Space Drama
Picture this for a second… You are a career military officer… A fighter jet pilot…An Astronaut… American tax payers have paid several dozen million dollars in your training… And you are a woman!
Isn’t that something to be extremely proud off? Isn’t something that makes your life seem so full compared to us mere mortals..? You’ve reached the stars… You’ve experienced something that only a handful of men (let alone women) have achieved, and what do you do with your life..?
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You drive over 900 miles, in disguise, wearing diapers, so you don’t have to urinate, so you can get there faster and to what purpose? To attack another woman!
Yes ladies and gentlemen, that’s the latest breaking story, a female astronaut, one of the few that actually commanded a space shuttle, and she went across America to slap a woman that she barely knew because she thought she had an affair with another space shuttle pilot!
Did I also mention that besides a Captain in the United States Navy/Fighter jet pilot/Astronaut, she is also married with 3 children?!
I guess it just proves that we are all mere humans… Astronauts or not..
For the full story you can visit here.
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wellhowdy says:Posted: 08 Feb 07
You commented that "I guess it just proves that we are all mere humans". That is very true, but Astronauts go through more physical and mental testing than any other human being. Apparently the testing procedures must be modified to include "jealously" testing. Apparently this person passed all the tests and the extensive background investigation that the Government provides for their employees. I suppose someone could go their entire life without displaying jealously tendencies and suddenly go overboard.
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knina says:Posted: 08 Feb 07
Women women!!! you have your own and still want to have the other man to yourself. This is a clear indication of how selfish we can get sometimes. This woman should either leave the hubby first or leave the captain for others to enjoy him
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fala says:Posted: 08 Feb 07
What a crazy story! Turns out astronauts aren't SuperMen or SuperWomen. They're ordinary people like the rest of us with all the same problems and issues.
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sweetnes20 says:Posted: 08 Feb 07
making to much headlines for me.......sorry.
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mossimo says:Posted: 07 Feb 07
This is big!! Making headlines everywhere, but there are all types of people out there, so who am I to judge. Personally, I say just let it go.
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She must have really been smitten. A diaper the whole trip?? Wow