Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1.   Member says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 09

    Dear Koolbreeze Banned for what exactly? There are whores in the world. For the record where did I say black men dating white women was acceptable? You don't give a damn about your community that is your choice. I know when you come in my community your a prick. Black men 99 percent of the time already been with your woman. Listen you sound emasculated now. Have some pride in your race. Next thing your going to say to me is that you got male friends that think "your black too". Now you want to ban me because you don't like what I say. I have said worse. I know what it is it bothers you that your the last resort when shit goes bad for black women. I would be upset too. Good day.

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  2. Posted: 24 Mar 09

    Also Mr. Queens...you should be permantly banned from posting for your "whore" comment aimed at shundee. I mean seriously...that is just ridiculous & totally uncalled for!

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  3. Posted: 24 Mar 09

    Mr. Queens...I have a question. Why does a black woman have to be a "sell-out" if she chooses to date or prefers white guys? It's ok for black men to date white women though I guess huh? This line from you is hysterical..."Sellout black girls need counseling. Also, the white men that date them because you clearly don’t benefit from it. You get ostracized from your community. The white women “look down on you.” Why would I give a damn what "my community" or "white women" thinks or says? I don't live my life to please others. The last comment..."Getting emasculated and controlled by black women and they are still “sneaking around” with black men." What the hell are you talking about? Where you come up with these thoughts & ideas is beyond me. I've NEVER been "emasculated or controlled" by a black woman! If anything she pushed me to be a better man & encouraged me in all that I do.

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  4. Posted: 24 Mar 09

    girlsixdiva...that is R&B singer Robin Thicke, son of the actor Alan Thicke & his wife. I cant remember her name though. They are something like "childhood sweethearts" or the equivalent of that.

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  5.   Sammy1970 says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 09

    I have only dated white men in my life because I have a preference that I have no control over. Its just the way I am. I am only sexually attracted to them. There are amazing looking black men and a lot of them and to be honest it would be great to not have a preference at all, so there is a wider pool of people to choose from. It has noting to do with money or status. On a very basic level, I find the contrast of my skin with white skin an amazing turn on and it drives me wild. Im a massage therapist and I have to say, black peoples skin is the most beautiful by far in terms of softness and quality and very nice to work on.

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  6.   Alldoresp says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 09

    I watched a recent movie about the Native Americans (can't recall the name) where they were literally roaming and hunting free the one moment and living off the wm's rations in concentration camps the next. The NA stood strong in not giving up their culture and customs. In a situation like that it would be understandable for a NA woman to say "I want a wm", but they didn't. This wm's system is truly a masterpiece. It can close down your world very quickly. To the point where people(bw) feel that the only way to exist and be happy is through being white or being with whites. That movie was just a simplistic illustration of how the socio-economic systems crushes men of color and forces women to make the decision they make. Whites are also victims of the system although they are favored the most. 'Cause that's how you run a empire. You divide and conquer.

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  7.   Member says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 09

    Dear Doodle I need counseling? I do not think so. After hearing sellout black women say "White men walk on water", I would be a bit upset as a black man. That is just me I guess. Valentine's day is coming and these sellout black girls are so desperate they take flowers from Married white men. I will tell you who needs counseling. Sellout black girls need counseling. Also, the white men that date them because you clearly don't benefit from it. You get ostracized from your community. The white women "look down on you." It must be really worth it if you ask me. Getting emasculated and controlled by black women and they are still "sneaking around" with black men. Good luck on that. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  8.   doodlebug44 says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 09

    Mr. Queens, You need counseling. Scott

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  9.   doodlebug44 says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 09

    Mr. Queens, You need counseling. Scott

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  10.   Member says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 09

    Dear Shundee Stop justifying why you want to be a whore for a white man. Your a coward for bashing black men. Trust me your no loss so go kiss your white man's ass. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  11.   shundee says:
    Posted: 11 Feb 09

    I've dated black men before and i find most of them to be rude and selfish, thinking that they are GODS gift to women, knows nothing about romance and expect you to cater to them. Now i'm in a wonderful relationship with a white guy and he treats me just like a princess. He is loving, romantic and loyal. And thats just some of the differences. So i will take a white guy over a black man anytime. For me its a personal preference.

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  12.   Berymann says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    Sorry, there's a mistake: I find it mind-blowing that some of the bw (not bm) here say they won’t try and analyze why they only prefer wm.

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  13.   Berymann says:
    Posted: 08 Feb 09

    I came across a blog for ww & bm and the question was "why white women love black men", basically the same as here just vice versa. Within the first 40 or so responses this is what came up: 1. That is what I am chemically and physicaly atracted to. 2. White guys (I love them as friends) in my experience are not as romantic. In my opinion, as society in America has put them on the top of the totem pole, they are a bit arrogant. 3. I love the contrast i love the dark skin. it's just beautiful!! and lips - i love thicker lips...so sexy. i love the culture. i really appreciate the deep family ties in black communities, the spirituality, the African traditions the swagger More confidence Physical features- most have naturally athletic bodies, better Fun- I just have fun with black men. Dont know why nor do i care. I just find myself having more fun with black men. Whether its hanging out,partying, sex, just watching tv, cruising, etc. Just have a good time with them. i love black men, b/c black men make me feel beautiful there's just something very sensual about a bm I am a "thick" white girl. I have never dated a black man until 1.5 years ago and am still with him. Overall he is a great man, mentor, and father with a strong work ethic and is the best sexual partner I have ever had. I am 30 years old. I like what I like ....he is only 1.5 years younger than me and man its amazing. He has taught me things like respect for myself and how to just glide along without causing hell. He is an inspiration with a big pole to go with it. I have learned a dew things though....he keeps an eye on me at all times, he doesnt like other men getting close to me and doesnt like men talking to me. Hes a great man.......and there are always buts.. You get the idea. I know a few of the bw here is not gonna agree with all of the above (smile). The point I'm trying to make is that after more than 500 responses the women here has been quite modest in their praise for wm. The bw who has always dated wm and supposedly have nothing against bm can't say exactly what it is about wm they find attractive or fascinating. It has been more about bashing and deriding bm than anything else. Are you choosing wm based on what is "wrong" with bm? If so, then that means you actually want a bm, but because of "previous bad experiences" and finding bm "repulsive" you are choosing wm. I find it mind-blowing that some of the bm here say they won't try and analyze why they only prefer wm. I seriously suggest you do. Another thing I noticed over on the other blog is that none of the ww criticized wm. When a bm tried to ride the "wm are arrogant" bit, the ww immediately rebutted it and pointed out the same flaw in some bm. Still sticking up for their men. Just some more of my "insecurity", "pain" and "anger" and for y'all.

