Why some Black women only date White Men
We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.
The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.
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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.
Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.
Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.
One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.
With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?
1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"
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jenn says:Posted: 11 Nov 08
You want me to go swallow a bunch of sleeping pills when you're on an IR board trolling the posts of any Black woman who dates non-Black? LOL. Kill yourself sweety. You and all the others like you on youtube and on Blackmenvent.com (as I'm sure you frequent that board with your hate for Black women) attempting to destroy the name of Black women with your lies and insults and passing it off as "truth from the Black men's perspective". You represent all the delusional Black men of the world, particularly those of you born and raised in America. You will see a bunch of Black men dating anything but a Black woman and your ugly mouth will stay closed but the minute a Black woman decides wow I don't have to wait around and be considered a shiftless moron's 2nd option if he can't get a white girl or latina girl or asian girl, then you suddenly have something to say and are pro-Black. Negro please. And then you attempt to act as if there are legions and legions of Black women "venting" about Black men on youtube as well. Right. And if you want to be honest, the Black women with the levels of education like Michelle Obama are the ones who date out the most. The ones who don't are the ones who stay stuck to Black men, and thats because their self esteem has been ridden so low to the ground by self serving Black men such as yourself that they feel they can do no better. But let me guess, you're going to say that those Black women just 'chose' those Black men that shamelessly did them dirty right? Nothing about how those Black men who will use and abuse Black women are the clear majority and thus make Black women's 'choices' extremely limited? You are pathetic.
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Member says:Posted: 10 Nov 08
Since your growing increasingly tired of black men. Let me tell you what you do. Go to your bathroom and swallow a bunch of sleeping pills and that will solve your problem. Since you think all black men is the source of your frustration. I guess youtube only shows black men venting. I do recall seeing black women on youtube venting too. The black women that exclusively date black men are good women. You may venture out and get used by white men because you hate your skin color. Some black women decided not to do that. Maybe if you changed things about yourself than men would be interested in you. I figure by the time that happens you would have swallowed the sleeping pills. Then you claim your family of black men is "not like that". So all black men reserve the title of abusive while your male family members get off because they "are related to you". I see developmental issues with sellout black women but I don't broadcast it. I don't see Tyra Bank types of black women running around. I don't see sellout black women that have the level of education "Michelle Obama" has walking around. All I see is complainers who run to the white man because they ran "out of options". Good day.
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jenn says:Posted: 10 Nov 08
I am increasingly growing against the idea of dating Black men because of how disrespectful they are to Black women, period. They simply talk about and treat Black women horribly and I cannot deal with that type of nonesense. Keep in mind that I have always found other races of men attractive, particularly Latino ones, so their actions have not driven me into the arms of other race men (I was already there lol) but they are making me not ever want to consider them as a dating option period. They have colorism issues, they have ego issues, they have insecurity issues, they have developmental issues (education, employment, social) and the worst part is that they seem to push it all off on Black women as if we are at fault. Just look at youtube and the vile degrading things they say about Black women on there. They have an entire army of men dedicated to abusing Black women verbally. How could any Black women want that? An even better question is how do some of these Black women limit themselves EXCLUSIVELY to men who hate them? It would be one thing if Black men were simply struggling as a group which they are, but its another when they are gutless enough to push those failures off on their own women and degrade them publicly. This type of lack of true masculinity (not the whorish behavior and bravado many Black men claim is masculine) and cowardess is disgusting and makes them less and less of options in my eyes everyday. I know there are good ones because plenty of them exist in my family, but the majority I increasingly CANNOT STAND.
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Member says:Posted: 09 Nov 08
Rosko You make some good points concerning the level of discussion here. I must admit I use the term nappy headed for sellout black girls and the word "Negro". The nappy headed comment, at least when I use it, is for many reasons. When Imus called that UCONN basketball team nappy headed hos. I really could not understand why black women were offended by that joke. Some of the girls look like "black men" on the team. Secondly it was a joke. These same black women that get offended by Imus. They never object when their white boyfriend's family does not accept them into their family. They usually say "they will come around" or they will " go out of their way to say there not the typical black women". I still do not know what a "typical black woman" is these women refer to on the board. It is almost like they want to distance themselves from their black culture simply because they have a white boyfriend. I am from the Caribbean also and some of these women from the "Islands" have a color issue. They believe the white man is Jesus himself. I remember I parked my car at the airport and I was talking to this Caribbean girl. The White Pilot was waiting for his wife to pick him up. This nappy headed girl ran across the street to talk to a white married man. The sad part is he dismissed her like she was "beneath him" and she did not even notice it. He was real subtle because he sort of made that look like "oh boy here she comes". These sellout black women are pathetic. The sooner white men realize what they are really about the better. Good day
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Roskolnikov says:Posted: 09 Nov 08
I am an American man and I am Black. I have been on this site for a few weeks now and it concerns me that the prevailing sentiment of its members seems to be one of preference for one race over another. I think you people are missing the point. Seriously! I date women of every race and with so many valid reasons for excluding people from my preference it seems extremely shallow and and stupid to me that anyone would make color a factor. I can only shake my head in wonderment when I encounter people who make comments like " I just like the way his or her skin looks against mine". If you find that this is of of overriding concern for you then perhaps you should contemplate your shallowness with a therapist. If you have difficulty finding beauty in the features of people who look like you or your narrow perspective leads you to date only one race then at least do those of us who truly are colorblind the courtesy of refraining from boring us with your shortsighted drivel.
