Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    Wow! Props to Queens and Tampa Chris for keeping it real. One coming from a black man and the other from a white man. I truly appreciate hearing from both sides as to knowing there is much to learn. Chris: I don't know if you have dated a black woman before, if not then I am in the same boat as you. I TRULY appreciate the BEAUTY, not just physical but the individual herself, of a black woman. I am not looking to 'experiment' with her. I want to meet a black woman and build a friendship with her and maybe eventually, lead to a committed relationship. I know for a FACT I have so much to offer a black woman. I want her to realize love comes from any race. Character shows it's appreciation in any color. I am happy to say, just as you, I am NOT ashamed to publicly state my interests for a black woman. I believe they have been pushed around by the media i.e. stereotypes (undesirables, unmarriageable, undatable material) for too damn long and I think it is time for them to have respect they deserve and to show them there are MANY men of MANY races who appreciate them. In my opinion, knock the fucking white woman off the pedestal already!!! Haha Black women are (more beautiful to me) just as beautiful to the outside world as anyone. I am glad to see the tide turning and they are opening their minds to all races and they know they can be appreciated by any race. I always hear that black women growing up are 'conditioned' to only see that 'only' black men can appreciate them. I am glad those 'conditions' are becoming 'unconditional'. I am glad to see you made it here to these forums Chris, because for so long here I was kinda on my own without regards from my own race and his/her experiences. Queens: Thanks for keeping it real and I appreciate your input. I don't agree with everything you say ha, but I know you as a black man can give me guidance to some things I may or may not need to know. Peace and Blessings

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  2.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    From my experiences of why some white men shy away from black women other than that they jus simply aren't attracted to a sista could be as follows: One of the thoughts some people think (remember "some") is that because of history and the horrible stigma of segregation, etc. many white catz have stated to me that "that black girls hot, but she prolly doesn't date white boys" automatically thinking that a sista is gonna write off a white cat cuz automatically think they're racist or think close-minded or some other idealism. I think thats a thought for race relation in general, but thats a whooooole other blog post, lol. Another reason is a black woman is renowned as being very "strong" and "direct" and "proud", which can all be true in many cases and are all great attributes (many of which I'm attracted to). But like Mr. Queens stated and I support as a general statement; black men through all their trials and tribulations are much more "thicker skinned" than the average white male or any male for that matter. I feel that many white men are intimidated by a woman who holds such powerful personality traits, skill sets, and ambitions. Many white women historically have been somewhat sub-servant to their husbands and the playing field wasn't as equal. I feel that white catz that are still true to themselves but still date out their race have a particular swag or confidence that stands out of the "norm." I'm a very confident male, no matter what color I am. I think that integrates into my everyday life and how I am perceived by females or just people in general. Or you could just be shy, lol.

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  3.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    Tampa Chris you are alright with me as well as AZ. You are a rare exception because you are in a black fraternity. You get a level of respect that most white guys do not get. For the record, there are white man that are genuinely interested in black women. Many of the readers here think I am the problem. Black men are not the problem. Convincing other white men to date black women is the problem. In my opinion, I think it is hard for some white men to tell other white men to date a black woman serious and marry them. Regardless of what the blog says. Some black women will outright reject some white men for "whatever reason". Black men tend to have a "thicker skin" when it comes to that. The question should be asked "what makes some white men shy away from black women"?

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  4.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    Mr. Queens, my old friend, What's good? In somewhat support of your post I will have to say that though I am one of the "few" that truly take in a black women good, bad, and other, as a true loving relationship, I do and have had guy friends ask me "whats it like to f*ck a black chick?" I just laugh it off. Curiosity, sure, but lack of tact is a another thing. To all of those catz, don't come at me wit that bullllshit...I'm the wrong cat to ask.

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  5.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    I guess my last post would be towards Free Aries mainly, but in general I give out my opinion for those who care to listen.

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  6.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    Zahara, I've posted way earlier on this but just havn't really seen too many posts to respond to that sparked my attention.(still reading though and still lovin' everyone's opinions jus as much!) But your last post seemed very accurate to answer some of the questions that some people may have as to why and how things are gradually changing. I see the strength in numbers you speak about as I am manager in the corporate realm. Many of the sista's I see are indeed in strong positive relationships with people outside their own race. There's also some strong black women with black men with children and the whole nine. Its all in what you want. We as people owe it to ourselves to be happy and we create that for us first. I love living where I live cuz theres places that even happy hours are well-known to be interracial spots and its completely chill. Young professionals makin' moves and finding the women/men they're interested in nomatter the color or background. I don't need to make it known that, yes, as a white man I love and appreciate black women, but nor will I apologize for it. I dont need to talk till I'm blue in the face defending my actions. My respect, love, patience, and commitment to whomever my wife will be will Show rather than always having to say it. Stop talkin' bout it start bein' about it type love.

