Tamera Mowry wont let hate against her interracial marriage ruin it
When people found out Tamera Mowry formerly of the Sister Sister TV show was engaged to a white man (now her husband Fox News correspondent Adam Housley), Housley had to calm her down when the hate against her choice to marry white was becoming too much to swallow.
Tamera and Housley got married in May this year. She opened up about this hate recently in an exclusive interview by The YBF (Young Black and Fabulous), explaining why such criticism no longer bags her. And I think the answers she gives can be very inspirational to all interracial couples who have to deal with such negativity and criticism.
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Below is the interracial segment of that interview in which I admired their strength and conviction as a couple :
Tamera, let's get right to it. You and [your husband] Adam got slammed with hateful comments and criticism about your interracial relationship. Especially as soon as your engagement photos hit the net. Why did you choose to release the photos? How did you all deal with the negativity?
It's something I wanted to share with Adam, our fam and friends, and years down the line with our kids. There's something, I think, special about that. I wanted them to see something more than just us in our wedding attire. I didn't feel like we shouldn't have put them out--I was just shocked that some people still feel that way. It's 2011! They did a poll recently and 83% of Americans are OK with interracial relationships. I never expected that kind of negative response to us. That's why I was OK with our wedding photographer (Jose Villa) putting those pics on his website. He was ok with them, and I was ok with them.
Did all the hate overshadow your happiness about the photos?
It didn't ruin anything for me. If anything, it just shed light on the fact people feel that way...and that's their opinion. The fact of the matter is--if you have 99.9% who see it with positivity, and you're gonna have that .1% who don't.
My husband had the best response to that on the show. He said 'That's not our issue. That's their issue. So they can deal with that.' From now on, I'm just focusing on the people who love us and support us. Which are MANY people. And that's also the case with life--there will always be naysayers
Plus in a much earlier interview with Essence.com Tamera said they have more people supporting them than making stupid comments. So they have made a conscious choice to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive. The point that needs to be drilled in the haters minds is: Tamera didn't marry a White man, she married an amazing man. Is that so hard to see?
To all interracial couples out there, make that conscious choice to surround yourself with positivity!
29 responses to "Tamera Mowry wont let hate against her interracial marriage ruin it"
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QTpie1968 says:Posted: 09 Jul 12
I'm happy for Tamera and Adam. It's great to see such a loving couple together, no matter what some ignorant people choose to say against their union. I wish them the very best in their relationship. Kudos to you for rising above the hate.
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Chellypoo says:Posted: 04 Jul 12
What God has for you is for you. It says a man that finds a wife finds a good thing,so don't worry about what people say. If he makes you happy and you make him happy enjoy it. Just don't forget to put God first in everything you do.
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DarkeyedLynn says:Posted: 23 Jun 12
um...she is biracial right? So, I wonder if it was some jealously disguised as hate...and then perhaps b/c he is a Fox news correspondent; not a far-left leaning news outlet (which is ok by the way:)...just making a statement:)?
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DarkeyedLynn says:Posted: 23 Jun 12
Interesting that these same folk would probally not bat a eye at same sex marriage yet what God has no problem with they hate...lol-sad.
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MrStyles says:Posted: 18 Jun 12
WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!! MARRYING SOMEBODY SHE LOVES!!! She has some nerve! LOL, It's funny how some people feel they are a factor in OTHER peoples lives. I'd like to see how her 'haters' would handle their situation. I would go further, but I've already given too much energy to this than it needs. People should focus on their own love and happiness and not on someone else's...maybe I'll come up with a "Mind Yo Own Business" pill...I'll make millions!!
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AlexxxIs says:Posted: 16 Jun 12
I can't understand why a mixed couple relation/marrige is an issue.Those who talk against it should go back to school.Understanding,Trust and Love don't see any colour.
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mariereine84 says:Posted: 15 Jun 12
Woww...I didn't think that this would become a huge deal. If it were a black man with a white women not much complaints....other way around there is. Why is that? I remembered an ex asking me that. I never understood this either, I've never judged a black man for being with someone outside of their race. Yet I've been judged for doing so. I'm glad to see something this beautiful:) A strong man and women standing up for what they believe in....LOVE regardless of what your ethnic background.