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Afromantic says:Posted: 09 Nov 08
Hm, I think it wasn't right for her to assume that you worked there. Thats a level of disrespect that she should not have entered. But I don't agree with the term 'nappy-headed black girl'. I understand you're angry because she called out of your character but that just depicts how 'enslaved' our mentalities are. It pisses me off when blacks still refer to themselves as 'negroes' 'niggas' 'nigras' or 'nappy-headed' 'head full of naps' 'she got good hair although her son's is a little nappy'...Things like that makes me wonder if we have not elevated ourselves from such a way of thinking...but then again, Im from the caribbean so refer to black hair as 'knotty' or 'kinky'...I guess its a difference in where you're raised and who raised you... -Afromantic Motherland ^_^
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Member says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
I have read some interesting comments here. It ranges from the definition of "stupidity to ignorance". Then I read some commentary that this person was on the train with a white man and thought it was the "underground railroad". Considering the whites that helped black people to escape to the North were rare. The White "sympathizers” were more concerned with their own agenda more than helping a slave get to another place where their opportunities would still be limited. It would clearly take to long to debate the “Underground Railroad”. Since people are so interesting in the “Underground Railroad”. They should watch on PBS the “History of the Slave Catcher”. Everybody says “oh all whites did not own slaves what you talking about Laurelton”. The cotton industry as well as other agricultural products provided jobs for poor whites. When the overseer whipped your ass, it usually was not the master. He hired several poor whites to whip your ass. When you ran off the plantation, they had a whole market for catching your ass. Many poor whites made a good living catching your off running off the plantation. A young woman implied black people could be “racist”. That is like saying a native “American” can be racist too, I suppose. Nobody ever says a “Native American is racist”. You know why that often occurs. That is because some sellouts really want to disassociate themselves from their brutal ancestry that happened to them in this country. So they silly things like I felt like I was in the “Underground Railroad”. Obama is not the messiah and he can turn this country around. I highly doubt he will change the racial feelings of the country. 58 million people did not vote for Obama. I figure a significant portion of them do not like black people. I know what you are going to say, “They never called him racial slurs”. The whole campaign they ran against Obama linked him to so-called black “radicals”. Now your going to tell me racism is dead and gone because he was elected. Yet they call black men like me racist for pointing that out. That is simply hilarious if you ask me. I recently went into Sears to buy some tools. So, this interracial couple is walking through the aisle and I am in the paint section. They say to me “Uh I want that Gray paint right there please thank you”. I “looked around” and said, “Yea it looks nice, why don’t you get it yourself.” Then the nappy headed black girl made the mistake of saying “Don’t you work here”. I said “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WORK HERE”? Then I guess people looked around and saw a commotion. The white boy dragged his homely nappy-headed black girl with thick glasses away. My girlfriend came around the corner because she was looking at the fitness section. She asked me “what happened”? I said some sellout thought I was working at Sears. My girl said “she got some nerve’ for real. The moral of the story is making assumptions will get your ass yelled at. Next time you have an Obama pin on spit in your white boyfriend’s face. Clearly, you wish had a man like Obama but you settled for a white man that has no opinion on black community issues and just wants to have sex with you. Sincerely, Mr Laurelton Queens
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Afromantic says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
I'd just like to say 'thank ya' to ms. BeautyBeyondWords and ms. Dimplessss for acknowledging my comments and responding awesomely!! ^^ Um, I do understand that there were alot of whites who died during the move for black independence and equal rights during the oppression stage in America but I do, also, understand that there were ALOT more whites who would've rather us remain in chains. I don't limit love, I am still waiting to meet my asian persuasion, but I would leave white prospects last. Nothing personal against every individual white person, its more of a hatred of what their ancestry has done to the world. And mizzfin, just because you're black doesn't mean you can't be racist towards your own people...I just get tired of 'well, i can say this about so and so cuz im the same race!' It doesn't equate to anything. Much love, big ups, and respect to you all!! -Afromantic Motherland ^_^
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mizzfin says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
I usually wonder if i'll ever be sexually attracted to a black man as i am to a white man...it's probably because the white men i've dated are more of my type than black men i dated...nothing racist about it! 'cause i'm black myself!
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tatted2death says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
Jarrita Hotsauce here....(LMAO.....Beauty, ONLY you can call me that...LOL) Beauty....I am originally from Chi-town and I was definitely homesick Tuesday night. I watched that beautiful sight on the tube but I amazed myself when they made the annoucement that Obama was our President-Elect.......tears just started rolling uncontrollably (and I am NOT a cryer...LOL). No matter what Mr. Queens might say, "sellout" (never know what he truly means by that because his definition morphs each time he posts here) black women actually got much support from "their white men" when it came to the Obama campaign. Like you said sis, that white man knew what time it was when you spoke of the "underground railroad". You are sooo right that there were quite a few whites that did NOT support slavery and fought and died to end it. I think the beauty of Obama being elected can truly be appreciated by EVERY so called race.....it gives all of us the hope that soon the significance of skin tone will be irrelevant when it comes to what really matters in life. Everyone is going to have to recognize this.....this economy is going to see to that (I call this the "great equalizer"...lol). Everyone is feeling the squeeze now and unity and cooperation are going to be the only ways to see our way out of this. I also must say I was touched by McCain concession speech as well.....even he recognizes that negativity at this point is just not the way to go. Anywho.... Back to my corner.. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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dimplessss says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
Beauty and Afro, I've been checking the commments from time to time and I must say, I agree with nearly everything you've said, with one small disagreement. Beauty, you said you don't like ignorance in any color. I too don't particularly care for ignorance. However, there is a fundamental difference between ignorance and STUPIDITY. In general terms ignorance is displayed when someone thinks, speaks, or acts in an unacceptable manner because they do not know better. To me, ignorant people get a little bit of a pass because, plain and simply, they don't know any better; kind of like a young child who has not been taught not to jump on the furniture. However, stupidity is displayed when someone knows better yet refuses to think, speak, or act as if they do. Therefore they choose stupidity; for this, I have no tolerance. On this thread, there has been a staggering amount of stupidity disguised as 'intelligence'. I never responded to those posts and will not because quite frankly, they were, are, and will be invalid and unworthy of my time. I did however, want to acknowledge the genuine intelligence and valid insight you, Tampa, Afro, Nurse, and a couple of others bring to this discussion. It has been refreshing, enjoyable, and thought provoking. On a side note, my oldest sister called me from Grant Park on Tuesday. It thrilled me to no end to hear how happy and excited she was to be 'in that number' of Obama supporters. That strong, loving mother of three who is an administrator at the HBCU back home, was laughing, crying, and cheering all at the same time and I was so happy she got to experience that. All of you who keep positive, no matter what hate is thrown at you by the 'stupids' of the world, keep doing what you're doing because it is much appreciated. With love & prayers for blessings Dimplessss
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Member says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
Dear Frank I read your commentary about me "hating interracial relationships". I would have responded to you but I was watching the Obama election results. Hate is such a strong word that you use. I would call cautious optimism to be honest with you. I would describe the phenomenon of the "desire" to be with a black girl as a fetish. It is sort of like teenage white kids trying to be "black" or dress in 'hip hop" clothing but when the police officers come they revert back to their original character. That is why I am such a staunch opponent of the "sellout doctrine". Oh yea it is really to be with a black girl sexually. Now trying to being a "relationship" with her. That means dealing with her brothers, sisters and extended family members. Many White men like to move "Tameka" to the suburbs for a reason. Clearly they move their black girlfriend away from "black men". Yet they call me racist for pointing this out. If interracial dating was so great for white men. Why are you never moving into the black community with "Tameka". Last but not least, let me mention the Obama Election. Sellout black girls running around with their Obama pins on. Why don't you just spit in your white boyfriend's face. It seems like that is what your doing when you flaunt your support for Barak Obama. Me personally I don't give you a pass because you supported Obama you sellout! I am gone
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
Thanks luvanurse..... And you know what Afro? I used to be overweight... Way overweight. I have always like big ole men...lol Not fat, but big. I wouldn't date a fat man, because like I said in the earlier comment... 2 big ole folks rockin' was not cute to me. But find me a man that was about 6'2 - Thick ( more muscle) and bald head... Baby! I've lost weight and I still like a big man. I personally don't like skinny men. I like meat, but I've dated skinny men and I was attracted to them. Hell, I am meaty myself (still). The difference is... I want to be. I don't like skinny. I just exercise, try to eat right and keep it toned up! And I look Good. I will definitely have to figure out how to get this profile together, I keep hearing about. Until then... Keep it together! Where's Jarita Hotsauce?