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  7.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    Free Aries You are full of crap. Black men are finishing college. Black women outnumber black men in college but take "soft degrees". Nothing wrong with that. Black men that are college graduates make MORE than black women that are college graduates. You are embracing the sellout doctrine out of desperation and brainwashing. From my years in college, black women were notorious for being loose during their freshman and softmore years. Then got the nerve to get upset when black men remember you being a loose booty on campus. Black women like to talk about how black men chase hood rats and all that. College had the most hood rats to me and loose booties. Granted the black women were "very attractive" but it wasn't hard to spank them in their twin size bed in their dorm! People are going to say "well" white women and Spanish women were loose. Yea, but you must guard your reputation as a black woman at all cost. That is the DIFFERENCE between you and "other" races of women. That is part of the 48 Laws of Power. A book many black women should read. I think to many black women follow the crowd. They want to "please" everyone. You praise European white man and they really have not shown interest in you. Despite this little blog (which is the exception). There is white man that are interested in black women "here". I will admit that. Very few that is. Let me speak on the white man from down south that said "If he had it to do over again" he would have been with a black woman. Knock it off, you are a coward, and full of shit. How many white men go around "telling other white men". Hey man "date a black woman and marry her". I highly doubt you will find that. You will hear " Man you need to fuck a black girl see how it is". The gullible black women here like creating "romance novels" in their head about interracial relationships instead of facing "reality". Look for the "White Man Bailout Part 4 , The "Whitney Houston Syndrome" Thug Love gone Wrong. Then I am coming with Domain Sellout Pain part 4 and Million Dollar Sellout Baby Part 4. (Slamming hand on the table) Ya dig. Currently The Steve Rifkind Story is on my blog with Homewrecker Sanaa Lathan being his black whore for the night. Black women are increasingly becoming mistresses and home wreckers for married white men. They actually find this acceptable. I am the MOST consistent blogger in the game! http://www.mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ You all have a nice day.

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  8.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    Zahara I personally believe black men have more of an issue in today's society with black women dating white men because the times for black women have changed. See today a white man is most likely to have an educated, sophisticated, loving, beautiful black woman. Black women have raised the bar, meeting and defeating adversities and finally gaining their rightful place in society. With black women out numbering black men by almost double maybe even triple the number of college graduates, sisters are most likely spending more time with people of other races/ethnicities. Shit, why wouldn't a white man want to date a black woman? It's 2009 and black women are beginning to embrace the idea of finding love wherever it may be and for some black men they consider this an act disloyalty to the black race...Oh well call me disloyal because I enjoy dating European men for many reasons and I don't have time to care what others think about me and other black women who have stepped outside of the race box to find their mate... good luck to all...

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  9. Posted: 15 Sep 09

    tsk tsk ---kicking the word "bashing" to the dumpster---

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  10.   Zahara77 says:
    Posted: 15 Sep 09

    @Free Aries I understand your frustration. There seems to be a lot of anger and hate in this thread and many others that I have also read, especially concerning white men and black women. I have read some really nasty comments by both black women and black men bashing each other because they happen to love or prefer a different race than their own. Isn't this the whole point of this site? To open yourself up to change? Why should one be hated on if you prefer white men/white women? I gave up reading a lot this garbage a while back but I can't help but wonder if "some" of these people who are attacking each other are truly ignorant or completely mental.

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  11. Posted: 13 Sep 09

    if you read something and you don't understand it maybe just maybe it is NOT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.....either that or something is lacking in your comprehension skill set....but I like to be positive lean toward the former. (if you have not made reference to sex or drugs in your previous post common sense...opps..lol...would tell you I was NOT talking to you at that point) The egos of some foreshadow everything else here. Stop focusing on me so much......I know that will be challenging for you.....but I think you can do it. Maybe.....lol. ...And I sincerely hope those that witness the back and forth between me and certain individual have the time to take off their "color glasses" and see that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with race...Just because I won't allow negativity to run rampant here doesn't mean I am "bashing" black men. I know what this indvidual represents and that is what I have the problem with...nothing more, nothing less Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  12.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 10 Sep 09

    bigeyes31, See Natalie I can call you bigeyes31(lol)... I want to apologize to you if I did anything to cause you to catch some HEAT..... You know that was not my intention and you know that I love you!!! Again, I do apologize!! Thanks for being here for me, much appreciated! I'll understand if you decide to put me on a timeout(lol) love godiva

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  13.   JEllis says:
    Posted: 09 Sep 09

    One last thing... When people say "I tell the truth"...I must ask, exactly who's truth are you telling? If it's true to you does that make it true to others. Especially on a topic such as interracial dating that is based solely on individuality, how can you be so truthful about other people personal lives.... this is exhausting..I'm done with this and all it has to offer, or should I say does not offer... ciao

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  14.   JEllis says:
    Posted: 09 Sep 09

    @Tyrant I agree with you 100%, and for the record I do not recall bashing anyone so I will not take your comments personal. I know i stated that I do not have an interest in American men in general. I don't have an excuse as to why I preference European men (rather white or black), however, I do have a reason. I like you do not see the necessity in bashing anyone for having a prefence... I do not hate black men, I do not care who black men date, love or marry on an individual basis, as a matter of fact I love black men deeply and sincerely with the most genuity, however, I feel more appreciative as a woman and sadly a black woman from men of other ethnicities/races. I think this is something black men need to ponder and not me. I won't get on my high horse because the post does not require, therefore, I will move on. Ciao

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  15.   TYRANT says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 09

    @ Free Aries Greetings all… I have a serious question for anyone who cares to answer “Do you really care who another man or woman dates?” TYRANT: I don’t care who a black woman dates, because her relationship and her reasons for it aren’t a bad reflection on me. However, as a black man, I can’t help but wonder just how happy a lot of black women/men really are in their interracial relationships, because from where I’m sitting black women/men are spending more time not only justifying why they’re dating non-black men/women, but coming up with a gazillion reasons why they would never date another black man/woman. I spend good amount of time reading the boards and I’ve come to the conclusion that black men and women suffer from a severe case of STUPIDITY (That’s right, I said it). Look, I love a good joke as much as the next person, but black people have taken SILLINESS to all new lows. I think it is absolutely HILARIOUS that black men and women will judge non-black women and men as INDIVIDUALS while judging each other as representatives of the ENTIRE black male/female collective. When Martin Luther King said judge me by the content of my character and not the color of my skin, black people thought he meant judge everybody WHO’S NOT BLACK as INDIVIDUALS while treating each other harshly. Now look, I’m an intelligent man, and if you catch me right I’ve been known to even be fair. One would think that as BIG as the world is that there’s more than enough room for black men and women to pursue their preferences without stepping on each other’s toes in the process. Obviously, that line of reasoning just isn’t true. LOL Any who, I can respect the right of any black woman/man to date whomever they please, but when you-Not accusing you, Free Aries-have to bash every single black man/woman in the process of dating outside your race then not only am I going to voice my opinion, but I’m going to voice it harshly.