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  14.   cris5000 says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 09

    I always had relationship with black men and all of them were very rude and offensive to me. It`s not a matter of color but only based in previous bad experiences of mine.

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  15.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 09

    By the way My fiancee is light skin and I am dark skin. You don't even pay attention to what I write about. I don't care if you got "baby hair" and look like Lisaraye. Next your going to tell me you look like Lisaraye. Now you like "fair skin black men". Which is it white men or light skin black men. You dumb whore. Stop cheating on your Russian boyfriend. By the way my blog is not Ghetto. I prefer to call it "informative" towards the issue of black women and dating. Thank you very much. Now go back to kissing "White ass."

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  16.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 09

    Dear Carribbean You mention that I don't have a life yet you mention my names in every tirade you have. You even mention it when Berryman called you an idiot essentially. Then you say I make false accusations. Ok you tell me where was my last false accusation and go report it to the "blog police." I have a B.S in Criminology, so sue me for making my public comments. Show me what crime I am committing. Your the one that bashed black men and now your backtracking on your comments. I don't backtrack or anything I say. You keep mentioning my blog in your tirades. People are free to go to any blog they want.I promote my blog other places with more traffic. I assure you I post her for pleasure and I generally like the discussions here. I also don't appreciate you making up stories of black men approaching you. They just ask you for directions to places. Some black women tend to think every black man is "hitting on them" just because they ask them a question. You can hold a door for a black woman and she thinks "you want her" even the slightly obese black women. So I just want you to get that out of your head. You mention you do not aspire to look like Tyra Banks. I assume you aspire to look like Esther Rolle from the TV serious Good Times. Then you mention black men think white men are afraid of them. No nappy head you mention your white boyfriend is "Russian". I think you saw to many "Rocky" movies. I don't give a shit if he is "Romanian". He is still a pussy. Now your making excuses for your white boyfriend not responding to me. Sounds pussy to me but whatever makes you happy. As for Obama, What the fuck Obama got to do with anything. Since Michelle Obama is in office are you going to stop being a "sellout" or still prostitute yourself to white men? Man you know what I do. My blog is informative and it is accurate. My research on black women is second to none! You even admit I am a Blog superstar. I hear you girl I am entertaining as you say. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  17. Posted: 03 Feb 09

    Oops my comment posted twice.My response is to that coward loser who called himself Mr L. I will not visit your blog understand? so there's no need for you to makeup false stories or accusations.

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  18. Posted: 03 Feb 09

    Are you kidding me,this is your responses ? You are more pathetic than I thought. I have never made any threats to you and so stop with your lies.I wouldn't visit your GHETTO BLOG.I know you need traffic to your blog,but you won't get that from me.My responses to you are on this site and everyone who reads will see that no threats were made by me.Are you that pathetic to make up stories for attention and traffic? I don't take this seriously,this is a blog and the posts are entertaining to me.When I log-off none of this affect my life.Your views or opinions wouldn't changed my preference,so I couldn't take you that seriously.Mr L you know when one makes false accusations it is illegal,right? My fiancee has never bothered to respond to any of your dribbling posts,now you are making accusations? lol.You are a spineless coward who lack the ability to have a mature,civilized discussion.I wouldn't be with a man who can't reasoned without using violence.You lack class,intelligence,intellect which is why you used profanities and violence .You are a lunatic with a bruised ego.My fiancee don't have a ghetto hood,low class mentality like you.If anyone read our responses,one will see where you have lied and I called you out on it.You are creating a non-existent drama for the purpose of attention to your useless blog.I wouldn't give you that satisfaction. He wouldn't waste his time on some useless Black guy who's looking for attention online.You can't have a civil discussion without Chimping out.You are a nobody in life but you are trying to be somebody online.I guessed when you run out of BS to write,you bring the profanity and violence,very typical of Black men (not all but most).I guessed this is your tactic when someone exposed you for the hateful and insecure fool that you are.I wouldn't visit your blog,since I don't do well with Gutter behavior.I'm sure that you wrote that threatening post yourself,just another tactic you are using for more attention.I don't spend my whole day on the Internet (unlike you),since I have a life outside of the Internet.I don't take this seriously like you do and I wouldn't waste my time making threats.I don't have a Gutter mindset like you,so I don't used Violence to communicate or to solved issues.I have more class than that,so I wouldn't stood to your level,understand? Internet battles are for Children or and I'm not a child.I didn't take my posts to your blog and all my responses are visible for others to read on this site.I guess cretin like you can't have a civil debate without violence,is it too much for you to just used your brain without violence? If you have to makeup lies to attract traffic to your blog,well,you are not that creative or intelligent and you should get a new hobby.I exposed you for the liar that you are.Your issues is that you can't accept Black women dating White men.Do you feel inferior to the White man? You brought stats to proved your point,the same stats that paint Black men in a bad light. I told you that my preference has nothing to do with Black men bashing,it just that I don't find majority of Black men attractive.I'm sure you understand that Black men are not God-gift to women,so therefore all women won't find you attractive.You keep bringing up more BS to covered your insecurity towards the issue.You can continued making all your accusations but your insecurity and lack of intelligence is so transparent.You are so predictable and that's funny.I told you long ago I'm proud to be a sellout,so why do you keep repeating it like a broken record? you know that makes you look retarded. Are you mentally stunted? I like White men and so what? Black men don't do it for me.I find most Black men physically repulsive.I preferred White men and the problem is? I know you were in denial when you said that BM/WM relationships are more accepted. I don't care if Black men wouldn't give me a chance,I would be more happy with that . I would be more happy if Black men didn't approached me at all.They do,but I usually turned them down politely.I don't care for Black men,so it wouldn't bothered me if they ignored me.I don't see where I compared myself to anyone.You were making some childish comment about nappy hair etc..I just said that if the women in your family have nappy hair but fortunately I don't.You made a comment about your dark-skinned fiancee being attracted to dark-skinned men.I responded to your double standard where your insecurity shined for all to see.My response was that I'm light in complexion and I'm attracted to fair skinned men. You and the other insecured Black men seems to have a problem accepting this.You were dancing around your insecurity like a drunk Monkey.I don't worshiped celebrities so therefore I don't aspired to look like any of them,including Tyra Banks. The funny thing is that you used the same tactic on cl before when some people exposed you for the liar that you are.It's typical of Black men to assumed that all White men are afraid of them lol. PS::: My fiancee is not a low life loser like you,so he wouldn't waste his time on some loser he doesn't know.He has more class than that and he wouldn't stood to your level. You were making comments about him being weak because he's white.I was letting you know that Russians are not known for being weak.This is not a threat but a comment.I don't know why Black men assumed White men are afraid of them.How did this group of weak men controlled so many? If you need to create false drama to attract more traffic,you need to quit.I wouldn't waste my time and energy on someone so silly like you.You are entertaining to me but I don't take you seriously. Now loser continued with your lies,only stupid people like you can take you seriously. Now that Obama is in office will you stop blaming the White man for all of your issues?