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 08 Nov 08
Afro... When I was on the train to Grant Park... This white man and I were keeping track of the election numbers. Well, Obama had a big lead and we were so excited! I have never seen this man before in my life. We shared personal things... We laughed.. .We celebrated... We became "somewhat" instant friends... But you know what I told him? I said..(As we were bouncing due to the train) It's like we are on the underground railroad escaping to freedom. lol..lol... We both looked at each other and cracked up. You do know that there were a lot of good white people in slavery times that gave their life (as well) to help black people have the same rights, as themselves? They died. They were beaten... They went through the same struggles - FOR US! Now, if white men is not what you like... Okay. You are entitled to your own opinion and you like what you like. That is not my issue. I just believe that black women are tired of living in a box and just decided to weigh their options. It really doesn't matter why they date white men and what made them do it. I like men. Color is not an issue to me. Like I often said before... The better man may not always be the black man. I want the better man. I don't care what color he is. Regarding your mother.... When dating, I think there has to be some kind of attraction. The picture of 2 heavy people trying to get their groove on is not really attractive to me, but somebody else might get a little rise out of it. You like who you like. But as I mature, I find myself looking beyond appearance. My friends tell me that I like ugly men, anyway. lol...lol.. But, I see somthing else in them. I can look through muddy water and see dry land. That's an old folks saying. lol... I can look beyond what I see. Don't limit yourself, Afro. Don't limit love. (Just to throw this in) In God - There are no limits!
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luvanurse says:Posted: 07 Nov 08
BeautyBeyondWords you almost made me cry. Your words were so wonderful.
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Afromantic says:Posted: 07 Nov 08
I know alot of those black men on youtube are hurt. I can hear it in their voices as they try to point out reasons for hating black women...I still feel its not right. I have to look at both sides, because I dislike when I hear black women say that there aren't any 'good' black men around. I see what these guys go through. On numerous accounts, my own mother has told me that she refused to even talk to a black male bus driver simply because he was overweight. What pissed me off is that she herself is over 200 lbs...yet, she's the same woman who would complain in the same breath 'there aren't any good black men.' So I understand how these guys feel. The part I do not like about their arguments is that they're most of the time, unintelligent, unyielding to the fact that black women are also in pain, uninformed, and rude. Alot of them have resulted in this propagated '70% black women are single' BS in order to press their reasoning...these guys, in my opinion, are simply absorbing the propaganda fiercely. I hope one day they'll get educated and open up their eyes to the truth. I feel that they're becoming lost in this white man's world. Now, that applies to the black female. Since the black men are so lost in what they want and they're allowing t.v. and society to dictate who they should get involved with, alot of black females are left without black males. Therefore, they lean towards the next male in line (from a black woman's list of preferences) the white male. Personally, I do not see myself ever getting involved with someone white simply because of slavery and the ideology that these people have spread throughout the world...I don't share the same values that others do...I don't think straigh hair is beautiful or pale skin is angelic and I don't think that the color white means purity. I follow the traditional African beliefs that black is the symbol of life and that white is the symbol of death. I feel that some black women are dating them due to social status (the same with some black men) but I definitely don't find anything wrong with interethnicity dating. Just white is not what Im looking for...I say more power to those who can look beyond our ancestral struggle and continue looking for love amongst them and any other but I don't think it'll ever happen with me.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 07 Nov 08
And not Lauralton Queens... lol...lol... My black women - WHO ARE QUEENS!
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 07 Nov 08
I meant to say... And you say black women are what? I am glad that black woman are strong women. We have a lot to be proud of. We made it! No matter what is thrown at us... We can make it. We get criticized from all angles. We are despised, because we are beautiful. Not only do we have to fight the white folks (sometimes) - We have to fight the black folks ( most times). We are survivors! Black women be encouraged. I don't care what some of these idiots say in here or out there.... You are beautiful and Be with whomever treats you like the queen you are. Be who you are. If you loud... So the hell what. If you are flashy... So the hell what. If you are ghetto... So the hell what. I've seen nice men leave many of nice women for a ghetto girl.... The ghetto ones will cook for you.... The ghetto ones got your back, when the world is all on it. Be who - YOU BE! Black women we are some special women. If a black man wants something other... It's their loss. AND OFTENTIMES... ARE GAIN. LOL... Ya'll know, what I am talking about...lol...lol... My thing is this.. I don't like ignorance in any color. Love you Queens..... ~ Beauty
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 07 Nov 08
What's wrong with you? But anyhooooo.... I haven't posted in awhile here. I hate ignorance in the smallest degree. But who am I? Just wanted to say.... It was truly a blessing Tuesday night. I was at the rally at Grant Park (In Chicago) and it was such a blessing to see history made and how whites, blacks, hispanics, indians... (you name it) coming to together for a common cause! I kissed and hugged so many people that night, it was amazing! People were running and hollaring... hugging... crying... singing... dancing... I haven't had that much fun or felt so much love from complete strangers in a very long time. It just illustrated how love can overcome hate. There was no color. There was no "social class", There was no I am better than you... we were all the same. Why? Because in reality, we are all the same. People are people anywhere you go in the world! I thank God for the experience of being in the atmosphere to watch the 1st black man elected President of the United States of America! Not only that... But he has a beautiful and educated black woman on his side. And you saw black women are what? I don't need money from a man, when I have and make my own.... I don't have to give my body to a man, because he has something that is worth absolutely nothing to me... What about that white woman who slept with Kobe Bryant and had numerous sperm ejaculations in her from other men? Hmmmm.... Why do you think she slept with Kobe, because she really liked him? Let's be real about the situation. Does that mean that all white women are garbage? No! If a black woman does the same thing, do that mean that all black women are garbage? No! What the hell are all ya'll talking about? But then birds of a feather flock together. I guess you all can understand each other...lol...