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  16.   Member says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 09

    (Yawning this morning) Ich is a gentleman because why exactly? He dislikes sellout black women who bash black men. He may come across differently. I don't understand people. They act like Ich supports everything they say. You know what, you are delusional and desperate. I don't spout bullshit. I tell the truth unlike you do. How many more excuses do you have for white men picking you lost? When will you finally learn your lesson? You said this in your bitterness "Just like I will NOT ignore the madness that so obviously infects the brains of others here…..It is plain to see that no one is actually “researching” anything here and THAT IS THE PROBLEM. People are making things up and looking for the “sheep” to back them up……and in that way it is possible to “follow” while seeming to be a “leader”. Those that are “confused” might offer an “amen” here and there….but anyone that is even half-way sure of themselves here is not even going to go there until they get concrete facts." Oh boy, now you are calling people "sheeple" because they don't agree with you. You also said this "And for the record, I READ FAST AND TYPE EVEN FASTER so I have plenty of time for all the “sex, drugs and rock & roll”……well, I might skip the sex and drugs (not judging but it’s by choice)……SAFETY FIRST, KIDDOS……LOL." What? You need to double up on your meds. I don't understand your last statement. This is what we deal with on a daily basis from Tatt.

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  17. Posted: 08 Sep 09

    chuckle indeed..... Azra knows I mentioned him....how is it that you did not see the same thing????AMAZING....yet you prove once again that your comprehension skills SUCK.... And I don't think what I wrote counts as "running" to ICH......I just acknowledged that he was one of the few gentlemen in here...whether or not he "likes" me is not the point.....geeesh, again with the "grade school" mind-set, L. Queens...NOT SURPRISING....(tee hee)...In your case I guess that 30 is the new 12.....or is it 30 is the new 60 (with all the "negro" talk....lol). And all the personal info you give about your family is quite interesting as well.....I thought you didn't DO that....lol. With all the misquoting you do it really not all that surprising that you even forget the BS you spout all the time. But honestly, Azra is sitting in here (like even YOU have said before) like he is all innocent with the.... "I saw her emotions as uplifting and I commended her for that. That was pleasant to see amongst all the rubble in here.".... ...MY issue is when and where does it become necessary to reference and compare????.... "Every other black woman doesn’t say it like you, they beat around the bush saying how horrid their life is without a black man etc. etc. Pathetic! I commend you for publicly stating your interest in white males. I haven’t seen anything more clearly put by anyone on here, until you." THAT JUST CONTRIBUTES TO "THE RUBBLE"......seriously....AND I think deep down you know this already. I understand you have more "soul searching" or whatever to do......I respect that and try my best to not engage you here....BUT I COULD NOT IGNORE THE MADNESS IN WHAT YOU TYPED.....sorry....yet not. Is not possible for you to "commend" one without condemning all other????.......just a point to ponder. Just like I will NOT ignore the madness that so obviously infects the brains of others here.....It is plain to see that no one is actually "researching" anything here and THAT IS THE PROBLEM. People are making things up and looking for the "sheep" to back them up......and in that way it is possible to "follow" while seeming to be a "leader". Those that are "confused" might offer an "amen" here and there....but anyone that is even half-way sure of themselves here is not even going to go there until they get concrete facts. I AM REAL AND I DON'T KISS ANYONES AZZ.....AND I HAVE NEVER HAD TO ASK ANYONE TO KISS MINE...(I might demand it but that is a different story....lol). The make-believe worlds that have spilled over for some make it a little difficult to have that "live and let live" attitude on EVERY SINGLE issue. Funny, how people will spout that tired old "Can't we all just get along?" until someone takes a "swing" at them.....then "IT'S ON".....lol. And for the record, I READ FAST AND TYPE EVEN FASTER so I have plenty of time for all the "sex, drugs and rock & roll"......well, I might skip the sex and drugs (not judging but it's by choice)......SAFETY FIRST, KIDDOS......LOL. Peace and Continued Blessings to ALL tatted2death. Oye, World Citizen.....I've had that same multiple personality theory for a while now......must not be far off judging from his/it's/their response.

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  18.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 09

    Dear World Citizen Happy Labor day. I hope your enjoying your ensure, jello and vanilla ice cream. I am currently enjoying my hot dogs and cheeseburgers with family. I hope you are having a good time with 'the current" strange black men you are with today. Your inquisitive family members ask you "who is he". You respond "oh we met" through friends. Your family goes "um hmmm" sure "you did". World Citizen I continue to pray for you. Just try to be safe out there when you are meeting strange men. You are very attractive for your age. My grandmother is currently 90 years old. She had the nerve to mention a 70 year old man "likes her". My grandfather has been dead for 10 years. I guess 90 is the new "70". In your case World Citizen, 60 is the new "40". God bless.