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  19. Posted: 03 Feb 09

    Are you kidding me,this is your responses ? You are more pathetic than I thought. I have never made any threats to you and so stop with your lies.I wouldn't visit your GHETTO BLOG.I know you need traffic to your blog,but you won't get that from me.My responses to you are on this site and everyone who reads will see that no threats were made by me.Are you that pathetic to make up stories for attention and traffic? I don't take this seriously,this is a blog and the posts are entertaining to me.When I log-off none of this affect my life.Your views or opinions wouldn't changed my preference,so I couldn't take you that seriously.Mr L you know when one makes false accusations it is illegal,right? My fiancee has never bothered to respond to any of your dribbling posts,now you are making accusations? lol.You are a spineless coward who lack the ability to have a mature,civilized discussion.I wouldn't be with a man who can't reasoned without using violence.You lack class,intelligence,intellect which is why you used profanities and violence .You are a lunatic with a bruised ego.My fiancee don't have a ghetto hood,low class mentality like you.If anyone read our responses,one will see where you have lied and I called you out on it.You are creating a non-existent drama for the purpose of attention to your useless blog.I wouldn't give you that satisfaction. He wouldn't waste his time on some useless Black guy who's looking for attention online.You can't have a civil discussion without Chimping out.You are a nobody in life but you are trying to be somebody online.I guessed when you run out of BS to write,you bring the profanity and violence,very typical of Black men (not all but most).I guessed this is your tactic when someone exposed you for the hateful and insecure fool that you are.I wouldn't visit your blog,since I don't do well with Gutter behavior.I'm sure that you wrote that threatening post yourself,just another tactic you are using for more attention.I don't spend my whole day on the Internet (unlike you),since I have a life outside of the Internet.I don't take this seriously like you do and I wouldn't waste my time making threats.I don't have a Gutter mindset like you,so I don't used Violence to communicate or to solved issues.I have more class than that,so I wouldn't stood to your level,understand? Internet battles are for Children or and I'm not a child.I didn't take my posts to your blog and all my responses are visible for others to read on this site.I guess cretin like you can't have a civil debate without violence,is it too much for you to just used your brain without violence? If you have to makeup lies to attract traffic to your blog,well,you are not that creative or intelligent and you should get a new hobby.I exposed you for the liar that you are.Your issues is that you can't accept Black women dating White men.Do you feel inferior to the White man? You brought stats to proved your point,the same stats that paint Black men in a bad light. I told you that my preference has nothing to do with Black men bashing,it just that I don't find majority of Black men attractive.I'm sure you understand that Black men are not God-gift to women,so therefore all women won't find you attractive.You keep bringing up more BS to covered your insecurity towards the issue.You can continued making all your accusations but your insecurity and lack of intelligence is so transparent.You are so predictable and that's funny.I told you long ago I'm proud to be a sellout,so why do you keep repeating it like a broken record? you know that makes you look retarded. Are you mentally stunted? I like White men and so what? Black men don't do it for me.I find most Black men physically repulsive.I preferred White men and the problem is? I know you were in denial when you said that BM/WM relationships are more accepted. I don't care if Black men wouldn't give me a chance,I would be more happy with that . I would be more happy if Black men didn't approached me at all.They do,but I usually turned them down politely.I don't care for Black men,so it wouldn't bothered me if they ignored me.I don't see where I compared myself to anyone.You were making some childish comment about nappy hair etc..I just said that if the women in your family have nappy hair but fortunately I don't.You made a comment about your dark-skinned fiancee being attracted to dark-skinned men.I responded to your double standard where your insecurity shined for all to see.My response was that I'm light in complexion and I'm attracted to fair skinned men. You and the other insecured Black men seems to have a problem accepting this.You were dancing around your insecurity like a drunk Monkey.I don't worshiped celebrities so therefore I don't aspired to look like any of them,including Tyra Banks. The funny thing is that you used the same tactic on cl before when some people exposed you for the liar that you are.It's typical of Black men to assumed that all White men are afraid of them lol. PS::: My fiancee is not a low life loser like you,so he wouldn't waste his time on some loser he doesn't know.He has more class than that and he wouldn't stood to your level. You were making comments about him being weak because he's white.I was letting you know that Russians are not known for being weak.This is not a threat but a comment.I don't know why Black men assumed White men are afraid of them.How did this group of weak men controlled so many? If you need to create false drama to attract more traffic,you need to quit.I wouldn't waste my time and energy on someone so silly like you.You are entertaining to me but I don't take you seriously. Now loser continued with your lies,only stupid people like you can take you seriously. Now that Obama is in office will you stop blaming the White man for all of your issues.

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  20.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 09

    Wow, blk intelligence you should truly re-think ya name cuz that idea isn't intelligent at all. Thats some of the dumbest shit i've heard in a long time. Why would you ever count the small number of sistahs in these United States that dig white catz and make it seem like all the brothas need to just leave the states because of them. Like its an epidemic, lol. Ya name should be blk comedy. And I'm not gonna sit here and have a big dick swinging contest of whose gotten how much pussy cuz, well, we're not teenagers. If you don't like black pussy, then thats great for catz like me who are completely convinced that black pussy is far superior. And before you come back with some racist rant, dick joke, black woman bashin', or how us White catz can't add up to the brothas, try and live up to that intelligence you CLAIM to have, please.