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Frank_h02 says:Posted: 04 Nov 08
Comment to Mr Laurelton Queens: It is evident that you are an educated and an intelligent man and very passionate about your way of life. It’s a crying shame that NOBODY is supporting your viewpoints… what’s wrong with All these people? I personally find your narrow minded statements sad but also very amusing. However I am somewhat confused on your reason for becoming a member on this site when you are so negative with BW/WM relationships?
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Member says:Posted: 04 Nov 08
Now I am racist lol. If you want to talk about the "foundation" being cracked that happened decades ago or a century ago. I tipped my hand you think????? I have been biased throughout my whole post and previous posts. That is why my opinion is black women are sellouts who bash black men to justify dating white men. That has always been my theme. As for this "racist term", everybody is racist. Everybody harbors some assumptions about another race. I found your critique amusing but if you want to put your head in the sand about race then go right ahead. As for the analogy by In Ya Face Comment by In Ya Face on 2 October 2008: “Most of you all would call it discrimination or racist if a white employer didn’t hire blacks because he preferred only whites. It amazes me how some black women on here would say they only date white men. Isn’t that discrimination and racist too???" Your response to In Ya Face was weak. Having "discriminating" taste in appearance is not bigotry? Yea I understand you don't want to date FAT Tameka from the housing project. Oh I understand now that is not part of the "racist" foundation you speak of that I am from. You just can't find any "chemistry" with a black woman from the lower economic scale that has a large black extended family. It makes you "uncomfortable". Your full of shit with that response to In Ya Face. It is subtle racism because you judge a person on their appearance before you get to know them. I get it, your white skin says I must get the "cream of the crop" black women, and that it is not racism Mr Black man. Not at all, you know why the racist foundation from where you as a black man comes from is just "racist". You were given all the privileges in life so what right as you, a BLACK MAN, to stop me from seeing the ATTRACTIVE black women. Can't we all get along Mr Black man, you can keep the chubby and obese black women and let me have the in shape black women that are brainwashed and THAT worship my white feet! I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND NOW!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE WITH THAT RACIST SHIT YOU SAY ABOUT ME MAN.
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Member says:Posted: 03 Nov 08
Dear Afro You are only 18 years old and you write better than grown adults I know. I think you make great points of course with the exception of black men hating you. I would not go that far for real. I think there is a level of frustration out there that makes it seems like black men are angry at black women. There is clearly some anger on both sides of the coin. As for youtube that can go both ways. I just men and women react differently on camera. Men will make a forceful opinion on a subject. Women tend to dance around the issue so it makes it look black men are angry. The fact some black men care about this issue is interesting to me. But you see the black man that are indifferent to this subject rarely get talked about. Instead a few black men are vocal about their opinion and they believe all black men feel this way. Personally when I started seeing sellout black women write blogs disrespecting black men that is when I decided " to go in" on them. There is no other motive for me than that. Good day
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Afromantic says:Posted: 03 Nov 08
Okay, Ive read most of the previous posts and I just had to reply. DJTeel, I do not believe he's racist or a 'Nazi' because he prefers not to date black women or only hang around whites. He's no different than most of the ghetto black kids in my area who only hang out with other black kids and hispanics. The idea of him being racist is absurd to me. The idea that black men have flocked to white women because of black women...I agree and disagree. Throughout the 90's, there was an uproar of billboards and propaganda commercials advertising black men with very fair-skinned white women. Also, in the 80's, it was known that a black girl would not open her legs unless dude had money, a job, and a car. While on the otherhand, white girls were seen as 'easy'. Then you have to take into account black women. Alot of black girls in my area are loud, ghetto, flashy (even though they know their rent is late) and just plain boof. The only guys I can picture being interested in these females are their counterparts, loud, flashy, ghetto black boys. Although it shouldn't be their excuse, some black guys use these females as examples of why they refuse to date black women...now, the part about black men not bashing women on the internet is false. I am a loyal youtuber and im deeply involved with black issues. I came across a number of vids of black men TRASHING black women. Just dogging them for the entire world to see. (I am a black female but I don't like the term 'black'. I prefer African...)I was so appalled. Im only 18 years old and haven't started dating yet. Is this what I have to look forward to? I became so angry because I couldn't believe my people were wasting time hating each other instead of fixing our torn, fatherless communities. The issue with black women only dating white men. I feel that its an issue with a slew of different reasons. Mutual attraction, social status, a feeling of self-loathing...etc. I know a number of black men date asian girls because a white girl refused to give them the time of day. Everyone has their own reason. Myself, Im fond of Asian guys (korean, japanese, chinese) Has nothing to do with self-hate or any other nonsense. I just have an afinity towards them. I always dreamed that my eventual husband would be an African (black) man but it seems like they really hate us...
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GI says:Posted: 01 Nov 08
All I know is this.. I'm exclusively attracted to Half Black / Spanish and Half Black / White women.. It's not something I can control, its just what I prefer.. People think it's weird. Oh well. Maybe its genetic.