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  19.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 09

    There are most likely several people spitting their venom into these blogs under the pseudonym - 'nick name' Mr. Laurelton Queens. Sometimes - with somewhat educated writing style and spelling. Sometimes - with obnoxious name calling, cursing and whining. Sometimes - with Ghetto talk and spelling, which I do not understand. The theory goes as far as to this or those (PLURAL) individual(s) not even being BLACK, just RACIST. Then there is the possibility of only ONE RACIST - who has a SPLIT MIND!!! Talking about YOMAMA, how do YOU know she was a VIRGIN - People who are new to these blogs are shocked, the rest of us just chuckle! Have a relaxing evening - all you wonderful friends and positive newcomers, - here in East-Western Europe it is time to go to bed! Love and Peace

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  20.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 09

    Hold up My mother was what? My mother was a virgin when she got married. She is currently married for 40 years. How about you? You got rejected on the board by white men tatt. So what are you talking about? Then you got mad about it. You said "none of these men on the board is my type anyway". After you got EMBARRASSED by them. Then you tell people you bench your own weight. I don't see anything on you that is in physical shape. Stop lying to people on here. I know you desperate so I don't want hear how strong you are and all that bullshit. You claim you don't bash black men. You wish you could bash them. What can you say to me? Why people run to ICH, like he likes you. Man stop that bullshit. I am not in the business of crushing your spirit. Stop acting like you are god's gift to men. What are you like 45 years old. You talk about Ich but never mention Azrazyel. You are so fake it's not even funny. Your a damn follower. I am not a fucking follower LOOSE BOOTY!

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  21.   JEllis says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 09

    Honestly, some of you (and I'm sure you know who you are) have some serious *effing* issues...I just hope that the inspector gadgets that have taken the time to research the life of a complete stranger or should I say have used so much energy to speculate on a complete strangers life and whereabouts really need to get a life of their own. It is very apparent from the posts which one of you actually have sex on a regular basis...some of you have too much time on your hands doing too much blogging about shit and groups of people you have absolutely no clue about. Furthermore, it should be a rule that you can't talk so much smack without a picture...who does that?

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  22.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 09

    I saw her emotions as uplifting and I commended her for that. That was pleasant to see amongst all the rubble in here. Good point Aries. Good to have someone bring some sense into a somewhat senseless discussion.

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  23.   JEllis says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 09

    Greetings all... I have a serious question for anyone who cares to answer "Do you really care who another man or woman dates?" That is a serious question, I don't understand this phenom of each other being emotionally charged when you see a couple of mixed race. Why do you care about who that man is with and/or who that woman is with? I just think if most people spent as much time and energy perfecting their own relationships then just maybe, the divorce rate won't be damn near 50%+. I tell you what, you can't possibly care enough about who my black ass is with, because I haven't received not one anonymous check in the mail to help me take care of myself, you just can't be that concerned about another person's personal preferance for what and who they like. Good luck to all of you. I would suggest those that are so emotionally wound up to step away from the computer, meet some friends, go dancing, travel a little, take a car ride, read a book, smell a rose, make love, smoke a blunt, live YOUR life and let others live theirs... Peace

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  24. Posted: 07 Sep 09

    AND YES that WAS a "drive-by" (for the one I thought had picked up the "olive branch"... that was the biggest psyche out I've seen on here since the "Azra-cane".....lol).

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  25. Posted: 07 Sep 09

    Now come on, Azra........are you seriously saying that EVERY other woman in here has "bashed" a black man to justify her reasons for dating IR???? I have said it before and I will say it again....the confusion knows no bounds with you. With all due respect, Nikita just "ego-stroked" you....THAT IS ALL. There is NOTHING so "special about a white man that is not somehow linked to the physical. Same with black women (looking from the opposite side) But for some reason, Azra you had come across as being more spiritual....(at least at times). It is hard to really get a bead on what is your goal here.....but it's really none of my business...... ....And I see "Daffy" is still in here shooting his "beak" off about "loose booties".....LOL. That is all he will ever be able to say to me because whenever I get "real" with him he just ignores it......Interesting....yet NOT. All I have to say about the whole "World Citizen-gate" is who here can prove a dayum thing about the next???? None of us have met each other away from this blog so all the attempt at "character assasination" just make you all look like a bunch of.......well,...you know....lol. All you get is "off-topic" rhetoric that NO ONE really gives a dayum about. I have and always will appreciate World Citizens vibe.....whether or not she is "real". What I find really aggrevating is that I am being basically called weak for not "turning" on her in here because of ONE man's (not counting the "DUCK"...LOL) perception of some questionable circumstances.........WTF kind of nonsense is this??? We are in a effing blog......peas and rice!!!! That is like me saying the only reason L. Queens knows so much about "loose booties" is because his mother was one and he now thinks all women must be or some crap.......One would definitely have to see how childish and school-yard that is, no??? I mean, I might have my "perceptions" of what the truth may or maynot be but why go into some inflammatory tizzy over it. It's just NOT called for....even if it's againsts "lairs" or "blog legends"(lol). I have withstood alot of crap on this blog...but have you EVER heard/seen me cry that someone else needed to "have my back"?????NEVA'----EVA', EVA', EVA'!!!!! ICH has been one of the few gentlemen out here that manages to make an effort to keep his head out of his ass WITHOUT looking "weak" or "soft". But even he has stood clear when I get THE TROG(lodite) gets going to where he has nothing else to type about me accept "loose booty". THIS is why many women of color are called (AND RIGHTLY SO) STRONG. It is NOT a term we should be ashamed of or feel like we have to apologize for and ANYWAY. It is just sad that it has to (AND YES, IT has to) be pointed out that there exists this sharp contrast whenever a man of color TRIES to call us out in here. They/Some do it so loud and proud that everthing else is ignored.....EVEN COMMON SENSE. It is probably going to be "perceived" that I am "bashing" right here (just because I don't enjoy the tactics of a few "men" here....GEEESH).....but you know what...TS....because I swear it is getting to the point where some men are WAAAAAAY more sensitive than the women....RIDICULOUS!!!!!!No wonder some of us have to get "manish"....(lol) ...to quote a man (of sorts...lol) "AND YOU CAN'T SMELL YOUR OWN S*%T ON YOUR KNEES" (after the smoke clears).....I still wish.... PEACE and Blessings to ALL tatted2death