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ConfideNme says:Posted: 01 Jun 12
I agree with Tamera 100% don't worry what people say it's their issue and because of them being miserable that they would make comments like that. I use to date a this guy (Caucasian) last year and people would give us stares and make comments under their breath but I really didn't care I was with him and he was with me. It's not the color of your skin that define your character. We are all free to love and care about whomever we see fit so I just gave them a show by kissing him in the mouth in front of them....lol Now they really had something to talk about...lmbo!!
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jamie303 says:Posted: 30 May 12
One thing that's really killing me is ppl trying to say she isn't black or the one drop rule doesn't apply if that's so the whole dang black race should be "biracial" because we all got white in us...
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mochababy73 says:Posted: 28 May 12
Why does it seem like theres more of a double standard when Black Women decide to date or marry outside their race?
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Bebe says:Posted: 27 May 12
Wat people are trying to say(not all) is that why when ablack girl had moey they wanted to marry a white and rich never marry and ordinary white a girl who had a nine to five job a stay at home mom , they are not doing that the girl have to be millionare ,but a black or guy would marry white man or woman for who they are .thats hhow we black people are I date any color ppl I'm not racist but sometimes i've seen black people been famous and treated thier own like trash ,that left for us to talk about wateva we see around ,but as long they ate happy thats wats really matter and I believe love had no color ,size ,nor shape some ppl jus dnt think shud mix white they racist,but wat i'm saying was abt the rich and famous black men and women been taken the whites.# myopinion.
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orchid759 says:Posted: 10 May 12
I wish you two the best and many wonderful years of love!
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blackeyes says:Posted: 06 May 12
How is this an interracial relationship when she's white too? If that's the case then, her sister is in an interracial relationship also. Death to the one drop rule!
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Radiantone1 says:Posted: 05 May 12
Sadly, my mother experienced this very same ignorance...she simply did not allow it to hold her back. She created her own family tribe, and I am very thankful she did. (Other than my existance, she has allowed us to experience so much more than skin) Some think I am "lucky" because my melatonin does not match my ancestry, I beg to differ. I am constantly faced with ignorance because many think I am 'white' and are comfortable spewing their ignorance. I have set many in their place in my 49 years on earth. I will continue to until I leave this earth. Many happy returns to Mr. & Mrs. Housley.
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miyaadolf says:Posted: 31 Mar 12
i think u guys look awesome and u ve a bright future,,so dont worry about those haters, cuz they don't know anything about "LOVE"
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Maheva says:Posted: 28 Mar 12
Man, people have issues, as they say where I am coming from " how come someone try a shoes but your foot is the one that get hurted " meaning , you haters mind your business. She marries green , white , yellow ... None of your business ! The girl is happy with the man she chose. Slavery was abolished long time ago, mentalities have changed , people are mixing and looking forward a bright future! If some people still have old mentality , really this is not their era ! You should just kill yourselves and leave us in peace. Ask to yourselves why do we ( black girls) go for white guys ? Maybe because of black guys being controlling , abusive and much more ( maybe not all of you, but the majority). Anyway there is no need for explanations , as a woman I go for what make me happy and I don't care about the looks on the street or comments,
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Len30 says:Posted: 16 Nov 11
BLACK and WHITE make a good combination. Tamera and Adam as long as u love and respect ur self thats all that matter. Those who cant stand u let them sit down.
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NoDivaHere says:Posted: 08 Nov 11
Congratulations to the both of you...but I find it sad that in this "so called modern" day and age that we are still dealing with this stigma of interracial bias and quite frankly "disrespect" to this couple and people in general!
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misslovely7 says:Posted: 28 Oct 11
Some people need to just worry about their own love lives and find love for themselves...honestly the people that this is upsetting so bad need to lighten up and look at their own issues. People that don't date outside of their race are okay but its the people that hate others that choose too that are the real problem. Get a life
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taylor529 says:Posted: 22 Oct 11
There are people out there that still has hatred in there minds.And god will deal with them.I am so very happy for you.Ignore the mail and live your life.