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snuggle-bunny says:Posted: 29 Oct 08
I am intrigued about the whole interracial dating scene, but I am not sure about how to go about it or where to go in my area. HELP
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tatted2death says:Posted: 26 Oct 08
Hopefully you will begin to care a little less, Mr. Queens...LOL You said you care how I feel (right after making the "Me, I am going to call a nappy headed black girl a sellout until I don’t care no more" statement....LOL)....sorry but I find that a little hard to believe. But I will agree with you on the whole self-hatred issue. Personally, when I speak of what makes me different from other PEOPLE (regardless of race, color, religion, whathaveyou...), I generally bring up things such as open-mindedness, open-heartedness, respect and so on. And the last time I checked there are people of all socio-economic backgrounds that embody those sort of qualities. Anytime someone speaks of "hood-rats", it usually goes without saying that the female in question is someone without certain qualities (self-esteem, self-respect, individuality, etc.). AND I think it is also common knowledge (if not it SHOULD BE) that "hood-rats" come in ALL colors, shapes and sizes. Sometimes they even "cross the tracks" and can be found in affluent neighborhoods as well. to address BronzeEra71's queries: Yes, I am a proud individual and have an open-mind like few others. So therefore I find that the fact I date "inclusively" to suit me just fine. The fact that it is NOT typical is just an added bonus. But ceratainly it is NOT a core reason as to why I do the things I do.....PERIOD. ALSO...for the record, I DID NOT BACK DJTEEL.....I just did not have the overwhelming need to respond to him sense HIS EXPERIENCES were so OBVIOUSLY limited and I just could not relate....THE END. Peace and Blessings tatted2death P.S. Just a word to the wise.......TRYING TO "DIRECT" A BLOG SUCH AS THIS IS FUTILE. YOU EITHER RESPOND OR YOU DON'T. YOU CAN READ OR NOT...NO ONE FORCES YOU TO DO SO. here's a suggestion......IF YOU REALLY CAN'T STAND TO READ WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THIS FORUM; TAKE A CUE FROM MR. QUEENS AND START YOUR OWN. Sorry but that is just a pet-peeve of mine (sort of like the one I have about people that come in a chatroom and fish for attention with the "I'm so bored" line 8^/ ).
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Member says:Posted: 24 Oct 08
This is what I do not understand about sellout black women and their commentary. You attack DJTEEL for saying how he felt as a white man going out with black women, He said you were loud and aggressive. I do not know if it is a crime to be loud and aggressive. I guess the perception is those "loud black people" have no class. Actually he is not alone in his observation because sellout black women make it a point " to distance themselves" from other so called "low class black women". Perhaps, because of the zip code these black women live in. It could just be, simply, that sellout black women hate the baggage that comes with being black. Quite often, I hear sellout black women say " What kind of women do you date?" Then I say tell them "black women like you". Then they are "stumped for awhile" . Then they respond back to me by saying " their not like me". Then I respond by saying " How are they not like you"? Then they think for a minute and get frustrated and lash out at me. They will say something like you date only "hood rats on section 8 with 3 kids". It almost like they feed into their self hatred. Even if a black woman was on section 8 and food stamps does that make her less of a person? Personally, I do not think so. Now the only problem I had with DJTEEL was him backtracking on his statements. He should have just stood up like a man and say " Yea this how I feel". Instead, he retreated due to his comments being unpopular. Me personally, I will call you sellout out until I do not care no more. That just how I am. Sincerely Me
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Golden_Brown says:Posted: 23 Oct 08
I have to say that I am a little surprised with the women that are taking up for DJTEEL. Preferance is one thing, but he clearly made thoughtless generalizations about black women. He felt the heat and tried to retract or clear up his statement, but I believe his first statement was pretty clear of his thoughts of black women. Comment by DJTEEL on 14 August 2008: I don’t even like discussing this topic ANywhere anyTIME..i stick with my own race for two reasons. dating black women,i’ve found that of course they tend to have black friends.loud in restaurants and aggresive.i couldn’t even go into a public place without them becoming loud not caring who overherard them. also,considering the fact i absolutely despise rap hip hop and r&b and the current black music of the day,this relationship just didn’t work out.give me somebody calm,soft spoken and without the desire to hang out all hours of the night somewhere. maybe it’s an old school belief but 1 and 2am is for sleep,not for hangin’ out. To me...DJTEEL's comment was just as bad as Mr. Queens screaming the word sellout or nappy head, he was simply less blunt. Sorry DJTEEL, you have to do more than just compliment a black woman and pretend to be offended after making such a generalized statment about black wome. Everyone with a brain knows that a persons personality traits, likes and dislikes stem so much more from their environment and rearing, then the color of their skin. I could care less about him or any other man, regardless of their race, not wanting to be with me. What I do not care for, is someone looking at me and thinking that they know my charactor because my skin is brown. Keep your fake apologies and justifications DJTEEL!
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luvanurse says:Posted: 21 Oct 08
BeautyBeyondWords I am with you loving the fine white men.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 20 Oct 08
Are ya'll still " trippin" with Mr. Laurelton? Gossshhhh! I can't even read all the post, it is draining... Would you shut up already.. Mr. Laurelton!! lol..lol... lol.. You are making me sick! Kidding with you, but you are making me sick.... And watch your filthy mouth! I need some soap! How is everyone? I am doing great!!!!! My friend had a birthday party at a resort this weekend and as I walked in, it was 2 white men talking by the door. One of them was trying to hollar at me and tried to spark up a conversation. He was gorgeous! I was so caught up in something else, I kinda ignored him. Do ya'll out there in blog world know that I want to go find that white man!!! lol... I went home and wondered what was I thinking? He was gorgeous! Plus.. I am a very outgoing person and if it can't work, as far a relationship. Friends are always good to have! Just wanted to share that, since we are all off the subject anyway! I love me a fine man.... Color doesn't matter. But for SUBJECT purposes... I love a fine white man!