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  26.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 06 Sep 09

    Nikita just made my day! Thank you for expressing your true emotions for white men. That's clarity I was seeking. Every other black woman doesn't say it like you, they beat around the bush saying how horrid their life is without a black man etc. etc. Pathetic! I commend you for publicly stating your interest in white males. I haven't seen anything more clearly put by anyone on here, until you. Don't force your friends to date white. But, if they show some interest in doing so, let them know were not that bad! LOL Take Care

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  27.   Nikita says:
    Posted: 06 Sep 09

    When i was younger, I always had little crushes on white guys but in the area i grew up in it was difficult to date outside ur race without feeling uncomfortable. n then as i gt older i got used to dating black men. some were sweet, some horrible, some gorgeous, some not so grogeous, some worked, most dealt drugs, n some were very wealthy. but it was really only during this year where i experienced two IR relationships with white men, n a few flirting flings with two others n all i can say is 'once u go white, u seen the light' loool, jus kidding! but seriously they were drop-dead gorgeous n i was surprised by how much attention i was receiving from white men in general. i love the variety in their looks, and their eye colours. one was olive skinned with multi-coloured hazel-ish eyes (his eyes were like rainbows!), the other had hazel eyes and dark hair, also olive skinned, one had blonde hair n light blue eyes n the other had blonde hair and deep blue eyes with a green streak in each of them. i took so much pleasure in just gazing into their eyes! n they were all so gorgeous! even my black friends, who are often very reluctant to date white men, couldn't deny their good looks. now, thye weren't all sweethearts (although like all men, they started off that way) but the attraction was definitely there. i still value, respect n love black men but i also can't deny the fact that right now, i vision myself ending up with a white guy. maybe it's just a phase...

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  28.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 09

    Dearest FRIENDS, thank you for your SENSITIVITY! Dearest Bigeyes31, gypsies in general have an extremely difficult life here in Eastern Europe. Just as with Blacks in the U.S., there are some individuals, who earned world wide recognition for their achievements. Gypsies contributed greatly to JAZZ. Anyone playing in popular bands, has come across those highly talented people, who are referred to 'HAVING SOUL' by Black musicians. Gypsies are also the creators of one of the most sensuous, intensive, complex dances: FLAMENCO!!!. Gypsies should be found in these blogs, as some are open to integration and inter-cultural marriages. Many, however, prefer to stay within their culture and/or do not receive the chance to make it else where. Perhaps we should ask for some GYPSY bloggers, to communicate and help us learn more about them. I loved every one of the Golden Girls, as each was UNIQUE. Actually this show reflected, how different these women were, because of their various back grounds and how their preferences and behavior were shaped accordingly. One thing they had in common. With all the problems they came across, living closely together, each was eager, sooner or later, to step into the other's shoes, to balance the relationship and end up in HARMONY. And the themes and dialogs were serious and authentic - smoothed with HUMOR. When I got to know U.S. television in the early 60ies, 2 shows I got hooked on - I hope some of you know what I'm talking about - THE LITTLE RASCALS (maybe spelled differently) and I LOVE LUCY I would LOVE to see them again. If any of you ever plan to come to Europe, not wanting to get stuck in an overly touristy environment, let me know, I can help you with your plans and we'll see each other in person! I wonder when we get blocked from this blog, for constantly getting off the SUBJECT!

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  29.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 09

    World Citizen We all love you. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. I have lived vicariously through your european experiences.My eyes glazed over when you posted your contact with REAL gypsies! I am fascinated by them. I wish I could meet them and talk with them if they would allow it. I have had to put off my dream traveling right now but I have not given up!I so want to visit these places so please know that your seasonsed and cultured experiences are always welcomed here. I was going to post this earlier but had to run. I'm a Dorothy fan(LOL). She balances out the group to me. She reminds me of my grandmother who lives in Ohio and married a birracial(bicultural)(black mother and white father) man who looked cuban(lol). So my mother is a product of a interracial union.My point in all of this is that we all have some other blood or other culture that's apart of us whether we know or accept it. We are all on this site because there is an INNATE desire to seek out other cultures and races so let's all make this an enjoyable experience. Thank you World Citizen for letting me live through you.

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  30.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 09

    World Citi, Why the false stories about going to Bosnia? Oh one with Daughter older than Son! Don't play with the Ghetto Rats! They may not be as adorable as you think! They never have anything to lose. You always do. Information in the wrong hands! I may be doing you a favor here!

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  31.   Ultimojakal says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Wow, you guys care too much about skin colour. A very good layeman's term applies very well in this situation, "we're all pink on the inside." Who gives a shit if your boyfriend/girlfriend is black, brown, white, pink, yellow, blue, green, red etc? Anyone who does care needs to grow up and stop being a superficial moron. I think America cares too much about race in general, it doesn't matter. At all. I'm white and I've been with my black girlfriend for nearly three years now, we're both nineteen and we don't see colour. Our parents do but, with all due respect, they're stupid.