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  21.   Member says:
    Posted: 02 Feb 09

    you know something, if all blk men, and I mean ALL blk men were to say" you know what I'm getting the fuck out of america and actually do so I would love to see the look on all of these so called "sisters" face. I bet they would be scared as hell just like they was for the million man march. I think black men should get out of a country of people who finds them ugly or hates them because of jealousy issues. let them have the white men they CLAIM to want so much and us brothers, while in other countries watch america fall because there are no more black men. to all my brothers I think we should try it even if its just for a couple of years, believe me thats all it would take. Jamaica, japan, africa, middle east, and south asia to name a few where black men would be accepted with open arms. Iknow, I been to these places. and to all you white men who think black pussy is better, you probably didn't get much pussy in your lives, lets be honest, because black pussy definately isn't the best!

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  22. Posted: 02 Feb 09

    Opposites attract, just plain and simple. Just like why males and females are attracted to each other to begin with.

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  23.   oOoLEXERoOo says:
    Posted: 29 Jan 09

    i kno for me, ever since i was young (although i kno i still am) ive always had an attraction to white guys. i always found them more attractive. i have nothing against black men, i just tend to be pickier. if i were to try to pick a reason as to why i mite b more into white guys, id say possibly because i grew up in a predominantly white area and attended a mostly white school... i dont try to analyze it though. im content with liking white guys with the occasional black guy as usual...

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  24.   Berymann says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Thanks, "i'm just sayin'". I've had my feathers ruffled here on this blog I admit. You asked: "You said it’s differnt when bw/wm falling in love by accident than bw/wm falling in love deliberately. How?". First of all I never said it's possible to fall in love deliberately. The difference is bw/wm falling in love through whatever divine process and bw deliberately seeking out wm. Like I've said before I'm not concerned about bm dating wm, it's the reasons behind it. That seems to get lost amongst all the back and forth accusations. Frankly I'm not concerned about all the personal reasons why some bw prefer wm because it's all bs. I'm more concerned about the role the media machine and racialised institutions play in it. I'm not gonna bash bw because they're just as much a victim in this system as bm are.

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Let me tell you something Sellout Black women cannot keep black males names out their mouth. Even if they had a child with a white man. Guess what your son is black you sellout. These sellout black women can kiss the penny loafers of white men that clearly do not want them until their blue in the face. Everybody know your lying when you say white men chase you down to date you in the housing projects. Everybody knows your lying when you say your white man's family accepts you. They all smirk at you and say "Oh Billy you brought home uh Tamish right"? These sellout black women are a disgrace. Stop bragging about getting white men that have divorced white women and lost everything. You act like you got a prize. I am out

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  26.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen: Let's try something new...Let's try not to make deliberate insults towards another race or sex because of our prefrences. For instance, if you date wm, avoid saying negative derogative remarks about bm. If you like white men fine , but don't go on to say why (if you do) you dislike bm. Same with men..If you don't understand why bw date wm just ask. You don't have to call names.

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  27.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Why some black women only date white men... While I can not answer for everyone I just seem to go after white men. I can not help it. Not that I don't find Black men attractive..I do.. I just tend to like to date white men. Berryman, I noticed when you first came to this board your posts were all innocent.You showed a genuine interest in the topic, as though you wanted to understand. Then, it seemed certain people came out the wood work attacking you and you just ...well your posts seem different. I will have a question about your last post. You said it's differnt when bw/wm falling in love by accident than bw/wm falling in love deliberately. How? Just want to say...try not to allow some of these women on here to ruffle your feathers. I am not sucking up, but after someone had posted "they didn't find bm attractive" it seems as though that made the topic more tense. Maybe that is how that person feels. Not all bw that date wm feel bm are unattractive. That is not true.

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  28. Posted: 27 Jan 09

    Apparenty this website is hitting two young men extremely hard. They continue to express their pain and sorrow concerning interracial dating amongst black women and white men, with little appreciation from other posters. I feel for them. Their pain seems profound with little alternative outlet, other than to continue to express it here.

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  29. Posted: 27 Jan 09

    Mature black woman are too busy with their own lives than to think about what black men or other people think about whom they are dating. This concern in laughable.

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  30.   Berymann says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 09

    There is a difference between a bw and wm meeting spontaneously, having feelings for each other, falling in love, getting married and bw deliberately seeking out wm only, either by choice or because of the game that the man is playing on us as Beryman previously mentioned.

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  31.   artbunker says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 09

    I say date who you want to date. its all about choice. If a woman has her preferance in the man she wants, then their is nothing in the world that will change her mind. Same for a man. I jsut get sick and tired of folks who date out, but then get mad that you dont date your own race . Now that is the only folks I ahve problems with. Guys who date "out" but get mad women of their race date out. and Women who do the same. I find it hypocritical. But besides that, lets everyone date who they want. marry who they want as well. We all bleed the same color and breath the same air for goodness sake

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  32.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 09

    Have you all noticed how during colonial and segregation times it was the white woman that was portrayed as the most pure and desirable and the black woman or black beauty was shown as ugly and inferior. Mostly through Hollywood. Today it is the opposite. White men are now portrayed as the most desirable who's the hero that saves the day, always in charge with the bm either a criminal or playing second fiddle or doing the supporting role. That is why a previous lady could only imagine her future husband as white and had crushes on Adam Sandler and Mel Gibson. It's a deep game that the man is playing on us. There are other angles to this scenario, Hollywood is just one.

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  33.   justice says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 09

    Carribeancutie, I agree with you as I also PREFER WHITEMEN, we do not have to explain ourselves or make any apologies to anyone for who we prefer! Blackmen need to understand that they are not god's gift to women and or desired by all; yet they are very quick to tell blackwomen of what they feel are 'limited' options.

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  34.   Member says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    Dear Carrib I was not even going to respond to you because you made threats on my blog. Since you continue to make yourself look stupid I just continue to let yourself talk. As for your comment for not finding black men attractive. I assure black men will not shed tears if you leave. Since you will tell people on here that you are a super model like Tyra Banks like all sellout black girls do. I will just continue to do what I do. I told you on my blog I would break your man up if you put the battery in his heart to do something. I don't make threats. I just tell you what I am going to do period. So don't come on here like a victim and saying " Oh I tried to be nice to you". Fuck you, I could care less what you look like. You can't accept the fact Black men don't give a shit about you pussy!