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Member says:Posted: 18 Oct 08
Dear UK Girl LOL If you say so. You said this "UK girl or not I’m proud of who I am and I’m happy to be into white guyz black guyzzz like you are a huge discouragement…." I do not know how I twist what you said when I paste it in the conversation. I guess black men like me are a huge discouragement because we have a backbone and stand for something. While you still licking white ass. Good day to you
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1rockgodess says:Posted: 18 Oct 08
Bronze Eea71 tell that to mr queens who keeps doing stereotypes and wants to be seen as an individual.... Mr queens dont tell me about staying focused it is you who needs to stay focused rather than say @ first b/w jumped down DJTEEL's throat for his statements and say again that i have no backbone thats why I'm kiss assing the white man,cause if it was the black brother I won't forgive.... Then that same contradictory you twists the things I say and un-necessary arguments where you end up tying with a rope of hypocrisy... If you dont get it by now, you never will cause I can't explain to a hate wired mind like you to understand anything on this subject. Besides this is an interracial site... not a solely black or white dating site so the least thing we need is haters like you speaking in hateful tongues cause your argument is also senseless to me when I dont get to understand where you're coming from. UK girl or not I'm proud of who I am and I'm happy to be into white guyz black guyzzz like you are a huge discouragement.... chilllzzz... There's only 1rockgodess.
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BronzeEra71 says:Posted: 18 Oct 08
p.s. I'd still like to know if anyone else goes for white men because they hate being put into a box and stereotyped?
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BronzeEra71 says:Posted: 18 Oct 08
Okay, This is becoming no longer a public blog but an exclusive four-or-five-way conversation. Y'all might want to exchange phone numbers and make room for folks to come on here and explore the subject at hand. The question is, "Why do some black women prefer white men?" NOT "Why should/shouldn't black women prefer white men?" That belongs to an entirely different blog. Frankly, if you're not a black woman you have little credibility in attempting to answer the question. LemonPieFace, I'm curious to hear why your relationships with black men were so awful?? (Since you made it plural, I have to assume there was some cause based in what they had in common.) What was it that would go wrong? Could it have been because you didn't really want to be with them? = Or did you prefer white men because you didn't get along with the black men around you?
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Member says:Posted: 17 Oct 08
Dear UK girl I do not twist what you said. You made a reference about slaves when you commented to me. I never brought up the topic. As for a history lesson in slavery you implied that I would fall for the white master "trying to sew division between the slaves". Yet you are dating white men or are interested in white men. I would have to say you are "currently still a slave mentality wise. You reread DJTEEL comments because he did not say anything negative to me. You said yourself " DJTEEL is comfortable in his own race", just like I am. I really do not understand your argument. Let me explain my background to you slowly. Maroons were dark skin slaves that the British could not break. These few slaves ran to the mountains to avoid "British slavery". That is my ancestry. So your comment about me being "influenced" by the white slave master is bullshit. You don't seem to remember what you said.. let me remind you. "You and your segregations… U.K black, American black, pure african, Caribbean african… black is black & white is white… it was people like you the slave masters hoped upon to separate their slaves and exact more control over them because you’re tuned to see colour in everything even within your own race… m ashamed your from my race and a poor excuse for an african or whichever one you choose to group yourself in." Listen try to remember your commentary. Stay focused.
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1rockgodess says:Posted: 17 Oct 08
Did you try to twist the things I said again? why not,since thats your specialty mr queens. If the slaves where proving stubborn to their masters, they got seperated by light skin, brown skin and darker skin tones in order for them to fight themselves rather than form an alliance against their plantation masters... you sound like an expert in this slave trade thing yet the common sense you lack wont let you understand what I was talking about. If you are blind about what DJTEEL said then go back and reread his comments and narrate what he said as against what I said. You dont get beat for being comfortable for women of your racial background, you get beat for down talking other peoples preferences. Something is amiss, cause I can't seem to come to terms with what you mean by, "This dark slaves ran to the mountains of Jamaica to escape British control black women were held captive on the plantation, we use to rescue you and bring you back to the mountains. Imagine how hard that was when being a slave for the white master and sex slave was all you knew." First things first, If you so cared that you saved my ass I wouldnt have been born here today. You really got problems thats why your living in the slave trade era referring to it like it is now cause I cant seem to feel what you're talking.. I am from Britain and best know about slave trade than you ever would... let me shout it in your ears so you can get the message "THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY THERE'S NOTHING LIKE SLAVE TRADE!!!" If you still dont get go to the psychiatric hospital to get help. return ur greetings.
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LemonPieFace says:Posted: 17 Oct 08
Though I was raised in an atmostphere that promoted only black relationships and marriages and where IR relationships especially for black women were disapproved of, I have always felt attraction more attraction for white men. Eventhough I dated black men I still would have my fantasys about different handsome white men. I know that their are some good black men out here but all of my romantic relationships with black men had been awful but wasn't until a close friend died suddenly that I realize that life was too short trying to live it to please others or their approval so then and there I decided only to date/marry white men, the men that I am really attracted to.