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  32.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Hi World Citizen, you already know how I feel about, because I've told you before, but with every post from you that respect becomes deeper :-) You are a very kind and caring woman, it's also sad that all of this started from you trying to lend some insight to someone that actually "asked" for it. I also find it sad that you feel the need to defend yourself to ignorance. Stay sweet! All the best to you!

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  33.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Ichibod, Now all we need is a "Dorothy" fan(lol). Dorothy was funny with her dry and sarcastic style of humor. Thank you for gettin it, like ALL of us did, when world citizen (mother citizen) as you so affectionately refer to her, took the "nursing home" joke and ran with it so to speak. I thought it was funny when she said "this is me reporting from the nursing home"! We all got a chuckle out of that one.... If people would read and get to know the one's who have been here for a while, then maybe these unjust perceptions would not exist.. Hope that you had a good day, and as always thanks for being the MAN that you are!!!!!! The world is a better place because of people like you... love godiva

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  34.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Sorry again -of course it should read INTEGRATED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH!!!

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  35.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Of course it should read INTEGREATED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH!!! Sorry

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  36.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Dear LADIES and GENTLE men, as many of you observed, i often point out that English is my second language, cautious not to cause misunderstandings, that I am not conceded, that I don't think to 'KNOW IT ALL' , that I know to be far from ' PERFECT', that I do not intend to put anyone down, especially not BLACKS!!! I have lived a bit longer than perhaps the average person on these blogs and I am experienced in some areas. 'Unfortunately' I do not have any ghetto experience and therefore rather listen than comment on those issues. Now I am upsetting some folks again. But not everyone grew up in the ghetto. My BLACK ex husband of almost 2 decades came from an interracial neighborhood in Princeton, N.J. - and that was in the early 60ies. This is where I first met many wonderful Blacks at an INTEGRATED PRESBYTERIAN CHRUCH and social gatherings. I quickly learned to love and admire many and am still in touch with some of them, including family. I can't help if this rubs someone the wrong way, and I frankly don't care, as it has proven to be senseless. Some of you received a notice from me for friendship and I got very nice responses. Thanks again Ichibod! My dearest Godiva61, I think you may not have looked up the note I sent to you, as you may not have recognized my nick name. it is NOT World Citizen in my profile! The ones who read my profile, know that I am multi cultural, from 7 different European nations. Anyone knowing European history is aware that this is not really unusual. About nursing homes - I think it is CHILDISH and TASTELESS to make jokes about such a serious subject. My 94 year old mother lives at home, still taking care of herself. Some people are born with advantageous genes, take good care of themselves, not smoking and drinking excessively - if at all - and by educating their hearts, minds and looking into their souls, they reach a level of wisdom and generosity, which helps everyone surrounding them, and thereby themselves, look at Ms. GODIVA61!!! The ones who do not have loved ones, being able to care for them, or elder people who are ill, mostly end up in nursing homes. How ignorant and narrow minded to mention them JUST WATCHING TV! After having worked my life long, I enjoy my retirement as a young senior, who enjoys excellent health, still gets onto a surf board (not standing up!!!) still enjoy dating, traveling and yes, sex!!! - just with a special man who I must be in love with - Finally I got back to the DATING ISSUE. Sorry, to disappoint you dissatisfied characters, who tried to pull me down to you miserable level, for not being the MYSTERIOUS old woman you wished me to be. Lovely late summer greetings from Eastern Austria at 22:00 hrs. (6 hrs ahead of the U.S. East Coast). Lovely godiva61, (greetings to your sweet mother) and all the rest of you wonderful sisters and sistas, and of course, you GENTLE men Ichibod, Azrazyel etc., etc., have a rewarding weekend.

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  37.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Laurelton Queens, Did I not say that I wasn't sure if you started this "nursing home" as a joke or not? Maybe it was funny to you, maybe we didn't get it.. Have you ever had someone recommend a so called "funny" movie to you and then after seeing it, you think maybe it wasn't that funny afterall? Everyone has a different "perception" of what funny is.... The quote(not from you) World Citizen was in a nursing home put their by her relatives! Please HONESTLY tell me how someone would actually know that to be 100% true? Even if it is true and she admitted it, would this be worthy of being condescending and somewaht disrespectful of someone who is older than us, who happens to be in a nursing home? No I don't think so!!! World Citizen, life is her own, just like your life is your own to live. I have no moral right to judge the way you live your life or anyone else's for that matter. If she goes to Texas or Ireland for that matter, if she's dating one man or two, it's none of my business and it's definitely not for me to judge her for her choices in life.. To each is own, right??? Live and let live!! I know that you are stubborn and I personally believe that you are NOT as mean and as hard as you make yourself out to be, you are not fooling me. I don't agree with some of the thing's that you say, and I definitely do not agree in the manner in which you often speak to people, or the name calling, however I have given you the benefit of the doubt when it was appropiate and have paid you a compliment here and there. The point I'm trying to make here is sometimes in spite of yourself, you have been given the benefit of the doubt from time to time by other's, so why can't you do the decent and honorable thing by extending the same courtesy from time to time... It's not a weakness but a strength.. Isn't better to be a strong man? love godiva

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  38.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Rose was my favorite Golden Girl. That's all I can say right now. I'm just too heated by what I've read in the last few posts. I've admired World Citizen's spirit in referencing the whole nursing home jab from time to time. I like it when someone can take a joke and flip it.