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  35. Posted: 20 Jan 09

    Mr L: I was away I see that you couldn't resist to show your stupidity. Silly man say: Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 9 January 2009: Dear Caribbean With all due respect. You jumped into the conversation with Berryman. I am from the Caribbean also so I already know about “White Worship” concerning “Caribbean nappy headed girls like you.” Also Berryman did not believe you was being sarcastic. So what do you do, you lash out at him and say he can’t comprehend. I jump in and kick you in the ass and now “It’s oh I love black men their so great yadda yadda”. Save the bullshit for your dumb white fiancee that got no backbone. You tell his ass that for me. I don’t hate anything. I don’t go around “worshiping my fiancee”. She is just a normal black/puertorican girl that is basically neutral on the whole deal. Her preference is dark skin black men like me. I don’t knock anyone preference, when you start running around bashing black men than I have a problem with that. Obviously it bothered you enough to respond to Berryman. You said you read what I wrote in the past. This is your first time writing on here that is cool. I am all for a debate. Berryman questioned why white men don’t defend black women. Mr Tampa Chris responded and he one of the few white guys that even articulates why he loves black women. I respect him and his opinions. I think he is liberal but hey nobody is perfect. Like I said I don’t dislike you because you are from the same background as me “Caribbean.” Most of you are stubborn and “worship” anything white. Is that a general statement I think so. Yes the black men are color struck too. You mention I never talk about black men dating white women. I have answered this many times. You drove black men to do that with your bad attitude and behavior. Now that 70 percent of you are single, you change your attitude for the white man. Because he is the last resort for you. Let me stress the 70 percent single rate. That is not ONLY BLACK MEN, that is a significant amount of non black men not interested in black women. That 30 percent is BLACK MEN DATING YOU ON A WHOLE! As for bitching, let’s not talk about who bitches. Black women bitch about black men with white women since Riki Lake talk shows. Niggas tried to be quiet about it. We try to be the bigger people. Then y’all started dating white men and got the nerve to BASH US STILL. It’s like you can’t be happy with what you have. Instead you want “attention”. Women IN GENERAL want attention so don’t say I want attention. Anyway I have to head back to work. Tell your fiancee to pee standing up and not SITTING DOWN! Ya Dig! http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ Me:I didn't jumped in you stupid,it was a comment to any Black women who date White men.I responded and the problem is? This is American you know,not where you from.We have freedom of speech. I was born in America and my parents are from Cuba.I have a mixed background so I embraced all of them.I have nothing in common with you,thank you very much. White Worship lol? maybe your family do that,bravo to them.I don't know if the women in your family have nappy hair but I don't.I didn't lashed out ,he couldn't accept that some women just don't find Black men attractive.You didn't kicked me in the ass lol,only a stupid man would think like that lol.I never said I love Black men,If I did,I wouln't find Black men unattractive .I said I don't hate them but no way do I love Black men.I never said I love Black men,I said my dating preference has nothing to do with hate.My fiancee is from Russia and I don't think Russians are known for being weak lol.I know Black men assumed that White men are afraid of them,lol,but I'll leave it as that.You will bring slavery up eventho it has nothing to do with the conversation if White men decided to defend or say anything. I don't worshiped my fiancee and I'm glad you don't(not that I care).I'm glad your fiancee find dark men attractive,I don't.I'm light skinned and dark skinned men are not attractive to me.I guess it's ok for Black women to find dark skinned men attractive but not White men? You have a problem with women who just don't find Black men attractive,it's called insecurity. You are really delusional. I couln't droved Black me away,when I never wanted them from the first place lol.Attitude? I have been dating White men since I was 19 years old,so I have no experiences with Black men,in term of relationships.My dating experiences are with White men it will continued that way. My attitude is fine thank you.I only give attitude to those who give me attaitude first. Stats never affected my life,but this is your Bible to proved your point.My dating life has never been affected by stats but you keep briging it up. I changed my attitude for the White man? are you stupid? I wouldn't know how to changed my attitude, since I have no real dating experiences with Black men.(Silly boy tricks are for kids lol).I don't care about your STATS,it wouldn't changed anything for me.STATS HAVE NEVER AFFECTED MY LIFE,UNDERSTAND STUPIDO?. Now you called the White man who defended Black women a liberal? need I say more? more excuses for the Black men when he is proven that he is wrong. I told you that I don't give a S..t who Black men date because I don't care.Should I assumed all Black men are jailbirds,unemployed,low IQ'S,different baby mothers etc? since that's what Stats are saying. You like to put all Black women in the same box,that's ignorant,don't you think? I didn't start dating White men to bashed Black men,I date them because I find them more appealing. I am happy with what I have and I don't need attention from strangers.I just find majority of Black men not attractive so this is not for attention.I never really find dark skinned men attractive,rather ugly,now you understand.I wanted to explained in a nice way but you couldn't understand.I find most Black men to be ugly and I have no attraction for them. Like I said before my fiancee is Russian and they are not known for weakness.He is a straight man,so I don't know why you are talking about his personal part.Are you one of those DL Black man? I think you need more attention than I do,since you seems to be on every site babbling about the same thing.I guess you need people to visit your blog for more attention. Now continued with your babbling. I like White men and I was never ashamed to say that,got it? I don't care who like it or who doesn't. Black men just don't do it for me and I'm not into Black men. You can't accept that there are some some women,including Black women who don't find black men attractive.

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  36.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 09

    I only now bothered to read the whole dribble. You are one messed up chick! I'm insecure? Just determined to get the truth out of you. Thanks for revealing the monster. PS, You get all the leftover white guys. Sad but true.

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  37.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 09

    I only now bothered to read the whole dribble. You are one messed chick! I'm insecure? Just determined to get the truth out of you. Thanks for revealing the monster. PS, You get all the leftover white guys.

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  38.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 09

    Ok cool, thanks. You find black men ugly and disgusting. Finally an honest answer out of you. At least I can respect that. I done some research elsewhere and found some conclusive answers to this matter. Since you don't wanna hear about the slavery blah blah, I'll spare you the details (seems like you know more than you let on. Why didn't you just enlighten us in the first place lol). But all of the best to you and God bless Cheers

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  39.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 09

    Ok cool, thanks. You find black men ugly and disgusting. Finally an honest answer out of you. At least I can respect that. I done some research elsewhere and found some conclusive answers to this matter. Since you don't wanna hear about the slavery blah blah, I'll spare you the details (seems like you know more than you let on. Why didn't you just enlighten us the first place lol). But all of the best to you and God bless Cheers