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Member says:Posted: 17 Oct 08
I read the commentary that you both so eloquently put together. Let me address tatted because she makes me smile. She said "simply because he has never called me names personally I do not care". See that is where you go wrong, now if a black man called all black women bitches you would not hear the end of it. DJTEEL said his statement and I made a sarcastic statement like " Look at them jump down his throat because he said he did not like black women because they don't share the sames likes and dislikes as him". The problem with his statement in my own way of thinking. A woman will do some shit you will not like period! That is the nature of women, if she does not like "alternative music" should be the least of your worries. That is why I found DJTEEL comments amusing. Secondly this thing about riding the fence concerning "white men". I never rode the fence I called Tampa Chris a 'race traitor", I respect him though simply because he is in the legendary faternity that he is in, and he has integrity. I keep it real at the end of the day. Tampa Chris is the "analomy" in society. Most men stick within their race. I do not dislike DJTEEL either I just think he "backtracked" to save his reputation. Me, I am going to call a nappy headed black girl a sellout until I don't care no more. Third I do care how you feel Tatted. If some of the things I say comes off abusive I will apologize. We do have interesting discussions. As for the "UK" girl You said this "I’ve seen your earlier statements where you claimed that most if not all the b/w here almost crucified DJTEEL for expressing himself, now you call me a sellout because I don’t express resentment at him for his preferences. what are you saying?" Pretty much! You also said this....... "He never said he dislikes or even hates black women… all he said was he was more comfortable with people of his racial background" What a coincidence I like women in my own racial background and I get beat up for it! You said this, and maybe, you was on that "UK Ganja" when you said it................ "I’m from the U.K so? Does it make me any lesser a b/w or is it the cause I’m the sellout that your twisted mind has labelled me? You and your segregations… U.K black, American black, pure african, Caribbean african… black is black & white is white… it was people like you the slave masters hoped upon to separate their slaves and exact more control over them because you’re tuned to see colour in everything even within your own race… m ashamed your from my race and a poor excuse for an african or whichever one you choose to group yourself in." So the slave masters used me a dark skin black man to seperate the slaves????????? Maybe they do not have black history books in the UK!!!!! No actually I was born in Jamaica and I am a "Maroon". These dark slaves ran to the mountains of Jamaica to escape British control. While black women were held captive on the plantation. We use to "rescue you" and bring you back to the mountains. Imagine how hard that was when "being a house slave for the white master and sex slave was all you knew". Do some research before you talk about slavery and the relevance to this conversation because you are all over the place. Like I said, you are from the UK. You just do not know any better. So it is better to blame black men like me for your unhappiness. Good day to you both
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1rockgodess says:Posted: 16 Oct 08
Mr Queens your main aim here for me is clear; to cause ill feelings and acrimony amongst members and you bet its certainly not working on me.. you got to do better than that. I've seen your earlier statements where you claimed that most if not all the b/w here almost crucified DJTEEL for expressing himself, now you call me a sellout because I don’t express resentment at him for his preferences. what are you saying? I mean what is your point and what is your "sellout theory" going to prove about the contradictory statements you’ve made, or don’t you think before you write anything? In case you didn't read DJTEEL's earlier post go back and read it carefully. He never said he dislikes or even hates black women... all he said was he was more comfortable with people of his racial background. Unlike detestable you who criticized both w/m and b/w here with sensible and insensible diatribes. Whatever you say is meant for you to believe & swallow hook, line & sinker.. you cant force it down my throat. I'm from the U.K so? Does it make me any lesser a b/w or is it the cause I'm the sellout that your twisted mind has labelled me? You and your segregations... U.K black, American black, pure african, Caribbean african... black is black & white is white... it was people like you the slave masters hoped upon to separate their slaves and exact more control over them because you're tuned to see colour in everything even within your own race... m ashamed your from my race and a poor excuse for an african or whichever one you choose to group yourself in. Deal with your crap first hand, I think you should get help...this whole argument is unintelligible to me!!!! Point at Mr Queens and blame him for DJTEEL not liking b/w? How deep has the hate sickness eaten up your mind that you can’t think properly? Where you blind where I said that DJTEEL isn’t the only w/m existing so why would I take his post personal or didn’t you read where I said I’m open to anybody… whether Asian or whatever colour as long as I feel blessed and there’s something special between us two, but nooooo! You will never see that but see things you suppose you will poke holes into and create brouhaha in the form of an argument. That’s pathetic, then again I didn’t loose my temper I don’t loose my temper on people who judge what they truly don’t understand. There’s only 1rockgodess.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 16 Oct 08
OK.....I went back and reread some of DJTEEL statements....(I actually didn't get a chance to see one of them the first time around).....AND now I remember EXACTLY why I didn't feel the need to respond....Another( 8o/ ) woman already had done so (quite eloquently I might add...and NO, she did NOT attack him either.....THANKS POOKIE....lol). And exactly what I said happened DID...Mr. Queens jumped all the way down her throat. I know sometimes people are just not in the mood for certain kinds of shyt....but hey I think I would have enough integrity to recognize my own and just let it be.
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tatted2death says:Posted: 16 Oct 08
LOL.....again with the twisting, Mr Queens?????(that REALLY must get exhausting for you). Ok NOW you feel that I have "no backbone" because I did not reply to DJTEEL comments. Umm let me school you (just this once....LOL) since you obviously don't know me and have no idea what you are talking about. LIKE I SAID BEFORE I, personally, had NOTHING to say to DJTEEL’s comments…. I saw them as his own personal experiences as he did not say anything specifically about the women on here. Yes there are some people that make music a big part of who they date (find that QUITE limiting but whatever......to each there own) and YES, some people in certain communities tend to ONLY listen to certain types of music.... (VERY resistant to giving anything else a chance)....this is a truth NOT an opinion. Now who am I to say that that has not been his experience. And if that is the reason he is giving for NOT dating black women I really have nothing to say because again I think people that get upset because one (or a thousand and one) person won't date them are really sad and quite pathetic.....NEVER ME!!! I REPEAT.....he has never called names or tried to act like he had a "special hate-on" for black women. Maybe he got a bit riled when people started wrongly calling him a Nazi but I think I would have too. (people really need to educate themselves on certain terms before they go spewing them at others.) As for you backtracking, Mr Queens....you really don't have the need to do that when you try and "ride the fence" when it comes to how YOU address the white men in here....PERIOD. You try and "be cool" with them and that is ok, right???.....but when any woman of color does it, you see it as "holding him up", not having a backbone or some other nonsense. Go back and read your own crap, man....lol. YOU attacked nearly every woman that had anything to say to DJTEEL on any level. If they even came across as liking rock/metal all you probably would have said is that just makes them more of a "sellout". That smells a bit like a double standard with a hint of hypocrisy. I plain and simple don't like confrontation over B.S (unless I have the set the record straight about something). And whilst at times it has been interesting to go toe-to-toe with you (when you manage squeeze out some intelligence) this name- calling, insulting way you have about you is just waaaay too abrasive.....bordering on abusive. Just because this is an open public forum and you have the right to say whatever you chose doesn't mean you always have to....show some restraint.....your personal opinions about someone you don't even know on that level REALLY don't matter and kind of make you look sorry. Is that the impression you are really trying to leave here????...I know you probably don't care and IT SHOWS. It speaks volumes when you can't even give more respect to someone that almost unconditionally gives it to you. Much luck to you because it seems that your own "shyt" will continue to elude you. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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Member says:Posted: 14 Oct 08