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  39.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Ladies: It's in here and so is the other evidence. Just on other blogs. I won't suffer you to see "better" out of respect for your misguided loyalties and ignorances. I know you want to believe that the world is sugar and spice with regard to old women. I am sorry, some things are for your own good! Like I say. I won't copy and paste the rest. If you want you can find it yourself on these blogs. Comment by world citizen on 19 May 2009: Dearest IchIban, ‘ This is me reporting from the nursing home!!! ‘ Thank you for your kindness. You do not have to apologize for someone else, as each individual must be responsible for themselves. I even expected worse, after having looked into other blogs with an incredible amount of similar trashy comments, all from the same source. Meanwhile, I am in Munich, Germany, helping my lovely daughter, who was born with a ‘permanent suntan’, to relocate to Dallas, Texas.

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  40.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Dear 85k guy I work with troubled children part time in PA. Their momma abandoned them and they wonder why black children turn out the way they do. This is not an indictment on all black women. The fathers have dropped the ball too. These black women got some nerve to blame their bad decisions solely on black men. I can't really talk about my cases with the kids. The treatment plan tells me everything about these kids. It is really a damn shame what is going on. I am the last voice of reason among the shallow and bitter black women who desperately use this board for attention. If they are throwing their loose booties at white men that don't want them (i.e Tatt), they are busy trying to drag down a blog legend like myself. You know what, I will keep helping the kids. I will keep my commentary coming, even though, I have to endure the bitchassness of black women. Thank you

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  41.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Dear Godiva I like "Blanche" from the Golden Girls. The whole nursing home thing originally was a joke. Now World Citizen was put in a nursing home lol. How can you blame for a joke that turned out to be true lol. She seems to be able to travel to sleep with black men. Jesus is this what more taxpayer dollars are paying for. Old women running around like teenage girls have sex. I am not knocking nursing homes or the people that live in it. Did you know the second highest group getting STDS are the Elderly. Yea, they are getting it on in the nursing home like World Citizen. Godiva I respect what you said. I am talking about her actions not her skin color. Obviously an Elderly woman using the internet to travel to see strange black men is a bit disturbing to me. That is all I am saying. I would feel the same way if she was black too. Good day

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  42.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Thank You Laurelton Queens, Women, If I was a child relative of yours and had done all I was supposed to do in school and at home and became an intelligent enough child to catch one of your "girlfriends" in a lie you would be supporting her against concrete evidence from your own? So why do you support World Citizen? Is your animosity to black men (85kguy) who are lied to and caught the liar that great! Is there no justice for black men like me? What if I was your son, nephew, father, cousin! Shame on you women. You just sold out 85kguy! **************************************************** On the flipside Here is what I have helped do for downtrodden black women in my area.************* Document 200600066046 Date Recorded 2/22/2006 Time Recorded 12:00:00 AM Document Type AN Amount 0 Consideration Amount 0 Pages 1 Type ALL File/ID# 200600066046 Book 0 Page 0 Grantors Seq Firm Name 1 Y T S LITTLE ANGELS Grantees Seq Firm Name 1 N BENNETT TUWONDA Returnee Legal Legal Description 723 OTECA DR DESOTO TX 75115 ******************************************** I believed in this woman, put her in one of my section 8 houses in Texas. She went on to become a day care entrepreneur/owner. A black woman!! *********************************************** Blog women: You're selling me out and don't even have two cents to show for it. Why?

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  43.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Godiva I think you're awesome and I just wanted you to know that :-)

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  44.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Laurelton Queens, Let's try and be honest, and decent here, try. Where in my post did I mention your name? I didn't.. Since I didn't, then why are you assuming that you are the bad guy? Why do you alway's assume that other's are assuming the worse about you? Did world citizen ever say out of her mouth that she lived in a nursing home? Who started this nursing home business? Like I said, I don't know if it was meant to be funny or cruel? Did I not say that? If it was meant to be funny so be it, but that does not mean it's funny to her or other's, and now look at the end result. On the HONEST chance that it's not true, she is now being told that she was put into a nursing home by her relatives, NOT BY YOU, how must she feel?? Has anyone ever LIED on you or judged you unfairly? I remember you candidly speaking about how people would mistreat you and judge you unjustly because you are a dark skinned male. Wasn't that hurtful to you? I know it was for me growing up? I don't carry it around like a badge of honor but I will never forget how it made me feel back then. We have no right to mistreat people just because of their complexion, who they date, where they live, how much money they make or don't make, or when they say something we don't necessarily like........ To INTENTIONALLY be mean, and hateful is wrong no matter who the perpetrator is!! For the record, there is a decrease in young people who are resident's of nursing homes. Victim's of gun shot's, drug overdose's and even strokes, it is a very sad sight to see.. Last but not least, no matter how much you may hate me, world citizen or whoever, honesty should prevail.... The TRUTH is everyone should be treated in the manner that you yourself would want to be treated, and you can NEVER convince me that you are so hard or stubborn, not to believe this. I know that you know better and I know your parent's taught this to you. You have spoke highly of your mother, and just like your mother, my mother and world citizen, because she is a mother, should be treated with some RESPECT, and I know you know better! My mother does and can get on my nerves from time to time but I will NEVER disrespect her. I don't and won't disrespect her nor do I want other's to mistreat her.. I don't know your mother but if I heard or saw saw someone mistreating her or disrespecting her, I would tell them the exact same thing that I'm telling you, I would regard your mother as if she were my own mother!! love godiva P.S Sophia is my favorite golden girl!!