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  40. Posted: 14 Jan 09

    Mr Berryman: Am I shallow? No I have standards and I know what I like.Yes I based my relationships on what I like and the problem is? I grew up in a family with means so I don't need men for their money.You are the typical insecure stupid Black men(small brain,low IQ'S).If I was a gold-digger,guess what? I could have used Black men as well .You are not much smarter than other men, that women can't used you lol.I don't want Black men period.I'm an attractive woman and men of all races are attracted to me including Black men.I don't find Black men attractive and this is what it is.My mother would tell you from a young age I knew what I like and I haven't changed much.I'm a nympho now? silly dumb negro,lol.White men get the shapely nice educated women ,while you are stuck with the fat women that White men don't want and you think you are getting back at them lol.I like White men and like White men so What?.I find majority of Black men repulsive and they disgust me physically.Are you trying to insult me? it's not even working,because your insecurity is crying through the screen,get over it.I like White men and nothing will change that.My sisters feels the same lol,they are even worse. I'm not shallow or lying,it's just that White men do it for me and Black men don't.I have never been in a relationship with a Black man and I'm not missing much.You wanted me to get in details? didn't you? well I am.Yes I am shallow because I know that I don't like Black men Blah Blah Blah,pitty. The truth is majority of Black men are ugly to me and I don't want them yuck yuck.White men are hot,sexy and they do it for me.What can a Black man give me,that a White man can't? nothing . You are dumb / insecure and now go under a rock. lol.Now don't respond with the slavery blah blah,some of you Black men are so predictable it's funny. You are the only one looking stupid because you can't accpet that I find most Black men ugly and disgusting.

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  41.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    AMEN ta that.

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  42.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    You know what Tampa Chris I don't care what ignorant people think. You cannot use reason or intellect with people who have small minds. I give up on that dude and all who think like him. I have a preference for white men and it will never change.

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  43.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 09 Jan 09

    Caribeancutie, How shallow are you to base your marriage on physical attraction and skin color? At least a gold-digger looks at how successful a guy is. Are you stupider than a gold-digger? That sort of attraction can be expected of men because we have dicks. I hope you have some sort of emotional attraction to your fiance as well, otherwise good luck to you both. Are you some kind of nympho or sumthin? Damn, now I am even more insecure lol. Why do the white guys always get the freaks? lol. Either you're the most shallowest women on this planet or you're lying or just plain delusional. Please come out with the truth here and now before you dig a bigger hole for yourself.

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  44. Posted: 09 Jan 09

    To Mr Berryman. I will respond to your comment to me. You said: Comment by Bryman on 7 January 2009: Caribeancutie, I don’t wanna change your preference at all. And like I’m saying for the third time, I have nothing against interracial or bw/wm relationships. Seems like you’re just plain blind much less good at comprehension. It is the reasons behind it that I’m interested in. If you say it’s because you’re physically attracted to wm or that it’s a sexual thing then my comments are not directed at you. It’s also irrelevant whether you dated a black boy once in HS. Fact is, you’re a big girl now and you decided that from this point onwards only wm are for you based on “physical attraction”. Only you’ll know in your heart of hearts whether that’s the whole truth. Women say it’s their choice and that they have nothing against other men but we haven’t stated how stereotypes and perceptions influence that choice. Previous comments addressing this have been deleted for some reason Re:I'm not Blind and neither do I have a reading comprehension problem. I'll tell you my reason behind it.I guess I have to be rude for you to understand.I DON'T FIND BLACK MEN PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE.I have no attraction for Black men.I know it's a ego shocker for you and to many other Black men.I did go on dates with some Black men but they don't do it for me.They were nice gentlemen,but they weren't for me.I would have wasted their time and my time.I don't like my time to be wasted.They can make other women happy me but I would be miserable with them.I tried very hard for not saying this but you took me there.If I was in a relationship with a Black man,I would most likely leave him for a White man or cheat.Why do this to someone?I't hard for Black men to accept that some women don't find them attractive,it's insecurity.People who are secure and happy with their lives don't worried about things like this.I'll tell you the reason behind it,attraction to Black men it's almost non-existent for me.Which part of that don't you get? People are attracted to people for different reasons.When you first meet someone you don't know much about them,so attraction is the first step.I'm a straight woman,so sex is important to me in my relationship but it's not the only aspect of the relationship.I'm happy when I see other races of women with Black men,because someone wants them.I don't bitch about Black men who date non-Black women because I don't care.I don't date White men because I'm trying to get back at Black men.I date them because I find White men attractive and hot.Their physical appearance do it for me,and also I had great experiences with them. You want me to give you stupid reasons for why I don't date BM because it would make you feel better.When I watched a movie the men whom I find more attractive are usually the White male actors.Berryman understand that just because I'm a Black woman,it doesn't mean that I have to find you attractive. I think I explained to you already that I tried going on date with men of other ethnicities,I know now that White men is what I like.I'm not ashamed of that.I think at my age right now I should know what I want and what I like.I know what I like and you can't make me feel guilty for it. I already know the truth but it seems very hard for you to accept the truth.Like that movie quote,you want the truth? Yes I want the trut but you can't handle the truth lol.I'll explained it this way to you so you can understand better.I'm a woman who has not attraction for women,so I guess lesbian women can start complaining also.They can start asking me why is that I'm not into women,my answer would that I like men and not women.I know that women are not what I want and therefore I don't do the girl thing.Should I forced myself to like women? because some women can't accept the fact that I'm not into women at all. It's goes the same for Black men,I don't want them,gee I didn't realized Black men were such insecure bunch. How does sterotype plays into attraction? I would like to know that.There are gay men who will tell you that they were attracted to men from a young age.Some try their best to respressed who they are but inside they are not happy.It's mainly Black men who bitch when women don't want them.You don't hear Asian men bitching about Asian women not dating Asian men. Why is that? I guess because they are not that insecure with themselves. Do you know how insecure Black men are? I even hear some White women complained about Black men making a fuss,when they make it clear on their ads White men only.Yes Black men called White women racists for preferring men of their race.Black men wants to feel like every women on the planet wants them,that's too much insecurity.I think Black men should asked themselves, why do they feel like all women should want them.Black men should asked themselves ,why can I accept the fact that some women may never find me attractive. I knew a White girl who preferred non-White men,especiall dark skinned men.I didn't asked her why she preferred non-White men,I respected her preference. I understand may be there are some Black women who date White men for some of the reasons that were stated.There are the ones like me,who are just not into Black men. The only way you can stop that,it's by punishing women like me for my choice and it wouldn't changed anything.You know even when IR was not legal in America as a whole,it didn't stop people from taking the risk.It was a WM/BW couple who fought for their rights to be together.I guess that means that they couldn't resist each other,eventho they were braking the law.I guess there are White men who are genuinely attracted to Black women,since this man risked all to be with her. I hope some of you can accept the fact some Black women will not find Black men atractive.