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belsize69 says:Posted: 19 Oct 11
wow 2011 and some people still have not evolved. Her dad is white she is MIXED RACE a product of interracial love. They have found love i personally am happy for them.
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rosemarie11 says:Posted: 18 Oct 11
Congrats to both of them. As long as they both resepect and adore each other thats all that counts.
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Humor2u says:Posted: 16 Oct 11
I II commend Tamara and adam and I wish them well. I hope God will send me a amazing man as a matter of fact when he sends me one (white ) we will be happy and it wouldnt matter what people said or thought as long as the both of us are happy with one another.Humor2u.
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nika23 says:Posted: 15 Oct 11
Congrats to her and the haters are just unhappy people. It's funny how she received all this negativity and her twin (who married a black man) received well wishes. Her father is white so why all the fuss because she married someone of the same race as her dad. It's funny how the reverse is OK, but it's a crime when a black woman marries someone of another race. Ignore them and be happy with whomever treates you well.
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astolfo says:Posted: 11 Oct 11
Part of Interracial dating continues to be a statement to the part of society that does not accept that mutual understanding, independent of factores as skin color, sexual orientation, and whatever, is essencial for the survival of Homo sapiens. It is sooooo important these media anchors support the fight, to stop racist, segretionist ideas of gaining more space in our conflictive societies. Tamara & Adam, I love you and I wish you a very happy and long life together !!
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Sugahrush says:Posted: 10 Oct 11
"... The point that needs to be drilled in the haters minds is: Tamera didn’t marry a White man, she married an amazing man. Is that so hard to see?..." ********************************************** THIS quote is KEY & KING! ...She married an amazing man...and He married an amazing woman...beautiful. COLOR HAS NO BEARING ON THE Quality of Love or Depth of Commitment. Nor does it have a bearing on the ability of people to prioritize intrinsic qualities above the tangibles. Tamera and Adam are among those individuals united by their ability to recognize this. The sadistic instances of those who bash & trash interracial relationships are more often those of same races: Blacks trash, ridicule, criticize other Blacks; Whites will bash other whites. It's pathetic. ...but then ignorance IS pathetic. Woe to those who engage in interracial relationships " to make a point or to take a stand"! It's never good to play with hearts and lives. The result will most always be wrenching and catastrophic. ... .But those who accept the precious gift of Love, Acceptance, Understanding and Adoration of a man or woman in any color, have been given a A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING AND A LIGHT WHICH KEEPS ON SHINING... God Bless Tamera, Adam and others. ~SugahRush!
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trina-3012@msn.com says:Posted: 11 Oct 11
I totally agree. One has to go with one's heart. Love knows no color. As long as they are happy and in love with each nothing else matters. I applaud Tamarra for showing the world that she found an amazing man and she wasn't going to let him go! You go girl. As long as the people in her world( family and friends) support her and Adam they are golden. Tamarra and her sister are children of an interacial marriage and from what i've seen they have grown into beautiful well grounded woman. Tamarra and Adam keep holding your heads high, embrace your love and to hell with all the haters. p.s. can't wait until next season!
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To all who date outside of our race. What the haters dont understand is it take courage to make a choice and stick with it no matter what. In some cases these couples stand together but they stand alone from family, friends, etc.They have a commitment to love each other through anything. I am now engaged to a Irish/Italian military man. I am waiting for him to return from Afghainstan; he wiil be home for good next week and I thank God for his safe return. I will give you an example of how he makes me feel. We all know how it feels when we walk in the house after a long day of work, open the door, and put down our keys and exhale. We exhale because we are home. Well that is how he makes me feel; like home. I had numerous relationships in the past and he is the only man I feel truly complete. We all know how it feels to be in a relationship you know has no real prospects. You know because you feel there is something missing. So color is not the issue it is how the person makes you feel. It just so happens that they are outside of our race. If he/she makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world then you are full of their love and there is no need to look any further. I wish everyone that is looking for that special someone finds them. We all deserve happiness.