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  45.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    swtgurl190, You are a sweet girl and very observant.. I too did NOT here any malice in world citizen's response, even though I just read it, several times I might add, just to make sure. Perception's, opinion's and personalities are varied, that's what makes us so unique and interesting and sometimes we see and perceive thing's that may or not be, and then we "react". I would think it would be more constructive and productive to focus on the HONEST reason for one's reaction instead of focusing and labeling or mislabeling the "intent" of the messenger. love godiva

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  46.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Nursing home nonsense???????????? World Citizen travels from her nursing home to see strange black men for "flings" in Texas. I happen to mention it and I am the bad guy! I am concerned about her safety. A grandmother should not be out and about with her 'Golden girls" dress on trying to flirt with men. The fish stick and jello is quite adequate for her. The nursing homes nowadays are "very nice". They watch television in the day room. They have private bathrooms. They get to play bingo and checkers. 85k guy is right. World Citizen story does not add up. She reminds me of "Blanche" from the show "Golden Girls". Horny old woman looking for love in the wrong places. Her child is in Dallas, I guess raised by her black daddy. While she running around like "Princess Di". She is too "oversexed" for her age. European white women are more loose than "Tatt". My cousin married a German white woman. She used his ass for a green card and ended up with a white man. She had a child by my cousin and never let him see his father. World Citizen your selfish and "oversexed". No amount of intellectual talk from you will convince me you are not a common loose booty. Good day to you.

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  47.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    world citizen, Just wanted to say "hello" and to let you know that I am thinking of you... I used to have all the different time zones in perfect memory, but since I don't travel as much, I have forgotten, so I'll take a chance and say "good afternoon" to you... Are you five or six hours ahead? It's almost 10am, EST, Thursday 3 Sep 09.... I also wanted to take the time to tell you once again, just how much your presence here has inspired and uplifted women and men alike. You have been CONSISTENTLY decent, fair, open minded and of NO INTENTIONAL MALICE to anyone. You like ICH, and TATTED, and other's have alway's made an attempt to give ALL the benefit of the doubt, and for that I am very grateful... What I really admire about you is the gift that you have on how you communicate to other's, you talk TO people and not AT them!!!!!!! It would do a world of good if other's could embrace this concept and practice this as well... As you know, perhaps better than I, in many way's, how death and life are in the power of the tongue!!! Some of us embrace life, and some of us embrace death and destruction!! Word's can destroy and kill!! Assassintaing one's character, unjustly, is in my opinion, the worse "type" of "kill"!!!! For those of us who have come to know you, love you and respect you for the woman that you are, will ALWAY'S regard you in that manner!!!!! We also know that you are flawed, just like everyone else here is flawed, including myself, however, there should be a deep committment and self discipline to being decent and respectful to ALL other's, and at the very least, be still and be quiet from time to time... No one person is so intellgent that they have ALL the answer's!!!!! Is it better to regard your intelligence over you character, or does your character enhance your intelligence? Take comforting in knowing that we, the one's who have been here for a while, do know the TRUTH about the "nursing home" nonsense.... If it was meant to be funny or cruel, I really don't know, but as we can see, and I will reiterate once again, how ill fated word's, and LIES can take on a whole new meaning, and often the end result is of destruction and character assassination of the innocent.. It is as a sport to a fool to do mischief but a man of understanding has wisdom!! I love you my sister! love godiva

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  48.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Hello Swtgurl190 (and somewhat Bigeyes) I guess that is a query for me on what I will start with children's "phobias", move to deadbeat dads, and loving mothers, and address with communication and relativity why World Citi is a sham. Are you ready? Here we go! I will try to be brief while entertaining and provoking thought. Abandonment and ostracization can be feared in some people kind of like a child seeing some shape in their dark bedroom at night and thinking it is something more ominous. For men when they are young boys, it can be fathers (abandonment and excuses later in life). Then, it can be women today (same race as mother) who do not share the same reverence for them as the mothers who cared for them and loved them unconditionally after the fatherly abandonment. Maybe that is why these black men kept approaching BigEyes even though she specificallly stated in her profile that she was interested in meeting other than black men. It may be fearful that she and other black women are nothing like their mothers after they had been through not having a real dad growing up. They're in the real world now. A tough and cruel and ugly place sometimes, this world of ours. 1. World Citizen was in a nursing home, put there by relatives. 2. She was hobknobbing in Munich, Germany 3. She was in Dallas visiting a daughter (I don't believe it) 4. She has stated herself that she left Hungary (I guess) nursing home residency and is now in Bosnia doing some humanitarian work! I challenged this activity by challenging the Hungary residencey. I stated that me and my friends could visit her at the nursing home. Of course, I would never spend such money and time on such an endeavor. She then suddenly had left retirement and the Nursing home and is now doing Princess Dianna-type humanitarian work in Bosnia. A european region of great ethnic cleansing suffrage during the past few decades. Absentee dads and deadbeat dads: Don't they do the same thing? Their stories to children just do not add up sometimes, do they! So I feel that she is making a monkey out of me. Insulting my intelligence. A sham, a liar. Remember the saying "Don't believe everything you hear"

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  49.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    Not trying to point fingers, but I think someone might have misread World Citizen's meaning, cause I didn't get any of that out of what she wrote. Or maybe I would need to be a Black Male to understand her hidden meaning? Help me out, cause I feel like I'm missing something.

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  50.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 09

    I used to have all races except white when I first joined this site. Then I realized how foolish and stupid I was for doing so. I LOVE white women and it was a stupid mistake I made by doing that. I missed out on quite a few chances from my own ignorance, and that helped me realize what I was doing. They still showed love and now I wish I wouldn't have been so bold against them (for no reason whatsoever). I love women of ALL races and everyone has an equal opportunity with me and me with them no matter race, origin or background. Love is love and it can come from all races and I am happy I am able to open my heart to whoever will take it. haha

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