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  45.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Jan 09

    Dear Caribbean With all due respect. You jumped into the conversation with Berryman. I am from the Caribbean also so I already know about "White Worship" concerning "Caribbean nappy headed girls like you." Also Berryman did not believe you was being sarcastic. So what do you do, you lash out at him and say he can't comprehend. I jump in and kick you in the ass and now "It's oh I love black men their so great yadda yadda". Save the bullshit for your dumb white fiancee that got no backbone. You tell his ass that for me. I don't hate anything. I don't go around "worshiping my fiancee". She is just a normal black/puertorican girl that is basically neutral on the whole deal. Her preference is dark skin black men like me. I don't knock anyone preference, when you start running around bashing black men than I have a problem with that. Obviously it bothered you enough to respond to Berryman. You said you read what I wrote in the past. This is your first time writing on here that is cool. I am all for a debate. Berryman questioned why white men don't defend black women. Mr Tampa Chris responded and he one of the few white guys that even articulates why he loves black women. I respect him and his opinions. I think he is liberal but hey nobody is perfect. Like I said I don't dislike you because you are from the same background as me "Caribbean." Most of you are stubborn and "worship" anything white. Is that a general statement I think so. Yes the black men are color struck too. You mention I never talk about black men dating white women. I have answered this many times. You drove black men to do that with your bad attitude and behavior. Now that 70 percent of you are single, you change your attitude for the white man. Because he is the last resort for you. Let me stress the 70 percent single rate. That is not ONLY BLACK MEN, that is a significant amount of non black men not interested in black women. That 30 percent is BLACK MEN DATING YOU ON A WHOLE! As for bitching, let's not talk about who bitches. Black women bitch about black men with white women since Riki Lake talk shows. Niggas tried to be quiet about it. We try to be the bigger people. Then y'all started dating white men and got the nerve to BASH US STILL. It's like you can't be happy with what you have. Instead you want "attention". Women IN GENERAL want attention so don't say I want attention. Anyway I have to head back to work. Tell your fiancee to pee standing up and not SITTING DOWN! Ya Dig! http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  46. Posted: 09 Jan 09

    To Mr L This is the last post I will respond,because your insane.Your brain is like a brick and it's useless to continued discussing this subject with you.Your justification will remained that hate is the reason why Black women date out.You can't accept that some Black women just don't find Black men physically attractive.It's must be a ego crushing thing. I will disect your non-sense: You: Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 6 January 2009: Listen Carribbean I don’t have anything against you personally. Berryman already said your a liar and fraud. Yet your focused on me for some reason. I wasn’t trying to change your feelings about black men. You said your white man is “masta” to you. That was enough for me. It makes no sense to kick a sellout black girl while she is down. You can go on about how his family “pat you on the head” and say your the “first negro girl” they met that wasn’t loud. People make justifications for a lot of things to “fit in”. You said your fiancee was reading this blog with you. As if to say look I got “him trained” so anything I say he will know I dislike black men. That is the difference between me and you. I don’t have to bring up my fiancee to prove any point. You never hear black men say “Well her family accept me” as if your “trying hard to prove something to people.” Why do you stress that his white family like you anyway? As if to say they never “accepted you before.” Then you mention friends can have disagreements. I am not your friend. I don’t know you. I have never seen your post before. For the record I don’t battle. I just dislike self righteous sellout black girls trying to pretend like they don’t bash black men. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ Re:Me I have nothing against you either,it's childish to do so on cyberspace. I didn't see where Mr Beryman referred to me as a liar and a fraud.This makes you the liar and not me. You couldn't changed my preference,even if you tried,next.BTW Mr Berry responded to me in a mature manner to adressed me and I did the same. I know your pea brain prevent you from understanding the master comment was not serious.I was being sacarstic but you can't see that.The comment was not directed to me,I just thought that it was funny and I responded. I responded to you because you tried to take a cheap shot with the passed around comment. If dating who I want make me a sellout,well guess what? I'll wear that badge proudly. How am I down? don't bothered responding because you'll give me a stupid answer. *** I read all my posts and I don't see where I said he's family referred to me,as a non-loud negro. Another cheap sissy punch from an insecure attention needy man.I see that you like to use stereotype when you run out of Diaherra to spew. You are probaly one of the few negro man who didn't spend time in jail.You see now this comment didn't make me sound intelligent but rather ignorant.That's the tactics you used,not a good look for you.You should try different tactics when debating,not cheap shots,again it makes you look bad. I don't need to fit in since I am secure with who I am.I didn't tried to fit in when I was in HS and I won't try now.My dating preference is not a fashion statement,nice try with this cheap shot. I didn't bring my fiancee up to prove anything,I referred to him as such because he is my fiancee.I don't care about proving anything to anyone,especially to people I don't know. You did mentioned that you have a fiancee,I guess you suffer from memory loss. I wouldn't know what Black men say because I don't care and would you admitted if they did? I don't live my life for others so I don't have to prove anything to anyone.People in my life can attest to the fact that I don't care much about what others think. I was not trying to stress that his family like me,I was making a point.If they didn't like me,guess what? I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Mr L unlike you, I am not an attention whore or needy, so I don't need everyone to like or accept me.What do you mean like they never accepted me before? It's that another sissy punch from you? I won't waste my time asnwering this. People don't always accept others not just because of race,sometimes it's for other reason.I know you think race is the reason for everything I never said that we were friends,unless as an imaginary friend lol.I don't believe in imaginary friends and I am past that age.Again I was making a point which I see you didn't get. This is a blog where people can post and that's what I did.You did see my post and isn't why you responded to it? duh. It would have been very childish to battle behind a computer and I'm an adult. I don't have him trained since I am not in a relationship with a dog.I don't know if you are into bestiality but I'm not.I respect him as my partner and he respect me. I don't know how many times must I repeat myslef.I don't dislike Black men.I don't make bashing Black men part of my daily routine.I wouldn't waste my time on such useless issue.I have more important things to do with my life and time.I don't worried about Black men, the way you do about Black women dating preferences. I know you are trying really hard for me say that I dislike Black men,so you can justifed your hate,nice try. You know that your issue it's not just about Black women bashing Black men,but you won't admit it.You are a coward for not admitting the truth here. The truth is that you hate IR relationships between BW/WM even when there's no bashing.You make yourself believe that all Black women who date White men bash Black men.You expect others to believe the same.You hide behind the bashing thing to continued with your non-sense and it's pittyful. Do you go after Black men who bashed Black women? Or is that another double standard you have? Do you go after Black men who degrade Black women? I guess you can't since you do the same. You degrade/disrepect Black women to get attention. Anyone with some sense can see that your issue is behond bashing,you use that as a cover.This is the platform you used to hide the real reason. You used non-stop stereotype to prove that normal IR relationships don't exist. You have so much anger,hate,resentment and it shows. It seems like you are using this subject as a platform for attention,your mom didn't breast feed you as a baby? lol You are no better than the Black women who are bashing Black men.Your posts are disrespectful and tasteless. Intelligent people don't used the same tactics as their opponents.People with intelligence will not take you seriously,they will see a mad man. My Black female friends who date White men don't go around bashing Black men.I wouldn't accept that from them either. I guess you need those Black women who bashed Black me,without them you wouldn't have a platform. I know you will try so hard to twist my words around,to make it seems like my dating preference is due to my dislike for Black men.The truth is anyone with reading comprehension can see that's not case. Why do Black men cares about Black women who bashed them? Shouldn't you be happy these women who hate you are not dating you? I wouldn't want to be with someone who hate me,only a sadist would want that. Is this about Black men ego being hurt because some women don't want them? There will be women who are attracted to Black men and there will be women who aren't.In life some people will like you and some won't.Black men are looking like a bunch of babies with this bitching. Now that I tried my best to respond to your dribbles,I must exit. You can keep accusing me of hating Black men,but people will see through you.The only ones who can't see that,are the ones who are stuck in the same box as you. I don't understand why people have to explained to others about their preferences.People will like what they like and that won't changed. This sellout Black chick is out and my Masta is calling lol. Now Mr L too much anger/hate is not healthy for the body ok.