Dear Tatted and Rockgoddess Rockgoddess that is the first time I have seen you lose your temper lol. I think you know I love black women despite their "sellout" tendencies. That is cool if you want to stick up for DJTEEL. I do not think he is a Nazi or even a racist. I do think he said something "that he felt" and got a beating for it. Now you said you rather stick with an "ethical coward" that says to your face he is not interested in black women than somebody like me. Yea lol If it makes you feel better of course. I find it amusing since I have never dated outside my race. Yea I must loathe black women to date them for a majority of my adult life. Unlike DJTEEL that has to "muster" up the strength to tolerate being with you aside from sexually. Let me answer your questions "Did DJTEEL openly declare his “HATE” for b/w like you did?" Um yea he said he does not like R&B, who dates a black woman and not like R&B??????????? "Did he come here waging war against w/m going for b/w or vice-versa?" Uh yea because he did not say anything positive about black women. Come to think of it he still has not done so. He was defending his reputation like a man on death row. You said you are from the UK. You just do not know any better. As for Tatt The media did not form my opinion on sellout black women. Sexism, I really do not know where that came from. You did mention you had nothing to say about DJTEEL comments because you had no backbone. That is perfectly understandable because it is hard for you to do that. I really have never backtracked on any of my statements unlike DJTEEL. DJTEEL made several stereotypes concerning black women as far as music. I doubt every black woman listens to just rap and R&B. Yet none of you said anything. Then again I would not expect different. It is always harder for you to develop a backbone when a white man does something to you. You rather stick your head in the sand and pretend it did not happen. Or like Rockgodess point to all black men and say "they caused it". Yea it was black men that made DJTEEL say he was not "interested in us". Man please
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tatted2death says:Posted: 14 Oct 08
Wow.....go away for a week and WHEEEEEW!!!!! Reading all the recent responses has taken a bit of time....but it was worth it. It has reaffirmed my love for Tampa Chris and Mr. Queens...(YES....you read right...MR. QUEENS...LOL). They both conducted themselves respectfully here and did not resort to any of your typical "blog-madness". And you know what I actually think Mr. Queens is "getting it" even though he can't "get with it"...LOL. I will say this though....Mr. Queens.. I am glad that you seem to actually read and address Chris' posts.....But WHY is it that you can't really seem to do the same for the women here???? I mean, when I am talking about something you write I address you directly (unless I am trying to make a point about others that think similiar to you). You, on the other hand, always seem to twist ever so slightly the things I say to make it seem like we are in constant opposition ( I use opposition because of it's meaning NOT because I am VICTIM of ANYTHING). I, personally, had NOTHING to say to DJTEEL's comments.... I saw them as his own personal experiences as he did not say anything specifically about the women on here. Mr. Queens, you on the other hand, continue to put all women of color who date interracially into a raggedy lil box, slap the ugly "sellout" label on it and throw it in the corner....not giving it a another meaningful thought. I just don't know about that. I think it is dangerous for anyone to do that sort of thing. Looking at people as individuals IS a lot harder than grouping them....this is fact. But I think is one of the things neccesary to stop the madness of racial division (also SEXISM and any other kind of bias). You repeatedly say that I (us "sellouts"...maybe that's what you really meant there) have my head in the sand. That would be impossible with all stereotypes that are shoved into our brains by the media. You have to be "militant" and fight just to keep your wits about you. Then there are people like yourself at every turn that see racial unity as a fallacy or a "pipe dream". But then again..... I am sure that there are still others around that can honestly find ways to prove the earth is flat and the sun revolves around us....lol. There will always be some "opposition" but that is not actually a BAD thing. It will continue to give people something to compare their own thinking to which is sometimes just a necessary evil when it comes to the human mind. Anyway.....I know I am running on here and yes, I tend to be more patient than most. But I must also give props to Mr. Queens for displaying the intelligence that he does possess.....if it weren't for that I probably would have just ignored him. ****for the record I am a 33 year old woman that is NOT a "professional" nor did I graduate from college.....(goes to show you; you just NEVER know until you get to know THAT individual)....I've been tutored at LIFE UNIVERSITY and that plays a part in the fact that I could NEVER have my head in the sand on quite a few different issues.....AND just because you have a degree does not automatically make you "educated"...just a point to ponder.**** Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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Dear Jenn I never heard of blackmenvent.com. I might check it out since I am always interested in boards with opinions regardless of the topic. Now you claim I am lying when statistics point to so many black women being single. I figure your going to say black men caused that right. If interracial dating was so great why are 70 percent of you single. That would mean white men are not going out of their way to date you. That is just statistics. I don't need to make up anything. You said I "represent" all the black men born and raised in America. That is funny, black men are a diverse group. Most of us do not give a damn about who you date. See we don't do movies whining about dating (Something New). We are not on CNN ( To be Negro in America) talking about we can't find a good black woman to date. We are not on that failing magazine Essence ( Going out of business I cry for them) with articles about "Can White Jesus help me pay my bills". There is legions of black women venting via other media outlets. Now when the black man defends himself and it "ruins" your "stock" for other races of men that is when you "lash out". Some nappy headed black girl said in a Town Forum I went to recently that "Black men" make me look bad in front of the White men. Right we make you wear tight clothes and have your breasts spilling out of your bra. Yea that is us making you look bad!!! Everybody laughed when I made that comment. Then you mention Michelle Obama "type black women" who date out the most. Actually I would have to disagree. Aside from the drama here I have never had a problem with educated professional black women (Their open minded). It is unfortunate they can't find a mate to their liking. Me personally, I have never had a problem with them. The only issue with Professional black women is there controlling and there needy. Even white guys have said this.( The emasculated white men will NEVER EVER say their dislikes about black women) As time goes on the only people promoting being with you is "yourselves"! I really never see blogs with white men saying " I am going to the housing projects to meet my Queen". I see more websites with white men doing pornography with black women. Then I say blogs with White guys "praising black women. It is kind of sad that you put a 100 percent into pushing "yourselves on white men" but they never really defend you. They never say I will move into the black community to date you. I will do it what it takes. You are basically on the frontline getting the brunt of ridicule and debates. All the white boy does is sit back. Personally I think there is something wrong with that. If the shoe was on the other foot. I would go all out for my woman period. I would be at every debate and respond to every comment. At the end of the day you "give up" everything and what do you get in return? I rarely see black women married to white men. If they do get married they divorce within four years. BW/WM pairings have the highest divorce rate. That never gets talked about but yet I am the "bad guy". You know what go to bed and eat your ice cream. Next thing your going to tell me is that you go the gym everyday and went to an Ivy League College and your a model. You got all the white men chasing you. They call me delusional lol. Sellout black women are delusional. They make up shit then they convince themselves "life is really like that". I am out