minded. On contrast, in-breeding leads to disease, deformity, mental issues and fascism.
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swtie22 says:Posted: 07 Sep 15
yaaah i agree with you al-7 coz scientifically your 100% right .....
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SarahSmile08 says:Posted: 12 Jul 15
The DNA specialist told me the same thing. She said since my child was mixed race that usually were healthier because of the different backgrounds alot of diseases or illnesses "pure" black kids/white kids got she would most likely not get bc our genes were so diverse. Well something like that she broke the statics down and gave examples etc. Sickle cell, some cancers, Huntington's.
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Well lets face the truth here. There are some kids from single parent homes with families living in some of the worst communities ending up becoming highly paid professionals in the medical fields, educational fields, science fields, and so forth and so on. I think it has only a little to do with genetics. However, Statistics shows that children born in communities where there is a greater focus on higher learning has a better chance of becoming a student that will do well in middle/high school and continue on to a university. Change the environment for the better and you will change a group of people! Place 10 kids each in a broken home, with a mother working two jobs and little time for the child and by the end of their scheduled senior year, I wonder how of them will graduate. Nothing to do with the mixing of the races.