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  47.   Silkamatic says:
    Posted: 09 Jan 09

    I just want to say THANK YOU for this article. My personal preference is Hispanic/Latino Men and I am tired of my friends telling me that this is because I have been hurt with black men. I have been in love with this race since I started liking boys at 13 Remember 21 Jump Street the T.V show..well guess who I had a crush on while my other little black friends were in love with Malik Yoba. It's just my personal preference..there are some handsome Black Men but I am just not attracted to them. Guess this is why I moved to a predominately Hispanic state. Thank you again for the article!

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  48.   Beryman says:
    Posted: 08 Jan 09

    This blog is the first time read about this phenomena on the net. Although I've witnessed it in real life for some time. I went to some other blogs to get to the heart of the matter and hear what bw has to say. My jaw was literally hanging on the floor. The flat-out bashing of bm is astonishing. Basically saying repeatedly that bm are of no value bw. It seems like these bw are now doing the wm's work for him. Segregation and colonialism is now on auto-pilot. I'm signing off on this topic. All I can say is, God come save us all! Cheers Berryman

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  49.   Bryman says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    Caribeancutie, I don't wanna change your preference at all. And like I'm saying for the third time, I have nothing against interracial or bw/wm relationships. Seems like you're just plain blind much less good at comprehension. It is the reasons behind it that I'm interested in. If you say it's because you're physically attracted to wm or that it's a sexual thing then my comments are not directed at you. It's also irrelevant whether you dated a black boy once in HS. Fact is, you're a big girl now and you decided that from this point onwards only wm are for you based on "physical attraction". Only you'll know in your heart of hearts whether that's the whole truth. Women say it's their choice and that they have nothing against other men but we haven't stated how stereotypes and perceptions influence that choice. Previous comments addressing this have been deleted for some reason.

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  50. Posted: 07 Jan 09

    Mr : Berryman you seem to also have reading comprehension problem.Let me dissect your post here. Re:Comment by Berryman on 6 January 2009: Caribeancutie, it’s nice that you mention your male cousins are all professional and successful, but it’s irrelevant. Because you base your preference purely on race. No matter how successful, intelligent, loving a black or any other man is, you won’t consider them based on on their skin color. Because they’re not white. That in essence is racism. You choose white men for reasons you haven’t come clear with. “They just don’t do it for me” is not a valid reason. You have perhaps unknowingly alluded to it earlier with statements like “I will not compromise my happiness”. As in a black man can not make you happy and only a white man can and “What do statistics say about black men”. Meaning you probably did your research before you decided which color your future husband will be! lol. Lastly, why don’t any of the white men come out defend their black women? You say you’re sitting next to your “masta” while writing. Does he share your same feelings towards black men? Are you an interracial bigot couple? Re: I mentioned the men of my family because is to show that I grew up around positive Black men.The reason for me dating out is not because I was hurt by Black men.You did read where I said I did date a Black man in HS? also where I mentioned going on dates with men of different ethnicities? at the end I am more physically attracted to White men men and the problem? So am I racist for not liking certain food? I have tried Ginger but I realized that I don't like the taste,so now I'm a racist for that as well? lol Why do I need to explained to you why I preferred White men? Physically I am more attracted towards White men,the same way some people like Blonde Hair,large breasts,thick women,tall men etc.. If it was intented for me to fall in love with a Black man,I couldn't stop that from happening but that's not the case.Lets say I decided to date a Black man to make others happy,guess what? I would still have attraction for White men.What reason should I have to give? Physical attraction is usually what draw two people together and followed by other reasons. When I said I won't compromised my happiness,meaning that I will denied what I like for the sake of being PC. There are people who do things to make others happy while inside they are miserable(that's not me).I will stand for what I like even when some don't agreed. I did not used stats to judge Black men since I don't lived my life based on stats.I was being sacarstic again,because Mr L keep using stats to prove for his arguments.I don't have any personal negative feelings towards Black men,didn't I mentioned that already? I don't researched stats because they are meaningless to me. He was next to me watching soccer,since he's European born and that's his fave sport.I don't need him to defend me since I can do that myself. You will believe what you want because some Black men can't accept the fact that some women are not attracted to them.I don't get offended if someone let me know that I am not their type.You know even if he did write something here,you would assumed it's not really from him, right? You wouldn't believed it since you already assumed how all BW/WM relationships are.I wouldn't be with a man who think negatively towards Black men,since my father is a black man.I just find it funny how Black men always used the same old tiring lines in regard to WM/BW.Some Black men can't accept that there are real BW/WM relationship who doesn't fit their stereotypes.I don't take Blogs discussions seriously,to me it's entertainment. Mr Berryman we can be here debating this subject for 100 years and it wouldn't changed my preference.

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